Microsoft ADO retrieval of output parameters

I have the following C++ code:
     int rc = 0;
     CString QueryStr = "{ CALL PR_TROUBLE_CALLBACK_REQUESTS(?) } ";
     CommandPtr          pCommand(_uuidof(Command));
     _ParameterPtr     pParam;
     _RecordsetPtr     pRecordset;
          pCommand->CommandText = (LPCSTR)QueryStr;
          pCommand->CommandType = adCmdText;
          pCommand->ActiveConnection = pConnection.GetInterfacePtr();
          //Number of Entries
          pParam = pCommand->CreateParameter("",adInteger,adParamOutput,4);
          pRecordset = pCommand->Execute(NULL,NULL,adCmdText);
          rc = pCommand->GetParameters()->GetItem((long)0)->Value.intVal;
     catch( comerror &e){
          LastErr.Format("Error: [%s],[%d]",(LPCSTR)e.Description(),e.Error());
This code calls the following ORACLE procedure:
END callbacks;
cnames callbacks.cn_rc;
INTO ncllbcks
OPEN cnames FOR
rfcrs := cnames;
The problem is that the first output parameter is always returning a zero value, but the recordset is being returned the ORACLE reference cursor sucessfully.
Any ideas why the first output parameter is not working ?
Thank you

Apparently, this is a Microsoft ADO phenomenon. I created a similar stored procedure using MS SQL Server 2000 and got the same results. The recordset was accessable but the parameter was always zero.

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  • Output Parameters in Java

    Hello All,
    I've been trying to find a way to pass parameters as output as I've done previously in C and in Pascal.
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    int someMethod(int& num);
    which returns an integer but also outputs another integer called num, which is passed by reference.
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    which does the same thing. Is there any way to do something like this in Java?
    Anthony Frasso
    [email protected]

    To replicate an "output parameter," simply create a method that's signature is as follows:
    void method(Object inputParameter1...n, Hashtable outputParameters)Use the Hashtable to store and retrieve any output parameters necessary. You must "know" the keys to look the corresponding values up in the Hashtable after executing the method, which may be a bit less than attractive, however.
    An alternative solution is to write a class:
    class OutputParameter {
      Object value;
      void setValue(Object value) {
        this.value = value;
      Object getValue() {
        return value;
    }Then you simply pass an instance of OutputParameter for each output parameter, use setValue() within the method to alter the "return" value, and getValue() from the calling method to return the particular value. The only unattractive aspect of this, obviously, is that a type cast must be made when reading the value (unless dealing with an Object).

  • Calling stored procedures with output parameters using RDO and VB

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    inval2 IN NUMBER, inval3 OUT VARCHAR2, inval4 OUT NUMBER) IS
    inval3 := 'RETURN TEST';
    inval4 := 10;
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    dim rdoQd as rdoQuery
    dim grdoCn as rdoConnection
    strSQL = "{ call test_sp('SOMETHING',?,?,?) }"
    Set rdoQd = grdoCn.CreateQuery("", strSQL)
    rdoQd(0).Direction = rdParamInput
    ' get error# 40041 at above line
    ' "Object Collection: Couldn't ' find item indicated by text."
    rdoQd(0).Type = rdTypeINTEGER
    rdoQd(0).Value = 5
    rdoQd(1).Direction = rdParamOutput
    rdoQd(1).Type = rdTypeVARCHAR
    rdoQd(2).Direction = rdParamOutput
    rdoQd(2).Type = rdTypeINTEGER
    Set rdoApp = rdoQd.OpenResultset()
    MsgBox (CStr(rdoQd(1)))
    MsgBox (CStr(rdoQd(2)))
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    Are you getting any warning while importing the stored procedure?
    Please check the below datatypes:
    While creating the stored procedure, if you have used varchar(MAX), please ALTER it to varchar(255) and reimport to DS.
    Also, the datatype of $message (global variable or local variable) used inside DS should also be varchar(255)
    Try a print statement in between.
    print('Message is '||$message);
    smtp_to('', 'Results of ' || job_name(), $rtCode || '//' || $rtVal || '~~' || $message || '//', 0,0);
    and see in the job log if DS is able to retrieve the output from DB.

  • Output parameters or how to return more than one value

    My RMI server retrieves a list of Strings from the database. I need to return a status code int and an array of Strings to the RMI client. Does anybody have any ideas on how to do this. The only way I have come up with is to return an array of Strings using the first array position as the status code. But this is very ugly. There doesn't seem to be any way to have output parameters. I can use "output parameters" with code that lies in the same app by using wrapper classes or arrays but this does not really apply to a client and server running on different machines. Any ideas?

    Well, my general reaction is that you don't need a status code. (You can instead throw an exception if the status is anything but "OK".)
    However, on the assumption that you really DO need the status, then some alternatives are
    o Return an object that has a status code and an array as member variables.
    o In the call, pass in an object that the server can fill in with the array of strings. have the function return the status code.

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    Usually input parameters listed first followed by output parameters. This is just a custom, not a requirement.
    Blog: How to architect stored procedure parameters?
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    SQL Server 2014 Database Design
    New Book / Kindle: Beginner Database Design & SQL Programming Using Microsoft SQL Server 2014

  • Output Parameters with Application Block's SqlHelper

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    SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[1];
    parameters[0] = new SqlParameter("@SomeID", object.Id).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(this.sqlConnectionString, "spMisc", parameters);
    However, how do I get the value of the output parameter?

    Create new method into SQLHelp and get the value of the returned object:
    public static object[] ExecuteNonQueryReturnValue(string connectionString, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
    if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
    if (spName == null || spName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("spName");
    int mRet;
    object[] mObjRet = new object[parameterValues.Length];
    // If we receive parameter values, we need to figure out where they go
    if ((parameterValues != null) && (parameterValues.Length > 0))
    // Pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache (or discover them & populate the cache)
    SqlParameter[] commandParameters = SqlHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(connectionString, spName);
    // Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order
    AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, parameterValues);
    // Call the overload that takes an array of SqlParameters
    mRet = ExecuteNonQuery(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName, commandParameters);
    for (int idx = 0; idx < commandParameters.Length; idx++)
    mObjRet[idx] = commandParameters[idx].Value;
    // Otherwise we can just call the SP without params
    mRet = ExecuteNonQuery(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName);
    return mObjRet;

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    No. I don't think there will be such API to do so. Hooks may help do something related stuff.

  • Output parameters always return null when ExecuteNonQuery - No RefCursor

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    Anyone have this problem?
    Here is the basic code:
    //     External call of the class below
    DBNonCursorParameterTest Tester = new DBNonCursorParameterTest();
    //     The class and constructor that calls the procedure and prints the results.
    public class DBNonCursorParameterTest
         public DBNonCursorParameterTest()
              //     The test procedure I used is a procedure that takes a recordID (Int32) and then returns a
              //     general Name (Varchar2) and a Legal Name (Varchar2) from one table with those three fields.
              string strProcName                    = "MyTestProc;
              OracleConnection conn               = new OracleConnection(DBConnection.ConnectionString);
              OracleCommand cmd                    = new OracleCommand(strProcName,conn);
              cmd.CommandType                         = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                   //     Create the input parameter and the output cursor parameter to retrieve data; assign a value to the input parameter;
              //     then create the parameter collection and add the parameters.
              OracleParameter pBPID               = new OracleParameter("p_bpid",               OracleDbType.Int32,          ParameterDirection.Input);
              OracleParameter pBPName               = new OracleParameter("p_Name",               OracleDbType.Varchar2,     ParameterDirection.Output);
              OracleParameter pBPLegalName     = new OracleParameter("p_LegalName",     OracleDbType.Varchar2,     ParameterDirection.Output);
              pBPID.Value = 1;
              //     Open connection and run stored procedure.
                   Console.Write("\n" + cmd.CommandText + "\n\n");
                   //for (int i = 0; i < cmd.Parameters.Count; i++)
                   // Console.WriteLine("Parameter: " + cmd.Parameters.ParameterName + " Direction = "     + cmd.Parameters[i].Direction.ToString());
                   // Console.WriteLine("Parameter: " + cmd.Parameters[i].ParameterName + " Status = "          + cmd.Parameters[i].Status.ToString());
                   // Console.WriteLine("Parameter: " + cmd.Parameters[i].ParameterName + " Value = "          + cmd.Parameters[i].Value.ToString() + "\n");
                   foreach (OracleParameter orap in cmd.Parameters)
                        Console.WriteLine("Parameter: " + orap.ParameterName + " Direction = "     + orap.Direction.ToString() + " Value = " + orap.Value.ToString());
                        Console.WriteLine("Parameter: " + orap.ParameterName + " Status = "          + orap.Status.ToString());
                        Console.WriteLine("Parameter: " + orap.ParameterName + " Value = "          + orap.Value.ToString() + "\n");
                   //     End Test code.
              catch (Exception ex)
                   throw new Exception("ExecuteQuery() failed: " + ex.Message);
         public void Close()
              if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
    Other things to note:
    I have no problems with returning RefCursors; they work fine. I just don't want to use RefCursors when they are not efficient, and I want to have the ability to return output parameters when I only want to return single values and/or a value from an insert/update/delete.
    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    Here's a short test using multiple out parameters and a stored procedure. Does this work as expected in your environment?
    /* simple procedure to return multiple out parameters */
    create or replace procedure out_test (p_text in varchar2,
                                          p_upper out varchar2,
                                          p_initcap out varchar2)
      select upper(p_text) into p_upper from dual;
      select initcap(p_text) into p_initcap from dual;
    /C# source:
    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;
    namespace Miscellaneous
      class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
          // change connection string as appropriate
          const string constr = "User Id=orademo; " +
                                "Password=oracle; " +
                                "Data Source=orademo; " +
                                "Enlist=false; " +
          // the stored procedure to execute
          const string sql = "out_test";
          // simple input parameter for the stored procedure
          string text = "hello!";
          // create and open connection
          OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr);
          // create and setup connection object
          OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();
          cmd.CommandText = sql;
          cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
          // the input paramater
          OracleParameter p_text = new OracleParameter("p_text",
          // first output parameter
          OracleParameter p_upper = new OracleParameter("p_upper",
          // second output parameter
          OracleParameter p_initcap = new OracleParameter("p_initcap",
          // add parameters to collection
          // execute the stored procedure
          // write results to console
          Console.WriteLine("   p_text = {0}", text);
          Console.WriteLine("  p_upper = {0}", p_upper.Value.ToString());
          Console.WriteLine("p_initcap = {0}", p_initcap.Value.ToString());
          // keep console from closing when run in debug mode from IDE
          Console.WriteLine("ENTER to continue...");
       p_text = hello!
      p_upper = HELLO!
    p_initcap = Hello!
    ENTER to continue...- Mark

  • Handling Multiple Output Parameters

    What is the concensus approach for handling multiple output parameters in Java?
    We have a legacy C API that we are porting to Java. All API routines already return an error value as an int. i.e.:
    int foo(...);
    What if we wanted to return additional info, such as a length and binary (not text) data?
    int foo(...,int* len,char** data);
    We use a char** for data cause we don't know in advance how long the data will be and we don't want callers to have to allocate arbitrary-sized arrays. In other words, we allocate the output data buffer internally.
    How do you do this in Java? Obviously, we can use an Integer object to return the length, but passing in a byte[] for data will not return the internally allocated array to the caller:
    public int foo(...,Integer len,byte[] data); // can't allocate data internally
    We also thought about using ByteArrayOutputStream, but since the class does not provide direct access to the internal array, it requires an inefficient copy through the toByteArray() method in order to retrieve our data.
    Any ideas?

    Yes, that is the approach that we are currently
    using. We have defined an Out class that incorporates
    all possible output types as data members:Huh? One class that is used for all possible output types? I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. Classes should be meaningful in and of themselves, not just to encapsulate a bunch of unrelated fields. Sounds non-OO.
    public class Out
    byte[] out_bytes;
    int      out_int;
    }I guess we feel this is somewhat inelegant...
    The only real problem is with the byte[] arguments.
    Any thoughts on that?
    RicardoThere's nothing inherently wrong with a byte array - else there may not be such an animal in the language. Other than the comments above about maybe it being non-OO, the only other comment I could make on this without really seeing the whole context (how this class is really used, etc) would be that yes it looks like it is just encapsulating all possible output types. Not good. If a method is going to return a byte array, it should do so - not return a meaningless "Out" object which happens to contain that array. And another method returning an int should return the int, not this "Out" object containing the int. These don't appear to be related fields belonging to an object in an OO sense.

  • Can you get values back from a stored procedure via OUTPUT parameters?

    Can you get values back from calling a stored procedure via OUTPUT parameters/variables? I call the SP via a SQL statement from a script either in a WF or DF.
    I thought I read some reference that DI could not get the values from OUTPUT parameters but I could not find it again (don't know if it is in any of the documentation or referred to in a forum.
    I did try a couple of tests but it did not reutrn any values via OUTPUT. But before I give up I thought I'd see if you could and maybe I needed to change something.

    This isn't exactly an answer to your question, but I'll point out that, given that you're resorting to a SQL script in the first place, there's no reason you can't also turn the output parameters into a regular result or record set. (The following uses T-SQL, although I think it's pretty generic.)
    declare @param1 int, param2 varchar(100), @return int;
    exec @return = proc @param1 = @param1 output, @param2 = @param2 output;
    select @param1 as param1, @param2 as param2;
    That is, to get from output parameters to a "regular" output from the SQL script isn't much of a leap...
    Jeff Prenevost
    BI Consultant
    Ann Arbor, MI

  • How to allow multiple output parameters in a user-defined service operation???

    I have creating a self-defined service operation “LDAPAddUser” to connect to LDAP server to create user accounts. I want to get 2 output parameters after executing the operation. One is the result (Boolean data type) and one is the error message (String data type). However, since Java only support one return value in a method, it seems that only one output parameter can be returned. May I have the suggestion so that multiple parameters can be supported in this case? Here is the extracted code
    In Java program,
    public Boolean addUser(String url, String aName)
    In file "component.xml",
         <operation name="addUser" method="addUser" orchestrateable="true" anonymous-access="true">
      <hint>Add a new user</hint>
         <input-parameter name="url" type="java.lang.String" required="true" title="LDAP URL">
              <input-parameter name="aName" type="java.lang.String" required="true" title="Admin Login Name">
              <output-parameter name="Result" title="Result" type="java.lang.Boolean">
    Besides the boolean return value, I want to get another return value (string data type). Any suggestion ?

    I've returned multiple values to LiveCycle by using a complex object as an intermediatory.
    For example if I need to return two strings (firstName and lastName), I'll first build a single class (name) with two string attributes (private String firstName; private String LastName) and add getters and setters to my "name" class for each.  My service class method will return an object of type "name".
    for example  public name mymethod(String GUID, String username, String password).......
    Then in the component.xml you can return the two strings as long as you use the binding type "Bean":
    <output-parameter name="firstName" title="First Name" binding-type="Bean" property="firstName">
    <output-parameter name="lastName" title="Last Name" binding-type="Bean" property="lastName">

  • How to reduce number of output parameters in case of determination engine API

    We are using determination engine API to integrate with the third party (OBRM) . In that case all the base/top/intermediate attributes have been sent in xml as output.
    Is there any way to filter out the output parameters as I don't want to send all attributes in output XML.
    Thanks and Regards

    There are the following possible copies of an object that can be made in TopLink.
    - Session cache - copy of object stored in the Session cache, this instance is considered read-only and can be shared. In the case of a shared cache, this copy exists in the ServerSession cache, in the case of an isolated cache, this copy exists in the ClientSession cache.
    This copy can be created whenever a query is executed against a ClientSession, or non-isolated UnitOfWork. To avoid this copy for an update operation, you can query in a UnitOfWork, and set your descriptor's unitOfWorkCacheIsolationLevel to ISOLATE_CACHE_ALWAYS (added in 10.1.3).
    This copy can be created after a inserted object is committed as well. ISOLATE_CACHE_ALWAYS will also avoid this.
    - UnitOfWork working copy. Instance of the object that is modified in the UnitOfWork. This instance must exist as at least one instance is required, unless UpdateAll / DeleteAll / SQL queries are used.
    - UnitOfWork backup copy. This copy is used to track changes to the object. This copy can be avoided if attribute change tracking is used (added in 10.1.3, weaving added in 11g).
    So, it is possible to only have a single copy.
    You can also use a DatabaseSession which only maintains a single copy. You can use Insert and UpdateObjectQuery's, these will update everything and not give you the benefit of change tracking nor a shared cache, but may be useful in batch transactions such as yours.
    -- James :

  • Report painter -output parameters,Data source,Extract parameter, report

    Hi expert,
    1)What report painter -output parameters,Data source,Extract parameter, report mean for and what are the difference?
    2)I have create new report painter and transport to  Test server using T-code:GCTR and I find that the T-code always point to old report. As I had check the SE93 the D_SREPOVARI-REPORT is point to report group.Why this happen?
    3) Does creation of new report or modification of the report always need to select the extraction option so that it will able to display the relected changes? Because, I have done modification on the report but it is not reflected the changes even i save until i have to create the extraction is able to display the report but every time i run the report need to select the extraction with option to choose new extract or old. Kindly advice how to save and create the report painter and save will display reflected result .
    Please help

    Hi BR Christian,
    Thank you for the prompt reply.
    I have few querys as below:
    1)Do we every time create new report by copying the existing report painter need to select output parameter, data source and extract parameter in order to be able to display the new report?
    2)when modify existing report painter and save it do we need to select output parameter, data source and extract parameter in order to be able to display the modify report correctly?
    3) What are the different between right click copy the report inreport painter compare with create report painter with copy GRR1?
    4) What are the T-code for modify the report group?
    5) When I create a new report with the right click copy in GRR1 and modify the report painter column only and everything remain the same just the report name different why when execute the report it always appear in the selection screen with report button which have option button to select the 2 version  of report which one is the destination report that I copy from and one is the new report? How to set the report when execute will only display the new report only without need to select the option with just new report only?
    6)For transferring reports you can use GR37 (export) and GR38 (import) can be use to transport from one client to another client? What is difference between GR37 compare with  GCTR?
    7) If I use GR37 and GR38 it is mean no need to create the transport request which as usual we create transport se10?
    we can directly import to another client ussing GR38?
    8)When we create a new report with copy with the existing report with just modify the report colunm and the report name difference only what are the setting example: report,report group need to be selected to be include to export/transport to another client?
    9) What are the difference between library and report group?
    10) Can we set Se93 to execute only report not report group? How?
    11) when using GR37 to transport it is also include the report group,library and the particular report?
    12) Can I include the variable in the column header to display fiscal year which I have selected from the selection screen?
    How and which variable should i use?
    please help.
    many thanks
    Edited by: KH on Jun 18, 2011 6:52 AM
    Edited by: KH on Jun 18, 2011 6:55 AM
    Edited by: KH on Jun 18, 2011 7:06 AM

  • How to view multiple output parameters from web services

    I have used the Labview tool to create a .NET assembly from a WSDL file.
    In the WSDL file the service has been defined to return 2 output parameters.
    In Labview, when I invoke the method for this service the first output parameter ends up as the return value of the method.  I can create an indicator for this and it gets updated properly when I run the VIS to use the web service..  The indicator is an integer value but recognizes the type defined within the WSDL file. 
    The second output parameter shows up as an output value.  When I right click on it and create an indicator for it I get a .NET icon on the front panel rather than an integer value. 
    How can I view the value for this second output parameter after running the web service?
    Is there a difference in how multiple output parameters handled in newer versions of Labview (I am using verison 7.1)?

    scrooge wrote:
    You can try this link .
    the link is dead... or i dont have access..

  • How to call a (catalog) stored procedure directly in a xsodata file with in/output parameters

    I am new to XS but i managed to enable a table through xsodata:
    service namespace "sap.hana.democontent.epm" { 
      "AA465342"."TMP_HENK" as "TMP_HENK"; 
    But now i am looking for code that can call a stored procedure that has 2 input- and 3 output parameters.... who can help me out with this?

    Hi Vivek, thanks for the quick response!
    I already found that blog, but it does not completely answer my question. i am struggling to get my content procedure working. call the R (catalog) stored procedure:
    the code
    /********* Begin Procedure Script ************/
        call "AA465342"."MO_PP_SENTIMENT"(SP_IN,SP_OUT) with overview;
    /********* End Procedure Script ************/
    where it goes wrong:
    : Only table variable is allowed in input parameter in a nested call
    I have defined SP_IN and SP_OUT....
    Can someone give me a clue what i have to change?

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