Microsoft suite for mac corrupted(?) needs reinstall

Mac Mini version  10.6.8 
Lost Excel. Word and Power point after trying to remove a foreign language template.
Tried reboot. and permission repair.
Question: How to re-install Microsoft for Mac suite.

Thanks rkaufmann87
It has been a long time since I had to restore an item.  I had forgotten how to do that.  Thanks for the tip.  It worked perfectly.  And yes, I had the foresight to backup weekly.  Now I know why I do that.

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    boyfromoz wrote:
    Shootist007 wrote:
    Or you could just wipe out Lion and restalled Snow Leopard. Then when you are in the market for a new computer, desktop of notebook, buy something other then Apple.
    why would you say things like that here? if you are a windows one then stay there. but you are not polite or helpful and if can't use Apple i wonder why you would come here to tell all about your sad story. I don't understand that it has nothing to do with question asked.
    I own, or should I say have owned, several Apple products. Including a new MBP.
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    I will say anything I like in an effort to help people overcome problems they are having with Mac's and computers in general.
    Being a Apple Fanboy is not required for membership on this forum or trying to help other Mac users.
    And just how is suggesting to remove Lion and to go back to Snow Leopard not helping the OP in his quest to make his already owned and paid for MS Office software work? If it is isn't broken stop trying to fix it. Snow Leopard is a fine OS. Lion is still in Beta, only Apple hasn't told anyone. And yes I run Lion on my new MBP but I also have a partition with Snow Leopard on it.
    Thank you and have a great day.

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    I have Microsoft Office for Mac uninstalled but it is still sitting in Applications.
    Then you haven't uninstalled it!  So which files did you uninstall?
    I still have my product key but cannot find a .dmg file anywhere.
    You probably trashed it.  More than likely the uninstaller was inside the .dmg file.
    I am also not aware of what version I have.
    Highlight the icon>File>Get Info.
    Also would it be possible to order a copy on disk or is that extra?
    You would need to ask Microsoft since it's their product.  Where did you purchase MW from?  If from the AS, open up the App Store app which is on your Dock.  Click on "Purchases."  Otherwise, you should contact the vendor from where you purchased MW from.
    relatively new Mac user.
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    CLICKY CLICK---> New to Macs/My First Mac

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    I second LibreOffice as it's the most recent fork, however NeoOffice and OpenOffice will also work.
    Just say No money to Redmond!
    Also the old Ready Set Go! will be having a Lion version out soon.
    It's a low cost page layout program (like Indesign but without the high price) and can make booklets etc better, import the excel grpahics from LibreOffice.

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    Hello Alan,
    Acrobat 7 is older version. Refer below link for more information and how to download.
    Error: Activation Server Unavailable | CS2, Acrobat 7, Audition 3
    Adobe has made earlier versions available for customer's convenience.
    Hope all will go well !!

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    Pomme4us wrote:
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    Sorry, but your likely going to have to use Windows 7 and Office on your Mac at work using Bootcamp.
    Although you can share files OfficeMac and Office on Windows, the formatting will be off because two platforms use different installed fonts and formatting. This will cause a productivity lost and require extra editing at work
    If you could share just PDF's then your fine, but that will unlikely be the case.
    So to share files seamlessly your going to have to install Windows 7 (another $300) full version, 64 bit, using Apple's Bootcamp.
    It's ok, though, you can boot into OS X to use that online and surfing etc at home. It's the internet and sharing of files from other Windows users that cause Windows to hoze up, so mimimalize both of those and you should be fine.
    You can also run Windows 7 in a virtual machine software like Parallels or VMFusion. as long as you don't have any super demanding needs of the hardware, like running 3D games or super intense CPU actions like video processing. Office work is just fine and it's safer than Bootcamp, as in a virtual machine you can keep "snapshots" of previous states of the OS, and revert back to in case something goes wrong in mere seconds.
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    So think of the $300 + $60 investment in Windows on your Mac as a longterm thing.

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    Please re-post in the Office for Mac Product Forums .

  • Office Suite for Mac

    Hi, has anyone tried this software?..saw it on I was looking at Mac stuff.. 5848788465QQcategoryZ80241QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
    iBook G4 1.2, 512ram, 30ghd   Mac OS X (10.4)  

    I have never heard of that either. Do you need to open/edit Microsoft Office documents? If so, I would recommend you give NeoOffice a try first. It's based on the free OpenOffice, but does not require you to install Apple's X11 windowing system first. It's actually worked pretty well for me. If you find that NeoOffice does not meet your needs, then I would save-up to buy a full copy of Microsoft Office for the Mac.

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    Documents to Go, Quick Office Pro, Office2 HD and the Apple iWorks apps seem to get the best reviews. I use Pages for Word processing and it suits my needs just fine. e=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&sa=X&ei=NtbeTrLMFujw0gHSnqn0Bg&ved=0 CDAQvwUoAQ&q=office+compatible+ipad+apps&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&f p=b859295a6af1cd38&biw=1041&bih=653

  • Where can I download a single license for Microsoft Office for Mac?

    Where can I download a single license for Microsoft Office for Mac?  On you have to buy 3 licenses for $150.  I just want to download the home and student suite for my own computer.  Thanks.

    eBay also sell those license, or u can purchase them straight off microsoft after installing micrsoft office. But there are free MS Office alternative like Libreoffice mentioned.
    But my favourite one is OpenOffice... it supports 64 bits and its open source which means there are free upgrades and extensions availble to download for specific need.

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