Microsoft Vista support

HI all,
Does anyone know the thinking on support for running JInitiator and OAS middleware on Microsoft Vista? Our company is an early adopter for this MS release and we're very skeptical about how this will affect our Oracle Applications and DIscoverer users.
We're going to test, but would prefer not to run in an uncertified mode even if it seems to work. However, as users purchase new machines, there will be no choice but to get the new Windows OS.

Interesting - the only difference I can see, apart from the download locations, is that I have the CLASSID as
which I think is the same as it was for 1.4
From memory, I think I uninstalled 1.4 and downloaded and installed 1.5 'manually' from the Sun web site, rather than allowing the browser to load it, so the download locations in my cfg might not be 100%.
This is the relevant section in my cfg
# Page displayed to users to allow them to download Sun's Java Plugin.
# Sun's Java Plugin is typically used for non-Windows clients.
# (NOTE: you should check this page and possibly change the settings)
# Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin
# Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin
# Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin

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    Support for Microsoft Vista has temporarily been removed from the Nokia Software Updater. This is due to recent changes in certain Microsoft Vista configurations that cause the Nokia Software Updater to become unstable. Other Microsoft Operating Systems are not affected. Support will be reintroduced as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
    You can keep yourself updated with NSU news via the RSS feed that's available at
    Best regards,
    Nokia Support Discussions Administrator
    edit: latest news on June 25th: there is now a beta version available. Read more on post number 67 in this topic >>
    edit: latest news on June 27th: new version of the Beta version released. Follow the link above to get it.
    Message Edited by vandelay on 27-Jun-2008 01:45 PM
    New message received July 9th:
    We are pleased to announce that the Nokia Software Updater once more supports Microsoft Vista.
    We are very sorry that many of you have been unable to update your devices, and we are sorry that you have had to wait so long.
    Thank you very much for sending us your log files and for giving feedback on the Beta release.
    The latest version of Nokia Software Updater (1.4.49) is now available from or your local Nokia support pages.
    Warm regards
    The Nokia Software Updater team.
    Message Edited by michaels on 10-Jul-2008 11:49 AM
    I wrote all my posts from 2005-2011 as an "Admin" for this community. I still work for Nokia as an external consultant, so my rank in all posts is now "Employee".

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    - John ConnorMessage Edited by asterix22 on 02-03-200702:02 PM
    Message Edited by asterix22 on 02-03-200702:03 PM

    I'm on the side of Creative Labs here, and I'll say what they're probably thinking as they desperately work to get things up to speed for us. For starters, I assumed that if you chose to be one of the first to purchase Windows Vista (like myself), you were prepared to undergo a rocky compatibility period with some of your hardware, and were willing to wait it out. After numerous new versions of Windows....well hell, I figured?we all have come to expect this kind of thing at first launch. I guess I was wrong.
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    CS6 was supported under Vista. You can download the trials here:

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    I think it will be sooner than that. Adobe has targeted 2nd
    quarter 07
    several times now....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "(_seb_)" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:ejt3k2$5i5$[email protected]..
    > PizzaGood wrote:
    >> If Adobe can screw up the update to Dreamweaver 8
    what makes you thing
    >> they will get a 64bit version?
    >> Seriously...I doubt they will.
    >> "chichi8" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    >> news:ejsqfb$of6$[email protected]..
    >>> I am looking to upgrade from Studio MX to Studio
    8. I was also planning
    >>> on
    >>> purchasing a new PC once Microsoft Vista is
    released. I was wondering
    >>> if
    >>> Studio 8 would work with Vista or is Adobe going
    to release a 64bit
    >>> version?
    >>> Does anyone know if Adobe plans to release a new
    Studio version in the
    >>> near
    >>> future?
    > The next version will most certainly be 64bits, since
    both Windows and
    > Macs are moving to 64 bits.
    > But I doubt the next version will come before a year or
    > --
    > seb ( [email protected])
    > | high-end web
    > Downloads: Slide Show, Directory Browser, Mailing List

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    plans to release a new Studio version in the near future?

    I think it will be sooner than that. Adobe has targeted 2nd
    quarter 07
    several times now....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "(_seb_)" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:ejt3k2$5i5$[email protected]..
    > PizzaGood wrote:
    >> If Adobe can screw up the update to Dreamweaver 8
    what makes you thing
    >> they will get a 64bit version?
    >> Seriously...I doubt they will.
    >> "chichi8" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    >> news:ejsqfb$of6$[email protected]..
    >>> I am looking to upgrade from Studio MX to Studio
    8. I was also planning
    >>> on
    >>> purchasing a new PC once Microsoft Vista is
    released. I was wondering
    >>> if
    >>> Studio 8 would work with Vista or is Adobe going
    to release a 64bit
    >>> version?
    >>> Does anyone know if Adobe plans to release a new
    Studio version in the
    >>> near
    >>> future?
    > The next version will most certainly be 64bits, since
    both Windows and
    > Macs are moving to 64 bits.
    > But I doubt the next version will come before a year or
    > --
    > seb ( [email protected])
    > | high-end web
    > Downloads: Slide Show, Directory Browser, Mailing List

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    But what is the host string?
    Appreciate it.

    This may help
    Check out the section "Access demonstration data"
    Also this is not the best place to post a question of this nature. This might be better :
    Database Installation
    Best Regards

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    And this lockup happens on both systems?
    For Reader 10.1.10, try disabling Protected Mode [Edit | Preferences | Security (Enhanced)].

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    We know JInitiator doesnot work on vista therefore using the above configuration.
    Thanks In Advance.

    For Vista support and WebUtil to work this is what you probably need:
    - Forms Services / OAS
    - run Forms with JRE 1.6.0_10+ on the client (there are a few issues with this version which may include show stoppers depending on your deployment - just search in this forum)
    - WebUtil patch 7323114 - this is not yet publicly available on Metalink. You need to open a service request on metalink and ask for the patch to get it mailed to you by Oracle support. Depending on other one-off patches you might have installed you may have to request a merge-patch. Let Oracle support help you with that.

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    Finally got it working, I had to delete two solitary files in an iTunes folder.
    C:\ProgramData\Apple Computer\iTunes\SC Info
    Delete the only two files that are in this folder. Please note that it is a hidden folder.
    After they have been deleted, iTunes should work (it did for me)
    This may not work if your iTunes.exe process (viewable with task manager) turns off after the license agreement. I solved that problem by updating quicktime.
    iTunes 10.5.2 doesn't update quicktime like all the previous installers did.

  • Sun Java Vista support

    Does 1.5 update 11 is supported on Windows Vista?
    I went through release notes and found there are few bug fixes related to Vista!!
    But the system configuration i not updated for Vista support.

    I agree.
    But there so such official announcment/document/link that says 1.5 update 11 works well with Vista. Atleast i have not came across.
    The best place for this is to check system configuration link.
    And Vista is not listed there.
    But few links (not from Sun website though) mention that update 11 will have support for Vista.
    So i want to make sure it does supports or not.

  • Is vista support oracle8i

    i m using server with follwing confi
    OS : Windows 2003 server
    Databse : oracle 8i
    in one of the client machina we are using Windows Vista.
    Is vista support Oracle 8i CLient
    Somebody told that it not support
    plz reply me

    >>OS : Windows 2003 server
    Databse : oracle 8iI'm surprised that you have an Oracle 8i running on Windows 2003 server. As far as I know, Windows 2000 was last supported version for Oracle 8i. For more information, see if you can get information at
    [url]Certify - Oracle's Certification Matrices

  • What happened to Microsoft Product Support Reporting Tool?

    I was looking to examine the health of the Active Directory setup that I have inherited at my new position. I was going to download the Microsoft Product Support Reporting Tool to run some tests, but all of the links I could find are broken.
    It seems to have been excized from the Microsoft website. The information page as well as direct download links are all missing.
    I have searched for information relating to its retirement but found nothing.
    Has this tool been removed permanetly? Is there a place I can get the last supported version?

    Thanks for posting in the forum.
    For some reasons, we should replace the MPSReport Tool. For details, please refer to the following article.
    Tool: MPSreports replacement as of Oct. 8th, 2013
    Hope this helps.
    Best Regards,
    Andy Qi
    TechNet Subscriber Support
    If you are
    TechNet Subscription user and have any feedback on our support quality, please send your feedback
    Andy Qi
    TechNet Community Support

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