Migrating MySql version 4.x to oracle 9.2.x

I am trying to migrate MySql DB version 4.x to oracle 9.2.x. I have gone thru OMWB installation doc and installed OMWB and Plugin as explained.
Below are the steps I have performed so far
1) Downloaded OMWB.zip from otn website for Windows.
2) Unzipped it under C:\
3) Downloaded plugin MySql4.zip and renamed it to mysql.jar file.
4) Copied mysql4.jar to C:\omwb\plugin directory
5) Ran omwb.bat file
6) Able to create oracle repository for migration workbench but I am receiving below message "No plugins are installed. Please install the plugin for the database you want to migrate".
I have tried to uninstall and re-install several times but no success.
I appreciate if someone can help in troubleshooting the problem.

Based on your description above, are you sure renamed the plugin to MySQL4.jar?

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    Vijay Kumar.K

    Hello Sir,
    At the outset, I would like to convey my regards for extending your support to resolve the issue.
    My objective is to migrate MySQL 5 database entirely to Oracle database.
    I have been using SQLDeveloper 1.2.2998. as migration tool. The Plugin is mysql-connector-java-5.0.6.jar. The steps which I followed for Migration are as follows.
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    Hello Sir,
    At the outset, I would like to convey my regards for extending your support to resolve the issue.
    My objective is to migrate MySQL 5 database entirely to Oracle database.
    I have been using SQLDeveloper 1.2.2998. as migration tool. The Plugin is mysql-connector-java-5.0.6.jar. The steps which I followed for Migration are as follows.
    1. Create a New connection for source database for MySQL
    2. Create a New connection for target database for Oracle
    3. Create Repository for Target database.
    4. Associate Repository
    5. Quick Migrate
    I was able to migrate all the tables. But Views, Procedures, Functions and Triggers were not effected in the oracle database. While I found by selecting the procedures in the Converted Model that the syntax remained same as of MySQL. I raised the issue in Oracle Metalink. They have filed a Bug 6275523. But the issue is very sensitive to our business due to time frame as the alternative is only manual migration. Please do help me in this issue of migrating Stored procedures, Views, Functions and triggers into Oracle.

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    There should be an Oracle Migration Toolkit for Informix 7.X on OTN.
    The Oracle Migration Workbench will only work for Informix 7.3 Dynamic Server, NT and Unix.
    It will return an error if you try to connect to an Informxi 7.2 database.

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    Could you please suggest, where I can verify exact error or how to fix this issue.
    Thanks in advance.

      The SQL*Developer version you are using is an old one and you should use the latest version available from this link -
    Oracle SQL Developer
    However, even the v4 version does not support the migration of MySQL stored procedures as shown in this link -
    You will have to manually convert the MySQL stored procedures to an Oracle format, as even the 'Scratch Editor' under 'Tools - Migration' - does not have an option for MySQL conversion.
    The documentation has details of the difference between MySQL and Oracle stored procedures -
    Oracle® SQL Developer Supplementary Information for MySQL Migrations
    in the chapter Triggers and Stored Procedures

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    Have a look at Oracle's Migration Workbench on OTN

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    OMWB nor its follow up product SQL Developer Migration workbench support DB2 z/OS migrations. You have to do them "manually".
    For a manual migration you might use an Oracle Gateway which allows you to use an Oracle database link to the Db database and you can then use the gateway to copy the data from Db2 to Oracle. Another alternative would be to unload the DB2 data into an ascii file and to load it into the Oracle database using SQL*Loader. You might also use Golden Gate which is commonly used to replicate data between Oracle and DB2 - but it allows you also to use it as a migration utility.
    There are also Oracle partners that can assist you with the migration - please have a look at:

  • ORA-01461 error when migrating MySQL -- Oracle table data

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    Unable to migrate data from source table mysql.mytable to destination table root.MYTABLE :
    ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG columnThe offending source column in MySQL is defined as TEXT. In OMWB it is TEXT (5). The Oracle model originally defined it as VARCHAR2(1), but I resized it to VARCHAR2(4000) since it contains about 20 lines of text.
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    Hi Jon,
    Thanks for the feedback. I'm unable to reproduce the problem you describe at the moment - if I try to migrate a TEXT(5), OMWB creates a VARCHAR(5) and the data migrates correctly!! However, I note from you description that even though the problematic source column datatype is TEXT(5), you mention that there are actually 20 lines of text in this field (and not 5 variable length characters as the definition might suggest).
    Having read through some of the MySQL reference guide I note that, in certain circumstances, MySQL actually changes the column datatype specified either at table creation time or when interfacing with other databases ( ref Silent Column Specification Changes and 12.7 Using Column Types from Other Database Engines in the MySQL reference guide). Since your TEXT(5) actually contains 20 lines of text, MySQL (database or JDBC driver .... or both) may be trying to automatically map the specified datatype of the column to a datatype more appropriate to storing 20 lines of text.... that is, to a LONG value in this case. Then, when Oracle is presented with this LONG value to store in a VARCHAR(5) field, it throws the ORA-01461 error. I need to investigate this further, but this may be the case - its the first time I've see this problem encountered.
    To workaround this, you could change the datatype of the column to a LONG from within the Oracle Model before migrating. Any application code that accesses this column and expects a TEXT(5) value may need to be adjusted to cope with a LONG value. Is this a viable workaround for you?
    I will investigate further and notiofy you of any details I uncover. We will need to track this issue for possible inclusion in future development plans.
    I hope this helps,

  • SQL Developer Migrate mySQL to 11g gets ORA-00972 due to 30 char name limit

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    here is the Oracle error example:
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-00972: identifier is too long
    00972. 00000 - "identifier is too long"
    *Cause:    An identifier with more than 30 characters was specified.
    *Action:   Specify at most 30 characters.
    Creating Primary Key Constraint PRIMARY_1 on table bank_account ...

    have you tried the offline migration option? Then you can probably modify also the ctl file for the SQL*Loader to reflect your changes in the DDL script. I didn't yet try it out, it was just an idea that came to my mind.

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    Here's the error log of OMWB:
    ** Oracle Migration Workbench
    ** Production
    ** ( Build 20050629 )
    ** OMWB_HOME: D:\Datos\Download\Oracle\Oracle Migration Workbench\omwb
    ** user language: es
    ** user region: null
    ** user timezone:
    ** file encoding: Cp1252
    ** java version: 1.4.2_04
    ** java vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
    ** o.s. arch: x86
    ** o.s. name: Windows 2000
    ** o.s. version: 5.0
    ** Classpath:
    ** Started : Fri Feb 23 17:18:48 GMT-03:00 2007
    ** Workbench Repository : Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production
    Repository Connection URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@ServerCms:1521:sigcewbc
    ** The following plugins are installed:
    ** Microsoft Access 2.0/95/97/2000/2002/2003 Plugin, Production Release
    ** Microsoft SQLServer 2000 Plugin, Production Release
    ** Microsoft SQLServer 6.5 Plugin, Production Release
    ** Microsoft SQLServer 7.0 Plugin, Production Release
    ** Active Plugin : SQLServer2K
    EXCEPTION :SQLServer2KDisconnSourceModelLoad.loadSourceModel(): oracle.mtg.migration.MigrationStopException: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 15, Size: 15
    ** Shutdown : Fri Feb 23 18:00:50 GMT-03:00 2007

    Duplicate thread
    Error when using Oracle Migration WorkBench (Sql Server 2k to Oracle 8i)

  • Migration from SQL SERVER 2008 to Oracle 10g issues.

    Hi ,
    I'm trying to migrate from SQL Server 2008 to Oracle 10g and I end up with some issues that I wanted to ask some info about it.
    First, I was following a tutorial
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    What do I do in this case ?
    Thanks !

    Thank you for your reply.
    After using the wizard and made the offline migration script, in the Migration projects window I made a move data to the oracle connection I previously made and after when I tried to reopen the connection, I couldn't.
    Well I didn't retry it yet to see if I'll have the same behavior but basically this is what I think I did. When I tried to open the connection I made, it says, Oracle 11.2 is required.
    Now, I just generate target from the convert model and it says migration complete but how do I test it and I do I go to oracle and see change ?
    Do I had to create a special user in SQL Server to log to it first ? How do I logon to it ?
    Edited by: 873671 on Jul 20, 2011 7:03 AM
    Edited by: 873671 on Jul 20, 2011 7:19 AM

  • Migration from Informix 9.4 to Oracle 10g

    We have to perform a migration from Informix 9.4 to Oracle 10g. Many tables, many data and many stored procs.
    We use the Online mode and the imports finish with any errors, but it has not recovered any stored procedures or we can't view the Informix Stored Procedures in the Source Model in the workbench.
    In the importation log appears as no found procedures, but under owner informix are all procedures.
    What we can do?

    In the version of the workbench we create an informix user who will have all the stored procedures.
    If you want these migrated as another user you can right click on the user in the oracle model and rename it for a start.
    If this is a large migration, I would recommend the following.
    1. generate the ddl for the oracle database.
    2. for the users, that will be created, move the objects to the users that you want these in.
    3. Make sure that the privileges that a particular user has is appropriate to use the data and execute the stored procedures if necessary.
    This tool is not just a one shot deal.. It will bring the informix db over to Oracle, but you need to verify the structure and the logic of the stored procedures as being correct.

  • Data length problem migrating from sql server 7 to oracle 8i

    I just migrated SQL Server 7 database to Oracle 8i db and everything seemed to have ran ok except that in my newly created oracle database, the field size is doubled. For instance a field with nvarchar(4) in sql server would convert to varchar2(8). Has anyone ran into this problem and also does anyone know how to fix it? Thank you so much.

    Hi Roberto,
    You cannot use Workbench 1.2.2 to migrate from SQL Server 7 to
    Oracle 8.
    However, the good news is that we have a new verion of the
    workbench that will have a plugin that can migrate from SQL
    Server 7.0 to Oracle8.
    A beta version will be downloadable from this web-site in approx
    one week. Eventhough this version is a beta version, it has
    undergone some rigourous testing and is very close to production.
    Roberto Werneck (guest) wrote:
    : I would like to know if it is possible to use the workbench
    : 1.2.2 to migrate from SQL Server 7 to Oracle 8. If possible
    : kinds of problems would i probably have. If not, how can i get
    : the Beta version ?
    : Thanks,
    Oracle Technology Network

  • Migrate MS SQL Server procedure to Oracle

    Can any one suggest me any user friendly tool to Migrate MS SQL Server procedure to Oracle. I think using OMWB we can migrate schemas, as i could not find any interface to migrate a single procedure

    I tried using swisssql, but the trial version only migrates 10 tables and 10 indexes and no other objects. Is there any other tool which shall migrate only procedures? If so plz suggest me.....

Maybe you are looking for