Migration Assistant Reporting Negative Gigabytes!

I was trying to transfer two user accounts, along will all applications from a MacBook Pro (Core Duo) to another MBP (Core 2 Duo). Migration Assistant reported that one of the users had a -180Gb of data, and wouldn't permit the process to proceed. If I ignore that user, and transfer everything else, all info igrates perfectly. If I go back after the fact and try again, same results when I try to transfer the data for the "Negative Gigabyte" User Account, which has roughly 40Gb worth of data.
I started the old Mac with DriveGenius, and replaced the directory thinking that this was causing a problem. Same result when I tried again.
Any thoughts on what's going on?

Not important anymore - solve the migration issue

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    I'd just let it run. It's probably just a "rounding error". It'll probably give itself a reality check as the process runs.

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    What have you done so far.
    I did the same Migration this way:
    First I did a full Bootable copy of my old MacBook AIr HD to an external HD, then I connected the external HD to the new MacBook AIr via USB cable and did the Migration.
    In one hour I had the new MBA a mirror copy of my old MBA, no problems at all.
    I hope this may help you and others.
    Before doing this I asked at the Apple store if I could use an USB connection to do the Migration and the answer was "NO"!!!!!!
    Good luck.

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    3. Installed Yosemite.
    4. Decided that I didn't want to piece-meal my stuff back so I plugged in my clone and started up Migration Assistant.
    5. It took a long time but it got down to 2 hours and 44 minutes and stayed there for a long time. I decided to let it run overnight.
    6. About 10 hours later I checked again. Still stuck at 2 hours and 44 minutes.     
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    15. Ugh!
    I really do appreciate any help you can give me to get me out of this quagmire! Judy

    Re:  Why not boot from the 750 GB drive and try the migration that way?
    Good idea, but no joy. I've booted from both the original 250 GB HD and the new 750 GB HD and in both instances Migration Assistant reports one of my folders has 239.8 TB.  Any idea why such an impossible amount is reported?  Thanks,  -wjm

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    We are about to start conversion from Forms 6i to 10g.
    There is a number of forms from which reports are called (RUN_PRODUCT).
    To what degree can Forms Migration Assistant be customized ? For example: can it create Report Objects for reports that are called from forms ? What about Parameters ? Can I specify which parameters should be used when calling RUN_REPORT_OBJECT ?

    It would be very helpful to you if your read what's in [url http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/forms/htdocs/upgrade/index.html]Forms Upgrade Center
    There's lots of tips on how to make an optimum migration of your Forms.

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    This was the easiest update to a new computer that I've ever experienced. IMHO, raves to Apple for including it with OS-X.

    Congratulations on your new computer and your easy migration. Thanks for posting your positive experience. We usually hear only the negative ones.

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    I'd really like to be able to migrate... what could I possible have in my home directory that would cause this? I certainly have some symbolic links scattered around, but those should really not be followed... has anyone seen any behaviour like this before? Does anyone at Apple care that there is obviously a serious bug with the Migration Assistant (although clearly only in some special situation)?
    Aluminum Powerbook 15"   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Surprisingly, it let me run Disk Utility from the original factory MBP install DVD!
    I was able to click "Repair Disk" and it displayed lines of info in the window. One of the lines it outputted was in red and said,
    "Exceeded recommended limit of 100 nested folders".
    I found this site -- http://hintsforums.macworld.com/showthread.php?t=28421 -- then ran this in Terminal -- *sudo find / -mindepth 100* -- and it outputted page after page of lines for my flight simulator, FlightGear.app.
    Here's one example line that Terminal found...
    /Applications/FlightGear.app/Contents/Resources/data/Aircraft/FlightGear.app/Con tents/Resources/data/Aircraft/
    FlightGear.app/Contents/Resources/data/Aircraft/FlightGear.app/Contents/Resource s/data/Aircraft/FlightGear.app/Contents/Resources/data/Aircraft/
    FlightGear.app/Contents/Resources/data/Aircraft/FlightGear.app/Contents/Resource s/data/Aircraft/FlightGear.app/Contents/Resources/data/Aircraft/
    FlightGear.app/Contents/Resources/data/Aircraft/FlightGear.app/Contents/Resource s/data/Aircraft/FlightGear.app/Contents/Resources/data/Aircraft/
    FlightGear.app/Contents/Resources/data/Aircraft/FlightGear.app/Contents/Resource s/data/Aircraft/FlightGear.app/Contents/Resources/data/Aircraft/
    FlightGear.app/Contents/Resources/data/Aircraft/FlightGear.app/Contents/Resource s/data/Aircraft/FlightGear.app/Contents/Resources/data/Aircraft/
    FlightGear.app/Contents/Resources/data/Aircraft/FlightGear.app/Contents/Resource s/data/Aircraft/FlightGear.app/Contents/Frameworks/osgIntrospection.framework/
    I will trash FlightGear.app, then attempt the migration again, then post back here whether I was successful or not.
    Hopefully, you won't be hearing from me for an hour or so!
    <Edited by Host>

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    Pondini wrote:
    Was that account the Admin user on your old Mac?
    leo3101: yes
    Did you set up the same user on the new one?
    leo3101: no
    If so, there's apparently a conflict.
    I always use +Setup Assistant+ instead of Migration Assistant: when you first start up the new Mac, it asks if you want to transfer your data. That way, you don't end up with an extra user or conflicts between the user you already set up and one you're trying to migrate.
    leo3101: Initially I've used the Setup Assistant before using Migration Assistant with the same result
    Perhaps the easiest thing to do is to boot from your Snow Leopard Install disc, erase your internal HD, reinstall OSX, then use +Setup Assistant+ (see #19 in the Frequently Asked Questions *User Tip,* also at the top of this forum).
    leo3101: I did all the above with the same result.
    Or, if you've got everything for the other accounts, use the normal Time Machine "Star Wars" display to restore from the backups of the problem user to the appropriate user on the new Mac. Since the backups are for a different Mac, see #17 in the FAQ Tip. You can't restore that user's entire home folder, but you can select all the sub-folders and restore them.
    leo3101: Being logged in the new iMac as a new user andyiMac I was able to restore the problem user's (andy) entire home folder from the Time Machine (ctrl-left-click-Time Machine->browse other Time Machine disks). Than I restored the other 5 users with the Migration Assistant. Then I created a new user andy on the new iMac and told it to use the already existing home folder and so far I have all problem user's ("andy") data available.
    The remaining question is: Why would Migration Assistant show a negative user (andy) data amount while TM and finder could find and copy user (andy) data?

  • Downloading Forms Migration Assistance(6i- 9i)

    I have downloaded and installed 9iDS release 2(9.0.2). I need to install Forms Migration assistance to test migration of 6i forms to 9iAS.
    While downloading Forms Migration Assistance, it is saying Patch 1 for 9iDS must be first installed and then only Migration assistance can be installed.
    Could anyone please let me know HOW COULD I DOWNLOAD Patch 1 for 9iDS.

    3 things.
    1. The forms 9i is NOT available for the client/server environment. Therefore if your customer insists on client/server environment then you need to upgrade to forms 6i (which is the final client/server version of forms/reports developer).
    2. There are OS patches that you need to apply if you want to run forms/reports developer 6i on solaris 2.6. The complete list is available in the 6i installation documentation (you might find it also on the internet). If you upgrade the OS to solaris 8, then there is no extra OS patches required for forms/reports developer 6i. We are running 6i on Solaris 8 (with no extra OS patches).
    3. The last available patch for forms/reports developer 6i is patch #10 which can be downloaded from Oracle Metalink. I did apply this patch for 6i on solaris 8 client/server environment and has not seen any negative effect so far.

  • Migration assistant added second user did not merge data: iTunes

    I set up my new mac at the store then came home and connected my OLD iMac to the new via Firewire. I used Migration Assistant, and the migration took about 90 minutes. When it was done I had two parallel usernames; my old username with the old desktop look and stuff and the new computer's username I set up with the clerk at the Mac Store. Now I have two separate users on my computer, complete with two separate iTunes. When I look in the finder under Macintosh HD/Users, I see an icon for the new user (the little house) and a folder labeled with the old username but it has a red "negative" circle over it (like a push icon on an iPhone, but with a minus sign in the middle), plus a Shared folder.
    The weird thing is that all the documents and stuff merged, but I have to go to the old user to use iTunes. My old computer did also have 2 users (why? I have no idea) and it brought the iTunes library I did not use in, but not the massive library I do use in. I teach a fitness class and have about 100 unique playlists and ALOT of music on that thing - but the wrong library was brought in. Now I have to switch back to the old user to use iTunes and that just seems silly. I have tried 'add to library" to try to bring the stuff over but it can't see into the other user I guess.
    Any suggestions? It is so frustrating that my whole library is there but I can't access it on the new user after spending all that money.

    Read here on why a second user was added and how to remedy.

  • Safari and iTunes will not open on my Macbook Air after Migration Assistant

    I did the Migration Assistant via wireless (from Macbook Pro TO Macbook Air) last night and it did work. However, my Safari and iTunes will not open on my Macbook Air now. The error messages are as follows:
    Safari: "Safari quit unexpectedly. Click Reopen to open the application again. Click Report to see more detailed information and send a report to Apple."
      - I tried reopening the app, restarting, and shutting down the computer. Nothing has worked.
    iTunes: "The file 'iTunes Library.itl' cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes. Would you like to download iTunes now?"
      - I clicked "Download iTunes" but then another message comes up that all my software is up to date.
    Any help is very appreciated.

    Try repairing permissions using Disk Utility.

  • Forms Migration Assistant Usage

    Hi all,
    I am not able to understand the clear usage of Forms Migration Assistant yet.
    I have seen in Forums that Forms 6i applications can be migrated to 11g just by recompiling the forms and running it on 11g.
    If this is the case , whats the clear usage of Forms Migration Assistant?
    Is it meant to be used for some complex Forms built on 6i or 9i ?
    When do we use migration assistant instead of just recompiling the forms and running it on 11g ?
    Can anyone help me out ?

    It does some changes; for example when you have calls to run_product for reports this get's replaced by rp2rro.run_product, the rp2rro library is attached and the reports object is added to the form. You also get notified if you have calls to get_file_name in your form as this built in is deprecated.

  • Missing hard drive space after failed migration assistant transfer

    When I first got my 13" macbook pro (about a month ago), I attempted to use Migration Assistant to move my files from my old 15" MBP. After starting the transfer, my old MBP locked up (or so I thought) & I had to quit the process. When I looked to see if anything transfered to the 13", I couldn't find anything, but there was hard drive space, maybe about 15 GB, missing. I looked everywhere I knew to look, in all folders all over my computer but came up emptyhanded. Although I've been using macs for years, I have little knowledge of all the inner workings/hidden files, etc. so I've reached the end of my abilities. I've searched all over & have been unable to find an answer. I had originally decided to just let it go & deal with a few missing gigabytes, but I just have to know what's going on. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Problem solved! Ran Disk Utility not in recover mode again, and it identified that the logical size wasn't right. Repair Disk while logged in - and at the upper level "Macintosh HD" on the left sidebar - fixed the issue, and I'm going to not attempt to run Boot Camp again for a while just in case :-p

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