Migration from 9i to 11g Transparent Gateway results in a) ORA-12704: character set mismatch b) ORA-02070: database ... does not support SYS_OP_C2C in this context

Migration from 9i to 11g Transparent Gateway results in a) ORA-12704: character set mismatch b) ORA-02070: database ... does not support SYS_OP_C2C in this context
What Transparent Gateway (TG) 11g configuration steps prevent the following errors?:
a) ORA-12704: character set mismatch
b) ORA-02070: database <DB_link_name> does not support SYS_OP_C2C in this context
The current 9i TG works with the existing views and packages.  These same db objects will not compile using the new 11g TG.
The db objects are on an Oracle 10g database linked to an SQL Server 2008 R2 database.
Since the 9i TG works I assume a configuration to the 11g TG will get it working same as before.  But what...
Is is something controlled by these parameters?  (Sorry, I don't know how this stuff works.  I'm the application developer.  My DBAs setup the Transparent Gateways.):
  Parameters in the Gateway Startup Shell script:
  Parameters in the initsid.ora file:
I'm avoiding the known workaround to refactor the VIEWS and PACKAGES to contain CAST() statements to explicitly match the data types.  A server side fix to the 11g TG is preferred. 
Sample code:
a) ORA-12704: character set mismatch
   ... is caused by SQL that works with my 9i TG but not with my 11g TG.  It's a snippit from my view that won't compile:
                  select status_code                  -- Oracle VARCHAR2(30)
                  from   ora_app_interfaces
                  select "StatusCode" as status_code  -- SQL Server NVARCHAR(30)
                  from   SqlAppInterfaces
   Example workaround that I'm avoiding:
                  select status_code
                  from   ora_app_interfaces
                  select CAST("StatusCode" as VARCHAR(30)) as status_code
                  from   SqlAppInterfaces
b) ORA-02070: database <DB_link_name> does not support SYS_OP_C2C in this context
   A line of code in the procedure that compiles correctly but fails to execute:
           -- Insert into SQL Server from Oracle
           insert into PatientMedRecNum ( 
              "PatID",         -- SQL Server INT
              "MedRecNum",     -- SQL Server NVARCHAR(11)
              "Hospital")      -- SQL Server NVARCHAR(30)
           values (
              pi_pat_id,       -- Oracle NUMBER
              pi_med_rec_num,  -- Oracle VARCHAR2
              pi_hospital);    -- Oracle VARCHAR2
I'd guess the errors are caused by the TG's implicit conversion between the Oracle VARCHAR2 and the SQL Server NVARCHAR... but this works fine on the 9i TG... how do I set it up to work on the 11g TG? 

Trace of 11g TG... generating errors due to lack of automatic mapping from SQL NVARCHAR to Oracle NVARCHAR, where the previous 9g TG mapped from SQL NVARCHAR to Oracle VARCHAR2.
Oracle Corporation --- MONDAY    SEP 22 2014 13:35:08.186
Heterogeneous Agent Release
Oracle Corporation --- MONDAY    SEP 22 2014 13:35:08.186
Entered hgogprd
Entered hgosdip
setting HS_OPEN_CURSORS to default of 50
setting HS_FDS_RECOVERY_ACCOUNT to default of "RECOVER"
setting HS_FDS_RECOVERY_PWD to default value
setting HS_IDLE_TIMEOUT to default of 0
setting HS_NLS_NCHAR to default of "UCS2"
setting HS_FDS_TIMESTAMP_MAPPING to default of "DATE"
setting HS_FDS_DATE_MAPPING to default of "DATE"
setting HS_RPC_FETCH_REBLOCKING to default of "ON"
setting HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS to default of "100"
setting HS_FDS_RESULTSET_SUPPORT to default of "FALSE"
setting HS_FDS_RSET_RETURN_ROWCOUNT to default of "FALSE"
setting HS_FDS_PROC_IS_FUNC to default of "FALSE"
setting HS_FDS_MAP_NCHAR to default of "TRUE"
setting HS_NLS_DATE_FORMAT to default of "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS"
setting HS_FDS_REPORT_REAL_AS_DOUBLE to default of "FALSE"
setting HS_LONG_PIECE_TRANSFER_SIZE to default of "65536"
setting HS_SQL_HANDLE_STMT_REUSE to default of "FALSE"
setting HS_FDS_QUERY_DRIVER to default of "FALSE"
setting HS_FDS_SUPPORT_STATISTICS to default of "TRUE"
setting HS_FDS_QUOTE_IDENTIFIER to default of "TRUE"
setting HS_KEEP_REMOTE_COLUMN_SIZE to default of "OFF"
setting HS_FDS_GRAPHIC_TO_MBCS to default of "FALSE"
setting HS_FDS_MBCS_TO_GRAPHIC to default of "FALSE"
setting HS_CALL_NAME_ISP to "gtw$:SQLTables;gtw$:SQLColumns;gtw$:SQLPrimaryKeys;gtw$:SQLForeignKeys;gtw$:SQLProcedures;gtw$:SQLStatistics;gtw$:SQLGetInfo"
setting HS_FDS_DELAYED_OPEN to default of "TRUE"
setting HS_FDS_WORKAROUNDS to default of "0"
setting HS_FDS_ARRAY_EXEC to default of "TRUE"
Exiting hgosdip, rc=0
  Port Rls/Upd:4/0 PrdStat:0
Agent:Oracle Database Gateway for MSSQL
Class:MSSQL, ClassVsn:, Instance:xxxDEV
Exiting hgogprd, rc=0
Entered hgoinit
HS_LANGUAGE not specified
rc=1239980 attempting to get LANG environment variable.
Entered hgolofn at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
RC=-1 from HOSGIP for "PATH"
Setting PATH to "C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\tg_2\dg4msql\driver\lib"
Exiting hgolofn, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
HOSGIP for "HS_OPEN_CURSORS" returned "50"
HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS" returned "100"
HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_WORKAROUNDS" returned "0"
treat_SQLLEN_as_compiled = 1
Exiting hgoinit, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered hgolgon at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
reco:0, name:abaccess, tflag:0
Entered hgosuec at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered shgosuec at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Exiting shgosuec, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
shgosuec() returned rc=0
Exiting hgosuec, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_DEFAULT_OWNER" returned "dbo"
Entered hgocont at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = "sqlserverxxx/sqlinstancexxx/SQL_Server_2008_xxx_DEV"
Entered hgogenconstr at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
dsn: sqlserverxxx/sqlinstancexxx/SQL_Server_2008_xxx_DEV, name:xxx_admin
Entered hgocip at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Exiting hgocip, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered shgogohn at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
ohn is 'OraGtw11g_home2'
Exiting shgogohn, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
using 0 as default value for "HS_FDS_ENCRYPT_SESSION"
using 1 as default value for "HS_FDS_VALIDATE_SERVER_CERT"
Entered hgocont_OracleCsidToIANA at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Returning 2252
Exiting hgocont_OracleCsidToIANA at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Exiting hgogenconstr, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered hgopoer at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
hgopoer, line 231: got native error 5701 and sqlstate 01000; message follows...
[Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol driver][Microsoft SQL Server]Changed database context to 'Xxx_XXX_DEV'. {01000,NativeErr = 5701}[Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol driver][Microsoft SQL Server]Changed language setting to us_english. {01000,NativeErr = 5703}
Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
hgocont, line 2764: calling SqlDriverConnect got sqlstate 01000
Entered hgolosf at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Exiting hgolosf, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
DriverName:HGmsss23.dll, DriverVer:07.01.0093 (B0098, U0065)
DBMS Name:Microsoft SQL Server, DBMS Version:10.00.2531
Exiting hgocont, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08 with error ptr FILE:hgocont.c LINE:2764 ID:SQLDriverConnect
SQLGetInfo returns Y for SQL_CATALOG_NAME
SQLGetInfo returns 128 for SQL_MAX_CATALOG_NAME_LEN
Exiting hgolgon, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered hgoulcp at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered hgowlst at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Exiting hgowlst, rc=1 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
SQLGetInfo returns Y for SQL_PROCEDURES
SQLGetInfo returns 0x1f for SQL_OWNER_USAGE
TXN Capable:2, Isolation Option:0xf
SQLGetInfo returns 128 for SQL_MAX_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN
SQLGetInfo returns 128 for SQL_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN
SQLGetInfo returns " (0x22) for SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR
13 instance capabilities will be uploaded
capno:1992, context:0x0001ffff, add-info:        0
capno:3042, context:0x00000000, add-info:        0, translation:"42"
capno:3047, context:0x00000000, add-info:        0, translation:"57"
capno:3049, context:0x00000000, add-info:        0, translation:"59"
capno:3050, context:0x00000000, add-info:        0, translation:"60"
capno:3066, context:0x00000000, add-info:        0
capno:3067, context:0x00000000, add-info:        0
capno:3068, context:0x00000000, add-info:        0
capno:3069, context:0x00000000, add-info:        0
capno:3500, context:0x00000001, add-info:       91, translation:"42"
  capno:3501, context:0x00000001, add-info:       93, translation:"57"
capno:3502, context:0x00000001, add-info:      107, translation:"59"
capno:3503, context:0x00000001, add-info:      110, translation:"60"
Exiting hgoulcp, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered hgouldt at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
NO instance DD translations were uploaded
Exiting hgouldt, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered hgobegn at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
tflag:0 , initial:1
hoi:0x12ee18, ttid (len 32) is ...
tbid (len 10) is ...
  0: 09000F00 0FAC1E00 010A [..........]
Exiting hgobegn, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered hgodtab at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Allocate hoada[0] @ 0000000005F58270
Entered hgopcda at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Column:1(InterfaceID): dtype:2 (NUMERIC), prc/scl:20/0, nullbl:0, octet:0, sign:1, radix:10
Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered hgopcda at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Column:2(TableName): dtype:-9 (WVARCHAR), prc/scl:30/0, nullbl:0, octet:60, sign:1, radix:0
Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered hgopcda at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Column:3(TableID): dtype:4 (INTEGER), prc/scl:10/0, nullbl:0, octet:0, sign:1, radix:10
Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered hgopcda at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Column:4(StatusCode): dtype:-9 (WVARCHAR), prc/scl:30/0, nullbl:0, octet:60, sign:1, radix:0
Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered hgopcda at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Column:5(StatusTimestamp): dtype:93 (TIMESTAMP), prc/scl:23/3, nullbl:0, octet:0, sign:1, radix:0
Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered hgopcda at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Column:6(InterfaceLog): dtype:-9 (WVARCHAR), prc/scl:400/0, nullbl:1, octet:800, sign:1, radix:0
Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
The hoada for table XXX_INTERFACE follows...
hgodtab, line 1073: Printing hoada @ 0000000005F58270
hoadaMOD bit-values found (0x40:TREAT_AS_NCHAR,0x400:UNICODE_COLUMN)
  3 DECIMAL N         22         22 20/  0    0   0   0 InterfaceID
12 VARCHAR N         60         60 128/ 30 1000   0 440 TableName
  4 INTEGER N          4 4   0/  0    0   0   0 TableID
12 VARCHAR N         60         60 128/ 30 1000   0 440 StatusCode
91 DATE N         16         16 0/  0    0   0   0 StatusTimestamp
12 VARCHAR Y        800        800 129/144 1000   0 440 InterfaceLog
Exiting hgodtab, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered hgodafr, cursor id 0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Free hoada @ 0000000005F58270
Exiting hgodafr, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Entered hgotcis at 2014/09/22-13:35:08
Calling SQLStatistics for XXX_INTERFACE
IndexType=SQL_TABLE_STAT: cardinality=0
IndexType=1: PK_XXX_Interface
IndexType=3: IX_TableID
IndexType=3: IX_TableName
Calling SQLColumns for dbo.SQL_app_INTERFACE
#1 Column "InterfaceID": dtype=2, colsize=20, decdig=0, char_octet_length=0, cumulative avg row len=15
#2 Column "TableName": dtype=-9, colsize=30, decdig=0, char_octet_length=60, cumulative avg row len=60
#3 Column "TableID": dtype=4, colsize=10, decdig=0, char_octet_length=0, cumulative avg row len=64
#4 Column "StatusCode": dtype=-9, colsize=30, decdig=0, char_octet_length=60, cumulative avg row len=109
#5 Column "StatusTimestamp": dtype=93, colsize=23, decdig=3, char_octet_length=0, cumulative avg row len=125
#6 Column "InterfaceLog": dtype=-9, colsize=400, decdig=0, char_octet_length=800, cumulative avg row len=725
3 Index(es) found:
  Index: PK_XXX_Interface, type=1, ASCENDING, UNIQUE, cardinality=0
#1 Column 1: InterfaceID
  Index: IX_TableID, type=3, ASCENDING, NON-UNIQUE, cardinality=0
#1 Column 3: TableID
  Index: IX_TableName, type=3, ASCENDING, NON-UNIQUE, cardinality=0
#1 Column 2: TableName
Exiting hgotcis, rc=0 at 2014/09/22-13:35:08

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    Hi Ravi,
    yes, a gateway would help. In 11.2 Oracle offers 2 kind of gateways to a SQL Server - a gateway for free which is based on 3rd party ODBC drivers (you need to get them from a 3rd party vendor, they are not included in the package) and called Database Gateway for ODBC (=DG4ODBC) and a very powerful Database Gateway for MS SQL Server (=DG4MSQL) which allows you also to execute distributed transactions and call remote SQL Server stored procdures. Please keep in mind that DG4MSQL requires a separate license.
    As you didn't post which platform you're going to use, please check out On "My Oracle Support" (=MOS) where you'll find notes how to configure each gateway for all supported platforms - just look for DG4MSQL or DG4ODBC
    On OTN you'll find the also the manuals.
    DG4ODBC: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/gateways.112/e12070.pdf
    DG4MSQL: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/gateways.112/e12069.pdf
    The generic gateway installation for Unix: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/gateways.112/e12013.pdf
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    Tell your developers: garbage in - garbage out. In relational databases only ORDER BY ensures row order. If your developers relied on GROUP BY implemented by SORT and therefore returning ordered rows they had to realize code they wrote is Oracle release dependent and sooner or later code would require changes. And that "sooner or later" is now reality. In newer versions ORACLE can do GROUP BY via SORT or via HASH. And if it is done via HASH - don't expect ordered results. So tell your developers "payback time".

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    hi ,
    use below steps for Eliminate this issue
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    right now just to get yer work done, get ahold of any OS that will run iM6HD and get it done. then dump MAVRICKS (wait till 10.9.2 at least) and retro back to OSX 10.6..or 10.7 (if you have it). I use FCExpress4 on 10.6....you might want to consider keeping a dedicated mini or something that ONLY runs your editing sw. I have 2 older machines that I will never upgrade because the editing SW wont run on the newwer OSs.
    abuve all, be honest with your client. we all got kind of blindsided by this initial relese (like a bug infested matress).
    ask if they have any apple stuff that has Mavricks probs. bridzillas only happen when they are out of the loop. Keep them informed. but ...also be ready to duck.
    hope this helps.

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    Hi Ridwan,
    After much testing I have it all working now using CRDB_adoplus.dll as a data source ( XML )
    Alter your Config file to look like this:
    <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0"/>
    Then using the code below, and CR requires the Schema to be able to read the date format.
    private void SetToXML_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument rpt = new CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument();
    ISCDReportClientDocument rcd;
    rcd = rptClientDoc;
    string connString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=dwcb12003;Database=xtreme;User ID=sb;Password=password";
    string sqlString = "Select * From Orders";
    OleDbConnection oleConn = new OleDbConnection(connString);
    OleDbDataAdapter oleAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(sqlString, oleConn);
    //OleDbDataAdapter oleAdapter2 = new OleDbDataAdapter(sqlString2, oleConn);
    DataTable dt1 = new DataTable("Orders");
    System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet();
    // We need the schema to get the data formats
    sc.xml", XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);
    //Create a new Database Table to replace the reports current table.
    CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.Table boTable = new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.Table();
    //boMainPropertyBag: These hold the attributes of the tables ConnectionInfo object
    PropertyBag boMainPropertyBag = new PropertyBag();
    //boInnerPropertyBag: These hold the attributes for the QE_LogonProperties
    //In the main property bag (boMainPropertyBag)
    PropertyBag boInnerPropertyBag = new PropertyBag();
    //Set the attributes for the boInnerPropertyBag
    boInnerPropertyBag.Add("File Path ", @"C:\sc.xml");
    boInnerPropertyBag.Add("Internal Connection ID", "{680eee31-a16e-4f48-8efa-8765193dccdd}");
    //Set the attributes for the boMainPropertyBag
    boMainPropertyBag.Add("Database DLL", "crdb_adoplus.dll");
    boMainPropertyBag.Add("QE_DatabaseName", "");
    boMainPropertyBag.Add("QE_DatabaseType", "");
    //Add the QE_LogonProperties we set in the boInnerPropertyBag Object
    boMainPropertyBag.Add("QE_LogonProperties", boInnerPropertyBag);
    boMainPropertyBag.Add("QE_ServerDescription", "NewDataSet");
    boMainPropertyBag.Add("QE_SQLDB", "False");
    boMainPropertyBag.Add("SSO Enabled", "False");
    //Create a new ConnectionInfo object
    CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.ConnectionInfo boConnectionInfo =
    new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.ConnectionInfo();
    //Pass the database properties to a connection info object
    boConnectionInfo.Attributes = boMainPropertyBag;
    //Set the connection kind
    boConnectionInfo.Kind = CrConnectionInfoKindEnum.crConnectionInfoKindCRQE;
    //*EDIT* Set the User Name and Password if required.
    boConnectionInfo.UserName = "";
    boConnectionInfo.Password = "";
    //Pass the connection information to the table
    boTable.ConnectionInfo = boConnectionInfo;
    //Get the Database Tables Collection for your report
    CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.Tables boTables;
    boTables = rptClientDoc.DatabaseController.Database.Tables;
    //For each table in the report:
    // - Set the Table Name properties.
    // - Set the table location in the report to use the new modified table
    boTable.Name = "Orders";
    boTable.QualifiedName = "Orders";
    boTable.Alias = "Orders";
    rptClientDoc.DatabaseController.SetTableLocation(boTables[0], boTable);
    //Verify the database after adding substituting the new table.
    //To ensure that the table updates properly when adding Command tables or Stored Procedures.
    MessageBox.Show("Data Source Set", "RAS", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
    Thanks again

  • USBed itunes library from windows 7 comput to windows 8.1 comput, will not open "does not support .itl files" gave me a list of programs to choose from, could not find one to work

    New laptop with 8.1, Used USB to transfer itunes library from windows 7 computer into My music on 8.1, cannot get it to play, I get the usual does not support extension itl message and a list of programs, a few of which I tried with no luck.  songs are a mix of CDs and amazons, no songs actually bought from apple, but player dashboard is itunes.  Just direct wired transferred to Droid phone and it worked first time.

    did it work out for you . How did you activate the Windows 8 ??

  • HT3275 Since updating OS to Mountain Lion from leopard, I get the following error message when trying to backup with time machine on external drive.  Could not complete backup to media share.  The network backup disk does not support the required AFP feat

    Since updating OS to Mountain Lion from leopard, I get the following error message when trying to backup with time machine on external drive.  "Could not complete backup to media share.  The network backup disk does not support the required AFP features."  What are AFP features and how do I get Time Machine to backup to my current external backup?

    This means that your NAS does not support the required encryption. Update your NAS to the latest firmware or ditch it and buy a Time Capsule (they are the most reliable when using TM).

  • Is there any way to play an iTunes rented movie from my mac on a tv that does not support HDCP?

    Is there any way to play an iTunes rented movie from my mac on a tv that does not support HDCP?


  • Trying to open a sharepoint library in Windows Explorer via IE 8 results in the error "your client does not support opening this list with windows explorer"

    I am attempting to connect to a Microsoft Sharepoint library, via the "Actions -> Open in Windows Explorer" option from the Sharepoint page.  When I do so, I get the error message "your client does not support opening this list with windows explorer".  In short, I am trying to get the "drag and drop" functionality of a Sharepoint library.
    I am running Windows 7 64-bit and IE8.  The target Sharepoint environment is a MOSS 2007 EE.  My Windows "WebClient" service is running, and I have no problem connecting to this exact library via a Windows XP computer running IE8.

    Verify that the Webclient is started automatically from the Services.msc
    Verify that your Portal is in the Intranet local security zone (You can reach it from Your Internet Explorer Browser Security Tag) if not add it to the list
    restart the WebClient service if it's work good
    If not you have to create a network share to your portal URL directly not your documents library.
    Open Windows Explorer or My Computer from the Windows Start Menu.
    From the Tools menu, click Map Network Drive…. A new Map Network Drive window opens.
    In the Map Network Drive window, choose an available drive letter from the dropdown list located next to the "Drive:" option. Any drives already mapped will have a shared folder name displayed inside the dropdown list, next to the drive letter.
    Type the name of the folder to map wich is in this case your SharePoint Portal URL (Don't include the documents libraries)
    Click the "Reconnect at login" checkbox if this network drive should be mapped permanently. Otherwise, this drive will un-map when the user logs out of this computer.
    If the remote computer that contains the shared folder requires a different username and password to log in, click the "different user name" hyperlink to enter this information.
    Click Finish.
    I am looking for a suite method :)

  • I cannot copy and paste details from my bank statement into a word document, without the formatting changing.I have a message in my Error console which reads: server does not support RFC 5746, see CVE-2009-3555

    Since transferring data from my desktop to my laptop, i am now having problems copying and pasting details from my bank website in to a word document, the formatting is all over the place. This didnt happen before, when i pasted the details in to the word document the formatting was exactly the same as on the webpage. If I use internet explorer, I dont have this problem, so, I can only assume it has something to do with Firefox. I have checked the "Error console" and I am receiving this message: server does not support RFC 5746, see CVE-2009-3555.

    Maybe:<br />
    Dafizilla Table2Clipboard: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/1852

  • What are the points which the migration program does not support?

    I have a question about migration program 'RSEC_MIGRATION'.
    As described in 'Running the Enterprise Data Warehouse',
    in 'Frequently Asked Questions - Business Intelligence in SAP NetWeaver 2004s',
    this program supports about 80% automatic migration
    according to some documents.
    What is the rest 20%?
    What doesn't this program support?
    Though it may be difficult to make a list for that
    because settings of authorization objects are various,
    I think SAP should list up as many important points
    which this program does not support as possible
    by using some examples.
    If SAP thinks of delivering such a list,
    when will it be delivered?
    Best regards,
    Kaito Hosoyamada

    Hi Kaito,
    this statement relflects the fact that a program will never be able to handle all potential complex scenarios that customers might have.
    The facts that are not completely covered by the migration assistant are:
    1.) The more complex the existing authorization concept, the more manual migration work might be necessary
    2.) Customer-exit variables for 0TCTAUTHH cannot be migrated; the respective hierarchy nodes must be assigned manually
    3.) Intensive tests are highly recommended
       SAP NetWeaver BI Organisation

  • I tried to paste text from another site into my Firebox document, but it says "Firefox does not support Copy & Paste". How do I enable clipboard? I never had problems like this on Firefox before...why?

    I tried to paste text I copied from another site into my Notepad++ (as I've always done in the past with no problem).
    But today for the 1st time, I got a message when I tried to paste the text "Firefox does not support Copy & Paste". What?
    What happened to the clipboard?

    That's a security feature in Firefox.
    Use this extension to add the necessary permissions to Firefox - Allow Clipboard Helper: <br />

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