Minecraft Classic won't work on Mac OS X Lion

When I try to get on Minecraft Classic (Free Version), it just has a blank screen. (Photo Below)
I have Lion 10.7.3. I have Macbook Pro Early 2011. 4GB. 2.3 GHz. Intel Core I5.
Please help me because I love Minecraft.

I trust you have already contacted the folks at Minecraft for their help.

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    It sounds as though the OS 9.1 currently on your HD was drag-copied from the MacOS 9.1 CD; Apple does not permit this and thus the message you receive.
    There is no free download of any complete, modern OS except OS 7.5.3, and this will do you no good. Your only solution is to install a fresh OS 9.x from a retail MacOS System CD. This can be a MacOS 9.0/9.0.4/9.1/9.2.1 CD and you can freely update any version of 9.x to 9.2.2.
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    Checking Extents Overflow file.
    Checking Catalog file.
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    Rebuilding Catalog B-tree.
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    Ok, I ran into this same issue of a brand new iPod Classic resetting itself continuously about once every 30 seconds, and you could hear the hard clicking sound, with each reset cycle. I had to do the following to get it to work ok.
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    Thank you.

    Good day haynechi,
    If your external hard drive will not mount on your MacBook Air but it will show up in Disk Utility, you may need to erase the hard drive in order to get it to show up on the Mac again. NOTE - this process will destroy any data on the drive, so be sure you have anything on there backed up somewhere else before you begin!
    Use the steps in this article -
    Disk Utility 12.x: Erase a disk, CD, or DVD
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Safe computing,
    Brett L 

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    I recently purshased a Wacom Intos pen & touch tablet, model CTH-480. But the touch function won't work.
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    2. Turned on the switch on the tablet. Whenever I touch the tablet, the blue signal light at the top-right corner will be on.
    3. In the app named "Wacom Desktop Center", the "Touch Settings" shows "Touch On". So the software is configured well.
    4. In the "System Preferences" --> "Walcom Tablets", the "Touch Options" is available and is able to configure. There's no option there which saya "Enable Touch Input" as seen in some tutorials online.
    The other functions are perfect. I can use the pen, I can set custom functions to all buttons on the tablet.
    Someone meet similar problems before? I sincerely appreciate your help!
    Best Regards,
    A new Walcom user in desperate

    I had the same exact problem. No matter what I did, tablet LED lights and diagnostic testing mode indicated touch sensors working but no corresponding screen functions. This included removing the app/plist installation through CleanMyMac 2 and a subsequent reinstall. You may have fixed your problem by now but Wacom customer support sent me this advice within a day and it worked for me on first try.  Touch gesture and pen functions seem to work equally well now.
    Key is to use the uninstall utility within the Wacom app itself.
    Thank you for contacting Wacom Customer Care. The problem that you received maybe cause by a corrupted driver file. While you may have already reinstalled the driver, please follow these specific instructions:
    Open your Applications folder and locate any Tablet or Wacom Tablet folders you have
    Use the Utility in each of these folders and click ‘Remove’ under ‘Tablet Software’
    Once the software is removed, restart the computer
    Once this is complete, download and install the latest 6.38 driver from: (Current as of Aug 2014)
    http://cdn.wacom.com/u/productsupport/drivers/mac/professional/WacomTablet_6.3.8 -2.dmg
    As always, make sure your tablet is connected directly to your computer. Avoid using USB hubs, keyboard/monitor ports, or docking stations with the tablets, as they can cause inconsistent behavior.

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    11-03-11 12:35:52 kernel utunctlconnect: creating interface utun0
    11-03-11 12:35:53 com.apple.SecurityServer[28] Session 0x181a837 created
    11-03-11 12:35:53 com.apple.SecurityServer[28] Session 0x181a837 attributes 0x30
    11-03-11 12:35:53 com.apple.launchctl.LoginWindow[100] launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
    11-03-11 12:35:54 loginwindow[50] Login Window Started Security Agent
    11-03-11 12:35:54 SecurityAgent[107] User info context values set for MacPro
    11-03-11 12:35:54 SecurityAgent[107] Login Window login proceeding
    11-03-11 12:35:54 SecurityAgent[107] Login Window done
    11-03-11 12:35:54 loginwindow[50] Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
    11-03-11 12:35:54 loginwindow[50] USER_PROCESS: 50 console
    11-03-11 12:35:54 com.apple.launchctl.Background[109] launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
    11-03-11 12:35:54 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[110] launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
    11-03-11 12:35:54 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[110] launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /etc/machinit_peruser.d/com.adobe.SwitchBoard.monitor.plist
    11-03-11 12:35:54 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[108] (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
    11-03-11 12:35:55 kernel disk3: ioctl(_IOWR,'d',132,24) is unsupported.
    11-03-11 12:36:05 diskarbitrationd[12] SystemUIServer [113]:25091 not responding.
    11-03-11 12:36:14 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[101]) Exit timeout elapsed (20 seconds). Killing
    11-03-11 12:36:14 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[101]) Job has overstayed its welcome. Forcing removal.
    11-03-11 12:36:14 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow) Bug: launchdcorelogic.c:1114 (24498):0
    11-03-11 12:38:50 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[108] (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[200]) Exited with exit code: 1
    11-03-11 12:38:50 com.apple.usbmuxd[43] HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x103a00010-iTunesHelper/com.apple.iTunesHelper using library usbmuxd-211 built on Jan 13 2011 at 04:19:31, running usbmuxd-211 built on Jan 13 2011 at 04:20:21
    11-03-11 12:39:26 mds[48] CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
    11-03-11 12:39:26 mds[48] CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
    11-03-11 12:39:26 mds[48] CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
    Any idea?

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