Missing data in S094

Hello All,
We are in 4.6C.
In one client the Table/inforstructure S094 is empty.
There is no data in that.
In other Clients there is sufficient data.
(These are different servers altogether)
What could be the reason? How to over come this??
Thanks in advance..

Hello All,
We have executed the report: RMCBDISP, resulted the data in the Table S094.

Similar Messages

  • Help needed with missing data problem in CRVS2010

    We recently upgraded the reporting engine in our product to use Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 (previously engine was CR9). Our quote report, which has numerous subreports and lots of conditional formatting, started losing data when a quote took more than a single page to be printed. We knew the SQL results included the data, but the report was not printing those lines at all or sometimes printing a partial line. In addition, the running total on the report would exclude the lines that were being missed on the next page. In one example submitted by a customer, 3 lines were skipped between pages.
    I think I have identified two potential issues that document the possibility of data not being included in the report.
    The first potential issue is an issue with the "suppress blank section" option being checked. This issue is supposedly fixed with ADAPT01483793, being released someday with service pack 2 for CRVS2010.
    The second potential issue is using shared variables. This issue is supposedly fixed with ADAPT01484308, also targeted for SP2.
    Our quote report does not explicitly use shared variables with any of the subreports, but it does have several subreports, each in its own section that has the "supress blank section" option checked. We have other reports that use this feature, as well, and they are not exhibiting the problem.
    One different thing about the quote report is that it has a section with multiple suppression options selected. The section has a conditional suppression formula, which controls whether the section is included at all within the report. The section also has the suppress blank section option selected. There are multiple fields within the report that are each conditionally suppressed. In theory, the section's suppress formula could evaluate to true, yet all of the fields within the section are suppressed (due to null values), and then the "suppress blank section" option would kick in.
    The missing data only seems to happen when the section is not being suppressed, and at least one of the fields is being included in the report. If I clear the "suppress blank section" check box, and change the section formula to also include the rules applied to the fields in the section, the missing data problem seems to be resolved.
    Is this related to ADAPT01483793? Will it be fixed in service pack 2?
    If more details are needed, I would be happy to provide a sample report with stored data.

    Hi Don,
    Have a look at the Record Selection formula in CR Designer ( stand alone ) and when exported to RPT format opening that report in the Designer also. 
    There's been a few issues with => logic in the record selection formula. It could be you are running into this problem. Look for NOT inserted into your selection formula.
    Oh and SP2 is coming out shortly so it may resolve the issue. But if you want you could purchase a support, or if you have a support contract then create a case in SMP and get a rep to work with you to debug the issue.
    If you have not try the Trial Version of CR 2011, put it on a VM-ware image or Test PC so you don't corrupt anything for production and have a look at and test it in that designer also. If you purchase a case and it is a bug then you'll get a credit back for the case.
    Edited by: Don Williams on Oct 26, 2011 7:40 AM

  • Insert old missing data from one table to another(databaase trigger)

    i want to do two things
    1)I want to insert old missing data from one table to another through a database trigger but it can't be executed that way i don't know what should i do in case of replacing old data in table_1 into table_2
    2)what should i use :NEW. OR :OLD. instead.
    3) what should i do if i have records exising between the two dates
    i want to surpress the existing records.
    the following code is what i have but no effect occured.
    V_COUNT       NUMBER(2);
    V_DATE_IN     DATE;
    V_TIME_IN     DATE;
    V_ATT_FLAG    VARCHAR2(3);
    V_EMP_ID      NUMBER(11);
    BETWEEN  TO_DATE('18/12/2008','dd/mm/rrrr') 
    AND      TO_DATE('19/12/2008','dd/mm/rrrr');
    AND    ATT_FLAG = 'I';
    IF V_COUNT = 0  THEN
                                ,TIME_IN ,TIME_OUT,ATT_FLAG)
         VALUES (TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(:NEW.employeeid,99999)),
                 TO_DATE(:NEW.LOGDATE,'dd/mm/rrrr'),       -- DATE_IN
                 TO_DATE(:NEW.LOGTIME,'HH24:MI:SS'),      -- TIME_IN
                 NULL ,'I');
        SET DATE_OUT       =  TO_DATE(:NEW.LOGDATE,'dd/mm/rrrr'), -- DATE_OUT,
            TIME_OUT       =   TO_DATE(:NEW.LOGTIME,'HH24:MI:SS'), -- TIME_OUT
            ATT_FLAG       =   'O'
            WHERE EMP_ID   =   TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(:NEW.employeeid,99999))
            AND   DATE_IN <=  (SELECT MAX (DATE_IN )
                               FROM EMP_ATTENDANCEE
                               WHERE EMP_ID = TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(:NEW.employeeid,99999))
                               AND   DATE_OUT IS NULL
                               AND   TIME_OUT IS NULL )
    END IF;

       ( NO
       , Name
       , PINCODE )
            , SALESMANNAME
            , PINCODE
         FROM SALESMAN_MASTER;Regards,
    Christian Balz

  • Missing Data from Legacy System

    Hello All,
    My client went live end of January this year. They had a month of transaction data in their legacy system which they did not bring into SAP. Since this is their first year on SAP and recently implemented Extended Withhold Tax one month data is missing; when they run the 1099s at the end of the year they are going to be reported incorrectly.
    How can we bring over that missing data from legacy system over to SAP without having to clear those invoices in SAP?
    Thank You In Advance

    Hi Shashi,
       Have a look : <a href="http://www.box.net/shared/9tda040za6">Transferring Data with DB Connect</a>
    <a href="http://sapbwneelam.blogspot.com">More Docs...</a>
    Hope it Helps

  • How can I connect dots across missing data points in a line chart?

    Hi all!
    I have a table in Numbers that I update every few days with a new value for the current date (in this case body metrics like weight, etc.), which looks something like this:
    Column 1              Column 2      Column 3
    Aug 16, 2011         87.1             15.4
    Aug 17, 2011         86.6
    Aug 18, 2011         86.1
    Aug 19, 2011              
    Aug 20, 2011         85.7             14.6
    Aug 21, 2011         85.3
    Every once in a while there will be a missing value for a given date (because I didn't take a reading on that day). When I plot each column against the date on a line chart, there is a gap where there are missing data points. The line does not connect "across" missing data points. Is there a way to make the line connect across missing data points?
    Thanks for any help. This thing has been driving me nuts!

    Leave your nuts in peace.
    Don't use line charts but scatter charts.
    These ones are able to do the trick.
    Of course to do that you must study a bit of Numbers User Guide.
    In column D of the Main table, the formula is :
    In column E of the Main table, the formula is :
    Now I describe the table charter.
    In column A, the formula is :
    =IFERROR(DAY(OFFSET(Main :: $A$1,SMALL(Main :: $D,ROW())-1,0)),"")
    In column B,the formula is :
    =IFERROR(OFFSET(Main :: $A$1,SMALL(Main :: $D,ROW())-1,1),"")
    In column C, the formula is :
    =IFERROR(DAY(OFFSET(Main :: $A$1,SMALL(Main :: $E,ROW())-1,0)),"")
    In column D, the formula is :
    =IFERROR(OFFSET(Main :: $A$1,SMALL(Main :: $E,ROW())-1,2),"")
    In this table, select the range A1 … D5
    and ask for a Scatter chart.
    You will get what you need.
    I asked that points are joined by curves
    I just edited the parameters of Xaxis and Yaxis to get a cleaner look.
    I repeat one more time that knowing what is written in the User Guides is useful to be able to solve problems with no obvious answer.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 27 août 2011 15:59:20
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.0
    My iDisk is : <http://public.me.com/koenigyvan>
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
    To be the AW6 successor, iWork MUST integrate a TRUE DB, not a list organizer !

  • HT201269 Is there a way to download/port the missing data/SMS to one iPhone without overwriting the new SMS on the newer iPhone?

    SMS Transferring/downloading/backup : Is there a way to download/port the missing data/SMS to one iPhone without overwriting the new SMS on the newer iPhone? Here is my dilemma. My iPhone quit working and I couldn’t get it fixed as quickly as I needed to. I bought a used iPhone and started using it normally and downloaded the backup from itunes/icloud. There was a large gap in data where the first iPhone didn’t backup when I thought it had. I have SMS data on both phonesnow and  I need them for a court hearing. I have since had the other iPhone repaired and working perfectly. Will downloading a backup wipe out the newer SMS data? I am nervous because I can’t lose the information or my case mey be compromised. Any “Real Help” including programs that work to accomplish this would be very helpful. Thank You in advance…

    No, direct access to manipulating the phone's filesystem is not permitted for 3rd party apps in the iOS.  It can't be done without hacking the phone, which you certainly don't want to do.  The messages can be combined and viewed on your computer, but not on a single phone.

  • How to Get Missing Dates for Each Support Ticket In My Query?

    Hello -
    I'm really baffled as to how to get missing dates for each support ticket in my query.  I did a search for this and found several CTE's however they only provide ways to find missing dates in a date table rather than missing dates for another column
    in a table.  Let me explain a bit further here -
    I have a query which has a list of support tickets for the month of January.  Each support ticket is supposed to be updated daily by a support rep, however that isn't happening so the business wants to know for each ticket which dates have NOT been
    updated.  So, for example, I might have support ticket 44BS which was updated on 2014-01-01, 2014-01-05, 2014-01-07.  Each time the ticket is updated a new row is inserted into the table.  I need a query which will return the missing dates per
    each support ticket.
    I should also add that I DO NOT have any sort of admin nor write permissions to the database...none at all.  My team has tried and they won't give 'em.   So proposing a function or storable solution will not work.  I'm stuck with doing everything
    in a query.
    I'll try and provide some sample data as an example -
    CREATE TABLE #Tickets
    TicketNo VARCHAR(4)
    ,DateUpdated DATE
    INSERT INTO #Tickets VALUES ('44BS', '2014-01-01')
    INSERT INTO #Tickets VALUES ('44BS', '2014-01-05')
    INSERT INTO #Tickets VALUES ('44BS', '2014-01-07')
    INSERT INTO #Tickets VALUES ('32VT', '2014-01-03')
    INSERT INTO #Tickets VALUES ('32VT', '2014-01-09')
    INSERT INTO #Tickets VALUES ('32VT', '2014-01-11')
    So for ticket 44BS, I need to return the missing dates between January 1st and January 5th, again between January 5th and January 7th.  A set-based solution would be best.
    I'm sure this is easier than i'm making it.  However, after playing around for a couple of hours my head hurts and I need sleep.  If anyone can help, you'd be a job-saver :)

    CREATE TABLE #Tickets (
    TicketNo VARCHAR(4)
    ,DateUpdated DATETIME
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO #Tickets
    VALUES (
    SELECT *
    FROM #Tickets
    CREATE TABLE #tempDist (
    NRow INT
    ,TicketNo VARCHAR(4)
    ,MinDate DATETIME
    ,MaxDate DATETIME
    CREATE TABLE #tempUnUserdDate (
    TicketNo VARCHAR(4)
    ,MissDate DATETIME
    INSERT INTO #tempDist
    SELECT Row_Number() OVER (
    ORDER BY TicketNo
    ) AS NROw
    ,Min(DateUpdated) AS MinDate
    ,MAx(DateUpdated) AS MaxDate
    FROM #Tickets
    GROUP BY TicketNo
    SELECT *
    FROM #tempDist
    -- Get the number of rows in the looping table
    DECLARE @RowCount INT
    SET @RowCount = (
    SELECT COUNT(TicketNo)
    FROM #tempDist
    -- Declare an iterator
    -- Initialize the iterator
    SET @I = 1
    -- Loop through the rows of a table @myTable
    WHILE (@I <= @RowCount)
    --  Declare variables to hold the data which we get after looping each record
    DECLARE @TicketNo VARCHAR(50)
    ,@MinDate DATETIME
    ,@MaxDate DATETIME
    -- Get the data from table and set to variables
    SELECT @TicketNo = TicketNo
    ,@MinDate = MinDate
    ,@MaxDate = MaxDate
    FROM #tempDist
    WHERE NRow = @I
    SET @MyDate = @MinDate
    WHILE @MaxDate > @MyDate
    SELECT *
    FROM #Tickets
    WHERE TicketNo = @TicketNo
    AND DateUpdated = @MyDate
    INSERT INTO #tempUnUserdDate
    VALUES (
    SET @MyDate = dateadd(d, 1, @MyDate)
    SET @I = @I + 1
    SELECT *
    FROM #tempUnUserdDate
    DROP TABLE #tickets
    DROP TABLE #tempDist
    DROP TABLE #tempUnUserdDate
    Shridhar J Joshi 
    <If the post was helpful mark as 'Helpful' and if the post answered your query, mark as 'Answered'>

  • SSRS 2008 R2 - Missing Data when Exporting to Excel or CSV (Row Count is 500)

    Hey Folks,
    When exporting SSRS 2008 R2 report  to an csv or excel file not all the rows are being exported. Any suggestions on why this is occurring. The number of rows is less then 500 and it seems to be a pretty straight forward export. Any help is
    greatly appreciated.  Inherited this and not sure if this would be configuration issues or something else. It is happening on a number of reports.

    Hi Humbly,
    According to your description, when you export report into CSV or Excel format, some rows are missing.
    In your scenario, since you are missing data “rows” in your exported file, we are guessing if you have any visibility setting like toggle which hide those records. It’s possible that you have set toggle or visibility in your report. After exporting
    Excel/CSV, some data might not appear properly. In SSRS 2008 R2, it has reported this kind of issue about data missing after exporting. However, those scenarios are not exactly same as your issue. It mostly turns out be conflict between data and “layout render”
    and related to DataElementOutput property. DataElementOutput property controls export behavior, it indicates which report item data should appear in Excel/CSV render. For more information, please refer to this article: Reporting Services:
    Why aren’t all my report columns exporting to CSV and/or XML?.
    As we tested in our environment(SSRS 2008 R2), no matter what we export into CSV or Excel, we get same results as in BIDS . So I would like to know your report design structure. If possible, please provide some screenshots about results in BIDS and Excel/CSV
    render extension results. It may help us find out the root cause of your issue. Thank you.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu

  • Missing data: Profitability segment no. in Sale order creation

    Hi Gurus,
    while creating a Sales order, I am getting the Below Error;
    "Error while the Operating Concern being determined"
    Massage no: KE/AD817
    Error: Missing data: Profitability segment no.
    Its Urgent..
    Can anybody suggest....

    Hi Bani,
    Please check if note 380102 helps in this case. From the long text of the error message you can find out which charachteristic is responsible for the error message.

  • How to analyse a problem in BI ( Example missing Data in a report )

    What is the best procedure to analyse a problem missing data in BW. the question could be unclear but I am looking for a method to determine directly and without taking long time in follwing the dataflow to be able to say that we have a problem getting a field A ou B.

    Hi Anis,
    you can debug data flow or let's say specific data load between 2 objects e.g. datasource and DSO or DSO an cube etc... you can track down e.g. like specific sales order was loaded e.g some specific field is treated within the load (e.g. in case there is ABAP routine used). However it is always better to start either from:
    top->bottom = report->datasource (source table or extractor checked)
    bottom->top = datasource->report
    and go layer by layer (or infoprovider by inforprovider) to see if particular value is still there.

  • Deleted a free version of  PDF Max after purchasing the pro version. That resulted in missing data on the pro version too. Please help

    Last week, I purchased the pro version of PDF Max and today deleted the free version since I am not using it anymore.
    I don't what happened or how, this also resulted in missing data on the pro version. I created loads of annotations and notes using the pro version. Now, all that's missing. I am using the word "missing" because I think the data (notes and annotations) is still there but its just not showing up in the app. Since, the size of the app did not change. It still is 1.24gb on iTunes. Can you guys please help me recover or should I say figure out a way to display the files on the app? Pretty please!

    I'm not familiar with the specific app, but generally speaking if the free and paid versions of an app are separate (i.e. not an in app purchase), what you are seeing will be the case. the only resolution I know of is if the vendor provides an account and stores the data online, or it integrates with something like DropBox. If not, once the old version is deleted, the data is pretty much gone.

  • Missing data status for Idocs : HR ORG Upload in SRM

    Hi All,
        We are using ALE Idocs for uploading HR ORG in SRM system.We are getting some IDocs errors. 51 status is 'Missing data'.
    Details description like below:
    Missing data
    Message no. HRALX00_ORG315
    It has been determined that the employee 00036837 has been received for the first time. However, not all the data that is needed to create a business partner has been received. In this case, the infotype 1001 and the subtype A209 have not been entered for the employee.
    Maintain the filter of the appropriate distribution model. To do this, call transaction BD64 in the source system. Add a new filter group to the data filter. Assign the following values for the filter group: infotype: 1001, object type: P, subtype: A209. After you have generated the partner profile again and distributed the distribution model, you can redistribute the relevant IDoc.
    Please help me How to resolve this issue.Please let us know if you need any more information.

    Hi Ramchandra,
    it s the best solution to your query to load the IDOCs manually using the context menu of the datapackage or IDOC --> manual update and then refresh the load as it is not throwing any error
    check do you have enough number of process running in your system
    check for TRFC logs
    Thank you

  • Missing data: Profitab. Segmt No.

    I am doing a Migration from 4.0b Version to ECC 6. Now my server is up with ECC 6 and have the datas for 4.0b. Order to cash cycle - I am not able to do a sales order. System is giving a message
    Missing data: Profitab. Segmt No.
    Message no. VU019
    Missing data: WBS Element
    Message no. VU019
    But actually i have not enabled PS or COPA.. Not sure why this error occuring. I have Profit center accounting. All the customizing from 4.0b are copied in ECC 6. Kindly let me know if anybody has come across this problem and how it has been solved
    Thanks in advance...
    MuraleKrushna Sb

    hi murale,
    Even i face the same problem, kindly help me out with the solution.

  • Grouping to display null values for all the missing dates

    Hi SAP,
    I am trying to display '0.00' value for all the missing dates in my crystal reports as follows:
    17-Jan-14     40.00
    18-Jan-14       0.00
    19-Jan-14       0.00
    20-Jan-14     80.00
    However, my crystal report is showing as follows:
    17-Jan-14     40.00
    18-Jan-14       0.00
    20-Jan-14     80.00
    The missing dates with no data are group together and my '0.00' value is not. Kindly advise me the solution. The formula is shown as per attached.
    Thank you.

    Thanks for your reply.
    Fyi, I am using a formula field in crystal report to display "0.00" for days in between as follows:
    if Days_Between({Command.DocDate},next({Command.DocDate}),'dd-MMM-yy') = "" then "" else "0.00"
    There is another formula field in crystal report to display the missing dates in between as follows:
    Below is my report custom functions:
    Function Days_Between (datefield as datetime, nextdatefield as datetime, format as string)
    ' This function is only used to display what data is missing within a specified date range...output type is text
    dim thisdate as date
    dim nextdate as date
    dim output as string 'output is the text display
    dim daysbetween as number
    dim looptimes as number
    looptimes = 0
    daysbetween = 0
    output = ""
    thisdate = datevalue(datefield) + 1
    nextdate = datevalue(nextdatefield)
    if nextdate - thisdate > 1 then daysbetween = nextdate - thisdate else daysbetween = 1
    if nextdate - thisdate > 1 _
    then output = output + totext(thisdate, format) + chr(10) _
    else _
    if nextdate - thisdate > 0 _
    then output = output + totext(thisdate, format)
    looptimes = looptimes + 1
    thisdate = thisdate + 1
    loop until looptimes = daysbetween
        Days_Between = output
    End Function
    The issue arise when when there is more than one missing dates in between but the null values ("0.00") displayed is only for the first missing dates and not for all the missing dates.
    Ting Wei 

  • Missing data when exporting to "MS Word (*.doc)" and "RTF (*.rtf)"

    We are using CR XI R2 SP3 in our product.  The reports that we generate (using ODBC dsn) show URLs from the database as hyper link text fields.  When we export the report to "Microsoft Word (.doc)" or "Rich Text Format (.rtf)" format, even though the export operation succeeds, the report is missing data when it encounters a URL that looks like following.  There is basically no data after that URL.
    And when it encounters a URL like following, MS Word complains that the file is invalid even though the export succeeds.
    If we export the report to pdf format, then everything works just fine.
    Any help on this will be highly appreciated.

    Hi Sumit
    Try to set the URL field with the RTF format. To do this try following:
    1. Right click the field->Format Field.
    2. Click the paragraph tab->Text Interpretation->RTF Text
    Now try to export it.
    Hope this helps.

Maybe you are looking for