Missing Dreamweaver

I installed Creative Suite 5.5, student and teacher licensing, and msg "installation complete", however, there is no dreamweaver icon and I can't see it anywhere.  Should I reinstall it?

thank you for responding.  you have to go back and install most of the creative suite. not a great feature, especially since it isn't in the instructions
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 01:20:47 -0700
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Missing Dreamweaver
    Re: Missing Dreamweaver
    created by Mylenium in Creative Suites Windows - View the full discussion
We need more info about your system, indeed... Mylenium   
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    if (isset($_GET[‘productID’])) {
      $varProduct_rsDetails = $_GET[‘productID’];
    mysql_select_db($database_connCosmo, $connCosmo);
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    $totalRows_rsDetails = mysql_num_rows($rsDetails);
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    $row_rsCategories = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsCategories);
    $totalRows_rsCategories = mysql_num_rows($rsCategories);
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    I can manually type in double brackets, like this:
    $varProduct_rsDetails = "1";
    if (isset($_GET["productID"])) {
      $varProduct_rsDetails = $_GET["productID"];
    this is accepted; no syntax-error report.
    I can manually type in single brackets, like this:
    $varProduct_rsDetails = "1";
    if (isset($_GET['productID'])) {
      $varProduct_rsDetails = $_GET['productID'];
    this is also accepted; no syntax-error report.
    Dreamweaver itself made this code:
    $varProduct_rsDetails = "32";
    if (isset($_GET[‘productID’])) {
    $varProduct_rsDetails = $_GET[‘productID’];
    this was not OK; there was a syntax-error report.
    But strange enough, when I do paste this now from here, it is accepted.
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    Hi rustyg12,
    Go to Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CS6/Configuration/Menus/menus.bak
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    you probably have to install the Dreamweaver update so that
    you're on
    version 8.0.2. just search Adobe.com for Dreamweaver update
    and you
    should be able to find it pretty quickly.
    cpt_vom wrote:
    > After a reinstall of Window XP and Drewamweaver ver.8
    I'm running into a
    > problem.
    > When inserting a flash button I get the following
    > :Could not create the Flash Button because a Component
    of Dreamweaver is
    > missing. Please reinstall Dreamweaver:
    > Not a word about which Componement missing!
    > I have tried to instal Dreamweaver several times but
    without result - same
    > message appears.
    > The button in question is 'FZ Pack 3: Multi Buttons'.
    > I can insert the standard buttons with no problems and I
    have also tried to
    > insert this button on my second PC with succes which
    could indicate a problem
    > with my main PC, maybe something to do to Windows XP?
    > I really would appreciate an solution to this problem
    and hope somebody could
    > help.
    > Kind regards,
    > Kjeld - Copenhagen - Denmark

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    Just to clarify, here's how the help menu looks in Dreamweaver with the "search" box missing.
    And here's how the "search" box appears in the other CS5.5 applications.

    You need to use F1 key to launch this window:
    Alternatively, you can download the full helpfile in pdf form from this link:
    Adobe help system is now online so that you have access to the latest info at any time including solutions given in these forums.

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    When you go through the document you will see <header> and <footer>. Remove the whole element between the opening and the closing tags as in
      <a href="#"><img src="" alt="Insert Logo Here" width="180" height="90" id="Insert_logo" style="background-color: #C6D580; display:block;" /></a>
      <p>This footer contains the declaration position:relative; to give Internet Explorer 6 hasLayout for the footer and cause it to clear correctly. If you're not required to support IE6, you may remove it.</p>
        Address Content
    After having done that, view the result in a browser and you will notice that you have lost the background colour of the article classed as content. To fix that, add a background to content (near line 67) as in
    .content {
        padding: 10px 0;
        width: 780px;
        float: right;
        background: #FFFFFF;

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    Unless the uninstall option appears in the installed programs list, you may possibly have to delete the program manually, run the cs4 clean-up script then reinstall Dreamweaver, as your reg entries etc will be corrupted for the installation.
    See - http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/403/kb403995.html

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    File > New > Page from Sample > Mobile Starters > jQuery Mobile with theme (phoneGap)
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    At that point, I have to hit the breaks, and Trani just blows on by.
    How can I add the two sample pages to my menu so I can continue this training video?

    @pk4ut You need to select "jQuery Mobile with theme (local). That's the same as using (phonegap). Thanks for watching!

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    very frustrating... when you set up the initial design the boxes are there to resize, move up, hide divs BUT once you save the design and return to the page, they are missing.
    HOw are you to design a web site in one sitting.. bit ridiculous!
    Please help with this issue!

    Did you manually edit any of the FluidGrid CSS code?  It's very temperamental and prone to failures if you  tamper with it.    I always advise people to use a separate external style sheet for content styles. 
    Nancy O.

  • Missing images in the Dreamweaver UI! How did that happen?

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    In my opinion, the deprecated Server Behaviors panel should NOT be used.   The code is woefully outdated, not secure and the MySQL connections will fail to work on many servers (PHP 5.5).
    I think a much better use of your time would be to learn manual coding in PHP and MySQLi (improved).  
    PHP and MySQL with MySQLi: Introduction (Part 1/9) - YouTube
    Web Assist offers an extension.
    MySQLi Server Behaviors | Dreamweaver extension | WebAssist
    Nancy O.

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    Have you tried Safari books website if they have anything extras to download.  I don't own the book but I can see some downloads at this link:
    Obviously one needs to have a book to download these.
    Good luck.

Maybe you are looking for

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