Missing folders after import from computer.

After importing a large folder containing about 20 subfolders, at least half of the sub folders are missing from the listing on the left side.  The files in these missing folders are in LR but grayed out so I can not make a new folder and move them into it.  What can I do to have all subfolders listed?

You can't import photos that are greyed out. The reason they are greyed out is that they have been previously imported into Lightroom. So ...
Go to the main Grid in the Library Module, click on All Photographs in the catalog panel, find one of these photos and then right-click on it and select Go to Folder in Library; this will tell you where to find the photo in your Lightroom Folder panel.

Similar Messages

  • Save me! Missing pics after import from CD? what the..?

    Hello Mac superstars,
    I'm on a macbook pro from late 2011, on lion so I think that I would then have iphoto 11?
    Here's my story:
    -  Imported some photos from disc & first event created. But after ejecting disc, couldn't view pictures in iphoto (thumbnail fine, shows up in event but can't open to view full picture).
    -  Re-inserted disc, uploaded same pics to desktop then imported same pics from desktop into iphoto, to a new event.
    -  Think I opened the wrong event (direct from CD) and created an album & began editing. But disc was still in there so must have been working from disc?
    -  All was working fine for a while there...couldn't view photos at all.
    -  Then, I thought I deleted the original event with the pics uploaded from CD but may have deleted the event with the import from desktop??
    -  Can't restore from iphoto trash, original files nowhere to be found on my mac.
    -  Can't find photos from when they were saved to desktop using remorecovery software
    All other photos fine, just this one group of photos missing .. Please provide troubleshooting tips!!
    Many thanks

    Thre's nothing odd here, it's exactly by design and as you have chosen.
    You imported from a CD in a Referenced Library. If you run a Referenced Library then you decide where the files are stored. You decided they are stored on the CD. Now there is no CD there are no files.
    When you import any files in any iPhoto set up, the app creates a thumbnail for fast viewing in the iPhoto Window. That thumbnail is stored in the Library package. That's why you can see it.
    So, these files were never on your HD - or if they were they were deleted - so unless you're willing to run expensive File Recovery software there is no way to get them back.
    If you wish to try something like File Salvage you may be lucky, if the files were on the HD at some point and if they haven't been overwritten since.

  • Unlogged Missing Photos After Import From Aperture

    I have just made the switch from Aperture to Lightroom, and have use the 1.1 version of the Aperture import plugin.
    In my Aperture Library I have, according to the Library -> Photos: 11105 Photos, however after importing to Lightroom, I have only 10967 photos. I have checked the import log, and there were 4 items which failed to import - 3 were .mpo files (panoramas from an xPeria) and 1 was a .gif file. This leaves a deficit of 133 photos that I can't account for.
    Is there any way to compare the aperture library to the lightroom library to see what is missing?

    *WARNING* Once agin, this is a VERY long post! And this contains not only SQL, but heaps of command line fun!
    TLDR Summary: Aperture is storing duplicates on disk (and referencing them in the DB) but hiding them in the GUI. Exactly how it does this, I'm not sure yet. And how to clean it up, I'm not sure either. But if you would like to know how I proved it, read on!
    An update on handling metadata exported from Aperture. Once you have a file, if you try to view it in the terminal, perhaps like this:
    $ less ApertureMetadataExtendedExport.txt
    "ApertureMetadataExtendedExport.txt" may be a binary file.  See it anyway?
    you will get that error. Turns out I was wrong, it's not (only?) due to the size of the file / line length; it's actually the file type Aperture creates:
    $ file ApertureMetadataExtendedExport.txt
    ApertureMetadataExtendedExport.txt: Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with very long lines
    The key bit being "Little-endian UTF-16", that is what is causing the shell to think it's binary. The little endian is not surprising, after all it's an X86_64 platform. The UTF-16 though is not able to be handled by the shell. So it has to be converted. There are command line utils, but Text Wrangler does the job nicely.
    After conversion (to Unicode UTF-8):
    $ file ApertureMetadataExtendedExport.txt
    ApertureMetadataExtendedExport.txt: ASCII text, with very long lines
    $ less ApertureMetadataExtendedExport.txt
    Version Name    Title   Urgency Categories      Suppl. Categories       Keywords        Instructions    Date Created    Contact Creator Contact Job Title       City    State/Province  Country Job Identifier  Headline        Provider        Source  Copyright Notice        Caption Caption Writer  Rating  IPTC Subject Code       Usage Terms     Intellectual Genre      IPTC Scene      Location        ISO Country Code        Contact Address Contact City    Contact State/Providence        Contact Postal Code     Contact Country Contact Phone   Contact Email   Contact Website Label   Latitude        Longitude       Altitude        AltitudeRef
    So, there you have it! That's what you have access to when exporting the metadata. Helpful? Well, at first glance I didn't think so - as the "Version Name" field is just "IMG_2104", no extension, no path etc. So if we have multiple images called "IMG_2104" we can't tell them apart (unless you have a few other fields to look at - and even then just comparing to the File System entries wouldn't be possible). But! In my last post, I mentioned that the Aperture SQLite DB (Library.apdb, the RKMasters table in particular) contained 11130 entries, and if you looked at the Schema, you would have noticed that there was a column called "originalVersionName" which should match! So, in theory, I can now create a small script to compare metadata with database and find my missing 25 files!
    First of all, I need to add that, when exporting metadata in Aperture, you need to select all the photos! ... and it will take some time! In my case TextWrangler managed to handle the 11108 line file without any problems. And even better, after converting, I was able to view the file with less. This is a BIG step on my last attempt.
    At this point it is worth pointing out that the file is tab-delimited (csv would be easier, of course) but we should be able to work with it anyway.
    To extract the version name (first column) we can use awk:
    $ cat ApertureMetadataExtendedExport.txt | awk -F'\t' '{print $1}' > ApertureMetadataVersionNames.txt
    and we can compare the line counts of both input and output to ensure we got everything:
    $ wc -l ApertureMetadataExtendedExport.txt
       11106 ApertureMetadataExtendedExport.txt
    $ wc -l ApertureMetadataVersionNames.txt
       11106 ApertureMetadataVersionNames.txt
    So far, so good! You might have noticed that the line count is 11106, not 11105, the input file has the header as I printed earlier. So we need to remove the first line. I just use vi for that.
    Lastly, the file needs to be sorted, so we can ensure we are looking in the same order when comparing the metadata version names with the DB version names.
    $ cat ApertureMetadataVersionNames.txt | sort > ApertureMetadataVersionNamesSorted.txt
    To get the Version Names from the DB, fire up sqlite3:
    $ sqlite3 Library.apdb
    sqlite> .output ApertureDBMasterVersionNames.txt
    sqlite> select originalVersionName from RKMaster;
    sqlite> .exit
    Checking the line count in the DB Output:
    $ wc -l ApertureDBMasterVersionNames.txt
       11130 ApertureDBMasterVersionNames.txt
    Brilliant! 11130 lines as expected. Then sort as we did before:
    $ cat ApertureDBMasterVersionNames.txt | sort > ApertureDBMasterVersionNamesSorted.txt
    So, now, in theory, running a diff on both files, should reveal the 25 missing files.... I must admit, I'm rather excited at this point!
    $ diff ApertureDBMasterVersionNamesSorted.txt ApertureMetadataVersionNamesSorted.txt
    IT WORKED! The output is a list of changes you need to make to the second input file to make it look the same as the first. Essentially, this will (in my case) show the Version Names that are missing in Aperture that are present on the File System.
    So, a line like this:
    < IMG_0144
    < IMG_0144
    basically just means, that there are IMG_0144 appears twice more in the DB than in the Metadata. Note: this is specific for the way I ordered the input files to diff; although you will get the same basic output if you reversed the input files to diff, the interpretation is obviously reversed) as shown here: (note in the first output, we have 'd' for deleted, and in the second output it's 'a' for added)
    > IMG_0144
    > IMG_0144
    In anycase, looking through my output and counting, I indeed have 25 images to investigate. The problem here is we just have a version name, fortunately in my output, most are unique with just a couple of duplicates. This leads me to believe that my "missing" files are actually Aperture handling duplicates (though why it's hiding them I'm not sure). I could, in my DB dump look at the path etc as well and that might help, but as it's just 25 cases, I will instead get a FS dump, and grep for the version name. This will give me all the files on the FS that match. I can then look at each and see what's happening.
    Dumping a list of master files from the FS: (execute from within the Masters directory of your Aperture library)
    $ find . -type f > ApertureFSMasters.txt
    This will be a list including path (relative to Master) which is exactly what we want. Then grep for each version name. For example:
    $ grep IMG_0144 ApertureFSMasters.txt
    ./2014/04/23/20140423-070845/IMG_0144 (1).jpg
    Here is a solid bit of information! On the FS i have 4 files called IMG_0144, yet if I look in the GUI (or metadata dump) I only have 2.
    $ grep IMG_0144 ApertureMetadataVersionNamesSorted.txt
    So, there is two files already!
    The path preceding the image in the FS dump, is the date of import. So I can see that two were imported at the same time, and two separately. The two that show up in the GUI have import sessions of 2014-06-28 @ 09:52:20 PM and 2014-04-11 @ 10:26:34 PM. That means that the first and last are the two files that show in the GUI, the middle two do not.... Why are they not in the GUI (yet are in the DB) and why do they have the exact same import date/time? I have no answer to that yet!
    I used open <filename> from the terminal prompt to view each file, and 3 out of my 4 are identical, and the fourth different.
    So, lastly, with a little command line fu, we can make a useful script to tell us what we want to know:
    #! /bin/bash
    grep $1 ApertureFSMasters.txt | sed 's|\.|Masters|' | awk '{print "<full path to Aperture Library folder>"$0}' | \
    while read line; do
      openssl sha1 "$line"
    replace the <full path to Aperture Library folder> with the full path to you Aperture Library Folder, perhaps /volumes/some_disk_name/some_username/Pictures/.... etc. Then chmod 755 the script, and execute ./<scriptname> <version name> so something like
    $ ./calculateSHA.sh IMG_0144
    What we're doing here is taking in the version name we want to find (for example IMG_0144), and we are looking for it in the FS dump list. Remember that file contains image files relative to the Aperture Library Master path, which look something like "./YYYY/MM/DD/YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS/<FILENAME>" - we use sed to replace the "./" part with "Masters". Then we pipe it to awk, and insert the full path to aperture before the file name, the end result is a line which contains the absolute path to an image. There are several other ways to solve this, such as generating the FS dump from the root dir. You could also combine the awk into the sed (or the sed into the awk).. but this works. Each line is then passed, one at a time, to the openssl program to calculate the sha-1 checksum for that image. If a SHA-1 matches, then those files are identical (yes, there is a small chance of a collision in SHA-1, but it's unlikely!).
    So, at the end of all this, you can see exactly whats going on. And in my case, Aperture is storing duplicates on disk, and not showing them in the GUI. To be honest, I don't actually know how to clean this up now! So if anyone has any ideas. Please let me know I can't just delete the files on disk, as they are referenced in the DB. I guess it doesn't make too much difference, but my personality requires me to clean this up (at the very least to provide closure on this thread).
    The final point to make here is that, since Lightroom also has 11126 images (11130 less 4 non-compatible files). Then it has taken all the duplicates in the import.
    Well, that was a fun journey, and I learned a lot about Aperture in the process. And yes, I know this is a Lightroom forum and maybe this info would be better on the Aperture forum, I will probably update it there too. But there is some tie back to the Lightroom importer to let people know whats happening internally. (I guess I should update my earlier post, where I assumed the Lightroom Aperture import plugin was using the FS only, it *could* be using the DB as well (and probably is, so it can get more metadata))
    UPDATE: I jumped the gun a bit here, and based my conclusion on limited data. I have finished calculating the SHA-1 for all my missing versions. As well as comparing the counts in the GUI, to the counts in the FS. For the most part, where the GUI count is lower than the FS count, there is a clear duplicate (two files with the same SHA-1). However I have a few cases, where the FS count is higher, and all the images on disk have different SHA-1's! Picking one at random from my list; I have 3 images in the GUI called IMG_0843. On disk I have 4 files all with different SHA-1's. Viewing the actual images, 2 look the same, and the other 2 are different. So that matches 3 "unique" images.
    Using Preview to inspect the exif data for the images which look the same:
    image 1:
    Pixel X Dimension: 1 536
    Pixel Y Dimension: 2 048
    image 2:
    Pixel X Dimension: 3 264
    Pixel Y Dimension: 2 448
    (image 2 also has an extra Regions dictionary in the exit)
    So! These two images are not identical (we knew that from the SHA-1), but they are similar (content is the same - resolution is the same) yet Aperture is treating these as duplicates it seems.. that's not good! does this mean that if I resize an image for the web, and keep both, that Aperture won't show me both? (at least it keeps both on disk though, I guess...)
    The resolution of image 1, is suspiciously like the resolutions that were uploaded to (the original version of) iCloud Photos on the iPhone (one of the reasons I never used it). And indeed, the photo I chose at random here, is one that I have in an iCloud stored album (I have created a screensaver synced to iCloud, to use on my various Mac's and AppleTVs). Examining the data for the cloud version of the image, shows the resolution to be 1536x2048. The screensaver contains 22 images - I theorised earlier that these might be the missing images, perhaps I was right after all? Yet another avenue to explore.
    Ok. I dumped the screensaver metadata, converted it to UTF-8, grabbed the version names, and sorted them (just like before). Then compared them to the output of the diff command. Yep! the 22 screensaver images match to 22 / 25 missing images. The other 3, appear to be exact duplicates (same SHA-1) of images already in the library. That almost solves it! So then, can I conclude that Lightroom has imported my iCloud Screensaver as normal photos of lower res? In which case, it would likely do it for any shared photo source in Aperture, and perhaps it would be wise to turn that feature off before importing to Lightroom?

  • Missing photos after importing from iPhoto

    I have a big iPhoto library that span from 2002 until today.
    Launching Photo for the first time started the import of the default iPhoto library, when finished the problem is not everything has been imported.
    I have not done photo by photo check, but for instance all 2014 photos are missing and since I see less photo in previous years and in 2015 also photos from other years are missing.
    I can't reimport the iPhoto library (I have not been able to find how), so my question is how can I import the whole iPhoto library to Photos?

    First off that is a bad practice - never have any computer program delete things - import photos and keep them - after at least one successful backup cycle has taken place and you are sure your photos are safely on the Mac and backed up then use the camera's format command to erase and reformat the card
    You can try to backup your iPhoto library and hold down the option and command keys while launching iPhoto - repair permissions and rebuild the database form the resulting first aid window - that may recover your photos - if it does not then photo recover software like media recover is the next step

  • All clips missing after import from camcorder!

    All clips are missing after import from camcorder - Canon ZR20.  For some tapes all clips are there, for others there are none.  All the files are there in the finder, but I don't know how to have them show up in Final Cut Pro X.
    Any suggestions?

    Ok - this is frustrating.  I have been importing my old miniDV tapes again into FCPX as I wasn't able to transfer all of these projects from iMovie - don't get me started...  After importing about 7 of the tapes the first 3 came in fine, but the last 4 didn't have any clips as I said in my original posting.  Now after restarting FCPX a couple of times all of a sudden the clips are all coming in!  Strange!  Guess I'm OK now.

  • Merge JPEG and RAW after import from iPhoto

    camera is set to shoot JPEG + RAW, iPhoto manages after import from camera as two separate files.
    I want to transition from iPhoto to Aperture.
    After importing from iPhoto into Aperture, is there any chance to merge the files in a way similar to how Aperture merges jpeg + raw when importing directly from camera?

    When I click on Faces, it's empty, the import from iPhoto forget to import faces?
    Hello Kris,
    How did you imort from iPhoto? If you import using the Aperture Apllication menu
         File -> Import -> iPh.oto Library
    then all your Faces should be transferred from iPhoto.
    Which of the two buttons in Aperture do you use to show your "Faces"? There is the "Faces" button in the Library panel and the "Faces" Button in the Toolbar. Both behave differently. The "Faces" button in the Library panel  will reveal all faces, whereas the "Faces" Button in the Toolbar will only show the faces detected in the in the currently selected item (folder, project). So it may appear that faces are missing, even if they are included in the Aperture Library.

  • How do I delete the media after import from camera?

    How do I delete the media after import from camera?

    The usual procedure with video is you backup the card contents onto an archive drive. You import from the archive drive making a copy (professionals on set make two copies), and once the backups and import are verified, the card is reformatted in the camera.

  • How to Export after import from minidv?

    How do you export after importing from a minidv source?
    My movie is in the Event Libary > 2008 however I can't figure out how to export it now.

    export back to tape? not supported any more with vers7/iMovie08 anymore..
    you can only export Projects.. drag your clips into a Project..

  • Mailboxes messed up after importing from Entourage: missing header problem

    After switching from Entourage to Mail I found that many of my mailboxes are messed up. In Entourage these mailboxes work correctly. I already located the problem, but I cannot think of a solution.
    The problem is that Mail uses the info from the mail header (date received and date sent) to determine the order of the messages. Comparing the long headers helped me find out that some messages do not have these headers. Still, Entourage shows correctly when I sent the message.
    When Mail imports these messages, the headers are missing, and the message is given the date of import.
    Is there a way that Mail can use other info than the headers so that the messages are imported correctly?
    Or is there a way to let Entourage copy the sent info into the mail header?
    Or should I think in a totally different way?
    This thread helped me find the problem, but I can't use it for a solution http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=5156540&#5156540
    Thanks for your help!

    No, Mail in 10.4 is not crap; it's actually better and more reliable than Mail in 10.5. So here's what I would do, though this will not preserve any folder hierarchy--you'd have to manually do that:
    1. In your Panther Mail program, choose an account, a mailbox (Inbox for this example), and Select All messages in that mailbox.
    2. Choose Save As… and choose Raw Message Source from the dialog window, then choose a destination (your Desktop) and save the file as Inbox.mbox.
    3. After that file is saved, go to your Desktop and create two new folders: one named Inbox and the other named Mailbox.
    4. Put the Inbox.mbox file inside the Mailbox folder, and the Mailbox folder inside the Inbox folder. Copy the nested folder/file to the Tiger machine if necessary so you can access it from Tiger Mail.
    5. Open Tiger Mail, choose File >Import Mailboxes…, select Other from the list of import options, then navigate to the Inbox folder and select Choose. The file Inbox.mbox should appear in the window; click Continue and wait for the import to finish. You can then move the Inbox messages out of the Import folder to wherever you like in Tiger Mail.
    6. Rinse and repeat for your other mailboxes, changing the names of nested folders/files as necessary.

  • Sound missing on some files after import from DV camcorder

    Hi everyone,
    As a new user to Macs grateful if you can help.
    When importing to imovie 08 from a DV tape, some clips go fine, others are then missing the audio. Also some clips have audio and playback OK initially, then have audio missing after closing and re-opening imovie. Is this a bug? What should I do? Many thanks

    I had a simular problem. To solve it I went about 5 seconds into the footage and started importing from that point, not the start of the tape.
    What caused the prob? My only guess is the tape I was using was fairly used and right at the start of my tape I had some old footage for less than a second. When the new footage kicked in the sound went.
    Hope this helps.

  • Empty mailboxes after importing from panther to tiger - can't solve

    Dear all,
    I have been happily using my ibook G3 300mhz for seven years now, running system nine first then jaguar then panther (currently 10.3.9).
    I have nearly all my emails from 98 onwards, which I first imported from eudora to eudora (8600 to ibook) and then from eudora on ibook to mail on ibook. I have a pop account and a mac account with an alias (.mac and IMAP therefore). I probably have about 10.000 emails scattered in many folders and subfolders. Some of my mac mails are even saved in folders belonging to my pop account (thus located on my mac).
    I've been waiting for the new macbook for a couple of months, had it for FOUR days now and seem unable to transfer my mail from my ibook to my macbook. I have tried both copying the whole mail folder and importing mailboxes from within mail.
    With the first option when I open mail it says it needs to import my messages and is then stuck on message 659. May be a corrupt message but I have no way of knowing which one it is and delete it from the library. With the second options it imports all boxes alright, even displaying a numebr of messages whcih appears realistic, but I get the usual "You need to take this account online in order to download it" message. The only messages I can actually see are those in my inbox for my .mac account and those still on the server for my pop account. Any and all messages in any of the other mailboxes (even the .mac ones which are definitely on the server) seem to have disappeared.
    I have even tried backing up from the ibook with mac backup and then restoring to the macbook (has worked for preferences, itunes playlist etc) the result is the same: boxes are there but appear empty.
    I think I have read all threads concerning similar problems but don't seem to find a suitable solution. I was so looking forward to getting my new computer and being able to use mail 2 and now I've been stuck for days, with a huge waste of time. Why can't my intel core duo with tiger do what my little ibook with panther did so successfully and faithfully, albeit admittetly really slowly?
    Needless to say I need to have all my messages exactly in the same mailboxes as I have them on my old comp, I certainly can't throw them into one huge box and sort them from there!
    Any help will be greatly appreciated. I am even willing to spend a few bucks on any conversion program that can do the job (although after just purchasing the macbook I shouldn't have to spend anything more) just to avoid this incredible waste of time.
    A faithful apple user who is getting kind of frustrated

    Hello, Diana.
    I think I have read all threads concerning similar problems
    Have you read this in particular?
    Help! "You need to take this account online in order to download it."
    You won't find the solution to your problem there, but it should let you better understand it. In particular, if using Mail on the iBook under Mac OS X 10.3.9 is still an option, you may want to try to clean up your mailboxes there first, using the following article as a guidance:
    Overstuffed mailbox is unexpectedly empty
    Before start troubleshooting this, you should make a backup copy of the ~/Library/Mail folder, just in case.
    Post back with your observations.

  • Missing messages after upgrading from Panther to Tiger

    I have just upgraded from 10.3.9 to 10.4.11 and find that the new Mail app has imported all my old messages from one account in full but has only imported a small selection of the latest emails in my other two accounts and these have no text in them. In the Mail folder in the Library I can see two files called mbox which are of the right size (about 350mB each) to hold the missing messagesl but they cannot be read. The Inbox for the account which is working also contains a folder called Messages containing separate files for each email with the suffix .emlx
    How can I get my other two accounts to be the same? I have tried 'Import' from OS X Mail app. but this says it cannot see any files to import.
    Edward Mason

    The conversion from Mail 1.x to Mail 2.x is broken. Mail 2.x is often simply unable to import mailboxes that worked fine in Mail 1.x. Apple hasn’t bothered to fix the incredibly weak Mail 2.x import capabilities in all this time.
    The following procedure is meant to fix the incomplete conversion of a POP account’s Inbox. A similar procedure should allow you to fix other mailboxes that might also be affected:
    1. Quit Mail if it’s running.
    2. Make a backup copy of the ~/Library/Mail folder, just in case something goes wrong while trying to fix the problem. You can do this in the Finder by dragging the folder to the Desktop while holding the Option (Alt) key down, for example. This is where all your mail is stored.
    3. Create a new folder on the Desktop and name it however you wish (e.g. Inbox Old). It doesn’t need to have an .mbox extension.
    4. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/Mail/POP-username@mailserver/INBOX.mbox/.
    5. Move the files mbox and Incoming_Mail out of INBOX.mbox, into the Inbox Old folder just created on the Desktop. These files contain all the messages that were in the mailbox before the upgrade to Tiger, and maybe even some messages that had been deleted. mbox is the most important. Incoming_Mail may or may not be present.
    6. Move any strangely-named Messages-T0x... folders to the Desktop (not into the Inbox Old folder). These folders are to be deleted after fixing the problem. They are temporary folders created during an import or an indexing process, and Mail should have deleted them when done. Their presence is a clear indication that something didn’t work as expected. If you’ve been using Mail after the conversion and have already tried to fix the problem by rebuilding the mailbox or something like that, they might contain messages that are neither in Messages proper nor in the mbox file, so keep them around until the problem is fixed.
    7. Move everything else within INBOX.mbox, except the Messages folder, to the Trash.
    The result of the above should be that INBOX.mbox contains the proper Messages folder only, and the Inbox Old folder on the Desktop contains the mbox and Incoming_Mail (if it exists) files only. Now, proceed as follows:
    8. Open Mail.
    9. The account’s Inbox should properly display in Mail as many messages as *.emlx files are in ~/Library/Mail/POP-username@mailserver/INBOX.mbox/Messages/. If that’s not the case, select the mailbox in Mail and do Mailbox > Rebuild.
    10. In Mail, do File > Import Mailboxes, choose Other as the data format, and follow the instructions to import the Inbox Old folder that’s on the Desktop.
    As a result of doing the above, some messages may be duplicated now. Andreas Amann’s Mail Scripts has a Remove Duplicates script that you may find useful.
    Do with the imported mail whatever you wish. You may move the messages anywhere you want and get rid of the imported mailboxes afterwards.
    If all is well and you don’t miss anything, the files on the Desktop can be deleted, although you may want to keep them for a while, just in case.
    Take a look at the following article to learn what you might have done before upgrading to minimize the risk of this happening, and what you may do after fixing the problem to avoid similar issues from happening in the future. DON’T do now what the article suggests, though, as that would make things worse in the current situation:
    Overstuffed mailbox is unexpectedly empty
    Ask for any clarifications or if you need further assistance.
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder. That is, ~/Library is the Library folder within the user’s home folder, i.e. /Users/username/Library.

  • Mail messages not visible after importing from entourage

    I received confirmation that messages have been imported sucessfully from entourage and the imported folders have unread messages sitting in the folders. However when i try to open folder it is empty. Can anybody help?
    I am running mail 2.0.5. I thought the best solution would be to reload mail application again but i cannot locate download for mail application.

    I need help also - to anyone out there - after importing the data from Entourage, in addition to missing messages, my mail.app is now running so slow (both downloading messages and opening messages).
    The mail.app "Help" is also not opening up.
    I wanted to re-load the software also to see if it will correct everything but do not know where to get the application from - is this the best thing to do or what alternatives are there?

  • Missing photos when importing from a Fuji s602zoom digital camera

    I noticed that when I import the photos from my digital camera (as above), sometimes there are some missing. No error messages displayed and the import seems to finish OK.
    This makes life difficult as I cannot now trust iPhoto and have to check every import.
    Any suggestions would be helpful.

    On those occasions where the camera drops some photos are there any movies on the card?
    A workaround is to use Image Capture to upload either to a folder on the Desktop first or directly into iPhoto. It's not recommended that you have iPhoto erase the card after import as there have been too many cases, yours for one, that have incomplete uploads and complete erasures.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    Message was edited by: Old Toad

  • Crash after import from camera

    My iMovie HD 6.03 crashes always right after import of a complete tape (60 Minutes) from my camera.
    I've done this 2 times before with 2 other tapes and completed it without problems. Now with the 3. tape I am stuck because of those crashes. I imported it 3 times and it happens always the same. I first thought it is because the external disk has to wake up when I get back to my desk some time after the import completed, but it happens the same when I import to internal disk and work with it immediately after the import finished.
    The tape stops, all the clips (approx. 250) appear in the clip list. I "save" the document. Then as soon as I click into the clips list the spinnball appears for about 10 seconds and the program crashes.
    Of course when I open iMovie again all the 250 imported clips are listed in the trash list, but dragging them into iMovie results in all the clips mixed up, I would need an hour to bring them into original order, therefore the trashlist is useless.
    Also "saving" it before clicking anything that results in crash is useless, the imported files are not saved on place in the cliplist but always appear in the trash-list.
    What else can I try?

    Well, I did the third tape now with some breaks during importing. Each time I dragged all clips into timeline and saved the project. This worked, but each break will result in a short interruption that is not as the original tape was. I also would prefer to let the importing work during times I am not sitting at the computer, so I am still looking how to solve that problem.
    Maybe it just is that iMovie can not handle more then 250 clips in the clip-list?
    I know that the timeline handles more then that, because I was importing 2x60 minutes tapes before, with well over 300 clips in timeline.

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