Missing InputField values on RadioButton Action (very strange) !!

I'm facing a very strange error!
When I select an option of a RadioButtonGroupByKey (it calls a method), the value of an InputField disappears!! Or if I have changed the value of the InputField before selecting the Radio, the old value appears instead of the new!
And the worst problem is that it happens sometimes, and sometimes doesn't.
Some points:
1: Even with an empty method it happens!!
2: Wthout calling a methos it doesn't happen!!
3: If I click on a button, calling the same method, the problem doesn't happen (only with the Radio)!!
I've tried everything, like pulling the value from the InputField element and forcing it in the context (before, during and after the method), but nothing has solved the problem! Because the value already comes empty (or old) from the InputField!!
Please, has anybody already faced this problem??
Kind regards!

Hi Maksim,
value: V_NomeObj (type: com.sap.cadastrosolicitacaolista.model.types.Zznome_Obj)
selectedKey: RadioCompraCentFixo (type: String)
onSelect: Teste (this Action calls an empty method, just for test)
On wdDoInit I'm filling values in the "RadioCompraCentFixo" attribute.
ISimpleTypeModifiable myType1 = wdThis.wdGetAPI().getContext().getModifiableTypeOf("RadioCompraCent");
IModifiableSimpleValueSet values1 = myType1.getSVServices().getModifiableSimpleValueSet();
Is it sufficient?
Thanks a lot!

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  • Help with getting values from request. Very Strange!!

    My very strange problem is the following.
    I have created three dynamic list boxes. When the user select
    the first list box, the second becomes populated with stuff
    from a database. The third becomes populated when the second
    is selected. Now, I have used hidden values in order for
    me to get the selected value from the first listbox. The
    following code is my first listbox:
    <SELECT NAME="resources" onChange="document.hiddenform.hiddenObject.value = this.option [this.selectedIndex].value; document.hiddenform.submit();">
    <OPTION VALUE =""> Resource</OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE ="soil"> Soil </OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE ="water"> Water </OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE ="air"> Air </OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE ="plants"> Plants </OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE ="animals"> Animals </OPTION>
    I use the getRequest method to get the value of hiddenObject.
    At this time I am able to get the value of hiddenObject to populate
    the second list box.
    But, when the user selects an item from the second list box
    and the second form is also submitted,
    I lose the value of hiddenObject. Why is this??
    The code to populate my second listbox is the following:
    <SELECT NAME ="res_categories" onChange="document.hiddenform2.hiddenObject2.value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; document.hiddenform2.submit(); ">
    Here I access a result set to populate the list box.
    Please help!!

    Form parameters are request-scoped, hence the request.getParameter("hiddenObject"); call after the submission of the second form returns a null value because the hiddenObject parameter does not exist within the second request.
    A solution would be to add a hiddenObject field to your second form and alter the onChange event for res_categories to read
    document.hiddenform2.hiddenObject2.value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
    document.hiddenform2.submit();You will then come across a similar problem with your third drop-down if indeed you need to resubmit the form...
    A far better approach would be to create a session scoped bean, and a servlet to handle these requests. Then when the servlet is called, it would set the value of the bean property, thus making it available for this request, and all subsequent requests within the current session. This approach would eliminate the need for the clunky javascript, making your application far more stable.

  • Very strange problem. Missing characters in QT applications

    Hello all.
    I'm trying to deal with a very strange issue since some time, that is driving me crazy, because I have no clue where the problem may lay:
    In my Archlinux system, some, and only some QT applications (for example Skype, or Qtconfig) don't display properly certain characters in the unicode set (for example "ń" or "ł") when I use certain fonts (for example Terminus, Clean or Verdana), and those applications substitute those characters with the corresponding ones from the Bitstream Vera Sans font type.
    So, when I write, say, the Polish word "Toruń", the four first letters (T, o, r and u) are rendereed in the desired font type (let's say Terminus). However, the last letter (ń) is rendered in Bitstream Vera Sans, thus making the writing appear really ugly and uneven.
    However, this doesn't happen in Opera (the browser), which is a QT application, but where I get the whole unicode character set displayed properly in the desired font type (Terminus in this example).
    Also, this doesn't happen in the rest of non-QT applications I have in my system: all of them render perfectly the whole unicode set of characters in the desired font type, no matter which.
    But! it's not a problem of those QT applications, because I have another partition with Ubuntu installed, and when I boot that partition I don't have this problem: all applications, including Skype and Qtconfig, display correctly all characters in the whole unicode set, no matter which font type I'm using.
    This is totally bewildering me.
    Any clue?
    Thank you.

    The problem is not only in qt applications. I run openbox and this is the output I get when using the command-line script pdfmerge to merge pdf files:
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=48, glyph=0030 in the font VerdanaBold . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=49, glyph=0031 in the font VerdanaBold . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=31, glyph=001f in the font VerdanaItalic . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=38, glyph=0026 in the font VerdanaItalic . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=37, glyph=0025 in the font VerdanaItalic . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=34, glyph=0022 in the font VerdanaItalic . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=54, glyph=0036 in the font VerdanaBold . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=44, glyph=002c in the font VerdanaBold . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=50, glyph=0032 in the font VerdanaBold . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=77, glyph=004d in the font Verdana . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    There are visible errors in the pdf output. For example, bold "C" is replaced by a square box, bold "b" is replaced by a space.
    It looks like there's bug in the Verdana font or perhaps in Ghostscript 8.71

  • Very strange.  In iPhoto '11, cannot find my Trash bin under RECENT category - -need to retrieve missing photos.

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    I've been using iPhoto for years, and get all the upgrades.  Working with iPhoto tonight, trying to set up two new Albums, it added my entire iPhoto library into the first new Album I created.  When I deleted that, then I tried to create another new Album, this time it added 26 photos from a different Album.  Very strange.  I deleted that new Album, too.  When I went back to the date and photos I was originally looking at, I noticed the two I was going to place in the new Album were missing. 
    That's when I looked up for the Trash bin, which I've usually found under the RECENT category, but now is entirely gone. 
    Oh no...
    I don't understand what is going on.  If anyone has any clues, I would be most grateful for your insight.

    Hello Terence,
    Thanks for your rapid response.  To answer your question, under RECENT, I currently see Last Import, Last 18 Months, Flagged, and...
    Well, this is wonderful, the Trash is back again, right where it was before.  I have also checked the photos that were missing, and they are back right where they were supposed to be.
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    It is great that in my case, it's all been restored.  Next time, I will just quit iPhoto and re-open it again.  Perhaps even restarting my Mac might well have been a good enough idea.
    That was a close call.  Thanks very much.

  • ReportDocument.ExportToStream raises "Missing Parameter Values" exception

    I have a web app built using VS 2008 which runs many reports developed in CR 2008. Most of these reports take parameters and many have embedded subreports. Many of the reports can either be viewed directly or e-mailed. For the latter, I use ReportDocument.ExportToStream(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat) to export a PDF file which then gets attached to the e-mail.
    One set of reports works fine when viewed directly, but raises a "Missing Parameter Values" exception when I try to generate the PDF.  All the other reports, seemingly similar in most respects, including the number and type of parameters, work fine when calling ExportToStream.
    Here is the really strange part: the exception is spurious. I wrapped the whole thing in a try/catch block to better examine the exception, hoping to find which parameter value is actually missing.  I could not identify the missing parameter value, but once I handled the exception, the report runs fine and converts to PDF.
    Any hints as to what could be causing this problem?  It seems like a really bad hack to solve the problem using a try/catch in this way.

    Thanks for the quick response. Your code was very instructive, but did not help yet.  Here is what I have:
    (This response is too long for a single post, so I will split it and finish in the next post.)
    ReportDocument rptDoc = new ReportDocument();
    rptDoc.Load(strReportSourceFolder + strReportName + ".rpt");
    rptDoc.SetParameterValue("ClientID", lngKeyFieldID);
    rptDoc.SetParameterValue("Role", "Client");
    This is followed by an amazing chunk of code, provided to me by a guy at SAP Tech Support, who said it was necessary to pass database credentials programatically.  It iterates the tables in the ReportDocument and individually sets the LogonInfo. (I say "amazing" because it astounds me you have to jump through such hoops for something that should be routine and easy.)  The commented lines are just to help in debugging.
    ConnectionInfo conn = new ConnectionInfo();
    conn.ServerName = "myServer";
    conn.DatabaseName = "myDB";
    conn.UserID = "myUserID";
    conn.Password = "myPassword";
    Tables tables = rptDoc.Database.Tables;
    foreach (Table table in tables)
      //string str= table.TestConnectivity().ToString());
      TableLogOnInfo tableLogonInfo = table.LogOnInfo;
      tableLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = conn;
      //table.Location = table.Location;                        
    This is followed by the viewer stuff:
    CrystalReportViewer1.DisplayGroupTree = false;
    CrystalReportViewer1.DisplayToolbar = true;
    CrystalReportViewer1.HasToggleGroupTreeButton = false;
    CrystalReportViewer1.HasToggleParameterPanelButton = false;
    CrystalReportViewer1.Page.Title = strReportName;
    CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rptDoc;
    Up to here, it works fine, displaying the report.  If the report is also to be e-mailed, the following is executed:
    if (bEmail)
      //  export to PDF, then mail that
      SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
      MailAddress from = new MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportMailFrom"].ToString());
      MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
      message.From = from;
      message.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
      message.Subject = "E-mail BackOffice report: " + strReportName;
        foreach(ParameterField field in rptDoc.ParameterFields)
          Logger.LogEvent("test", "", field.ToString(), "Trace", null, true, true);
          Logger.LogEvent("test", "", "Name: " + field.Name, "Trace", null, false, false);
          Logger.LogEvent("test", "", "PromptText: " + field.PromptText, "Trace", null, false, false);
          Logger.LogEvent("test", "", "IsOptionalPrompt: " + field.IsOptionalPrompt, "Trace", null, false, false);
        MemoryStream memStream = (MemoryStream)rptDoc.ExportToStream(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat);
        Attachment data = new Attachment(memStream, MediaTypeNames.Application.Pdf);
        ContentDisposition disposition = data.ContentDisposition;
        disposition.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
        disposition.ModificationDate = DateTime.Now;
        disposition.FileName = strReportName + ".pdf";
        disposition.DispositionType = DispositionTypeNames.Attachment;
      catch (Exception ex)
        Logger.LogEvent("error", "Page_Load", strReportName + " Exception: " + ex.Message, "Trace", null, true, true);
      //  ...  do the rest of the stuff to create & send the e-mail
    (The rest of this message will be in the following post.  Sorry it is so long.)

  • Error Missing parameter values - I get this in 11g app server only

    Hi.. I had an application in JSP-Struts, previously on 10g app server.  I now migrated the code into 11g. 
    I get the error on CrystalViewer.jsp 
    Missing parameter values
    Steps that lead up to the error:
    The very first time anyone enters the application and clicks a submit button on the jsp, after entering data and/or picking from drop menus, the error shows up on a separate page (thrown by crystalViewer.jsp)
    When I get this error, and click the browsers back button, and simply click the submit button on the jsp screen again, the reports work fine (like they do in 10g).
    Tried the following:
    I used log4j and followed the data as it made its way from Struts to Crystal Factory.  But once it gets out of Struts, and forwards to Crystal, I receive the error from the CrystalViewer.jsp
    Next, I removed code in struts-action, that used crystal factory to 'set parameter', and didnt send any parameters, letting my crystal report bring back some random records.. And this works even the first submit!  So the problem is only when I have to send parameters to crystsl
    Additional info:
    I do not send any null values across, since I read on these forums that folks were having issues with setting nulls etc... I check for null and then force 'All' in the parameter if the user does not enter data or pick from the drop-down.
    I need help resolving this . Thanks and have a great day.
    (Are there any changes to be made to the Struts config, or any additions to Web.xml? Should Crystal reports be changed in anyway so they can function like they did in 10g?)

    The Crystal SDK doesn't know or care that you're using Struts. 
    The exception is stating you're not setting parameters. 
    So wherever you're trying to set parameters, whatever's reaching the viewer don't have them set.
    Why not trace the workflow to see what's where?
    Ted Ueda

  • Very strange error : IDOC to jdbc scenario

    I am getting a very strange error when I see the log for the idoc to jdbc scenario that I am building.
    The mapping test shows the header record and line item record properly in the mapping result.
    insert, access nodes, fields with access nodes are all formed correctly.
    However the communication channel log shows below error.
    Could not execute statement for table/stored proc. "tblTestItem" (structure "Item") due to com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Incorrect syntax near ')'.
    JDBC Message processing failed, due to Error processing request in sax parser: Error when executing statement for table/stored proc. 'tblTestItem' (structure 'Item'): com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Incorrect syntax near ')'.
    The message status was set to WAIT.
    The query that I see in the log is :INSERT INTO  tblTestItem () VALUES ()
    However mapping tool shows that all nodes are correctly formed.
    Please assist.

    I am still getting this issue even after the below steps so kind of stuck - actually very much stuck.
    1. Restart of the dev environment
    2. Tried with a new extension of the idoc
    In the communication channel log for the JDBC receiver channel I still see
    INSERT INTO tblItem () VALUES ()
    The payload that I see in the message content tab is as follows
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <ns0:MT_XXX_XXXX xmlns:ns0="http://capita.com/pi/XXXX">
    - <Statement>
    - <dbTableName action="INSERT">
    - <access>
    How do I debug the jdbc adapter to see how it converts the above xml output from the mapping step (note that this output is from an actual run and not test tool) to a sql query.
    Very strange that the column names are present in the target payload but it is not reflecting in the query.
    I have other tables being populated with the same jdbc receiver communication channel which makes this more and more confusing.

  • [Mysql-Connector] A very strange problem !

    Hi everybody!
    Ready to hear a strange story ?
    I have a weird problem to use the MySQL-connector under Linux (Debian).
    I have no problem in windows XP, all is working fine !
    But under Linux when I try to connect to mysql throught mysql-connector wrote in a Servlet I have this message :
    Message: Invalid authorization specification message from server: "Access denied for user 'root'@'monkinetwork' (using password: YES)"
    SQLState: 28000
    ErrorCode: 1045 Here the software I'm using :
    Tomcat 5.0.28
    MySQL-Connector version is : mysql-connector-java-3.0.15-ga-bin.jar
    JDK Version : 1_5_0_01. Servlet-Examples and JSP works fine! So I don't think the problem come from JDK.
    MySQL version : MySQL-SERVER-4.1.9-2 : All is working under console mode !
    Here's My Servlet TESt1.java:
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    public class TEST1 extends HttpServlet {
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException  {
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
       String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/HeroDB";
       String user = "root";
       String password = "password";
        out.println("<br> DRIVERS JDBC : OK!");
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,password);
        out.println("<br> Database connection : OK!");
    catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
             out.println("Error with JDBC Drivers !");
    catch(SQLException ex) {
            out.println("<br> ERROR MESSAGE <br>");
       while (ex != null) {
                    out.println("<br>Message: " + ex.getMessage ());
                    out.println("<br>SQLState: "  + ex.getSQLState ());
                    out.println("<br>ErrorCode: "  + ex.getErrorCode ());
                    ex = ex.getNextException();
    AND THE HTML PAGE in order to access to the Servlet :
    <TITLE>DataBase Test</TITLE>
    <H2 ALIGN="CENTER">DataBase TEST</H2>
    <FORM ACTION="http://localhost:8080/TEST1">
    Theses codes works very well under windows, but under linux system here what I've got :
    Message: Invalid authorization specification message from server: "Access denied for user 'root'@'monkinetwork' (using password: YES)"
    SQLState: 28000
    ErrorCode: 1045 Well, the web.xml file is well configured.
    Anyway : I already tried with class: org.gjt.mm.mysql.driver, but I have the same message error !
    By the way, it's very strange that I can play with MySQL under the terminal but not throught tomcat.
    Any suggestions please , because it's giving me a very hard time ! ?
    Thank you !

    MySQL does authentication based on usernames and hosts. See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/connection-access.html

  • "Missing parameter values."  --  Export and Print only...

    I have a web application and I am using CrystalReportViewer.  I am passing several parameters to Crystal using: 
    report.SetParameterValue(field.Name, Session[field.Name]);
    I have session variables which will hold parameters needed to pass into the report.  The session variables are populated from controls on my webpage after an onclick event.  This even not only populates session, but also passes parameters to the report with the following code: 
    ReportDocument report = new ReportDocument();
    Session["MapPathName"] = "./Reporting/CaseStudy.rpt";
    report.FileName = Server.MapPath(Session["MapPathName"].ToString());
    ParameterFields fields = new CrystalDecisions.Shared.ParameterFields();
    fields = report.ParameterFields;
    foreach (ParameterField field in fields)
          report.SetParameterValue(field.Name, Session[field.Name]);
    CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report;
    This works great for reporting and is very extensible.  However, when clicking on the "Print" or "Export" buttons on the toolbar I get "Missing parameter values."  I attempted to export manually in code using the .ExportToStream function but I still get the error, "Missing parameter values." 
    I received this error also in Refresh, Search, and Navigate functions.  This was corrected by calling a function that supplies the above code block to these functions.  However, I do not see any events for controlling the Print nor the Export events. 
    QUESTION: How can I print or export a report when passing parameters using CrystalReportViewer?  Thanks in advance!
    P.S. - Crystal Reports XI Release 2
    Edited by: KyleSavant on Jun 18, 2009 5:42 PM

    There are no Export or Print events accessible for the viewer
    Since it sounds like you are creating the reportdocument object in your click event, the settings on this object become out of scope on successive postbacks executed by other events.
    to get around this without major changes, you can place your "report" object in session in this event and retrieve it from session on successive postbacks.  This should solve your problems around navigation, printing and exporting.  What you will need to do is check if the session object exists (usually in page_load or page_initialze) and if so, retrieve it from session and bind it to the viewer's reportsource.  If the session object does not exist, then do nothing (ie you have not clicked your button yet that retrieves the parameter values from session and loads the report).  Also, in your click event you can check if the report session object exists and if so, remove it so that it can be re-created with your new parameter values (ie i'm assuming the only time you want to set parameter values is in this event).

  • Address Book behaves very strange

    Hello members and outside viewers,
    First thing: My Address Book behaves very strange.
    - After startup, the window freezes. Only if I minimize and click again, works OK. I began used to it, BUT
    - Since yesterday, Addresses gone, disappeared from every entry.
    - Under Preferences » Address Format is uneditable, it has "Item3" in it, unclickable drop down menu.
    - Under Preferences »Template » Add Field several options are grey: "Phone", "Email", "Related Names", "Instant Messaging", "Address".
    Please can you help me! I deleted both plist files from Preferences folder and deleted the whole folder under Application Support/AddressBook, also reinstalled Address Book from Leopard DVD, but nothing helped so far.
    Second thing: when I invoke Spotlight, and start typing after 2-3 seconds, it quits and also Dock unusable, restarts automatically. Spotlight is useless, it behaves every time like this. Spotlight in Finder windows are OK, system-wide menubar has this error. Also, it was suddenly gone wrong like Address Book. Can I think of some virus?
    P.S. (off topic), might helpful to share: very frustating, that registering to Discussions took me over an hour.
    - With Safari 4.03 the "Name" and "AppleID" are blank fields on "Create New User Account", therefore impossible to proceed. ( Error: invalid AppleID. Please login with a different AppleID )
    - With Firefox you can actually see them, but "?" instead of accounted letters.
    - After changing My Info, I finally realised that Apple ID should be complete e-mail address.
    - That means my "visionfresh" account is totally different from "[email protected]" (or me.com, whatever..)
    - Not to mention that I created a new Apple ID, that was also not working.
    - Bottom line: my "[email protected]" account is working also in Safari after editing my Name (replace accented characters), but I could not proceed with the nickname "visionfresh", I chose "matyashuszar".

    {quote:title=Console.App shows this when starting Address Book}
    2009.09.03. 18:45:48 Mail[228] SyncServices[ISyncSessionDriver]: Caught top level exception: I/O error for database at /Users/matyashuszar/Library/Mail/AvailableFeeds. SQLite error code:1, 'SQL logic error or missing database' Stack trace: (0x91ffcfeb 0x966c4e3b 0x92071f1a 0x920713f8 0x9206d18b 0x920a2e40 0x92097c2d 0x920977da 0x92077001 0x38767c 0x38758d 0x38751a 0x92061302 0x920a7260 0x920a6ad4 0x920a67ff 0x920633c8 0x92062f99 0x92061ea0 0x387303 0x38748e 0x1627da55 0x94ddd1e8 0x94dc923d 0x94e632cb 0x904d1dfd 0x904d19a4 0x95d56155 0x95d56012)
    2009.09.03. 18:51:27 Address Book[6144] -[ABAddressBook setDefaultCountryCode:] called with unknown country code 'us'
    2009.09.03. 18:51:27 Address Book[6144] NSScanner: nil string argument
    2009.09.03. 18:51:27 Address Book[6144] * -[NSCFArray insertObject:atIndex:]: attempt to insert nil
    Please help what to to do!

  • Error Missing Parameter Values

    I am very inexperinced in VB and ASP.Net.
    That being said I have used forums and tutorials to develop the code below.
    In the code I have hard coded some values to be passed to the report for testing...see num_inv and ser_inv.
    When I run the code I get an error "Missing Parameter Values".
    If I remove the lines that setparamervalues and turn on the enableparamaterpromt the report works fine and I can manually enter the values and see my completed report.
    More Details...
    The Crystal Report uses an ODBC connection to a SQL Server.  I am only using one view to feed the report and there are no subreports.  I am buidling the web app in VS2010 with the crystal reports version for VS2010 installed.
    Dorry if I didn't give enough information...I don't know what else is relavant.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
        Private Const PARAMETER_FIELD_NAME_1 As String = "Invoice"
        Private Const PARAMETER_FIELD_NAME_2 As String = "Serial"
        Private Sub WebForm2_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
        End Sub
        Private InvoiceReport As ReportDocument
    Private Sub ConfigureCrystalReports()
            Dim num_inv As Integer
            Dim num_ser As Integer
            num_inv = 880822
            num_ser = 1
            InvoiceReport = New ReportDocument()
            Dim reportPath As String = Server.MapPath("S36 Invoice.rpt")
            InvoiceReport.SetParameterValue(PARAMETER_FIELD_NAME_1, num_inv)
            InvoiceReport.SetParameterValue(PARAMETER_FIELD_NAME_2, num_ser)
            CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = reportPath
        End Sub

    I would start by enabling the parameter prompt and passing the parameters in code.  You will only be prompted for the parameters that did not receive an acceptable value.  This will let you see if your code to set the values is working for one or neither of your parameters.  Calling the setparametervalues method will not return an error if the value isn't accepted. 
    Also, make sure your datatype is the same as defined in the report, and make sure you have no differences in the parameter names.  Note, if the parameters are automatically created in the report because they came from a stored procedure, you need to include the @ symbol in the name as you see in the designer.

  • "Missing parameter values." Error when setting record selection formula

    Setup - VS 2008, CR 2008 (v12.0), Win XP & C#.Net
    I have a form which loops through all parameters (non-linked to sub reports, so only off the main report) and allows users to enter the values for each parameter. When hitting the preview button, I loop through all of the saved values, set the parameter field values and then add any additional filters into the recordselection formula as below. The problem i'm having is that the ReportDocument.HasRecords returns true if the ReportDocument.RecordSelectionFormula doesn't filter out every result.
    For example, I have a list of customers and if I set the selection formula to filter out a specific customer, ReportDocument.HasRecors returns true, if I set the selection formula to filter something that doesn't exist i.e. customer "xk39df", the moment this line of code runs "ReportDocument.RecordSelectionFormula = rsFormula;" - ReportDocument.HasRecors returns the following exception as opposed to "False".
    Message: Missing parameter values.
    Source: CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataSetConversion
    StackTrace:    at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ConvertDotNetToErom.ThrowDotNetException(Exception e)
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.hasRecords()
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.get_HasRecords()
    ErrorID: MissingParameterFieldCurrentValue
    The strange thing is, it works fine if the recordselectionformula selects a record which exists in the results - all parameters have a current value except for the linked parameters.
    This one has got me stumped!
    foreach (ParameterFieldDefinition parameterField in ReportDocument.DataDefinition.ParameterFields)
                    var query = ReportObjects.Values.Cast<Filters>().Where(objects => objects.ParameterName == parameterField.Name.ToUpper().Trim());
                    foreach (var item in query)
                        parameterField.ApplyMinMaxValues(item.MinLength, item.MaxLengh);
                var records = ReportObjects.Values.Cast<Filters>().Where(recordSelection => recordSelection.RecordSelectionFormula.Trim().Length != 0);
                foreach (var item in records)
                    rsFormula += item.RecordSelectionFormula;
                if (rsFormula.EndsWith(" AND "))
                    rsFormula = rsFormula.RTrim(5);
                ReportDocument.RecordSelectionFormula = rsFormula;

    The report has it's own ADO Datasource set in crystal reports, so I just pass the log on information to the report object before doing anything else.
    this.DataSourceConnections[0].SetConnection("ServerName", "Database", "sa", "Password");
    I then do a refresh before applying the parameter values (I do this because the user can preview the report more than one time by using a preview button on the parameter form without re-loading the report object)
    Then I set all parameter values followed by setting the recordselection formula.

  • Missing Parameter Values CR2008 Optional Parameter

    I am getting "Missing Parameter Values" error
    "CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ParameterFieldCurrentValueException: Fehlende Parameterwerte. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8004100E)"
    if I try to export a Report with an optional Parameter without setting the parametervalue.
    The Report works fine with ReportViewer.
    If I uncomment the "Parameterpart" and set a parametervalue it works fine, but it should works without a parametervalue too, its optional.
    I have tried many for a long time and read many Websites but it does not work !
    I use WinXP SP2 CR2008 with C# .NET 2.0 VS2005
    CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.dll version 12.0.2000.683 Date: 2008-03-01
    CrystalDecisions.Shared.dll version 12.0.2000.683 Date: 2008-03-01
    Sorry my English is very Bad !
    Thanks a lot!
    ExportFormatType ExportType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                ReportDocument RD = new ReportDocument();
                string strServer = "<ServerName>";
                string strDB = "<DBName>";
                string strUser = "<UserID>";
                string strPW = "<PW>";
                RD.SetDatabaseLogon(strUser, strPW, strServer, strDB);
                //ParameterFieldDefinitions crParameterFieldDefinitions = RD.DataDefinition.ParameterFields;
                //ParameterFieldDefinition crParameter1 = crParameterFieldDefinitions[0];
                //ParameterValues crParameter1Values = crParameter1.CurrentValues;
                //ParameterDiscreteValue crDiscrete1Value = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
                //crDiscrete1Value.Value = "GER";
                RD.ExportToDisk(ExportType, "C:\\Test2.pdf");
    RecordSelectionFormula in Report:
    (not HasValue({?Land}) OR {tab.location_code} = {?Land}) and
    {tab.sup} = "XXX" and
    {tab.Accounting_Period} = "200801"

    You need to be careful when using optional parameters. If you are using the optional parameter in a record selection formula you'll need to check and make sure it has a value before you use it. There is a function call HasValue() that you can use to do this.
    If you have an optional parameter in the record selection formula and you don't pass a value you'll need to make sure your selection formula can be completed with out it.
    This is an excerpt from our help file.
    Crystal Reports supports optional parameters. An optional parameter is a prompted value that does not have to be supplied by the user.
    Report designers should provide some guidance to the end user that a parameter is optional by adding this information to the prompt text.
    Optional parameters are treated by Crystal Reports as optional anywhere within the report that they are used. You cannot set one instance of the parameter to optional and another to mandatory.
    Note: After you set a parameter to optional, if you use the Select Expert, the system will automatically add the selection formula for you using the HasValue() function.
    The Formula Workshop Editor does not automatically add the formula. Only the Select Expert automatically adds the formula for you.
    If you change the parameter from optional to mandatory, the HasValue() function is not automatically removed from your formula.
    Handling a parameter with no value
    When the report engine evaluates any formula which references an optional parameter that does not have a value, it generates a runtime error. All formulas that reference an optional parameter should first use the HasValue() function to check if that parameter has a value before evaluating it. This includes record selection formulas and saved data formulas.
    Note: The system will not automatically drop a statement from the SQL WHERE clause. It is the report designeru2019s responsibility to decide which statement to leave out based on HasValue() testing.

  • Address Book entries have very strange appearance

    Since updating to Leopard, my Address Book entries have a very strange appearance. When I copy and paste them the info is correct, but in the Address Book right-hand window the name (first and last) appears like gobbledigook, as if it was a strange font that is almost like mathematical equations
    With my utmost thanks in advance (as ever) if anyone has the answer to this weird problem
    Kind Regards

    Thanks a million for taking the trouble to respond Ashka.
    I was only reminded of the problem when I opened a web page and saw a similar effect on a couple of lines as I had in my Address Book and having discovered your response, I followed your instructions and on scanning through my fonts, I also turned off "Helvetica Fractions" (as the gobbledigook looked as if it might be fractions). One of these actions seems to have done the trick.
    Whilst looking for a particular font a while back, I ended up downloading absolutely hundreds, but it wasn't until I foolishly installed them all that I realised what a mistake I had made, as Word wouldn't even open, as it couldn't cope with the number of fonts. So I had to keep deleting fonts until Word was happy and even now, I still have far too many fonts. I kid myself that I like having so much to choose from, but truth is I am never going to use 90 per cent of them. Moreover, having discovered this problem, I wonder if there are any others in there that are going to cause me problems in the future?
    Again, can't thank you enough for your trouble
    Best Regards

  • Very strange Popup - can't get rid of it

    I've been getting a very strange popup lately when I go to certain sites and I can't get rid of it. It's an advertising thing that thinks for some reason that I live in Oakland (which i don't but is nearby). I also noticed that on certain websites now autofill puts in Oakland and some sites say i am logging in from Oakland.
    The popup looks like an XP window but is messed up and the text hangs over the edge of the box. It bounces around in the middle of my screen and makes accessing anything under it impossible.
    I have cleared cookies, cache and history. I have pop block on. This happens in Safari and in Firefox. I can send a screen shot but can't seem to paste one here.
    If I have accidentally gotten some adware installed, how can I find and get rid of it???
    Any help would be hugely appreciated!

    Thanks for the quick response. I pretty much always get it at this site:
    A friend just tried the site too and said he gets the same popup but with an advert for Seattle (where he does live), so perhaps this isn't something installed on my computer after all... it is super annoying, though, so i'll give that program a try. do you have any other thoughts?

Maybe you are looking for

  • KM Doc Iviews do not display while using the FQDN

    Hi All, We have recently migrated the data from EP 6.0 server to EP 7.0 server. We have External Facing Portal sites in Arabic, English and French. When I use the FQDN to access the arabic sites it fails to display the KM doc Iviews. This works fine

  • Non-compatible message problem

    im having a problem with the non-compatible message, keep getting it with nothing attached to it and since that i cant hear music with the speaker , i cant even hear the keyboard clicks or YouTube video sound, volume is all the way up, speaker does w

  • HT1766 how to transfer app from computer to iphone?

    hw to transfer app from computer to iphone?? please help me!

  • XiSecurityRuntimePermission

    Attempting to apply message level security and encryption to an XI configuration for invocation of an external web services. Configuration for certificates and encryption has been completed, but we get the following error when testing the interface:

  • Calculation Script-Prob

    Hi all, MtoT/Msales/MMKTG accocunts members there is no members formulas.But Shared members is there .is there any problem? SET MSG Summary; SET CACHE HIGH; SET UPDATECALC OFF; SET CALCPARALLEL 3; /*Clear Section PLRTNYR Final Version Oct to Dec*/ FI