Mission Control lagging? Use xbench!

What worked for me to fix mission control lagging (after upgrading from SL) was to run the xbench graphics test a few times. That's it. It worked perfectly!
get it here: http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/10081/xbench

Thanks so much for sharing this. This issue started more than a year ago. I looked for solutions everywhere but never found anything that worked and finally gave up. Never used Mission Control anymore after that.
A few days ago I got a new MBP and after migrating my apps and data from my old Mac, the issue with Mission Control also migrated to my new laptop.
This solved my problem in my old mac as well as in my new MBP.
Thank you!

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    I figured it out.  ^1 typed from the number keys is not equivalent to ^1 typed from the numeric keypad.  So, when you go into system prefs / keyboard / shortcuts / mission control, it may LOOK the same, but it is not.  You simply have to select each of your spaces and change them to ^1, ^2, ^3, etc., using the NUMERIC keypad.  It will look the same to you, but it will work properly after that.

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    Thanks in advance!

    This only seems to be a temporary state. If you quit the app you're back to square one - it will not relaunch in the same desktop so you have to go to mission control and reorganise again. In spaces on 10.6 one could assign apps to a certain space and they'd stay there.
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    Used to using command ~ to cycle through open app windows but this doesn't work when they're on separate desktops.

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    [Edit: Ok, so I started trying with other apps and it turns that every time I drag and drop any file to a fullscreen app in mission control and use the space key to open it, I get a similar behavior. I did it in Scrivener and it resulted in photoshop and itunes opening,  Scrivener vanished and but left an empty (like dashboard's) desktop.]
    Message was edited by: iGuybrush

    Thanks for your reply.
    >>Running bootcamped Win7, yes power consumption is more, a lot more,....indications are no.
    Sorry, can you clarify on this one - do you mean the power consumption is more DURING the use of Windows, or ALL of the time (even when using the Mac as normal with OSX).... also what did you mean by indications?
    >>From the parameters of what you say your use would be, Id recommend the I5 with 8gig of ram. the 12 hour >>batt. life is only rated for the 13" on the I5, ....not the I7.   
    Sounds like my first guess was about right - and good point about the battery life - as that is something that's quite important to me!
    >>The "switch" is extremely easy. Ive seen grandmothers switch to a MAC and have its 'everyday use' >>conquered in under a week. So, you should have no worries, its extremely user friendly, no worries of virus, >>etc.
    Glad to hear I've done more research and already seen a few features I can see myself preferring a lot more to the Windows system!
    >>As a former computer repairman, Ive owned nearly 200 diff. laptops (many were free, or Franken-computers >>built from parts) and I can honestly say the Macbook AIR is the finest piece of beloved hardware Ive ever >>owned by a mile.
    >>Many people incorrectly see the THIN nature of the Air and incorrectly conjecture its "less than" a full laptop, >>but the contrary is the case.
    Nah, I don't associate size with performance - especially these days, everything is getting smaller. My concerns are really just about whether to upgrade for extra performance, and using the OS - once I have those nailed I am pretty cofident the hardware will perform well.
    >>Additionally the AIR is the only Mac that has 802AC wifi, new Haswell cool-running processor, and extremely >>long 12 Hr. batt life on the I5 13" configuration.
    Yeah that battery life is one of the big sellers
    Cheers for the tips,

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    It's almost certainly too late.
    The time to create a backup is before a catastrophe.  After a catastrophe, it's too late.

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    As long as your Office for Mac is 2011, you will have no problems using the programs.  If it is the Office for Mac 2008 version, there have been some mixed reviews.  2004 will not work at all.
    I have the 2011 version and have not had any problems since upgrading to Lion.

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    I've been encountering the exact same problem! that was my favourite multi-touch gesture of all, which improved the productivity greatly. The only workaround for me is to assign hot-corners to mission control and drag files i want to the corners, but I really hope there's an explanation for this because i would really like that feature to be back

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    Made the same post. No one responded, it seems that there are not many users interested in this change for the worse. I'm braking my fingers here trying to move files from mail to desktop... Lousy move Apple, but considering the fact that people are not making a fuss about it it could be that there's something wrong with us .

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    I use two monitors at work and have no issue. I have my mail set to use Desktop 1 and iTunes set to the second monitor of Desktop 1. I have browsers set to Desktop 2 and Fusion and RDC set to Desktop 3.
    Two things that may help you. In System Preferences > Mission Control, disable the setting "Automatically rearrange spaces...". This screwed with assigning applications to certain spaces. And the other thing is don't use full screen on apps that support it. This just makes your second monitor superfluous.

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    Mission Control is just one way someone can navigate their mac.
    I personally never use it.
    There are plenty of application for using your mac, but there are a lot of built in shortcuts you can make for it too.
    If you did, sort of want to use mission control, but don't have a touch sensitive device to bring it up, you can do a couple of things that the mac already is capable of doing without having to purchase anything new or download a third party app.
    1. Hot Corners.
    Hot corners are a way to access some of the most important tasks for your computer. you can set hot corners in System Preferences>Mission Control then click "Hot Corners" button on the bottom left of the window and the settings will slide down and look like this. Choose the pulldown menu for whichever corner you want mission control to be in and then move your mouse cursor to that corner. As you can see there are other options for hot corners to help you better control and customize your machine.
    2. Spotlight.
    spotlight is a powerful tool and is often times overlooked by novices.
    hit cmd and space bar at the same time (cmd+spacebar) and up pops a search box in the upper right corner of your screen. start typing an application or a file you want to be opened. spotlight automagically begins guessing what you're searcing for.
    I use spotlight a lot and it keeps my desktop very clean of anything that I'm not working on or with.
    if the first selection in the list is what you wanted you can hit enter. Sometimes all I need to do is type in a few letters and then "enter" and the application is loading up in no time. It also bring open apps to the front.
    3. Keyboard Shortcuts
    there is a way to make your keyboard's Function keys act as "hotspots" as well.
    go to system preferences>keyboard and you can set your own keyboard shortcuts or see the ones that are preset in OSX. These are here to help you navigate your mac faster.
    Another keyboard shortcut I like is cmd+tab. if you hold down the command key, and you tap on the Tab key, a thing called "Application Switcher" appears. This lets you see what is open and also lets you select which one you want to come to the forefront. you can continue to hold the command key down after hitting tab to use your cursor to select the application or continually hit tab with the command key down until it is highlighting the app you want.
    Not completely sure what you wanted or didn't want mission control for or what alternatives you wanted to know but here are a few that will make your workflow fast and you, one step closer to being a power user.

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    Stickies used to move to any desktop with mission control. Now it only stays on 1 screen. Floating is enabled. Any solutions?

    Take the MBP to an Apple store genius bar and have them evaluate it.  This is a free service.  They may tell you what needs to be fixed and the associated costs.  You are no obligated to to have them perform the repairs.  But you will have a better understanding of the problem(s).

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