Mixed Feelings About Apple iPad Case

I like the Apple case except when the cover is completely open and saddled to the back. Makes it a bit thick to hold. SOme guy at the store bought a leather case, think it was made by Belkin and I thought it was terrible. Add a lot of thickness to the iPad when fully opened. Seem like almost everyone I saw at the Apple store in Manhattan was buying the Apple one. How are you guys liking it that bought one?

I love the apple case.. I was (and still am) eager to get a really nice premium leather case but after enjoying the apple case i realized there is one MUST have feature for any case... Without it my iphone isn't really useable....
I am referring to the ability to "fold" such that the case provides for an angled stand to type on. Having used the iphone (and loving it!!) for the past few days i realized its basically (for me at least) impossible to type on if its laying flat. Well, okay, its technically possible... But it is so so so much easier and more enjoy and... well.. functional to be typing on an angle. When not on an angle the tops of my hands visually hang in front of most of the non-keyboard screen and the viewing angle of the screen isn't quite as sharp..
So thats my advice... I love love love VAJA cases and can't wait for them to have something at gets me excited... But having used the ipad for a few days straight now i realize that a case that provides for an angled typing option is an absolute necessity,,,

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    It's simply not meant to be used that way
    Yes it is designed & meant to be used that way. But also, yes, it is not very stable.
    -> Apple iPad Case
    "Folds horizontally or vertically to hold iPad at an angle for viewing video or typing on the onscreen keyboard"

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    Use a very mild soap, ivory or neutrogena for example, lightly dabbed on to a wet but ringed out towel and simply wipe it down and then wipe it again with just a wet towel and towel dry it and it should look like new.
    For simple dust just blow or lightly brush it off. I've only wet cleaned it a couple of times so far. Mostly all you need to do is blow or wipe the dust off for it to look like new.
    It's actually quite easy to keep the Apple case clean, unlike what some people claim. The material it is made of is quite durable. It's an excellent case.

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    Easiest way I know:
    A. Open up the 'locking flap'.
    B. Using thumb & fingers,peel the cover's right edge, along right side of the iPad, out and down to expose the side of the iPad.
    C. Holding case with fingertips, gently start pressing the iPad out using your thumbs. Work gently, using even pressure, and it slides right out.

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    I am not affiliated with Best Buy nor have I ever been employed by Best Buy. All of my thoughts and posts are of my own opinion and personal experience.
    I may not always know the right answer, but I will always tell you what I do know. I also do free computer analysis and consultation via private message.

    ZacharyW70 wrote:
    Bear in mind as of yet the Xperia Z2 isn't out in the US and rumors are currently saying May release dates. Personally I'm planning to grab a Note 3 once BB puts it up at $199 again (Missed a Weekend sale) so if you can't wait a couple of months that may be a good route to go.
    There's also the LG G2 which got high praise and is currently free with contract for most carriers, that screen size is 5.2" compared to the Galaxy Note 3 at 5.7" although personally I think the Note 3 would be better software wise.
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    Thanks for the feedback! I have been following this thread thus far and I will be continuing to do so. 
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    I am not affiliated with Best Buy nor have I ever been employed by Best Buy. All of my thoughts and posts are of my own opinion and personal experience.
    I may not always know the right answer, but I will always tell you what I do know. I also do free computer analysis and consultation via private message.

  • IPad Case

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    I returned mine..I exchanged it for a belkin silicone case (clear)
    First off before you buy a case ask yourself these questions
    Do i need a case that will help me type?
    Do i need a case that does not hide the ipads curves?
    Do i need a case and a small bag for travel?
    Do i need a case that can also cover the screen?
    Do i have the time to clean at least once a week the case and e screen?
    Do i need a case that fits perfectly?
    Do i like to pimp up my ipad like putting skins ?
    1. If you want a case that will help you type, the apple ipad case has different functions and you can use it to that advantage especially on a flat surface unlike the belkin silicone case
    But when it comes to typing when you are on a coach or on your bed i can say that both apple case and belkin are at par
    2. The apple case is black and it covers everything the ipad has ( a nice silver finish at the back, curves etc.)
    While the belkin silicone clear case shows it off
    Its like choosing a classic black dress over bikini vice versa
    3. Some people brings there ipad when travelling and i tell you, you STILL need a good netbook bag/sleeve for your ipad even if it is in a apple case. The apple case is not that durable for the to be safe in your bag
    4. Yes the apple case covers the screen BUT it still cant protect your ipad from your fingers and that also goes to the belkin case
    Solution? Get a screen protector
    5. One of the main reason why i returned the apple case coz it gets dirty FAST and very hard to remove i dont have the time to clean the screen of my ipad better yet the case, so i returned it.
    6. Apple ipad case fits okay but not that great compared to the belkin silicone case
    7. One of the best features of a belkin clear case is that you can buy a wide variety of skins for your ipad like in gelaskin or musicskin and you can still put the ipad on your silicone case. Really eye catchy when your using your ipad on a public place and it adds personality too

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  • The iPad Case Thread

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    I'll go first:
    I decided that I didn't want a portfolio type...I prefer my iPad "naked" in my hands. To protect it, I used the Bodyguardz front/back/sides protector. The back give me just enough grip to reduce the slipperyness of the iPad. For a case, bought the Waterfield Designs Slip Case (sfbags.com). It is a snug fit, nicely lined with a plastic "shield" built in to prevent damage to the screen. If provides great protection and can slip into a brief case, shoulder bag, etc. I'm very happy with it...it's well made and great customer service. In addition, their site shows videos of each bag so you can seen them in action.
    Anyone else buy a case they like/dislike? Let's hear it....

    I think the problem with the iPad accessories in general is A) the lack of hands -n availability of the cases and B) Not knowing how to treat the iPad and C) the size of the unit requires more raw material and thus higher prices and probably less profit margin. Its not a phone, not a touch, not a notebook, not a tablet pc.......its a hybrid of its own. I don't even think the manufacturers of these cases are hip to what the case should be like. Thats going to take some time in my opinion.
    _*CASE MATE:*_
    I tried the "Gelli" Case from Case-Mate for $39.99 with free shipping from case-mate.com. Its one of the most attractive case I have seen but it didnt improve the feel of the iPad in my hands. It was almost an extension of the slippery feel of the naked iPad. I kept it for 3 weeks to really make sure I didnt like it. And its not so much that I didnt like it, but I also didnt love it. I have returned it for a refund. Again, its a well made and attractive case, its just not for me. I WISH they would make a Barely-There line for the iPad as I have them for my iPod Touch.
    +CASE-MATE LINK+ - http://www.case-mate.com/Apple-iPad-Cases/Case-Mate-iPad-Gelli-Kaleidoscope-Case s.asp
    I also ordered a leather folio from HD ACCESSORY.com for $29.95 plsu $8.00 shipping. My hopes were to have a leather carry case for meetings and the like. I looked at the apple case, the other cases from incase and the like, but each one had a "fatal flaw" of one kind or another for me. So I ordered the leather folio from HDA as mentioned above. It arrived last weekend and was a disappointment. The "straps" wouldnt hold the iPad in place, and there was glue on the inside "suede" lining, very unprofessional. I have since shipped it back and am hoping for a full refund.
    +HDACCESSORY LINK+ - http://www.hdaccessory.com/servlet/the-3109/Apple-iPad-W-dsh-Fi-WiFi/Detail
    Last weekend I was at Best Buy and found a Belkin "Grip Swell" (cute name) and purchased it for $49.99 + tax (yikes!). Its soft and "grippy" , perhaps not quite as "grippy" as I would prefer, but I still like the case. It improves the experience of the iPad as a case should. I have opted to keep it despite the high cost of the unit.
    +BELKIN LINK+: http://belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Product_Id=509996
    *_INCASE SLEEVE:_* I looked at this one in Best Buy but at $39.95 (I passed on it). That said, its extremely well made and the material inside the unit is SO SOFT. I ended up ordering an InCase Netbook Sleeve (INCL57365) which will fit the iPad for $22.20 dollars shipped from B+H Camera. It should arrive any day now.
    +INCASE LINK+: http://goincase.com/products/detail/neoprene-sleeve-plus-cl57474
    CASE LOGIC NETBOOK ESLING: I saw a YouTube review for this a week or so ago. Its a nice netbook carry bag that retails for $34.99 or higher. I got it at my local Best Buy for $7.99 (I think they are closing it out for the new model). What a steal!
    +Case Logic YouTube Link+ - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hIyk1I2Ieg
    I also looked at the following cases:
    *Apple Case* - This was the first case I considered, but I have seen more negative than positive reviews on it. Seems awkward to me.
    *InCase Convertible Book Jacket* - Not sure all that FOLDING of the case would be good long term.
    *Marware Eco Flip* - I felt the hand-sleeve would end up getting too loose. I wonder how well the stand works as well.
    In closing, my DREAM case would be something like a leather folio with the ability to have a SKIN case (like the Belkin) while using the folio.
    Hope this helps someone.

  • Apple's iPad case - How to get iPad out of?!?

    As snug as the case is, once an iPad is in Apple's iPad case, I can't seem to get it out of the case! Is there a simple trick to getting the iPad out of Apple's case?

    Profinite wrote:
    As snug as the case is, once an iPad is in Apple's iPad case, I can't seem to get it out of the case! Is there a simple trick to getting the iPad out of Apple's case?
    First open the flap holding it in.
    Then, with the front cover open and away from you (iPad is face up and the right edge is toward you) pull the edge of the case that is facing you toward you about 1/4 inch until it drops over the edge of the iPad.
    Then, use both thumbs to push on the iPad while using the fingers of both hands to hold the edge.
    After it has moved about 1/2 inch release the edges, grab the outer edge with your off hand (left if you are right handed) using your left thumb and forefinger and use the thumb of the other hand to push the iPad out and away from you. Try to keep the thumb in the center of the iPad so it doesn't bind.
    After doing this a couple of times you will get to where you can remove even a tightly bound iPad in about three seconds.

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    Excuse me apple I had the police nock on my door about an iPad that was located at our house and the owner lost the iPad in-between bowral nsw and Sydney can you please fix the app (Find My IPhone) so that person can find their iPad coz the police would of taken mine if I did not show proof of purchase

    You are not communicating with Apple by posting here. Everyone here is just a fellow user and cannot fix anything.
    The Find My iPad service may have indeed been accurate to the limits of the technology. Unless the iPad was a 3G unit, location is determined based on the nearest WiFi router which in your case could just happened to have been yours. The police may be the ones who need to "fix" their understanding of how the technology works and its limitations.
    If you want to provide feedback to Apple on the matter, you can do so via their feedback pages:
    but to be of any good you'll have to provide them with more precise details.

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    to fix this problem.
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    Tee Man wrote:
    On the TV news was a report about Apple iPhones and iPads  were unsecure.  Has apple adressed this? What does apple recommend?
    to fix this problem.
    The latest version of iOS (7.0.6) fixes the problem. Update your phone if you're not already running 7.0.6.
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    No. That has nothing to do with it. That's called "spam".

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    The biggest issue between the 1 and 2 is that all devices eventually age out of software updates. For example the iPad 1 maxed out at iOS 5.1.1, only the Touch 5 was eligible for iOS8 and I think only iPhones 4+ could get iOS8. So eventually, if you get a 1 you may face maxing out of the iOS updates before the two.
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    And if the 1 is more stable than the 2, even better. I've been very lucky with my iPad 2 to have it be a very stable and dependable model while later models do seem to have had issues.

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