Mkinitcpio err: command not found [solved]

I rebuilt fbsplash yesterday and get this error when running 'mkinitcpio -p kernel26'
-> Parsing hook: [fbsplash]
/lib/initcpio/install/fbsplash: line 90: err: command not found
Line 90 reads
err "Theme invalid or not found: '$theme'"
The maintainer of fbsplash reported that 'err' is a function in /lib/initcpio/init_functions which is part of the package mkinitcpio.
However looking through the other scripts in /lib/initcpio/install/ this is the only one which uses this command and thus the only one producing the error.
Is it not valid?
Last edited by subatomic (2011-07-13 08:51:42)

falconindy wrote:
Mr.Elendig wrote:Maybe he haven't updated it for the latest release of mkinitcpio
This. The 'err' function no longer exists. … 88108eb385
Yes, I have updated to the latest release of mkinitcpio in [core]. It's 0.7.2-1. And the function 'err' is still in /lib/initcpio/init_functions which is part of mkinitcpio 0.7.2-1 and used by the file /lib/initcpio/init, the hook 'net' which is also included in mkinitcpio 0.7.2-1 and by the hook 'encrypt' which is part of cryptsetup 1.3.1-2.
Just run:
grep -Rw err /lib/initcpio
And I didn't get the 'command not found' error. Nevertheless I have replaced the 'err' calls by 'error' calls in the fbsplash hook.
Btw., is there a documentation about the mkinitcpio API?

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    and when I run # virtualbox, error:
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    wiki write: "Note: You may need to update the kernel modules db in order to avoid 'no such file or directory' error when loading vboxdrv. Run: modprobed_db."
    but result:
    "# modprobed_db
    bash: modprobed_db: command not found
    Last edited by lqs (2012-07-27 09:00:44)

    modprobed_db can be found in the AUR. It collects all modules which have ever been loaded on your system. It's very practical if you compile a custom kernel and only want to include the modules you need.
    I think this doesn't solve your problem. Your system is missing the file /usr/lib/ Do you have [testing] enabled? If so, do you also have [community-testing] enabled? I'll need more input to be able to help properly.

  • Command not found (Solved)

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    Last edited by lilsirecho (2010-03-05 22:22:42)

    Tomk:  This is the pkgbuild......  Just now got Brisbin post...Line 40 is the present problem..expect more so I am not surprised!
    # $Id: PKGBUILD 70793 2010-03-01 11:33:16Z giovanni $
    # Maintainer: Giovanni Scafora <[email protected]>
    # Contributor: Sarah Hay <[email protected]>
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    makedepends=('a52dec' 'fluidsynth' 'libmtp' 'libdvbpsi' 'lirc-utils'
    'libdca' 'qt' 'libproxy' 'sdl_image' 'libdvdnav' 'mesa'
    'lua' 'libv4l' 'libcddb' 'smbclient' 'libmatroska' 'zvbi'
    'taglib' 'sysfsutils' 'libmpcdec' 'hal' 'ffmpeg'
    'libshout' 'libmad' 'fribidi' 'libmpeg2' 'libmodplug'
    'avahi' 'ttf-freefont' 'libxv' 'libass' 'xdg-utils' 'libxpm'
    'xulrunner>=1.9.2' 'pkgconfig' 'live-media' 'libnotify' 'libcdio')
    build() {
    cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
    patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/libpng-1.4.patch || return 1
    patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/vlc-1.0.4-new-xulrunner.patch || return 1
    sed -i -e 's:truetype/freefont:TTF:g' modules/misc/freetype.c
    [ "${CARCH}" = "i686" ] && EXTRAFEATURES="--enable-loader --enable-live555 --with-live555-tree=/usr/lib/live"
    [ "${CARCH}" = "x86_64" ] && EXTRAFEATURES="--enable-fast-install --enable-live555 --with-live555-tree=/usr/lib/live"
    ./configure --prefix=/usr \
    --enable-libass \
    --enable-dvdread \
    --enable-jack \
    --enable-dvdnav \
    --disable-rpath \
    --enable-zvbi \
    --enable-qt4 \
    --enable-faad \
    --enable-alsa \
    --enable-skins2 \
    --enable-dvb \
    --enable-v4l \
    --enable-theora \
    --enable-flac \
    --enable-snapshot \
    --enable-hal \
    --enable-dbus \
    --enable-ogg \
    --enable-dbus-control \
    --enable-shared \
    --enable-nls \
    --enable-lirc \
    --enable-shout \
    --enable-pvr \
    --enable-ncurses \
    --enable-mozilla \
    --enable-release \
    --program-suffix= \
    --enable-realrtsp ${EXTRAFEATURES} || return 1
    make || return 1
    package_vlc() {
    pkgdesc="A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player"
    depends=('a52dec' 'fluidsynth' 'libmtp' 'libdvbpsi' 'libcdio'
    'libdca' 'qt' 'libproxy' 'sdl_image' 'libdvdnav' 'mesa'
    'lua' 'libv4l' 'libcddb' 'smbclient' 'libmatroska' 'zvbi'
    'taglib' 'sysfsutils' 'libmpcdec' 'hal' 'ffmpeg'
    'libshout' 'libmad' 'fribidi' 'libmpeg2' 'libmodplug'
    'avahi' 'ttf-freefont' 'libxv' 'libass' 'xdg-utils')
    optdepends=('libnotify: for notification plugin'
    'ncurses: for ncurses interface support'
    'libdvdcss: for decoding encrypted DVDs'
    'lirc-utils: for lirc plugin')
    cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
    make DESTDIR=${pkgdir}/ install || return 1
    for res in 16 32 48 128; do
    install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/vlc-${pkgver}/share/vlc${res}x${res}.png \
    ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${res}x${res}/apps/vlc.png || return 1
    rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/mozilla
    package_vlc-plugin() {
    pkgdesc="VLC mozilla browser plugin"
    depends=("${pkgbase}=${pkgver}" 'nspr')
    cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
    install -Dm755 projects/mozilla/.libs/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ || return 1

  • Systemctl reboot -vs- reboot ... command not found [SOLVED]

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    systemctl reboot
    On some more recent Arch installs, I noticed the "reboot" rather than "systemctl reboot" command worked. I was curious, but not enough to check out as to why until today. 
    Come to find out the core repo package systemd-sysvcompat was not installed and was the culprit. I have been using the following appended on the kernel line.
    # (0) Arch Linux
    title  Arch Linux "systemd"
    root   (hd0,5)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz-linux root=/dev/sda6 init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd ro
    initrd /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    I removed "init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" after installing systemd-sysvcompat to restore the "reboot" command function.
    Just passing this on in case anyone else cares or has noticed....

    Yeah, the systemd-sysvcompat package is built from the actualy sytemd PKGBUILD.  But those symlinks were separated out to facilitate the ability for users to choose whether or not they want to have systemd as well as another init system on their machines.  I imagine this was originally because there was the move from SysV initscripts, which required that systemd be moved to in a couple of steps, hence the required ability to have both on your system simutaneously.  So ultimately, they are intended by upstream to be a part of the systemd package... no actual removal here.

  • -bash: iwconfig: command not found[SOLVED]

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    Last edited by Crouton351 (2010-07-19 04:38:39)

    > Did I not install the wireless tools?
    And just how can I know that?

  • [SOLVED]mkinitcpio command not found!??

    Hello all,
    I receive the following when trying to rebuild the stock kernel:
    [taylor-unix@Legion Desktop]$ sudo mkinitcpio -p kernel26
    sudo: mkinitcpio: command not found
    [taylor-unix@Legion Desktop]$
    The same error occurs even after the re-installation of 'mkinitcpio'.
    I've had the same problem with 'hwdetect', regardless of whether I've reinstalled it.
    I seem to have commands that do not work on this system, like 'shutdown' for example.. 'shutdown: command not found'. Perhaps I've missed installing a crucial package?
    I need help..
    My sincerest thanks in advance.
    Last edited by edward.taylor89 (2010-11-10 17:39:46)

    Here as follows:
    mkinitcpio /etc/
    mkinitcpio /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
    mkinitcpio /etc/mkinitcpio.d/
    mkinitcpio /etc/mkinitcpio.d/example.preset
    mkinitcpio /lib/
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/functions
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/btrfs
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/consolefont
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/dmesg
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/keymap
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/memdisk
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/net
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/resume
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/sleep
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/hooks/udev
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/init
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/init_functions
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/autodetect
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/base
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/btrfs
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/consolefont
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/dmesg
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/dsdt
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/filesystems
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/fw
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/ide
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/keymap
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/memdisk
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/net
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/pata
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/pcmcia
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/resume
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/sata
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/scsi
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/sleep
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/udev
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/usb
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/install/usbinput
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/udev/
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/udev/01-memdisk.rules
    mkinitcpio /lib/initcpio/udev/
    mkinitcpio /sbin/
    mkinitcpio /sbin/mkinitcpio
    mkinitcpio /usr/
    mkinitcpio /usr/share/
    mkinitcpio /usr/share/man/
    mkinitcpio /usr/share/man/man5/
    mkinitcpio /usr/share/man/man5/mkinitcpio.5.gz

  • [solved] yaourt messed up pacman - "pacman: command not found"

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    When there was only one left "aqpm2" this is what happened:
    [studio@myhost ~]$ yaourt -Rs aqpm2
    verificando dependências...
    Remover (2): aqpm2-20100615-2  qjson-0.7.1-2
    Tamanho total dos pacotes a serem removidos:   2,93 MB
    Deseja remover estes pacotes? [S/n] s
    (1/2) removendo aqpm2                                                                                                     [##########################################################################] 100%
    (2/2) removendo qjson                                                                                                     [##########################################################################] 100%
    /usr/lib/yaourt/ line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    /usr/lib/yaourt/ line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    /usr/bin/yaourt: line 201: testdb: comando não encontrado
    now pacman is broken:
    [studio@myhost ~]$ pacman
    bash: pacman: comando não encontrado
    [studio@myhost ~]$ yaourt -Syu --aur
    /usr/lib/yaourt/ line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    You are not allowed to launch /usr/bin/pacman with sudo
    Please enter root password
    bash: /usr/bin/pacman: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
    ==> WARNING: problem in library
    /usr/lib/yaourt/ line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    /usr/lib/yaourt/ line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    /usr/lib/yaourt/ line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    ==> Searching for new version on AUR
    /usr/lib/yaourt/ line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    Unable to open file: /etc/pacman.conf
    /usr/lib/yaourt/ line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    /usr/lib/yaourt/ line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    /usr/bin/yaourt: line 201: testdb: comando não encontrado
    [studio@myhost ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu
    sudo: pacman: command not found
    please help
    Last edited by capoeira (2010-10-16 14:33:39)

    capoeira wrote:
    can I use pacman-static from this repro?
    I'm afraid to break system even more
    OK, that gave me a segfault, so
    I downloaded the package and copied the folders to root.
    no pacman works but gaves me this errors afterwards:
    pacman-3.4.1-1: description file is missing
    pacman-3.4.1-1: dependency file is missing
    pacman-3.4.1-1: file list is missing
    how do I solve this?
    BTW: should I make a bug-report??
    EDIT: any package I try to instal I get this error:
    erro: não foi possível abrir o arquivo /var/lib/pacman/local/pacman-3.4.1-1/depends: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
    (it's in portuguese but i think its understandable)
    Last edited by capoeira (2010-10-15 22:08:36)

  • [SOLVED] startxfce4 command not found?

    today I finally got some courage and decided to give archlinux a try on my laptop since I grew tired of ubuntu. Instalation was going fine until I decided to install xfce4. Like the wiki says, I took care of installing all of the necessary X packages, and even tried it successfully with the basic twm  interface thing. However, after installing the xfce4 package through pacman, when I try to run execute startxfce4 it just gives me a "command not found" error. I've went to /usr/bin and in fact startxfce4 is not there. Any ideas what might be wrong?
    EDIT: Reason for all the problems was that I forgot to actually update the system running the "pacman -Syu". I updated on the second install and when I executed xfce4 all the conflicts dissapeared.
    Last edited by apokaliptik (2012-01-09 21:34:02)
    wiki wrote:Pacman will ask you to select the packages to install, but you probably want to get them all by simply pressing Enter.
    [karol@black ~]$ pacman -S xfce4
    :: There are 16 members in group xfce4:
    :: Repository extra
    1) exo 2) garcon 3) gtk-xfce-engine 4) terminal 5) thunar 6) tumbler
    7) xfce-utils 8) xfce4-appfinder 9) xfce4-mixer 10) xfce4-panel
    11) xfce4-session 12) xfce4-settings 13) xfconf 14) xfdesktop 15) xfwm4
    16) xfwm4-themes
    Enter a selection (default=all):
    xfce-utils is the 7th member of xfce4 group; it should be downloaded and installed. Don't know why it wasn't installed in your case.
    Please remember to mark the thread as solved as per our forum rules :-)

  • [SOLVED] modprobe: command not found

    I am fully up to date as of today.
    I had a kernel panic and had to chroot and run:
    pacman -Syy
    pacman -S pacman
    pacman -Syu
    pacman -S udev
    pacman -S mkinitcpio
    sudo mkinitcpio -p linux
    to repair.
    Now, I can boot fine and when I tried to load a module, I got the command not found error.
    I tried to re-install kmod but still nothing.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Last edited by frank419 (2012-04-11 18:59:11)

    [arch ~]$ sudo which modprobe
    which: no modprobe in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games)
    [arch ~]$ sudo find / -name modprobe
    [arch ~]$ su -
    -bash: n#: command not found
    -bash: thennfor: command not found
    -bash: dontest: command not found
    -bash: thenn.: command not found
    -bash-4.2# modprobe
    -bash: modprobe: command not found
    edit:code tags
    Last edited by frank419 (2012-04-11 18:29:40)

  • [solved] qdbus: command not found = Netbeans can't connect to KWallet

    I had a problem with Netbeans using its fallback keyring instead of KWallet.
    My research showed that this happened because Netbeans wasn't able to use qdbus
    exception thrown while invoking the command "[qdbus, org.kde.kwalletd, /modules/kwalletd, org.kde.KWallet.isEnabled]"
    I tried to run qdbus with
    qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin supportInformation
    Same outcome; qdbus: command not found.
    Searching for qdbus, I found it in /usr/lib/qt4/bin which obviously isn't part of $PATH.
    I "solved" the issue by creating a softlink in /usr/bin/
    cd /usr/bin && sudo ln -s /usr/lib/qt4/bin/qdbus qdbus
    It works, both the KWin command as well as Netbean's KWallet integration, but is that how it should be done?
    Haven't I rather a package missing, like qt5 or something?
    Or is my standard "throw softlinks at the problem"-procedure alright here?
    Last edited by Caldazar (2014-01-25 20:55:02)

    Thanks! That's better although it doesn't work out of the box either.
    qtchooser apparently sends the applications to '/usr/lib/qt/bin/qdbus' which doesn't exist, Arch uses /usr/lib/qt4' instead
    qdbus: could not exec '/usr/lib/qt/bin/qdbus': No such file or directory
    So I had to link those too.
    sudo ln -s /usr/lib/qt4 /usr/lib/qt
    I don't know whether that's a problem with qtchooser or rather with some of my environment variables being wrong.
    But anyways, linking the directories 'qt' to 'qt4' makes a whole lot more sense to me than micromanaging the paths of single binaries or libraries.
    P.S. @ChemBro
    Yes, using qdbus-qt4 seems to work with commands I have control over but telling applications like Netbeans to use that is a different beast, at least from a user-perspective.
    Maybe the packagers can do something about that, but I don't know.
    Last edited by Caldazar (2014-01-21 15:03:39)

  • [solved] hostname command not found

    Some months ago i've got this problem:
    startx: line 127 hostname command not found
    that i solved with
    pacman -S net-tools
    Today the problem is here again O.o
    I've reinstalled net-tools and coreutils but nothing
    Last edited by polslinux (2011-08-26 11:31:26) … 21397.html
    Edit: inetutils from [testing] … inetutils/ have the hostname binary and it was removed from the [testing] net-tools … net-tools/
    Packages in [core] still work the old way: net-tools provides hostname.
    Last edited by karol (2011-08-26 10:29:33)

  • (Solved) fbsetbg: line 153: xmessage: command not found

    I'm trying to set background image for Fluxbox.
    After typing fbsetbg command in xterm I get following error:
    $ fbsetbg -f ~/.fluxbox/backgrounds/wallpaper.jpg
    /usr/bin/fbsetbg: line 153: xmessage: command not found
    The most common way to solve this (according to Internet) is to install xorg-apps, but there is no xmessage app under it.
    # pacman -S xorg-apps
    :: There are 37 members in group xorg-apps:
    :: Repository extra
    1) xorg-bdftopcf 2) xorg-iceauth 3) xorg-luit 4) xorg-mkfontdir
    5) xorg-mkfontscale 6) xorg-sessreg 7) xorg-setxkbmap 8) xorg-smproxy
    9) xorg-x11perf 10) xorg-xauth 11) xorg-xbacklight 12) xorg-xcmsdb
    13) xorg-xcursorgen 14) xorg-xdpyinfo 15) xorg-xdriinfo 16) xorg-xev
    17) xorg-xgamma 18) xorg-xhost 19) xorg-xinput 20) xorg-xkbcomp
    21) xorg-xkbevd 22) xorg-xkbutils 23) xorg-xkill 24) xorg-xlsatoms
    25) xorg-xlsclients 26) xorg-xmodmap 27) xorg-xpr 28) xorg-xprop
    29) xorg-xrandr 30) xorg-xrdb 31) xorg-xrefresh 32) xorg-xset
    33) xorg-xsetroot 34) xorg-xvinfo 35) xorg-xwd 36) xorg-xwininfo
    37) xorg-xwud
    Enter a selection (default=all):
    I installed them any way, but it didn't help. Nether the reboot.
    Is there a way to fix this?
    Last edited by iedopadzert (2012-06-02 11:41:23)

    $ pkgfile xmessage
    See also the optional dependency of fluxbox:
    $ pacman -Si fluxbox
    Repository : extra
    Name : fluxbox
    Version : 1.3.2-1
    Optional Deps : xorg-xmessage: for using the fbsetbg and fluxbox-generate_menu utilities
    Last edited by xduugu (2012-06-02 11:41:30)

  • [SOLVED] node package manager: command not found

    I installed nodejs, and it was working fine. I updated a couple of days ago, and now npm install and npm lead to
    zsh: command not found
    Node has some naming conflicts, from what I have read. I am confused as to how the namespace for packages works, but hopefully someone can point me in the right direction with this because, while confusing, I don't think it is causing the problem. I usually execute the application as node, but it is in the repositories as nodejs. I found node in /usr/bin. I can execute npm there, but it advises that npm should be run in a normal shell with a different directory, not in /usr/bin. There was no nodejs or npm.
    I removed nodejs using
    pacman -Rdd nodejs
    since adom has dependencies, but when I tried to reinstall using
    pacman -S nodejs
    , it said it was up to date and reinstalled. I updated my system and rebooted. I still can execute node but not the npm-it still returns
    zsh: command not found: npm
    I have no idea why the node package manager disappearred. I also have no idea why it would not have reinstalled with nodejs from the repo.
    ➜ ~ sudo pacman -Rdd node
    [sudo] password for user:
    error: target not found: node
    ➜ ~ nodejs npm
    zsh: command not found: nodejs
    ➜ ~ node npm
    throw err;
    Error: Cannot find module '/home/user/npm'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:336:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:278:25)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:501:10)
    at startup (node.js:129:16)
    at node.js:814:3
    Last edited by 01010101 (2015-06-17 17:40:33)

    ➜ ~ pkgfile npm
    zsh: command not found: pkgfile
    ➜ ~ sudo pacman -S pkgfile
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Packages (1): pkgfile-15-1
    Total Download Size: 0.02 MiB
    Total Installed Size: 0.05 MiB
    :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
    :: Retrieving packages ...
    pkgfile-15-1-x86_64 21.6 KiB 323K/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
    (1/1) checking keys in keyring [######################] 100%
    (1/1) checking package integrity [######################] 100%
    (1/1) loading package files [######################] 100%
    (1/1) checking for file conflicts [######################] 100%
    (1/1) checking available disk space [######################] 100%
    (1/1) installing pkgfile [######################] 100%
    ==> Run 'pkgfile --update' to initialize the database
    ➜ ~ pkgfile npm
    error: No repo files found. Please run `pkgfile --update'.
    ➜ ~ pkgfile --update
    error: unable to write to /var/cache/pkgfile: Permission denied
    ➜ ~ sudo pkgfile --update
    :: Updating 4 repos...
    download complete: multilib [ 224.2 KiB 372K/s 3 remaining]
    download complete: core [ 608.8 KiB 536K/s 2 remaining]
    download complete: extra [ 6.9 MiB 2038K/s 1 remaining]
    download complete: community [ 10.9 MiB 2.55M/s 0 remaining]
    :: download complete in 4.26s < 18.6 MiB 4.37M/s 4 files >
    :: waiting for 1 process to finish repacking repos...
    ➜ ~ pkgfile npm
    ➜ ~ cd development/anj
    ➜ anj ls
    app.js bin bower.json package.json public routes views
    ➜ anj npm install
    zsh: command not found: npm

  • [SOLVED]pacstrab: command not found

    I'm trying to install Arch together with Windows 8.1... No problems with UEFI, since I already had Arch installed one time but had to remove it and my notebook doesn't came with preinstalled windows.
    I made an ext4 partition, mounted root, established an internet connection and so on. But every time I try to run "pacstrap /mnt base base-devel" or just only "pacstrab" I receive the message:
    command not found: pacstrab
    What is this!? I don't know how to solve this problem... This is just weird because that is not my first Arch installation. Checksum of my .iso is correct.
    Last edited by Arche (2013-11-03 09:17:53)

    'pacstrab' only was just a test in sheer desperation.
    OH MY GOD. I can't be so dumb... Will test it if I really wrote pacstrab in my installtion, too.
    EDIT: Please delete this... I'm so disgusting... Trying everything for a hour and I'm just too dumb to type...
    Last edited by Arche (2013-11-03 09:12:34)

  • [solved] gconfpkg: command not found

    From my pacman output:
    (11/14) upgrading fusion-icon
    ==> Updating icon-cache.....
    /tmp/alpm_Napi2c/.INSTALL: line 32: gconfpkg: command not found
    error: command failed to execute correctly
    I reinstalled gconf and re-updated fusion-icon, the installation completed succesfully.
    This has happened before, should I be worried?
    p.s. these errors are not logged in pacman.log!
    Last edited by stefanwilkens (2009-12-03 13:35:44)

    problem solved, the location of gconfpkg wasn't in PATH
    locate gconfpkg
    I added /usr/sbin to the PATH definition in /etc/profile. Rebooted and all was working as it should

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