MM - Address group me01

I would like to kindly ask you for an information. We need to update the search help in me21n -> Delivery address tab -> Address field. We see that there is an address group me01 automatically selected in the pop up window. This pulls out several addresses, which we then can choose as a delivery address. Does anybody know what the option me01 means? how can wee update it? in which transaction? The problem we have is, that we see several same addresses, without street number. This confuses the user, while selecting the correct address. For example: there is only one street but has different numbers (8a, 8b etc).
Thank you very much for all ideas.

Hi. If you enter all your PO lines, then choose the address on line 1 by selecting it from the address field, you should get a pop up box asking if you want to copy this to all lines.
If you press yes then it should copy the same address number to each line and print at the top of the PO.
The easiest way to check is SE16 / SE16N. Look in EKPO for your PO. If all the lines have the same address number (field ADRNR) then the address should print at the top, presuming you are using the standard print program SAPFM06P.
ME01 means a manual address created in MEAN, you can not choose, the system chooses for you.
It is because of central address management, all addresses are stored in table ADRC with a different address group to let the system know where it came from and where to use it.
If you key a one off manual address into a PO, without using the address number, it will be stored as group ME02 for example.
Vendor and customer addresses are group BP and so on.

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    You never know how long an ASCII to HEX converter web site will exist.
    Check out MacASCII DisplayTM 1.4 here:
    This app does the conversions dynamically. Click the "Blocks" button for the preferred interface. Thank you Synergy Creations!

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    http://a.b.c.d/en/editPabGroup_fs.html?rtfPossible=true&lang=en, Line 291
    Permission denied
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