MMPV Batch Job

I'm trying to create a batch job for period closing at MMPV to run every month on the first day.
At MMPV, I created a variant, in the variant attributes - the field 'Date', the options at 'selection variable' are (1) T: Table variable from TVARVC (2) D: Dynamic Date Calculation. Which one of these two correspond to '1st of current month'? What should I select to enable the batch job to execute on the first day of the current month.
Pl help. This is urgent.
Thanks a ton

Click on D: Dyanamic Date Calculation and then it changes to green traffic light meaning that it was selected. Then select 'First day of next month' from the drop-down. On saving the variant, you can see that 1st Feb 2008 was taken for the next run.

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    Hi I am working on batch job .
    my program is printing invoice as well as downloading and I have run this program in batch,
    I am using the FM job_open , job_submit and job_close.
    but it is failing in job_submit with sy-subrc eq 1 .
    giving me error bad print parameter , I haven;t done this before.
    I think it should be option.
          authcknam = SY-UNAME  "tbtcjob-authcknam
          jobcount  = tbtcjob-jobcount
          jobname   = p_jobnam
          language  = sy-langu
           report    = c_reprot
          variant   = pvariant
          OTHERS    = 01.
    could anybody pls guide me why it is so???

    you can below code
                                WITH SMART LINEFEED.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          WHILE sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
            READ DATASET gv_file INTO gwa_header_file.
            IF sy-subrc NE 0.
              APPEND gwa_header_file TO gt_header_file.
          CLOSE DATASET gv_file.

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    Sanjeev I have done that but problem is I do not want to give that as Information message but Error message only and continue processing.
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    Display error message in batch job log 

  • How to get all AD User accounts, associated with any application/MSA/Batch Job running in a Local or Remote machine using Script (PowerShell)

    Dear Scripting Guys,
    I am working in an AD migration project (Migration from old legacy AD domains to single AD domain) and in the transition phase. Our infrastructure contains lots
    of Users, Servers and Workstations. Authentication is being done through AD only. Many UNIX and LINUX based box are being authenticated through AD bridge to AD. 
    We have lot of applications in our environment. Many applications are configured to use Managed Service Accounts. Many Workstations and servers are running batch
    jobs with AD user credentials. Many applications are using AD user accounts to carry out their processes. 
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    Thanks & Regards Bedanta S Mishra

    Hey Satyajit,
    Thank you for your valuable reply. It is really a great notion to enable account logon audit and collect those events for the analysis. But you know it is also a tedious job when thousand of Users come in to picture. You can imagine how complex it will be
    for this analysis, where more than 200000 users getting logged in through AD. It is the fact that when a batch / MS or an application uses a Domain Users credential with successful process, automatically a successful logon event will be triggered in associated
    DC. But there are also too many users which are not part of these accounts like MSA/Batch jobs or not linked to any application. In that case we have to get through unwanted events. 
    Recently jrv, provided me a beautiful script to find out all MSA from a machine or from a list of machines in an AD environment. (Covers MSA part.)
    $Report= 'Audit_Report.html'
    $Computers= Get-ADComputer -Filter 'Enabled -eq $True' | Select -Expand Name
    <title>Non-Standard Service Accounts</title>
    BODY{background-color :#FFFFF}
    TABLE{Border-width:thin;border-style: solid;border-color:Black;border-collapse: collapse;}
    TH{border-width: 1px;padding: 2px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color: ThreeDShadow}
    TD{border-width: 1px;padding: 2px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color: Transparent}
    foreach($computer in $Computers){
    $sections+=Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer -class Win32_Service -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
    Select-Object -Property StartName,Name,DisplayName |
    ConvertTo-Html -PreContent "<H2>Non-Standard Service Accounts on '$Computer'</H2>" -Fragment
    $body=$sections | out-string
    ConvertTo-Html -Body $body -Head $head | Out-File $report
    Invoke-Item $report
    A script can be designed to get all scheduled back ground batch jobs in a machine, from which the author / the Owner of that scheduled job can be extracted. like below one...
    Function Get-ScheduledTasks
    [string[]]$Name = $env:COMPUTERNAME
    [switch]$RootOnly = $false
    $tasks = @()
    $schedule = New-Object -ComObject "Schedule.Service"
    Function Get-Tasks
    $out = @()
    $schedule.GetFolder($path).GetTasks(0) | % {
    $xml = [xml]$_.xml
    $out += New-Object psobject -Property @{
    "ComputerName" = $Computer
    "Name" = $_.Name
    "Path" = $_.Path
    "LastRunTime" = $_.LastRunTime
    "NextRunTime" = $_.NextRunTime
    "Actions" = ($xml.Task.Actions.Exec | % { "$($_.Command) $($_.Arguments)" }) -join "`n"
    "Triggers" = $(If($xml.task.triggers){ForEach($task in ($xml.task.triggers | gm | Where{$_.membertype -eq "Property"})){$xml.task.triggers.$($}})
    "Enabled" = $xml.task.settings.enabled
    "Author" = $xml.task.principals.Principal.UserID
    "Description" = $xml.task.registrationInfo.Description
    "LastTaskResult" = $_.LastTaskResult
    "RunAs" = $xml.task.principals.principal.userid
    $schedule.GetFolder($path).GetFolders(0) | % {
    $out += get-Tasks($_.Path)
    ForEach($Computer in $Name)
    If(Test-Connection $computer -count 1 -quiet)
    $tasks += Get-Tasks "\"
    Write-Error "Cannot connect to $Computer. Please check it's network connectivity."
    [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($schedule) | Out-Null
    Remove-Variable schedule
    Get-ScheduledTasks -RootOnly | Format-Table -Wrap -Autosize -Property RunAs,ComputerName,Actions
    So I think, can a PS script be designed to get the report of all running applications which use domain accounts for their authentication to carry out their process. So from that result we can filter out the AD accounts being used for those
    applications. After that these three individual modules can be compacted in to a single script to provide the desired output as per the requirement in a single report.
    Thanks & Regards Bedanta S Mishra

  • Report to be sent to a list of recipients in an e:mail (part of batch job)

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    Currently my report requirement is to sent to a list of recipients in an e:mail (part of the batch job set-up) and the recipients just download the report in a spreadsheet format. 
    Could you please give me the suggestions the way which I need to follow and how I will be able to set this report as a part of batch job which will send the report details to the users in the form of Email.
    Points will be rewarded for the answers.
    Ravi Ganji

    IN SM36..You will see a button for "Spool list recipient" which is next to the target server button..
    press that button..
    Give the email address in the recipient field..
    GIve the steps and start condition and then release the job..

  • I Need to Create a report for batch jobs Based on Subject Area.

    Hi SAP Guru's,
    I need to create a report , that it must show the status of batch jobs Completion Times based on Subject area(SD,MM,FI).
    Please help me in this issue ASAP.
    Thanks in Advance.

    You may need to activate some additional business content if not already installed but there are a lot BI statistics you can report on. Have a look at this:

  • Batch job for collecting Blocked Deliveries

    Can anyone help me, i need to collect all the orders that have been blocked for delivery and send the results to an email address.
    I created a batch job gave the program for SD Documents blocked for deliveries, but it doesnt seem to work, can anyone please give a step by step procedure.
    Thanks alot,

    1. T.code SM36- Here you will creating the job
    2. Give the appropriate variants and the back ground user id
    3. once this is done, go to the Spool receipient and give the email id where you want to send the mail to. Run the job now. You should receive the mail now, provide the connections are maintained.
    Hope this will resolve the issue.

  • Duplicate deliveries getting created by batch job against STO

    Hi Experts,
    I am facing one issue where duplicate deliveries are getting created by batch job against Intercopmany STO.
    Scenario is PO having one line item with ordered qty of 8000kg.
    Through batch job, two deliveries got created on same day for PO line item.
    One delivery got created for 8000kg and another delivery has got created for 7000Kg. So user has deleted second delivery of 7000kg.
    Next day again the delivery got created for 8000kg for the same PO line item through batch job.
    I am wondering how the duplicate deliveries are getting created by batch job for PO even though it has no open items.
    All deliveries got created through batch job only as cross checked the user name in delivery.
    Kindly help to fix the issue.

    Hi Amit
    I assume you are talking about outbound deliveries.  In this case it would be worth checking the customer master record for the receiving plant.  In the sales area data there is a shipping tab which contains several settings used to control delivery creation for customers.
    It is possible to control how the system behaves when you have a stock shortage and restrict the number of partial deliveries.  This might help you control this situation and might be the cause.

  • Batch Job not Generating Spool No

    Hi Experts,
    We had a custom program where we are printing multiple invoice in a single go i.e all invoices for a particular sales office are printed in a single spool request. for foreground execution it is running fine. But after creating variant of it on selection screen & submitting the program to Batch job it is not creating spool no when the job is finished what could be the reason.?
    Also i would like to tell you that we are asking user to give a invoice no range on the selection screen.
    Edited by: priyeshosi on Jan 4, 2012 5:03 PM

    Hi priyeshosi ,
           If you use function modules start with GUI_* or  WS_* in your report , then you can't generate the spool.
    reason for this, Please check this link,
    Selva M

  • Two Deliveries did not go through Batch Job Runing

    In this company every evening the automatic batch Job for Billing due list is run but on Nov 23 one Deliver and on Nov 30 another delivery has not gone through i.e. the invoices were not created for these two deliveries.
    I checked in VF01, the individual invoice is being created. The user is asking the reason for this and how to prevent this type of situation in future.
    I don't know the Batch Job number and I think it has been done in VF06.
    Please guide me how I can solve this issue.

    Hello Tushar,
    Thank you for your reply. I don't know the Variant name also and I don't know the Batch Job number eirther. The user is not aware of these things. I tried to find out from VF06 but I could not figure out anything.
    Please explain me your sentece "Execute billing program in foreground and check". you mean to say after creating the same scenario in the quality, I will run the Billing program ( I will take the Billing program from the VF01). If I am correct please let me know.
    Regarding debugging,  if I have to do how I can do it. I know to go to Debuggiing mode if I put in the command field  "/h" , I will be in the debugging mode. But my question is which transaction Should I use VL02N or VF01 to find out the Problem
    I have mentioned earlier that I went to VF01 and these deliveries are fine to create invoices but the User is interested to know the Problem and to find out the cause so that they can prevent it occuring in future.

  • Invoice not generated through Batch Job

    I am facing a Problem in Batch Job. When the delivery is created through VL01n transaction manually, the Invoice for this delivery is created automatically. However for one of the delivery the Invoice was not created automatically through Batch Job.
    Can some one help me how to go further on this problem? I have checked the Batch Job and found that it is schedule daily, However the Delviery was created after this schedule time. So ideally this delivery should have been considered for automatic generation of Invoice in the next schedule run of the Batch Job. However this has not happened.
    Any views on this

    Please check the billing date and the billing date which is in the variant. in the variant there could be that the billing date might have been specified from and to, in any case billing date for the document is not past the variant billing date it will pick up.

  • Batch job creation for sending email if the invoice is aged

    Positive confirmation: Send system notification to the requestor if:
    a) An invoice is received and GR is not yet posted in the ECC system.
    b) An 'aged' invoice and GR is not yet posted in the ECC system.
    This requirement is for USA only. i.e., we have only one company code which is 8960.
    Identifiers of the invoice are
    Company Code = u20188960u2019
    Invoice Document Type = u2018R9u2019
    Use table EKBE for relationship between Invoice, Goods Receipt and Purchase Order.
    The field EKPO-BEDNR contains the Shopping Cart Number
    Implementation Strategy
    1. To send email if the invoice is aged.
    Create a program that will run as a job. This job will frequently check for invoices related to SRM Shopping Carts received from E2OPEN. If an invoice is aged and there is no Goods Receipt posted through confirmation from SRM, then an email will go out from ECC system to the requestor. Using the Shopping Cart number on PO, find the requestor information (email ID) from SRM through an RFC call. This job will run once in a day and should have a parameter in the program for the age of the Invoice.
    Both the emails should contain a link (To be taken from SRM system, to be supplied) to log into SRM system. The email will also contain the Shopping Cart number and the Description of the item, and a message to Confirm this, including age of the invoice if aged.
    Please let me know how to create the batch job.
    Edited by: VenkatG on Sep 1, 2009 3:14 PM

    Do not pass the COMMIT_WORK flag... Leave it blank. Any transaction for the data integrity, one should never use COMMIT WORK related statements. Normally SAP transactions will have the COMMIT WORK at the end of transaction which is enough for any thing that is added part of the customer exits...
    Hope this helps.

  • How to find out batch job failure and taking action:

    Normally We will monitor the batch jobs  through transaction code sm37 for job monitoring. In SM37 we will give a batch job name date and time  as  input. In the first step we will check the batch job for the reason failure or check the spool request for the batch job for failures an help in analyzing the error
    I understand from the my experience is that the batch may fail due to below reasons.
    1.,Data issues :             ex: Invalid character in quantity (Meins) field  >>>> We will correct the corresponding document with correct value or we will manually run or request the team to rerun the batch job by excluding  the problematic documents from the batch job variant  so that it may process other documents.
    2.Configuration issues : Materials XXXX is not extended for Plant >>>> we will contact the material master team or business to correct the data or we will raise sub contract call with support team to correct he data. Once the data been corrected and will request the team to rerun the batch job.
    3.Performance issues : Volume of the data being processed  by the batch job ,network problems.>>>Normally these kind of issues we will encounter during the month end process as there will lot of accounting transactions or documents being posted business hence it may cause the batch job failure as there is enough memory to complete the program or select queries in the program will timeout because of volume of the records.
    4.Network issues. : Temporary connectivity issues in other partner systems :Outage in other partner systems like APO or other system like GTS  will cause the batch job failure as Batch job not in position to connect other system to get the inforamtion and proceed for further steps.Nornmally we will check RFC destination status by running a custom program  weather connectivity between system are in progress or not. then intimate other partner system  for the further actions, Once the partner system comes online then we will intimate the team to restart or manually submit batch job.
    Some times we will create a manual job by transaction code SM36.

    I'm not sure what the question is among all that but if you want to check on jobs that are viewable via SM37 and started via SM36. The tables are TBTCP -Background Job Step Overview and TBTCO - Job Status Overview Table.
    You can use the following FM to get job details:
    GET_JOB_RUNTIME_INFO - Reading Background Job Runtime Data

  • Submit batch job daynamically using batch user id

    I need to submit the background job dynamically from ABAP program with BATCH user id.
    I have created new program. Users will execute program in foreground.
    Had issue with USER id. If I give my user id then batch job successfully creating. If I give u2018BAICHu2019 id then it is giving the error.
    Am I doing any thing wrong here?
    Open Job
          jobname  = jobname
          jobcount = w_jobcount.
        SUBMIT zrufilep WITH p_file1 = sourfile
                        WITH p_file2 = destfile
                        VIA JOB jobname NUMBER w_jobcount
                        USER 'BATCH_FI'
                        AND RETURN.
    Schedule and close job.
              jobcount  = w_jobcount
              jobname   = jobname
              sdlstrtdt = sy-datum
              sdlstrttm = sy-uzeit.

    Can any body tell me if that authorization is given to the user, can he submit any other job from front end?
    As you can see if he can, it will conflict security issues of business. So If he is not permitted to execute these kind of statements in any other program, would he be confined to using diff user in this program only?
    Or is there any other way-out to confine the user for getting this authorization for a single T-code or such?

  • Creating a batch job for the sapscript

    Hi folks,
    I have a question of how schedule a batch job in the background for the sapscript? I have the print program and I am using  the following FM to read the output device which I pick up printer device from the pop up dialog box. How can i do that?
    Here is the FM that I using in the print program.
      ARCHIVE_ID                   = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      ARCHIVE_INFO                 = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      ARCHIVE_MODE                 = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      ARCHIVE_TEXT                 = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      AR_OBJECT                    = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      ARCHIVE_REPORT               = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      AUTHORITY                    = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
         COPIES                       = 1
         COVER_PAGE                   = SPACE
         DATA_SET                     = 'LIST8S'
      DEPARTMENT                   = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      DESTINATION                  = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      EXPIRATION                   = C_NUM1_UNKNOWN
      IMMEDIATELY                  = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      IN_ARCHIVE_PARAMETERS        = ' '
      IN_PARAMETERS                = ' '
      LAYOUT                       = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      LINE_COUNT                   = C_INT_UNKNOWN
      LINE_SIZE                    = C_INT_UNKNOWN
      LIST_NAME                    = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      LIST_TEXT                    = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      MODE                         = 'CURRENT'
         NEW_LIST_ID                  = 'X'
      NO_DIALOG                    = C_FALSE
      RECEIVER                     = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      RELEASE                      = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
    REPORT                       = 'ZSAPFORM'
      SAP_COVER_PAGE               = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      HOST_COVER_PAGE              = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      PRIORITY                     = C_NUM1_UNKNOWN
      SAP_OBJECT                   = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      TYPE                         = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      USER                         = SY-UNAME
          OUT_PARAMETERS               = i_pri_params
         VALID                        = w_valid
      ARCHIVE_INFO_NOT_FOUND       = 1
      INVALID_PRINT_PARAMS         = 2
      OTHERS                       = 4
      IF SY-SUBRC = 0 and w_valid ne space.
       write: / 'Pri params ', i_pri_params.

    Hi folks,
    I have a question of how schedule a batch job in the background for the sapscript? I have the print program and I am using  the following FM to read the output device which I pick up printer device from the pop up dialog box. How can i do that?
    Here is the FM that I using in the print program.
      ARCHIVE_ID                   = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      ARCHIVE_INFO                 = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      ARCHIVE_MODE                 = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      ARCHIVE_TEXT                 = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      AR_OBJECT                    = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      ARCHIVE_REPORT               = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      AUTHORITY                    = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
         COPIES                       = 1
         COVER_PAGE                   = SPACE
         DATA_SET                     = 'LIST8S'
      DEPARTMENT                   = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      DESTINATION                  = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      EXPIRATION                   = C_NUM1_UNKNOWN
      IMMEDIATELY                  = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      IN_ARCHIVE_PARAMETERS        = ' '
      IN_PARAMETERS                = ' '
      LAYOUT                       = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      LINE_COUNT                   = C_INT_UNKNOWN
      LINE_SIZE                    = C_INT_UNKNOWN
      LIST_NAME                    = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      LIST_TEXT                    = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      MODE                         = 'CURRENT'
         NEW_LIST_ID                  = 'X'
      NO_DIALOG                    = C_FALSE
      RECEIVER                     = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      RELEASE                      = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
    REPORT                       = 'ZSAPFORM'
      SAP_COVER_PAGE               = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      HOST_COVER_PAGE              = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      PRIORITY                     = C_NUM1_UNKNOWN
      SAP_OBJECT                   = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      TYPE                         = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN
      USER                         = SY-UNAME
          OUT_PARAMETERS               = i_pri_params
         VALID                        = w_valid
      ARCHIVE_INFO_NOT_FOUND       = 1
      INVALID_PRINT_PARAMS         = 2
      OTHERS                       = 4
      IF SY-SUBRC = 0 and w_valid ne space.
       write: / 'Pri params ', i_pri_params.

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