Mobile browser support feature requires sign in.

We have a site that is largely anonymous and public facing.  I tried enabling the "Mobile browser support" feature at the site level, which provides a much better mobile experience.  However, when users are redirected to the mobile-friendly
site, they encounter a sign-in challenge before the page loads.  This is not the desired behavior in our case.  Is there a known workaround for this?

Hi Josh,
Based on your description, my understanding is that the users got authentication prompt when accessing SharePoint site which was set to allow anonymous access in mobile device.
I recommend to use PowerShell command to check if the site has ViewFormPagesLockdown enabled: get-spfeature -site
If ViewFormPagesLockDown is listed, it is enabled.
Then I recommend to disable it:
$lockdown = get-spfeature viewformpageslockdown
disable-spfeature $lockdown -url http://sitecollectionURL
If anonymous is already setup, you may need to disable\re-enable anonymous on the site.
Best regards.
Victoria Xia
TechNet Community Support

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    If you are trying to '''add a new device''' to your Sync account, see this: <br />
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    Hi Markynewman,
    If you're unable to sync with iTunes any more and the error states you need a newer version of Apple Mobile Device Support, I would check out this article:
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    a) Software supported on HP-UX 11.i V2 (r6) on Itanium. - Yes
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  • ITunes requires new version of Apple Mobile Device Support....

    Hi - I have just bought an iPod touch. I a;ready have a classic and a nano but as iTunes 9 was out I thought I'd upgrade to that before syncing the new Touch. However now I get the error:-
    iTunes requires new version of Apple Mobile Device Support. Please uninstall both Apple Mobile Device Support and iTunes, then install iTunes agan.
    So I did this following the procedure on the Apple Suport pages which referenced exactly this error message but from an earlier version (7 I think) of iTunes).
    Basically, I used control panel to uninstall all the bits (including iTunes, Apple MDS, Quicktime and Bonjour) in the order it says. Rebooted, checked that program folders and files had really gone, downloaded a fresh copy of iTunes and installed - exactly the same error.
    My Classic syncs fine. The Touch also syncs fine on a laptop I have on which I have iTunes 9.01 at the moment. The Touch is being detected because I get the USB conect sound and the error message in iTunes pops up as soon as it is connected.
    The Apple Mobile Device Service is running (it was not running when I checked staright after the install, but I manually started it (it is set ot Auto start)) using .exe version
    PC is a Windows Vista 64 running iTunes 9.02. The iTunes pack I downloaded was called iTunes64Setup so I'm guessing its the right one.
    I always seem to be tearing my hair out when I get a new iPod or new iTunes. Not much left now so has anyone got any ideas?
    Thanks very much,

    Found the solution in my case. I followed the Apple uninstall procedure again:-
    and found that the Apple Mobile Device Support did not uninstall properly. I needed to download an MS utility called Windows Installer Cleaup Utility
    (there was a post somewhere on here about it so thanks to that person).
    When I rebooted, I found however that the Mobile Device Service was still installed and running and the installed files were present in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple.
    So I Stopped the service (Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services, Right click on the service and choose Properties, then click Stop. For good measure I also set it to Disabled (overkill) using the dropdown which will probably say Automatic when you look at it.
    Then I found a Microsoft utility called SC.exe which is available in the Windows resource kit and can also be found here:-
    This is a command line tool, but easy to use. Unzip the file, place sc.exe somewhere handy where you can find it from a command prompt and then open a command line (Start, Run..., type "cmd" Enter). Go to the folder where you put sc.exe and type the command:-
    sc delete "Apple Mobile Device" (you need the quotes).
    This deletes the service from the services list in the registry (you can check by closing the Services box and opening it again).
    Now go to c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files and delete the folder and subfolders called Apple.
    OK - should have given your system a full clean out.
    Then reinstall iTunes.
    That was easy - but I guess I can forgive Apple for not being able to upgrade a version of iTunes without messing up - it's only version 9.0 after all, I'm sure it'll be OK in the next release. Seems like they're learning some tricks from Microsoft.
    You folks in the US and Canada are luck however because you can get some help with this stuff. There's no help from Apple if you're in the UK.

  • Newer version of Apple Mobile Device Support required

    When I plug in my iPod touch into iTunes, it gives me the following error message:
    *"iTunes requires a newer version of Apple Mobile Device Support. Please uninstall both Apple Mobile Device Support and iTunes, then install iTunes again."*
    I ran the diagnostics thing in the Help column with all four categories unchecked, and here are my results (I took out some of the irrelevant things, like my video card details):
    +QuickTime 7.6.6+
    +FairPlay 1.8.20+
    +Apple Application Support 1.3+
    +iPod Updater Library 9.2d4+
    +CD Driver
    +CD Driver DLL
    +Apple Mobile Device
    +Apple Mobile Device Driver
    +Bonjour (214.3)+
    +Current user is an administrator.+
    +The current local date and time is 2010-07-13 18:21:40.+
    +iTunes is not running in safe mode.+
    +WebKit accelerated compositing is disabled.+
    +HDCP is not supported.+
    +** External Plug-ins Information **+
    +No external plug-ins installed.+
    +iPodService is currently running.+
    +iTunesHelper is currently not running.+
    +Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.+
    I tried uninstalling AMDS in Control Panel > Add & Remove Programs but it always gave an error message saying *"Fatal error during installation."* I tried uninstalling in CCleaner, and that wouldn't work either.
    Normally, I would do a system restore, but this problem started in late June, and restore points before July were all deleted because my system two weeks ago had 0 MB space.
    Please help...I don't know what to do

    Excellent information, thank you.
    I tried uninstalling AMDS in Control Panel > Add & Remove Programs but it always gave an error message saying "Fatal error during installation." I tried uninstalling in CCleaner, and that wouldn't work either.
    I suspect there's a damaged AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi for the earlier version of AMDS on the system, kevin. (That can certainly cause the "Fatal error" when uninstalling AMDS.) So, if that's what is going on, if we can clear the installation database for your existing AMDS install we can probably get the new version to install.
    Unfortunately, these sorts of msi-related troubles have gotten more complicated to deal with ever since Microsoft pulled the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from their Download Center on June 25.
    Let's try Googling. (Best not to use Bing, I think.) Look for a working download site for *at least version 3.0* of the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. After downloading the utility installer file (msicuu2.exe), scan the file for malware, just in case. (I use the free version of Malwarebytes AntiMalware to do single-file scans for that.)
    If the file is clean, to install the utility, doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file you've downloaded.
    Now run the utility ("Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up"). In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any *Apple Mobile Device Support* entries and click "Remove".
    Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes 9.2 again. Does the install of the new version of AMDS go through properly this time?
    (If you do find a clean download site for the correct version of CleanUp, please don't tell me where it is. Without wishing to sound paranoid (although I grant it does sound paranoid), there is a non-zero chance that posting links to download locations for the utility here at Discussions leads to that download location being shut down.)

  • ITunes 9.2 - requires a newer version of Apple Mobile Device Support.

    So, I upgraded to the latest iTunes and when I connect my iPhone to the computer, it detects it but a message pops up saying, "iTunes requires a newer version of Apple Mobile Device Support."
    I've downloaded the 64-bit installer and and followed the steps of uninstalling iTunes through this ---, and I've done this multiple times, but the message keeps popping up. Help?
    P.S. - my computer runs on Windows 7 64-bit.

    Yeah, I was looking back at some previous threads before I created this thread on how to fix my problem, and this one was of the ways. So I installed the utility and, removed the Apple Mobile Device Support entry, and restarted and reinstalled iTunes again, but AMDS still did not work when I did it.
    Let's keep following up on the possibility for a while longer.
    Launch your CleanUp again. *Don't remove anything at this stage.* We're having a looksee first.
    In addition to any AMDS entries, are there any lines at the top of the list in CleanUp which lack a Program name, but just show (All Users) and a version number in square brackets? If so, what are the version numbers on those lines? (Best not to include the square brackets in your reply ... the forum software autoformats material inside them into links. Harmless but disoncerting if you aren't expecting it.)
    Checking on this, because if an msi is damaged in the right/wrong way, it may appear in CleanUp without a program name. However, some things that ought not to be removed can appear without a program name too. Hence the doublecheck of the version numbers of any such entries.

  • Error: iTunes requires a newer version of Apple Mobile Device Support.

    Yesterday, I upgraded to iTunes 9 x64 (running Windows 7). The installation went fine and iTunes seemed to be working great until I plugged in my iPhone. When I plug it in, rather than showing up under my devices, I get an error message popping up:
    iTunes requires a newer version of Apple Mobile Device Support. Please uninstall both Apple Mobile Device Support and iTunes, then install iTunes again.
    ( picture: )
    I have tried to uninstall the Apple Mobile Device Support with little success and tried running the repair for the iTunes install, but I still have failure. I am worried about losing all of my iTunes data if I uninstall - I recently switched over to a different OS installation and copied my iTunes config information (XML docs and stuff) - it kept my library intact, but sneakily reset my iPhone to a way old configuration and deleted most of my data from it.
    So... (1) has anyone else run into this and overcome it, and (2) how can I follow the directions [uninstalling/reinstalling] without losing my data, computer authorization with iTunes, etc.?

    Ok, here is what seems to have worked for me. I was not able to uninstall AMDS from the control panel, because it was generating a fatal error. I then stopped all apple related services, and then did a repair installation. This allowed me to uninstall AMDS, but when I went to repair didn't reinstall AMDS.
    I then uninstalled everything related to Apple, Itunes, Bonjour, Apple software update, Apple application support, the Iphone Configuration utility. I then installed Itunes 9 from the downloaded file, and it opened fine. I then connected my iphone and it synced fine as well. It's downloading the 3.1 firmware now and I will disconnect and reconnect once that is installed to make sure it's all still working.
    Hopefully this works for the rest of you.
    p.s. I didn't reboot at all during the uninstall of all services and reinstall.

  • 'itunes requires a new version of apple mobile device support please uninstall both apple mobile device support nd intunes then install itunes again'

    im trying to sync music from itunes to my iphone from the computer and everytime i go to plug it in a box comes up and says 'itunes requires a new version of apple mobile device support. please unistall both apple mobile device support and intunes. then install itunes again' i have tried installing itunes many times but this keeps popping up. i dont know what i need to do or what im doing wrong??

    Let's try a standalone Apple Mobile Device Support install. It still might not install, but fingers crossed any error messages will give us a better idea of the underlying cause of why it's not installing under normal conditions.
    Download and save a copy of the iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64setup.exe) installer file to your hard drive:
    Download and install the free trial version of WinRAR:
    Right-click the iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64setup.exe), and select "Extract to iTunesSetup" (or "Extract to iTunes64Setup"). WinRAR will expand the contents of the file into a folder called "iTunesSetup" (or "iTunes64Setup").
    Go into the folder and doubleclick the AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi (or AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi) to do a standalone AMDS install.
    (If it offers you the choice to remove or repair, choose "Remove", and if the uninstall goes through successfully, see if you can reinstall by doubleclicking the AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi again.)
    Does it install (or uninstall and then reinstall) properly for you? If so, can you get a normal iTunes install to go through properly now?
    If instead you get an error message during the install (or uninstall), let us know what it says. (Precise text, please.)

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