Modify sytem table column title

Hi Experts,
I want to modify system form (A/R invoice). I need to change column title in this system form.
Help me please.

You may check this thread first:
Re: Change statictext caption

Similar Messages

  • How to modify a table column name

    Hi all,
    How to modify a table column name...

    could type the command here... but will not do that..because you are supposed to read the docs.
    You can find the command here..

  • Reg BSP table column title

    Hi All,
    I have problem with BSP table title display for one of the field.
    The current code of
    <%-- -
    Create table for line item----
                                                      <htmlb:tableView id    = "tv_eban"
                                                                table = "<%= it_final %>" >
    The table field titles are defined and comes by default. From where does the sap table title text is coming. Here can we now update to display the new title for one of the new table field.
    Thanks in advance. Please let me know if you need any further details.

    Hi Readdy,
    The column title of the BSP application comes from each data-element's field label of your table columns.
    For example, let us assume that internal table contains two columns, say
    col1 type char10
    col2 type char50
    col1 and col2 are column names of the internal table and
    char10 and char50 are data elements associated with col1 and col2 respectively.
    Now when you display this structure in a table view then by default the title is got from the data element. The field label in the data element is used for this purpose.
    In our example, the char10 field label is blank and char50 filed label is 'c'. So by default the col1 title will be blank and col2 title will be 'c'. (Don't worry i have cross-checked it).
    There are three ways where you could give your own title
    1. Provide a correct data element to the columns with correct field labels.
    2. Change the BSP code by providing the title as given below,
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb"%>
    <htmlb:content design="design2003">
      <htmlb:page title = "Table view column defult title text ">
            <htmlb:tableView id="tv1" table="<%= itab %>">
            <htmlb:tableViewColumn columnName="col1" title="Column 1"></htmlb:tableViewColumn>
            <htmlb:tableViewColumn columnName="col2" title="Column 2"></htmlb:tableViewColumn>
    3. To implement a iterator for this table view and change the title. (This has loads of features in order to modify the table view display).
    Hope it helps! Please search in the sdn forums for more intresting ways of using the tableview tag. As suggested by SAP Mentor Graham Robinson, please look into the example BSP application for more information.
    Edited by: Maheswaran B on Mar 8, 2010 5:02 PM

  • XML Schema Collection (SQL Server 2012): How to create an XML Schema Collection that can be used to Validate a field name (column title) of an existing dbo Table of a Database in SSMS2012?

    Hi all,
    I used the following code to create a new Database (ScottChangDB) and a new Table (marvel) in my SQL Server 2012 Management Studio (SSMS2012) successfully:
    -- ScottChangDB.sql saved in C://Documents/SQL Server XQuery_MacLochlainns Weblog_code
    -- 14 April 2015 09:15 AM
    USE master
    (SELECT 1
    FROM sys.databases
    WHERE name = 'ScottChangDB')
    USE ScottChangDB
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[marvel] (
    [avenger_name] [char] (30) NULL, [ID] INT NULL)
    INSERT INTO marvel
    ('Hulk', 1),
    ('Iron Man', 2),
    ('Black Widow', 3),
    ('Thor', 4),
    ('Captain America', 5),
    ('Hawkeye', 6),
    ('Winter Soldier', 7),
    ('Iron Patriot', 8);
    SELECT avenger_name FROM marvel ORDER BY ID For XML PATH('')
    SELECT @x=(SELECT avenger_name FROM marvel ORDER BY ID FOR XML PATH('Marvel'))--,ROOT('root'))
    person.value('Marvel[4]', 'varchar(100)') AS NAME
    FROM @x.nodes('.') AS Tbl(person)
    --Or if you want the completed element
    SELECT @x.query('/Marvel[4]/avenger_name')
    DROP TABLE [marvel]
    Now I am trying to create my first XML Schema Collection to do the Validation on the Field Name (Column Title) of the "marvel" Table. I have studied Chapter 4 XML SCHEMA COLLECTIONS of the book "Pro SQL Server 2008 XML" written by
    Michael Coles (published by Apress) and some beginning pages of XQuery Language Reference, SQL Server 2012 Books ONline (published by Microsoft). I mimicked  Coles' Listing 04-05 and I wanted to execute the following first-drafted sql in
    my SSMS2012:
    -- Reference [Scott Chang modified Listing04-05.sql of Pro SQL Server 2008 XML by Michael Coles (Apress)]
    -- [shcColes04-05.sql saved in C:\\Documents\XML_SQL_Server2008_code_Coles_Apress]
    -- [executed: 2 April 2015 15:04 PM]
    -- shcXMLschemaTableValidate1.sql in ScottChangDB of SQL Server 2012 Management Studio (SSMS2012)
    -- saved in C:\Documents\XQuery-SQLServer2012
    tried to run: 15 April 2015 ??? AM
    USE ScottChangDB;
    CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION dbo. ComplexTestSchemaCollection_all
    N'<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
    <xsd:element name="marvel">
    <xsd:element name="avenger_name" />
    <xsd:element name="ID" />
    DECLARE @x XML (dbo. ComplexTestSchemaCollection_all);
    SET @x = N'<?xml version="1.0"?>
    SELECT @x;
    DROP XML SCHEMA COLLECTION dbo.ComplexTestSchemaCollection_all;
    I feel that drafted sql is very shaky and it needs the SQL Server XML experts to modify to make it work for me. Please kindly help, exam the coding of my shcXMLTableValidate1.sql and modify it to work.
    Thanks in advance,
    Scott Chang

    Hi Scott,
    2) Yes, FOR XML PATH clause converts relational data to XML format with a specific structure for the "marvel" Table. Regarding validate all the avenger_names, please see below
    SELECT @x=(SELECT ID ,avenger_name FROM marvel FOR XML PATH('Marvel'))
    SELECT @x
    n.value('avenger_name[1]','VARCHAR(99)') avenger_name,
    n.value('ID[1]','INT') ID
    FROM @x.nodes('//Marvel') Tab(n)
    WHERE n.value('ID[1]','INT') = 1 -- specify the ID here
    --FOR XML PATH('Marvel')  --uncommented this line if you want the result as element type
    3)i.check the xml schema content
    --find xml schema collection
    SELECT, collection_name FROM sys.xml_schema_collections xsc JOIN sys.schemas ss ON xsc.schema_id= ss.schema_id
    select * from sys.schemas
    --check the schema content,use the name,collection_name from the above query
    SELECT xml_schema_namespace(N'name',N'collection_name')
    3)ii. View can be viewed as virtual table. Use a view to list the XML schema content.
    CREATE VIEW XSDContentView
    SELECT, collection_name,cat.content
    FROM sys.xml_schema_collections xsc JOIN sys.schemas ss ON xsc.schema_id= ss.schema_id
    SELECT xml_schema_namespace(, AS content
    ) AS cat
    SELECT * FROM XSDContentView
    By the way, it would be appreciated if you can spread your questions into posts. For any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Modify Table column data type

    Dear All,
    We have one user contains more than 100 tables(Production). I need to change some of table columns data types without affect data's.
    Please suggest me to do that.
    Thanks in advance,

    Dear Sybrand,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I tried below ways to modify the datatypes.
    1) Tried to modify datatype FLOAT to NUMBER while data is persists.
    2) Tried to take a export of that user and import the dump without data's and modify the datatype. After that, i tried to import the dump with rows=y option. But it failed due to constraint problems.
    Please advise...

  • Modifying Internal Table row - The column name is dynamic

    I need to update the internal table as described below,
    Assume that i have 10 columns in my internal table and i need to modifying the column value in row, which is dynamic.
    for example, i'm writing it in Subroutine and it has 3 formal parameter
    1) Key field value
    2) Column name
    3) Value of the column
    in my subroutine i need to write code to modify the row, which should handle the columns dynamically.
    7th record i need to modify the 4th column value.
    4th record i need to modify the 9th column value.
    Please guide me to handle this requirement.write me if i'm not clear.

    For the column check the ASSIGN statement:
    No system here, but I think it is:
    ASSIGN COMPONENT <index> OF STRUCTURE <structure> TO <field-symbol>.
    For the row:
    READ TABLE <itab> INDEX <index> INTO <work area>.
    --> For your 1. example you could write:
    READ TABLE <itab> INDEX 7 INTO <work area>.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT 4 OF STRUCTURE <work area> TO <field-symbol>.
    <field symbol> now points to the 4th column of the 7th row.

  • APEX don't allow modify rows in columns which are Primary Key ?

    I have tables:
    book(id_book - "Primary Key", title, year); book_author(id_book - "Primary Key", id_author - "Primary Key"); author(id_author - "Primary Key", name)
    I have created a new page -> Form -> Tabular Form for table 'author' because I would like to add new authors, modify and delete. During creating this page I have choosen column 'id_author' as 'primary key column 1' and everything is OK (I can't modify column 'id_author' - this column is autoincrement and I can modify column 'name').
    BUT I have also created a new page -> Form -> Tabular for table 'book_author' because I would like to write numbers as id_book and id_author, modify and delete them (so add relations between tables: book, book_author and author). During creating this page I have choosen column 'id_book' as 'primary key column 1' and 'id_author' as 'primary key column 2'. And on website I can't modify (edit) these fields. And I can't also add new row because I see in each column in new row: (null).
    APEX don't allow modify rows in columns which are Primary Key ? This is stupid....... What can I do ?
    Edited by: user10731158 on 2008-12-20 11:40

    Single-column and non-meaningful so you never want to update them. In the case of your example, you would need to add an ID column to the book_author intersection table. Honestly, I was so blown away (and pleasantly surprised) by the lack of rebuttal and the "thx" that I went ahead and put together an example of how I would define the book_author table:
    create table  book_author
       (id varchar2(32),
        book_id varchar2(32),
         author_id varchar2(32),
         modified_on     date,
         modified_by varchar2(255),
         constraint book_author_pk primary key (id),
         constraint book_auth_book_fk foreign key (book_id) references books(id),
         constraint book_auth_author_fk foreign key (author_id) references authors(id)
    create unique index book_author_uq on book_author (book_id,author_id)
    create or replace trigger  biu_book_author before insert or update on book_author
    for each row
         if inserting then
     := sys_guid();
         end if;
         modified_on := sysdate;
         modified_by := nvl(v('APP_USER'),user);
    /Good luck,

  • How can I get Modify, Drop, Add Column ...Script information for Column(s) to do some changes?

    Hi Oracle Experts,
    I have a challenging question . Lets say I have two table with same name, but these two tables comes from two different databases with 2 different users.
    Source Database A and User SCOTT
    Primary Key
    Target Database B and User DAVID
    Primary Key
    What I want to do:
    I want to get a query script that shows which columns need to modify, add and drop depends on source table (Make any necessary changes to make Target table columns same as Source table columns) . No need to do any changes in the database only want to see the query that needs to run for making these changes.
    EXAMPLE: I was using below query to get EMP table creation query. But seeing column information to create same column for other user is hard:(
    select dbms_metadata.get_ddl ('TABLE', 'EMP')  from dual

    Tools > Database DIFF
    Use the object selector to only compare BOOKS
    You'll get an ALTER Script as part of the results.

  • Unable to capture the adf table column sort icons using open script tool

    Hi All,
    I am new to OATS and I am trying to create script for testing ADF application using open script tool. I face issues in recording two events.
    1. I am unable to record the event of clicking adf table column sort icons that exist on the column header. I tried to use the capture tool, but that couldn't help me.
    2. The second issue is I am unable to capture the panel header text. The component can be identified but I was not able to identify the supporting attribute for the header text.

    Hi keerthi,
    1. I have pasted the code for the first issue
                                       "/web:window[@index='0' or @title='Manage Network Targets - Oracle Communications Order and Service Management - Order and Service Management']/web:document[@index='0' or @name='1824fhkchs_6']/web:form[@id='pt1:_UISform1' or @name='pt1:_UISform1' or @index='0']/web:button[@id='pt1:MA:0:n1:1:pt1:qryId1::search' or @value='Search' or @index='3']")
                                  "/web:window[@index='0' or @title='Manage Network Targets - Oracle Communications Order and Service Management - Order and Service Management']/web:document[@index='0' or @name='1c9nk1ryzv_6']/web:ADFTable[@absoluteLocator='pt1:MA:n1:pt1:pnlcltn:resId1']")
                        .columnSort("Ascending", "Name" );

  • Updating a view after modifying a table...

    Here is the scenario.
    I have a a table in HANA with 50+ columns of data.  I have created both Attribute and Analytical views of that data.  These views have been activated and deployed.  Now I need to modify my table to add two new columns that I will want to included in my existing Attribute and Analytical views.  How can I accomplish this?  It seems that when I modify my table, the views in HANA studio do not have the ability to be updated.  It seems I have to re-create my voews from scratch to now include my two new columns.  Hopefully I am missing something simple.
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Matt, no way you need to recreate your views after a DDL change on the underlying tables.
    When the table structure changes, you usually need to close any information view editors on the model in question and then reopen the model for editing after the change, but otherwise should be fine. I have done this many times.
    What revision are you working on? Can you give the exact sequence of steps?

  • How to make the column title needs to be on each page?

    If a document has more than one page than a column title needs to be on each page,I can use Word fuction to do that. But If I Only use XML publisher, How to do it.
    Message was edited by:

    If you mean how do you repeat the column titles on a table if the table extends over several pages then all you need do is:
    Highlight the table header row
    Right click and select table properties
    On the Row tab, specify that the header row should be repeated on every page
    Save your work
    XMLP will now respect the word setting and will repeat the header row on evey page the table needs.
    Regards, Tim

  • How to query XML file RDL SSRS Report to find column titles?

    I have list of SSRS reports  theirRDL file. How can we query the file to find like text book name as below(  <Textbox Name="bippie_passed_qa_photostamps_orders_amount">). Catlog t able in report server does not provide column title
    but i am trying to find column title through RDL file. How can we query in SQL server 2012 version too? I am new in XML please help is appreciated.
                        <Textbox Name="bippie_passed_qa_photostamps_orders_amount">

    You will first need to get your report XML from the dbo.Catalog table but something like this should work:
    -- !!TODO get your report XML from the dbo.Catalog table
    DECLARE @ssrsXML TABLE ( yourXML XML )
    SELECT '<TablixCell>
    <Textbox Name="bippie_passed_qa_photostamps_orders_amount">
    SELECT t.*, c.c.value('@Name', 'VARCHAR(100)' ) nameProperty
    FROM @ssrsXML t
    CROSS APPLY yourXML.nodes('//TablixCell/CellContents/Textbox' ) c(c)

  • Nested Composite Component Doesn't work for table column

    I have reported this issue as defect 1541 but I'm hoping someone my have a suggestion on a work around for this. Here is the issue
    I am attempting to use composites to represent a table column. I have tried this with both IceFaces and the standard implementation. I have a custom component that is of type UIColumn that is being inserted into another composite that houses a table. The table renders and the column renders. However, the outputText that should represent the row data does not render. Interestingly this will render using composites when I don't have the column rendering as a composite (IE the table is contained in the composite and the row level output is contained in the top level page.). That is not my requirement though. This seems to be a tough cookie to crack. I have the source now and am starting to acquaint myself with it in an attempt to figure out what is going on. Any brilliant ideas out there?
    Code is below.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <html xmlns=""
    <composite:interface componentType="MyColumn">
    <ice:column headerText="Make" id="column3">
    <composite:insertChildren />
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <html xmlns=""
    <ice:dataTable augmentTitle="false"
    var="item" >
    <composite:insertChildren />
    Example Page
    <html xmlns=""
    <h:head id="outputHead1">
    <ice:form id="form1">
    <ice:outputText id="outputText3" value="#{item.make}"/>
    The the new UIMyColumn class
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    package icefacestestapp2;
    import com.icesoft.faces.component.ext.UIColumn;
    import javax.faces.component.FacesComponent;
    @FacesComponent(value = "MyColumn")
    public class MyColumn extends UIColumn {
    public String getFamily() {
    return "custom";
    Interestingly the row text will not render even if I add it directly to the new
    composite column class as seen below.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <html xmlns=""
    <composite:interface componentType="MyColumn">
    <ice:column headerText="Make" id="column3">
    <ice:outputText id="outputText3" value="#{item.make}"/>

    I recall an issue in with inner frames that had the wrong JavaScript reference to the DOM. So I assume this to be the same in your case. So you can give it a try with JDeveloper and see if this fixes the problem

  • SAP database tables - Column statistics not found for table in DB02 - During import, inconsistent tables were found - Some open conversion requests still exist in the ABAP dictionary.

    Hi Experts,
    I'm implementing SAP note 1990492 which requires manual implementation. Implementation includes modifying standard tables (i.e. append
    the structure FIEU_S_APP_H to table FIEUD_FIDOC_H). After this I've adjusted the table in SE14 (Database Utility). I've done checks in SE14 and it shows the table is consistent.
    But during DB02 -> Space folder -> Single table analysis -> Input table name -> Indexes tab -> Upon clicking statistics, there is a warning "Column statistics not found for table".
    Our basis team is implementing an Add-On in the development system related to RWD Context Sensitive Help. They cannot proceed due to the following inconsistencies found in the table.
    Screenshot error from the activity:
    Screenshot from DB02:
    I'm an ABAP developer and have no other ideas on what to do. Thanks in Advanced.

    Hi All,
    We were able to fix the issue through the following:
    1. Call transaction
    2. Enter the name of
    the table and choose "Edit".
    3. Choose
    4. Select the index
    and choose "Choose (F2)".
    5. If you choose
    "Activate and adjust", the system creates the index again and it is
    6. Check the object
    log of this activation.
    7. If an error
    occurs, eliminate the cause and reactivate the index.

  • How to test BLOB Table Column in BCBrowser??

    My requirement is to upload a file(pdf,doc,jpg, txt) into DB using ADF.
    I use, Jdev, Oracle 10g XE.
    For this, I created the following
    1. A table as MyFilesTab(ID Number, FileName Varchar2(80), File BLOB)
    2. An Entity Object MyFilesEO on MyFilesTab.
    3. Generated a default view object: MyFilesVO
    4. Application Module : TestAM with view instance "MyFiles"
    But When I run TestAM, I see MyFiles as an Input textbox. So I cannot able to add a file that will be stored in my Table.
    Please help me out.

    Just to clarify, my previous post is related to title of this thread("How to test BLOB Table Column in BCBrowser??"),
    and not to "My requirement is to upload a file(pdf,doc,jpg, txt) into DB using ADF" 

Maybe you are looking for