XML Schema Collection (SQL Server 2012): How to create an XML Schema Collection that can be used to Validate a field name (column title) of an existing dbo Table of a Database in SSMS2012?

Hi all,
I used the following code to create a new Database (ScottChangDB) and a new Table (marvel) in my SQL Server 2012 Management Studio (SSMS2012) successfully:
-- ScottChangDB.sql saved in C://Documents/SQL Server XQuery_MacLochlainns Weblog_code
-- 14 April 2015 09:15 AM
USE master
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name = 'ScottChangDB')
USE ScottChangDB
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[marvel] (
[avenger_name] [char] (30) NULL, [ID] INT NULL)
('Hulk', 1),
('Iron Man', 2),
('Black Widow', 3),
('Thor', 4),
('Captain America', 5),
('Hawkeye', 6),
('Winter Soldier', 7),
('Iron Patriot', 8);
SELECT avenger_name FROM marvel ORDER BY ID For XML PATH('')
SELECT @x=(SELECT avenger_name FROM marvel ORDER BY ID FOR XML PATH('Marvel'))--,ROOT('root'))
person.value('Marvel[4]', 'varchar(100)') AS NAME
FROM @x.nodes('.') AS Tbl(person)
--Or if you want the completed element
SELECT @x.query('/Marvel[4]/avenger_name')
DROP TABLE [marvel]
Now I am trying to create my first XML Schema Collection to do the Validation on the Field Name (Column Title) of the "marvel" Table. I have studied Chapter 4 XML SCHEMA COLLECTIONS of the book "Pro SQL Server 2008 XML" written by
Michael Coles (published by Apress) and some beginning pages of XQuery Language Reference, SQL Server 2012 Books ONline (published by Microsoft). I mimicked  Coles' Listing 04-05 and I wanted to execute the following first-drafted sql in
my SSMS2012:
-- Reference [Scott Chang modified Listing04-05.sql of Pro SQL Server 2008 XML by Michael Coles (Apress)]
-- [shcColes04-05.sql saved in C:\\Documents\XML_SQL_Server2008_code_Coles_Apress]
-- [executed: 2 April 2015 15:04 PM]
-- shcXMLschemaTableValidate1.sql in ScottChangDB of SQL Server 2012 Management Studio (SSMS2012)
-- saved in C:\Documents\XQuery-SQLServer2012
tried to run: 15 April 2015 ??? AM
USE ScottChangDB;
CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION dbo. ComplexTestSchemaCollection_all
N'<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xsd:element name="marvel">
<xsd:element name="avenger_name" />
<xsd:element name="ID" />
DECLARE @x XML (dbo. ComplexTestSchemaCollection_all);
SET @x = N'<?xml version="1.0"?>
DROP XML SCHEMA COLLECTION dbo.ComplexTestSchemaCollection_all;
I feel that drafted sql is very shaky and it needs the SQL Server XML experts to modify to make it work for me. Please kindly help, exam the coding of my shcXMLTableValidate1.sql and modify it to work.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

Hi Scott,
2) Yes, FOR XML PATH clause converts relational data to XML format with a specific structure for the "marvel" Table. Regarding validate all the avenger_names, please see below
SELECT @x=(SELECT ID ,avenger_name FROM marvel FOR XML PATH('Marvel'))
n.value('avenger_name[1]','VARCHAR(99)') avenger_name,
n.value('ID[1]','INT') ID
FROM @x.nodes('//Marvel') Tab(n)
WHERE n.value('ID[1]','INT') = 1 -- specify the ID here
--FOR XML PATH('Marvel')  --uncommented this line if you want the result as element type
3)i.check the xml schema content
--find xml schema collection
SELECT ss.name,xsc.name collection_name FROM sys.xml_schema_collections xsc JOIN sys.schemas ss ON xsc.schema_id= ss.schema_id
select * from sys.schemas
--check the schema content,use the name,collection_name from the above query
SELECT xml_schema_namespace(N'name',N'collection_name')
3)ii. View can be viewed as virtual table. Use a view to list the XML schema content.
SELECT ss.name,xsc.name collection_name,cat.content
FROM sys.xml_schema_collections xsc JOIN sys.schemas ss ON xsc.schema_id= ss.schema_id
SELECT xml_schema_namespace(ss.name,xsc.name) AS content
) AS cat
WHERE xsc.name<>'sys'
By the way, it would be appreciated if you can spread your questions into posts. For any question, feel free to let me know.
Eric Zhang
TechNet Community Support

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    Thanks in advance,
    Scott Chang
    P. S.
    The reason I tried to create the Database, dbo Table, and then to insert the VALUES is to learn the following thing:
    You can query the entire node tree with the following xquery statement because it looks for the occurrence of any node with the /* search string:
    DECLARE @x xml;
    SET @x = N'<marvel>
    <avenger_name>Captain America</avenger_name>
    SELECT @x.query('/*');
    You can query the avenger_name elements from the marvel_xml table with the following syntax:
    SELECT xml_table.query('/marvel/avenger_name')
    FROM marvel_xml;
    It returns the following set of avenger_name elements:
    <avenger_name>Iron Man</avenger_name>
    <avenger_name>Black Widow</avenger_name>
    <avenger_name>Captain America</avenger_name>
    <avenger_name>Winter Soldier</avenger_name>
    <avenger_name>Iron Patriot</avenger_name>
    You can query the fourth avenger_name element from the marvel_xml table with the following xquery statement:
    SELECT xml_table.query('/marvel[4]/avenger_name')
    FROM marvel_xml;
    It returns the following avenger_name element:

    Hi Scott,
    The master database records all the system-level information for a SQL Server system, so best practise would be not to create any user-defined
    object within it.
    To change your default database(master by default) of your login to another, follow the next steps so that next time when connected you don't have to use "USE dbname" to switch database.
    Open SQL Server Management Studio
    --> Go to Object explorer(the left panel by default layout)
    --> Extend "Security"
    --> Extend "Logins"
    --> Right click on your login, click "propertites"
    --> Choose the "Default database" at the bottom of the pop-up window.
    --or simply by T-SQL
    Exec sp_defaultdb @loginame='yourLogin', @defdb='youDB'
    Regarding your question, you can reference the below.
    SELECT * FROM master.sys.all_objects where name ='Marvel'
    SELECT OBJECT_ID('master.dbo.Marvel') --if non empty result returns, the object exists
    --usually the OBJECT_ID is used if a if statement as below
    IF OBJECT_ID('master.dbo.Marvel') IS NOT NULL
    PRINT ('TABLE EXISTS') --Or some other logic
    What is the sys.all_objects? See
    If you have any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Thanks in advance,
    Scott Chang

    Hi Manish, Thanks for your response.
    Yes, it is a duplicate with Qroducts/Qroduct instead of Products/Product. I did it, because I don't know how to remove the existing "Products" database.
    Again, I got the existing "Qroducts" database in this second trial!!??  I am comletely lost in doing "Importing XML file to SQL Table" now!!  I think that I have not touched T-SQL and XML programming, since 2008. I
    did not catch the new features of T-SQL 2008, XML, SQL/XML, XQuery, etc. for long time. Recently, I did not know what DECLARE, @x, SET,...were, and dived into the SQL/XML and XQuery programming. I knew the SQL Basics (SELECT, FROM, WHERE,..), creating
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    want to do and print the results below the SQL Query. This is not what I need in doing my SQL/XML programming. I am reading/studying the new (2008) features of T-SQL, XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (Second Edition), and Microsoft XQuery Language Reference
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    Please tell me  where the existing databases "Products" and "Qroducts" I created in my previous trials in my SQL Server 2012 Management Studio.  This is what I need to know and to delete them, before I do this kind of "Importing
    XML file to Table of SQL Server 2012 Management Studio"  programming again.
    Please kindly help, advise and respond again.
    Many Thanks,
    Scott Chang

  • Data types not compatible with Sql Server 2012

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    I need to know what are data types which were present in sql server 2005 but are not in sql server 2012.

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    Thanks for help. Actually my requirement is that I have one database on sql server 2005 version. I am planning to migrate it to sql server 2012 version. I want to publish a list of all objects across all databases which cannot be replicated to sql server
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    yes there are
    but why not look at here for breaking changes
    The deprecated features would still work though new development using them is discouraged
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    Yes there can be difference and impact there are few features deprecated in SQL Server 2012 you must be aware about that. Please see
    Deprecated Database Features in SQL Server 2012
    Deprecated SQL Server features in SQL Server 2012
    After you migrate database to 2012 please don't move ahead with production unless you have tested your application to new created database
    Please mark this reply as answer if it solved your issue or vote as helpful if it helped so that other forum members can benefit from it
    My Technet Wiki Article

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    Windows 2008 R2.
    SQL Server 2012 SP1 64 bit.
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    The default setting of a Visual Studio project is "Any CPU".SO on a 64 bit system this means the program will automatically run as a 64 bit application and on a 32 bit system it will automatically run as a 32 bit application. But if you have a dependency
    assembly which is either x86 or x64, technically your project is therefore not "Any CPU" compatible. 
    According to BOL: If the the assembly is 100% type safe which there is no dependencies on native code or COM objects and that there is no 'unsafe' code, it is possible to take the .NET executable
    that you run on your 32-bit machine and move it to the 64-bit system and have it run successfully.
    In your case, the issue may caused by the unsafe code and you should spcify the platform target to X64 to make is run on the 64 bit system.
    Fanny Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here. 
    Fanny Liu
    TechNet Community Support

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    repro the deadlock and have code that will catch it and re-try the transaction.
    However, when I run "set deadlock_priority low" for one of the sessions, it does not change which victim is chosen. SQL Server consistently chooses the session that starts last as the deadlock victim regardless of this setting. I have verified
    that the setting is correct by selecting deadlock_priority from sys.dm_exec_sessions. I have tried setting the session that starts first to "low" and the one that starts second to "high". In spite of that, the second one is always
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    Is this the expected behavior?
    Ron Rice
    Ron Rice

    I didn't try extremely hard, but I was not able to reproduce the issue. Running in the Northwind database, I had this in one window:
    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02'
    UPDATE Orders SET CustomerID = 'ALFKI' WHERE OrderID = 11000
    and in the other window I had:
    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02'
    UPDATE Orders SET CustomerID = 'ALFKI' WHERE OrderID = 11000
    And every time I tried, it was the first window that fell on the floor.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • SQL Server 2012 Management Studio Crashed when opening the application

    I had installed SharePoint 2013 with SQL Server 2012 on a single server environment a couple of months ago. Both the tools were working fine. But today morning i found that when opening SQL Server 2012 Management Studio it displays a pop-up message as attached
    Event Log:
    Faulting application name: Ssms.exe, version: 2011.110.3000.0, time stamp: 0x5081c1cd
    Faulting module name: Ssms.exe, version: 2011.110.3000.0, time stamp: 0x5081c1cd
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x00004b89
    Faulting process id: 0x2b0c
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cf54780a2efde8
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Ssms.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Ssms.exe
    Report Id: 47e02c36-c06b-11e3-946b-00155d040605
    Faulting package full name: 
    Faulting package-relative application ID: 
    Server Details:
    Windows Server 2012 Standard
    MS SharePoint 2013
    MS SQL Server 2012
    IIS 8.0
    If anyone has faced the same problem or has a workaround, please share!

    Applying Service Pack 1 for SQL Server 2012 may solve this issue.
    Hope this helps.
    Alberto Morillo

  • Can I uninstall a hotfix from SQL Server 2012?

    I need to apply CU 7 to some SQL Server 2012 instances.  If something goes wrong with this, can I uninstall CU7?

    I need to apply CU 7 to some SQL Server 2012 instances.  If something goes wrong with this, can I uninstall CU7?
    If you are looking for this as rollback plan then answer is Yes. But my advice would be to perform testing of any patch in QA/Dev before rolling out to production.
    Balmukund Lakhani | Please mark solved if I've answered your question, vote for it as helpful to help other users find a solution quicker
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
    My Blog |
    Team Blog | @Twitter
    Author: SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn -
    Paperback, Kindle

  • Cumulative update 15 for SQL Server 2012 SP1 is released

    Cumulative update 15 for SQL Server 2012 SP1 is released
    MDS related fix is:
    FIX: Add three stored procedures to clean up history that is created when you use SQL Server 2012 MDS
    After using MDS for a while, the transaction/validation/staging history may grow very large. In this CU we provide 3 store procedure to clean them up manually.
    The fix will be ported over to SQL 2012 SP2 and SQL 2014 CUs in the coming 2 months.
    In next SQL Server release, it will be automated by MDS maintenance job.
    --@ModelID is the model ID that you clean up the log for.
    --@CLeanupOlderThanDate is the date before that the logs or records is deleted.
    DECLARE @CleanupOlderThanDate date = '<Date>', @ModelID INT = <ID>
    --Cleanup Transaction History
    EXEC mdm.udpTransactionsCleanup @ModelID, @CleanupOlderThanDate;
    --Cleanup Validation History
    EXEC mdm.udpValidationsCleanup @ModelID, @CleanupOlderThanDate;
    --Cleanup entity-based staging table
    EXEC mdm.udpEntityStagingBatchTableCleanup @ModelID, @CleanupOlderThanDate;

    Hi SelvaOnline,
    I would recommend to install SP2 and the hotfix that came after it.
    If you don't have a reason to install a CU than don't bother with it.
    Hotfix for SP2;

  • SQL Server 2012 Management Studio:In the Database, how to print out or export the old 3 dbo Tables that were created manually and they have a relationship for 1 Parent table and 2 Child tables?How to handle this relationship in creating a new XML Schema?

    Hi all,
    Long time ago, I manually created a Database (APGriMMRP) and 3 Tables (dbo.Table_1_XYcoordinates, dbo.Table_2_Soil, and dbo.Table_3_Water) in my SQL Server 2012 Management Studio (SSMS2012). The dbo.Table_1_XYcoordinates has the following columns: file_id,
    Pt_ID, X, Y, Z, sample_id, Boring. The dbo.Table_2_Soil has the following columns: Boring, sample_date, sample_id, Unit, Arsenic, Chromium, Lead. The dbo.Table_3_Water has the following columns: Boring, sample_date, sample_id, Unit, Benzene, Ethylbenzene,
    Pyrene. The dbo.Table_1_XYcoordinates is a Parent Table. The dbo.Table_2_Soil and the dbo.Table_3_Water are 2 Child Tables. The sample_id is key link for the relationship between the Parent Table and the Child Tables.
    Problem #1) How can I print out or export these 3 dbo Tables?
    Problem #2) If I right-click on the dbo Table, I see "Start PowerShell" and click on it. I get the following error messages: Warning: Failed to load the 'SQLAS' extension: An exception occurred in SMO while trying to manage a service. 
    --> Failed to retrieve data for this request. --> Invalid class.  Warning: Could not obtain SQL Server Service information. An attemp to connect to WMI on 'NAB-WK-02657306' failed with the following error: An exception occurred in SMO while trying
    to manage a service. --> Failed to retrieve data for this request. --> Invalid class.  .... PS SQLSERVER:\SQL\NAB-WK-02657306\SQLEXPRESS\Databases\APGriMMRP\Table_1_XYcoordinates>   What causes this set of error messages? How can
    I get this problem fixed in my PC that is an end user of the Windows 7 LAN System? Note: I don't have the regular version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 in my PC. I just have the Microsoft 2012 Shell (Integrated) program in my PC.
    Problem #3: I plan to create an XML Schema Collection in the "APGriMMRP" database for the Parent Table and the Child Tables. How can I handle the relationship between the Parent Table and the Child Table in the XML Schema Collection?
    Problem #4: I plan to extract some results/data from the Parent Table and the Child Table by using XQuery. What kind of JOIN (Left or Right JOIN) should I use in the XQuerying?
    Please kindly help, answer my questions, and advise me how to resolve these 4 problems.
    Thanks in advance,
    Scott Chang    

    In the future, I would recommend you to post your questions one by one, and to the appropriate forum. Of your questions it is really only #3 that fits into this forum. (And that is the one I will not answer, because I have worked very little with XSD.)
    1) Not sure what you mean with "print" or "export", but when you right-click a database, you can select Tasks from the context menu and in this submenu you find "Export data".
    2) I don't know why you get that error, but any particular reason you want to run PowerShell?
    4) If you have tables, you query them with SQL, not XQuery. XQuery is when you query XML documents, but left and right joins are SQL things. There are no joins in XQuery.
    As for left/right join, notice that these two are equivalent:
    SELECT ...
    FROM   a LEFT JOIN b ON a.col = b.col
    SELECT ...
    FROM   b RIGHT JOIN a ON a.col = b.col
    But please never use RIGHT JOIN - it gives me a headache!
    There is nothing that says that you should use any of the other. In fact, if you are returning rows from parent and child, I would expect an inner join, unless you want to cater for parents without children.
    Here is an example where you can study the different join types and how they behave:
    CREATE TABLE apple (a int         NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
                        b varchar(23) NOT NULL)
    INSERT apple(a, b)
       VALUES(1, 'Granny Smith'),
             (2, 'Gloster'),
             (4, 'Ingrid-Marie'),
             (5, 'Milenga')
    CREATE TABLE orange(c int        NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
                        d varchar(23) NOT NULL)
    INSERT orange(c, d)
       VALUES(1, 'Agent'),
             (3, 'Netherlands'),
             (4, 'Revolution')
    SELECT a, b, c, d
    FROM   apple
    CROSS  JOIN orange
    SELECT a, b, c, d
    FROM   apple
    INNER  JOIN orange ON apple.a = orange.c
    SELECT a, b, c, d
    FROM   apple
    LEFT   OUTER JOIN orange ON apple.a = orange.c
    SELECT a, b, c, d
    FROM   apple
    RIGHT  OUTER JOIN orange ON apple.a = orange.c
    SELECT a, b, c, d
    FROM   apple
    FULL OUTER JOIN orange ON apple.a = orange.c
    DROP TABLE apple, orange
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • XML Schema Collection (SQL Server 2012): Complex Schema Collection with Attribute - Should xs or xsd be used in the coding?

    Hi all,
    I just got a copy of the book "Pro SQL Server 2008 XML" written by Michael Coles (published by Apress) and try to learn the XML Schema Collection in my SQL Server 2012 Management Studio (SSMS2012). I studied Chapter 4 XML Collection of the book
    and executed the following code of Listing 4-8 Complex Schema with Attribute:
    -- Pro SQL Server 2008 XML by Michael Coles (Apress)
    -- Listing04-08.sql Complex XML Schema with Attribute
    -- shcColes04-08.sql saved in C:\\Documents\XML_SQL_Server2008_code_Coles_Apress
    -- 6 April 2015 8:00 PM
    CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION dbo.ComplexTestSchemaCollection_attribute
    N'<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:element name="item">
    <xs:element name="name" />
    <xs:element name="color" />
    <xs:group ref="id-price" />
    <xs:group ref="size-group" />
    <xs:attribute name="id" />
    <xs:attribute name="number" />
    <xs:group name="id-price">
    <xs:element name="list-price" />
    <xs:element name="standard-cost" />
    <xs:group name="size-group">
    <xs:element name="size" />
    <xs:element name="unit-of-measure" />
    DECLARE @x XML (dbo.ComplexTestSchemaCollection_attribute);
    SET @x = N'<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <item id="749" number="BK-R93R-62">
    <name>Road-150 Red, 62</name>
    SELECT @x;
    DROP XML SCHEMA COLLECTION dbo.ComplexTestSchemaCollection_attribute;
    It worked nicely. But, I just found out the coding that was downloaded from the website of Apress and I just executed was different from the coding of Listing 4-8 listed in the book: all the <xs: ....> and </xs: ..> in my SSMS2012 are
    listed as <xsd:...> and </xsd:...> respectively in the book!!??  The same thing happens in the Listing 4-3 Simple XML Schema, Listing 4-5 XML Schema and Valid XML Document with Comple Type Definition, Listion 4-6 XML Schema and XML
    Document Document with Complex Type Using <sequence> and <choice>, and Listing 4-7 Complex XML Schema and XML Document with Model Group Definition (I executed last week) too.  I wonder: should xs or xsd be used in the XML
    Schema Collection of SSMS2012?  Please kindly help,  clarify this matter and explain the diffirence of using xs and xsd for me.
    Thanks in advance,
    Scott Chang   

    Hi Scott,
    Using xs or xsd depends on how you declare the namespace prefix.
      <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
      <xs:element name="item">
    I've posted a very good link in your last question, just in case you might have missed it, please see the below link.
    Understanding XML Namespaces
    In an XML document we use a namespace prefix to qualify the local names of both elements and attributes . A prefix is really just an abbreviation for the namespace identifier (URI), which is typically quite long. The prefix is first mapped to a namespace
    identifier through a namespace declaration. The syntax for a namespace declaration is:
    xmlns:<prefix>='<namespace identifier>'
    If you have any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

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