MOG Issues again

For the mods and managers, I have a question.
Do you have any listed issues with MOG again, because both yesterday and today it has been either not playing songs at all or stopping half way though. It does it both on my phone and tablet and on both 4G and Wifi (adsl2+ on gateway max with speed test result of 17.2Mbps). I tried deleting and reinstalling the app to see if that helps but still again having the same issue.
As a result I have been getting a chance to try out Apple Music but i have noticed that (as I expected) it is metered and I just want to know if there is anything you guys know about issues with it again.
Also is anyone else having a similar issue, or is it just for me today?

Hi DrQwerty90, 
Still having issues with MOG?
- Jon

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  • AOL iTunes Login Issue AGAIN?!

    As with many other people, I have experienced a problem over the years (since 2006ish) where iTunes won't recognize my AOL login information -- and yes, my screen name and password are both absolutely correct. I can even log in to AOL directly to get my e-mail and use AOL IM. When I punch in my AOL login info, iTunes keeps insisting that my AOL password is incorrect and advises in the error prompt to call AOL at some 800-number to change my password. I wish that this problem were fixable by changing one's password and/or calling AOL -- many of us have tried in the past, and it's a futile attempt.
    Over the years, it has been established that it's definitely an issue from Apple's end, not AOL's.
    As of last night, I'm having this same problem again. In the past two days, the problem seems to happen sporadically -- sometimes I can login briefly, but I can't login most of the time. This afternoon, I checked the forums to see if anyone else was experiencing this issue again, but I didn't see any recent complaints. However, I did look back in the forums at posts from previous years, and I've tried many of the old fixes that previously solved my issue -- making sure my iTunes is updated, trying to completely sign out, shutting down my computer, etc. I recall some kind of solution that involved updating one's credit card info of sorts -- but I couldn't find the precise instructions for that in the forums (if anyone has this info, please post below so I can try it). I'm really, REALLY frustrated to see this issue occurring again with iTunes, and I can't fathom why on earth logging into iTunes through my AOL account continues to be an issue after so many years.
    Is anyone else having this problem right now (or recently)? If so, any ideas for a fix this time around? I have not e-mailed Apple yet, but I'm hoping maybe someone else here has done so already since it often takes a very long time to hear back from them. If you have heard from Apple, what have they advised?
    Also, if you could post a direct Apple e-mail address for me to "complain" to and get tech help for this sort of issue, that would be really helpful since I could not find it.
    I use iTunes for both work and play, and I really have things that I need to access and/or download. Sigh, not fair to paying customers to have this problem happen so many times over the years. There should be a compensation clause in the TOS that makes Apple give something like $50 or more (either cash/credit, fee based upon amount of pain/suffering, missed work deadlines, missing relaxation time, etc.) for each day one's account is not working due to issues caused by Apple -- I can dream, can't I, lol?!?!
    Let's hope this issue resolves itself ASAP!! Thanks to all who post/reply below in advance -- I really appreciate your help/comments!
    P.S. If need be, I would be happy to attach my iTunes screenshots that show the problem . . . but anyone who has used AOL to sign into iTunes will likely know exactly what I'm talking about without seeing screenshots!

    I'm sorry to hear you're having the same problem, Dolphin -- but at least I'm not crazy!
    The last few times this happened from 2006-2010, there were dozens of posts here in the forums with other AOL users trying to help each other come to a solution -- and unfortunately, there was never one solid fix. Since nobody posted with complaints about this problem recently, I went digging through the old suggested fixes (some of which cleared up the issue in the past), but they have not worked. I thought maybe the problem may be with my iTunes on my laptop, so today I tried to login using my iPad and iPhone . . . same issue. It's definitely my iTunes account. I can still get into my AOL e-mail account without a problem. I'm SO frustrated.
    I'm not sure what purpose you use iTunes for, but you're amazing if you're able to patiently wait for the problem to resolve itself -- apparently I'm not as patient as I thought, lol!!! To name a few examples, I use iTunes various services (including podcasts, apps, iTunes U, music, TV documentaries, etc.) for personal recreation, professional development, and for medical information, etc. If it were just for myself, I'd try to wait a bit longer . . . but when it's for professional endeavors, waiting isn't a feasible option!
    Dolphin, if you happen to find a resolution, please post here again -- I'd really appreciate it! Do you happen to have a direct e-mail address to get technical support from Apple for this type of problem? I was looking on their support website, but I could not find an e-mail address other than one for questions about purchases. They rarely look at this community support website, so it's unlikely that they'll see this thread I made. However, if I can get an e-mail address, then I'd be able to send them the link to this thread I created that describes the issue. If you e-mail Apple, you can also send them the link to this page if it will be helpful to you since I described the nature of the problem.
    Thanks SO much for posting!
    What really upsets me the most, aside from not being able to get work done as I described above, is all of the deals and promotions I have missed out on (and will still miss until this problem gets resolved) in the time I haven't been able to use iTunes. Not to sound like a sob story, but I think Apple needs to understand how their repeated technical issues with this AOL login thing happening so many times since 2006 impacts people's lives. I have a permanent disability and medical issues from an accident I had back in 2003. I have no income (I got hand-me-down iDevices from great friends when they upgraded), and I can't easily get out of my home to have a good time -- so I truly rely on finding freebies and deals on iTunes to sustain my recreational fun (I even use some apps as part of my physical/cognitive therapy regimen!), and I'm very thankful when Apple and others make special offers so I can have my fun! I missed out on getting a whole bunch of apps I wanted while they were free -- there was, perhaps, $30-$35 worth of apps that I could have had through, free promotions from individual developers, and through other free app promoters like OpenFeint, etc. Plus, I also missed other free promotions for songs, music videos, TV shows, etc. that Apple, musicians, music festivals (ie: Lollapalooza, etc.), and companies offer by giving redemption codes and/or can be downloaded without a code (if featured by Apple directly) -- I also estimate maybe $40 bucks worth of stuff I missed out on because the offers have already expired. So I've already lost out on roughly $75 worth of stuff, plus more for every other deal I'll miss until Apple can fix this problem. I never ask for anything, but it would be a really nice gesture and appropriate if Apple gave me a gift card to cover the cost of the $75 I've missed (plus a bit more $ for each additional day until they resolve my issue) . . . but alas, I'm dreaming cause I doubt they could do this in reality.
    So please, Apple, come to my rescue! I need to access my downloaded stuff on my laptop, and I need to download a heap of media from iTunes on a daily basis for my volunteer work, personal education, for fun, for my medical condition -- and SO much more! I do make purchases on iTunes and from the Apple Store when I get money gifts from friends for birthdays and such, so I am a paying customer like any other person. Please Apple, help me . . . and anyone else with this problem. Find a fix ASAP . . . but please work on a permanent solution so this problem never happens to anyone else using an AOL login. It's aggravating, inconvenient, and you'll lose customers this way. I love iTunes and my iDevices, and I want to be able to use and enjoy them.
    I'm sorry if I'm ranting a bit, but I'm upset/frustrated and want you to understand how this can affect me and others experiencing this problem.
    Please contact me at my AOL e-mail address if I can give you any information that will help you help me, and thanks for your help in this matter!

  • My iPhone 4 randomly was lighting up without touching it even would do it continiusly while it was locked; then will stop and 2 min later would do the issue again.I have 5.1.1 iOS installed in it and I even try to recover it , still the problem remains

    My iPhone 4 randomly was lighting up without touching it even would do it continiusly while it was locked; then will stop and 2 min later would do the issue again.I have 5.1.1 ios installed in it and I even try to recover it , still the problem is not solved , Thou when I put the phone on charging than the display light does not glow again and again. Kindly help to solve this issue.

    If you restored to factory settings/new iPod and still have the problem that indicates a hardware problem.
    Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store..
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • Cdemu issues (again), this time with KDE Device Notifier

    OK, so I'm having trouble with cdemu again. This time it's not about mounting an image, but getting rid of it
    Essentially, when I load an image with the cdemu client, KDE Device Notifier immediately recognises it as an inserted optical media... which is cool.
    However, when I try to unload it with cdemu, it stays "stuck" in KDE Device Notifier, and I can't access any other image which I mount via cdemu afterwards.
    In other words, I do the following...
    cdemu load 0 <name>.iso
    The image appears to be successfully loaded, and I can access it's contents with no trouble at all. KDE Device Notifier sees it normally, can mount it and open it in Dolphin.
    Then, when I'm done with it, I do the following...
    cdemu unload 0
    This apparently unloads the image, as I can't open it in Dolphin anymore (or any other application within KDE), but KDE Device Notifier still sees it as if the "optical drive" is inserted, and it won't go away. If I try loading another image in cdemu, KDE will still see the previous one, and I won't be able to do anything with it.
    I cannot mount or unmount it, I cannot open it in Dolphin or any other application (obviously, because the image isn't mounted anymore), but KDE Device Notifier still insists that it's there, and won't let me access any other image mounted via cdemu.
    Since I have very little experience with cdemu and KDE's logs, I don't know what else I should post here, or where to find it...
    Any advice or idea would be much appreciated. TIA!

    Today the issue disappeared!
    I don't understand, yesterday I spent my whole afternoon trying to find why it was not recognised, I rebooted a few times without any luck. In the evening I still had a cdemu iso mounted and left my laptop in "suspend to ram" state, and this morning as soon as I wake from suspend to ram I have a notification from device notifier that my iso is available! I tried to unmount / mount and reboot then mount / unmount, it now works fine...
    So it seems the issue fixed itself... Don't know how though..
    And the new version of kde-cdemu-manager works fine as well.

  • Startup Questions Issues (Again)

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    We have a white 12" iBook 700 MHZ running OS 10.3 that startups very erratically. Oftentimes for a week or so it will startup just fine. Then it will not boot up at all with just battery power, the adapter or both. This problem started a few months ago. I've tried using a different battery and power adapter, resetting the PMU and resetting the PRAM. A couple of hours or days later it will startup again after switching around the battery and power adapter. At times when it is running with the battery in and power adapter connected to an outlet, the battery will begin running down instead of recharging it. Is it possible the power port is defective? Or a new logic board is needed? We love this computer and would like to salvage it if possible. Thanks very much.

    {quote:title=kaplanvb wrote:}Is it possible the power port is defective? {quote}
    {quote:title=kaplanvb wrote:}Or a new logic board is needed?{quote}
    {quote:title=kaplanvb wrote:}We love this computer and would like to salvage it if possible.{quote}
    How old are the battery and the adapter? Are you certain that both are working properly? It is likely that the battery or the adapter (or both) need(s) to be replaced.
    The problem of not starting up reliably points to logic board problems:
    The most reasonable place I've found for repairs is _DT&T Computer Services_ in Fremont, California. If you're anywhere close to Fremont, you could take it in and have them look at it. They offer free diagnostics and a six-month warranty on their repairs.

  • in 10.4.7: SOCKS proxy issues again...

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    When I'm at office, we have an Exchange server with direct access in the network ( is because this that proxy is not needed ). Also a proxy server controls the Internet access.
    What is not working in Mail ( or I don't know how to use it ) now is the following:
    - Local access to Exchange server is only possible using a POP account. An Exchange account doesn't work because is always asking the password.
    - I need to disable the SOCKS proxy to be able to access the local mail server. So the 'Bypass proxy settings' in the Network preference pane seems to not work ( I've tried all kind of syntaxs: *.domain, server.domain, IP address, etc. )
    - With the SOCKS proxy settings active in my corporate network, I cannot access external mail accounts in external servers. I've tried IMAP and POP accounts with the same result: nothing. This is the same issue than in previous version of
    So waiting again for a Mail patch...
    Joan B. Altadill
    PowerBook 17   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   10.4.7 !!!!!
    PowerBook 17   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   10.4.7 !!!!!

    Today I've updated my PowerBook to MacOS X 10.4.7. All the process was fine, but Mail didn't connect to any server. After reading some posts in this forum I've unmarked the SOCKS proxy settings in the Network pref. pane, and I've recovered the 10.4.6 functionallity. So at least I can work.
    When I'm at office, we have an Exchange server with direct access in the network ( is because this that proxy is not needed ). Also a proxy server controls the Internet access.
    What is not working in Mail ( or I don't know how to use it ) now is the following:
    - Local access to Exchange server is only possible using a POP account. An Exchange account doesn't work because is always asking the password.
    - I need to disable the SOCKS proxy to be able to access the local mail server. So the 'Bypass proxy settings' in the Network preference pane seems to not work ( I've tried all kind of syntaxs: *.domain, server.domain, IP address, etc. )
    - With the SOCKS proxy settings active in my corporate network, I cannot access external mail accounts in external servers. I've tried IMAP and POP accounts with the same result: nothing. This is the same issue than in previous version of
    So waiting again for a Mail patch...
    Joan B. Altadill
    PowerBook 17   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   10.4.7 !!!!!
    PowerBook 17   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   10.4.7 !!!!!

  • Spotlight issues again - only on a larger scale.

    Hi there
    A couple of weeks back I reported issues with spotlight.  It had stopped finding anything beyond mid April.  It couldfind anything before the date but nothing added to the machine after. 
    I submitted a question got it answered and everything was fine.
    Went to do a search today and nothing.  No apps no gifs no jpgs no html docs and nothing at all with "a"  or "." in the file name. Nothing, nada, zilch,  no matter what option I entered as a search as far as spotlight is concerned I have nothing on the machine not even an operating system. It cant find anything on the external drives either.
    Can anyone suggest a reason for this problem, I don't want to re index my hard drive and 3 external drives everytime  I want to look for something.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edit -  Added twist if I use spotlight in the menu bar if finds nothing then it says its indexing the imac then it shows some results and tells me its indexing again but the minute I click on "open results in finder" all the results disappear and finder shows 0 results and spotlight stops indexing.
    The search option in the finder wont find anything. I have to go back to the main menu bar and type my search in there but that just starts the whole cycle over again, not results then it says its indexing then when I try to open the results in finder everything vanishes again.

    Hi there
    A couple of weeks back I reported issues with spotlight.  It had stopped finding anything beyond mid April.  It couldfind anything before the date but nothing added to the machine after. 
    I submitted a question got it answered and everything was fine.
    Went to do a search today and nothing.  No apps no gifs no jpgs no html docs and nothing at all with "a"  or "." in the file name. Nothing, nada, zilch,  no matter what option I entered as a search as far as spotlight is concerned I have nothing on the machine not even an operating system. It cant find anything on the external drives either.
    Can anyone suggest a reason for this problem, I don't want to re index my hard drive and 3 external drives everytime  I want to look for something.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edit -  Added twist if I use spotlight in the menu bar if finds nothing then it says its indexing the imac then it shows some results and tells me its indexing again but the minute I click on "open results in finder" all the results disappear and finder shows 0 results and spotlight stops indexing.
    The search option in the finder wont find anything. I have to go back to the main menu bar and type my search in there but that just starts the whole cycle over again, not results then it says its indexing then when I try to open the results in finder everything vanishes again.

  • Ghost / duplicate drive issue again...

    Issue:  In LR, opening a raw file via "Edit in Photoshop CS4.."  (and maybe importing from CF card) creates a duplicate drive letter with the new images in the library left-side folder tree.  Thus, I end up with two "D: Drive" sections with some images in one and the rest in the other...even in the same subfolders.  It is a pain to fix...and of course the next import or Edit in...creates the problem again.
    Set up:  LR 3.3 on Win7.  LR installed on C: Drive.  Catalog and images on D: drive.  Both drives (partitions, really, of the same physical drive) are internal Sata.  My catalog is regularly optimized and checked for errors.
    Known workarounds:
    a.  I created a test catalog on C: and the problem doesn't seem to happen.
    b.  I setup Photoshop CS4 as an additional external editor.  Choosing this option in "Edit in..." dialog immediately creates the new "-Edit.psd" file which is saved appropropiately without the ghost drive issue.
    Question:  I can live with workaround B, but is there a fundemental way to avoid this issue in the first place?

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    The three beeps after powering up sometimes is a sign the RAM banks of the motherboard have gone bad. See this article:
    Though usually it is followed by a failed boot.
    Also make sure you are using the most current Techtool. See my FAQ*:
    to find out if your version is out of date for your operating system.
    * Links to my pages may give me compensation.

  • Post 3.1 backup an issue again

    I had this problem right after upgrading to 3.0 - turned out to be the espn app - but again, after installing 3.1 when syncing the iphone it will just sit when it reaches halfway through backing itself up and not progress any further until i click the cross to abort the backup. Not ideal, anyone else having this issue ?

    No backup issue here. Probably another app problem, but I can't guess which one.

  • I clicked on blue box to keep menubar in lion. Bar issues again and click didnt work.

    Apple Store fixed my issue with menubar for Lion. All I had to do was click on a blue box in upper right hand corner that I didnt notice after downloading. Now Im back to square one. Blue box is back and clicking it again just minimizes the screen.

    Make sure that Firefox gets installed properly.<br />
    Open the Firefox disk image (DMG) file with a double-click if necessary and drag the Firefox program to the application folder on your hard drive.<br />
    You shouldn't double-click the Firefox application to run it from the disk image, but drag it out of the DMG folder instead.<br />

  • Between a rock and a hard place - 64-bit O/S issues again :(

    I'm trying my best to keep calm about this, but it really is just taking the urine now.
    Essentially, I have been EXTREMELY wary of updating iTunes on XP64 since Columbus set sail at a similar time that v7.2 was released. This version alone seemed stable enough. It never complained or argued about the burner or software not being visible and I had in turn, no issues backing up my library.
    Silly me thought that the burning issues within 7.3 and 7.4 would be long gone by the time v7.5 was released? So after a recent clean format of XP64, I naturally installed the latest version and pointed it towards my iTunes library on a seperate partition.
    During the iTunes launch, it did complain that the installation hadn't been successful. Normally, this would cause plenty of head scrathing and a puzzled look - but hey, this IS iTunes after all. It flaps about anything and falls back on the Error Generator of Randomness to give you an inkling that something is amiss.
    So I thought nothing of it....... until I got to burning a CD and the 'Ol Faithful of 'no burner or software could be found' popped its head up again. As with other posters, Daemon Tools has been a main culprit in this - but DT wasn't even installed on here, so it couldn't be that.
    Ah well, back to v7.2 it is then - at least that works fine. Except it doesn't now. Clearly there has been a major change within 7.5 to the way that the library file works and now 7.2 reports.....
    "The file "iTunes Library.itl" cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes." After which, iTunes automatically closes.
    Maybe if I use the contents of the Previous iTunes Libraries folder and paste them back, it may work? Erm, no.
    So now I'm in the position where 7.2 that used to burn ok, no longer launches. And 7.5 is on par with a glass hammer or chocolate fireguard because its slid down the evolution pole and gone worse than the version three generations before it. Namely, useless.
    A tad annoyed - especially as I have Vista waiting to be installed. And yep, it will be the 64-bit version too. If iTunes fails to work (which I'm 99% confident it will fall flat on its face in) - then not only will my Nano take permanent residence on the shelf, but iTunes will never darken my PC's hard drive, ever again.
    To say that iTunes is still NOT 64-bit compatible for PCs is an absolute joke. Unless Apple has been on some other planet and remained blissfully unaware of current PC hardware - then I'll remind them. 64-bit is not uncommon these days guys - and it looks like its here to stay.

    You can connect to the internet through the router with an ethernet cable? When you try to connect via AirPort do you see the network? Is the router's firmware up to date? Does you ISP require authentication? If so is the necessary information entered in the router?
    One thing that often works is to shut off the router and modem. Start the modem and after all lights are on start the router. Once it's up and running try to connect. If you entered any information in your network preferences, create a new location and select "Using DHCP" for Configure IPv4 and that's it. Don't enter anthing else then click "Apply Now" and try to connect.

  • Logic Control issues again!

    Details and history:
    Emagic Logic Control---used to work just fine in Logic 6 and then started acting up on Logic Pro 7.
    All faders and buttons work just fine. But from time to time, the PLAYHEAD jumps forward and keeps doing so. At this time the Stop and Play button lights also keep turning on and off and the SCRUB and ZOOM light come on at times too.
    Rebuilding defaults does not help.
    Then randomly, it starts working perfectly and might do so for hours. Very moody!
    Logic Control is connected to AMT8 and is the only external midi device in my setup currently. Previously i had a Yamaha Motif as well and it would work just fine.
    On Logic Pro 9.1.1, the same random behaviour, its like a cd skipping when music is playing so only solution is to turn it off. Rebuilding defaults helps at times, other times it does not. I did check/uncheck TOUCHLESS FADER option, one time it worked, other times it did not.
    I updated the LC firmware to Mackie Control a few months ago. With Logic Pro 7, it greatly reduced the SEIZURES, not curing it completely.
    On a PC with Presonus Studio One, it worked great, had one seizure in months, rest was awesome.
    I tried booting it up on Logic Control mode night b4 last, and selected Logic Control in preferences/setup and deleted mackie control. No help.
    Reverted to Mackie Control mode and things were great last night.
    Today, madness again!!!
    How do i diagnose this, is it hardware failure ? An issue with the AMT 8 ??
    BTW, on the PC the mackie control was connected to the midi I/O of an RME card.
    Today i will try connecting it via an Evolution UC33 and see if the AMT is the culprit.
    Any help please ?? At this point i am seriously thinking about ditching this for a Euphonix MC Mix......but i'd rather save the cash and find a solution.
    Sorry about the long post, i just want to be able to work.

    Ok its working great now, at least for now. No SEIZURE!
    1. Delete Mackie Control or Logic Control from setup.
    2. Trash preferences.
    3. Boot up in Logic Control mode
    4. Re-Scan.
    5. Check TOUCHLESS Fader if need be.
    All good. However, these steps don't always work!
    Will keep u posted.

  • Xperia z2 hardware issue, got it replaced ones, same issue again, now no replacement, wow

    Hi Sir/Mam, I Mohit Thapar is suffering from a big flaw in your handset Xperia Z2 which i bought on 6th of June 2014, got it replaced in 20 days and then again new device with the same hardware issue but no response from either Sony Care or Sony service centre as both the departments just reply that they don't have the power to take a call and keep shifting the responsibility on each other.
    As you can see from the service number 1-1385156341, still i will again explain the whole story in this mail and will attach the required proof for the same as below.
    I bought SONY Xperia Z2, on 6th of June 2014 worth 48,500 Rupees (Biggest Mistake) which had some hardware issue which i realized within 2 days of using it and i had to submit my brand new device @ Sony Authorized Service centre (Rohini, Delhi) JP Electronics Rohini, They told me that i will get my new handset within 7 days at max, and i had to just wait without any phone for not 7 but 17 irritating days which involves continuous calling at service centre and getting even more frustrated as they dint have any information about the arrival.
    I got my handset on 24th of June, finally i thought the problems will go and i can actually see the BEST EVER SMARTPHONE MADE BY SONY , but exactly after 1 day, the same problem came and i again had to report it to the sony care on 26th of June as this time i dint want to wait for another 20 days for another changed device, i kept requesting the Sony care to give me the privilege to keep my present handset till the time i get a new one (after all i had paid Aprox 50 k rupees for a smartphone.  But due to no proper support from either of the department, i kept using the faulty product and waiting for the support from Sony. 
    Till today i haven't got any response for the same and when i went to the Sony service centre this time again, they checked my device and they agreed on the hardware issue plus a new hardware problem of shaky body and some funny noise in the back and side panel of the phone (Agreed by Sony service center) but they told me the only thing which can be done is repairing your phone as they cant change it as due to the delay from Sony care the time frame is more than 7 days now.
    Wow amazing, this is Sony what we know as about? This is how you exploit your customers? Amazing customer support and after sale service, i think even micromax is much better in dealing their customers.
    This time round, if i don't get a proper response and support, the next step will be 1) consumer forum 2) exploiting the service and all on social media like Facebook and Sony official site with all the proofs i have.
    I am not a fool paying 50k rupees and then getting my phone repaired and then using, haha, wow this sounds amazing in itself.
    I have attached the pictures of the conversation with the Sony care and the date specifically shown in the picture to prove my problem lied within the very 1st day i got a returned handset.
    Please can you do something about it or only filling a legal complaint against the company is the last choice left? And mind you, i am a regular Sony user from past 15 years and this behavior and response is seriously not acceptable from Sony, i haven't till date tried to public-ally exploit this issue via Facebook or blogs etc, but i think this is the only choice left to me.
    Mind you, i have highlighted the words like SONY and best ever smartphone to indicate the boosting by the company for their product which is with all sort of problems and flaws, its amazingly beautifully disguised smartphone with all the hardware issues in it . 
    Please i am requesting for the last time, respond and support properly and arrange proper resolution or escalate it to higher authority

    Bearings wrote:
    Oh...and one more very very Important fact: these are Sony supporters for more than 10 years/lifetime. Getting boring don't you think?
    Or demanding a Recall from Sony 'cause their Z2 came with a Smartband & not the Noise Cancelling Headphones 
    Sell the new Smartband or whatever you got & BUY the headphones.....simple 

  • AppleTV 1 Authorisation Issues Again

    Old 40GB AppleTV 1 running 3.02 software.
    Purchased Rio kids movie October 28th including iTunes Extras.  SD version only.
    Movie and Extras played, though Extras navigation a little flaky.
    Today purchased The Lion King HD/SD with iTunes Extras.
    iTunes Extras menu loaded fine but Movie/Scenes would not authorise.  Did nto look at all extras.
    Winston suggested making a purchase on his AppleTV1 made things authorise.
    Downloaded a free podcast to AppleTV1 - this did not help.  Did not test with a paid movie/music purchase.
    Some time ago, AppleTV content would occasionally not authorise if it had not been played in iTunes though from memory this was standalone mode when itunes/internet unavailable and for synced not streamed material.  Playing The Lion King in itunes did not help.
    Mac with The Lion King configured for Sharing not Syncing, so removed its iTunes entry from Settings>Computers on AppleTV and re-added the same iTunes library as a Shared library again (seconds compared to a resync).
    Immediately AppleTV 1 would now play The Lion King Movie.
    Conjecture, but seems to me that AppleTV 1 may get issued some kind of authorisation certificate for movie playback, that will not allow playback for certificates older than the one issued?  Maybe it's more than that and some newer content requires additional authorisation.
    Unclear as yet if any additional purchases will now play or require authorisation steps again.
    Also unclear to me if this perhaps only affects HD purchases not SD.
    I bought an HD series that would not play on my Mac Pro due to HDCP restrictions once, while other HD content would play.
    Lots of permutations to try test here, but once authorisation accepted you can't test the others.
    It will be interesting to see if this movie will play without an internet connection.
    Yet again, DRM inconveniences the paying customer not those who download illegaly and laugh at paying customers.
    Feedback to Apple again required:
    Apple - Apple TV - Feedback

    Downloaded a free podcast to AppleTV1 - this did not help.  Did not test with a paid movie/music purchase.
    Podcasts are not protected, I'd assume that's why they didn't help. removed its iTunes entry from Settings>Computers on AppleTV and re-added the same iTunes library......
    That's another of the workarounds that has been offered, I took the view it was a little convoluted for someone with 140 GB synced to the Apple TV, and that a direct purchase was probably the simplest of the workarounds.
    Haven't had any response about this issue from Apple yet, I have to assume they are aware of it, but it would be nice to know something.

  • Whine issue (again)

    Hello everyone
    My Mb does whine, not so loud but it's still annoying. I've got 4 days to bring it back. Apart from whining no problems at all. If I exchange it for another one and it will whine or moo can I exchange it again outside of those 14 days. Also if they solve the problems in the future, lets say they will have to change logic board will they do it under warranty
    Macbook 2.0Ghz 512Mb 60Gb white 4H619xxxxx   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    I'm in a similiar situation. I bought a 2.16ghz MacBook Pro on Friday. I brought it home and discovered that it couldn't hold an airport signal and had kernel panics about every five minutes. The Apple Store replaced it with a new one. After taking the new one home, I discovered that it had a greyish blob in the middle of the screen and received another replacement on Saturday. After playing with this MacBook Pro for a couple of days, the whine has reared its ugly head. At this point, I'm not sure what to do. If I again take it back for a new machine, will they do it? Will I be told that it's within spec? I'm worried that if I return it, I'll get another machine with issues. Other than this problem, this MacBook Pro appears to be stellar. I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks!
    MacBook Pro 2.16ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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