More than 1 table ın trıgger

Can I use more than one table ın the trıgger
For example
ON table1,table2,table3
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Quick answer? No
What you could do tho, is create a single procedure and then create a trigger for each table that calls that procedure.

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    Can anyone please help me with the SQL query. I Im having a table called People with columns names: personno., lastname, firstname and so on. The personno. is having duplicate records,so all the duplicate records i have written with "double" in
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    in order to replace the current id of double person with substitute id. (The personno. is in the form of id's in the database)

    You should not append "double" in the personno. When we append it will not be able to join or relate to other table. Keep the id as it is and use another field(STATUS) to mark as duplicate. Also we will require another field(PRIMARYID) against
    those duplicate rows i.e the main or the primary personno.
    (SELECT personno, status, primaryid FROM PEOPLE WHERE status = 'Duplicate') b
    ON a.personno = b.personno
    UPDATE OtherTable SET personno = b.primaryid
    FROM OtherTable a INNER JOIN
    (SELECT personno, status, primaryid FROM PEOPLE WHERE status = 'Duplicate') b
    ON a.personno = b.personno
    NOTE: Please take backup before applying the query. This is not tested.
    Regards, RSingh

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    Is there a simple way to create migration scripts for more than
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    Prashant Rane

    No there is no multi-select for creating SQL-Loader scripts.
    You can either create them separately or create them all and
    then discard the one you do not need.

  • Error while running spatial queries on a table with more than one geometry.

    I'm using GeoServer with Oracle Spatial database, and this is a second time I run into some problems because we use tables with more than one geometry.
    When GeoServer renders objects with more than one geometry on the map, it creates a query where it asks for objects which one of the two geometries interacts with the query window. This type of query always fails with "End of TNS data channel" error.
    We are running Oracle Standard
    Here is a small script to demonstrate the error. Could anyone confirm that they also have this type of error? Or suggest a fix?
    What this script does:
    1. Create table object1 with two geometry columns, geom1, geom2.
    2. Create metadata (projected coordinate system).
    3. Insert a row.
    4. Create spacial indices on both columns.
    5. Run a SDO_RELATE query on one column. Everything is fine.
    6. Run a SDO_RELATE query on both columns. ERROR: "End of TNS data channel"
    7. Clean.
    CREATE TABLE object1
    geom1 SDO_GEOMETRY,
    geom2 SDO_GEOMETRY
    INSERT INTO user_sdo_geom_metadata (table_name, column_name, srid, diminfo)
    SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('X', 400000, 700000, 0.05),
    SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('Y', 300000, 600000, 0.05)
    INSERT INTO user_sdo_geom_metadata (table_name, column_name, srid, diminfo)
    SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('X', 400000, 700000, 0.05),
    SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('Y', 300000, 600000, 0.05)
    INSERT INTO object1 VALUES(1, SDO_GEOMETRY(2001, 2180, SDO_POINT_TYPE(500000, 400000, NULL), NULL, NULL), SDO_GEOMETRY(2001, 2180, SDO_POINT_TYPE(550000, 450000, NULL), NULL, NULL));
    CREATE INDEX object1_geom1_sidx ON object1(geom1) INDEXTYPE IS MDSYS.SPATIAL_INDEX;
    CREATE INDEX object1_geom2_sidx ON object1(geom2) INDEXTYPE IS MDSYS.SPATIAL_INDEX;
    SELECT *
    FROM object1
    SELECT *
    FROM object1
    DELETE FROM user_sdo_geom_metadata WHERE table_name = 'OBJECT1';
    DROP INDEX object1_geom1_sidx;
    DROP INDEX object1_geom2_sidx;
    DROP TABLE object1;
    Thanks for help.

    This error appears in GeoServer and SQLPLUS.
    I have set up a completly new database installation to test this error and everything works fine. I tried it again on the previous database but I still get the same error. I also tried to restart the database, but with no luck, the error is still there. I geuss something is wrong with the database installation.
    Anyone knows what could cause an error like this "End of TNS data channel"?

  • How to come up with a magic number for any table that returns more than 32KB?

    I am in a unique situation where in I am trying to retrieve values from multiple tables and publish them as XML output. The problem is based on the condition a few tables could retrieve data more than 32KB and a few less than 32KB. Less than 32KB is not an issue as XML generation is smooth. The minute it reaches greater than 32KB it generates a run time error. Just wondering if there is any way to ensure that the minute the query's results is greater than 32 kb, it should break say - if the results is 35KB, then I should break that result into 32 KB and 3kb; once done then pass this data to be published as an XML output. This is again not just for one table, but all the tables that are called in the function.
    Is there any way?? I am unable to get any ideas nor have I done anything so complex from production support stand point. Would appreciate if someone can guide me on this.
    The way it is, is as follows:
    I have a table called ctn_pub_cntl
    CREATE TABLE CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    (ctn_pub_cntl_id          NUMBER(18)
    ,table_name                  VARCHAR2(50)
    ,last_pub_tms              DATE
    ,queue_name               VARCHAR2(50)
    ,dest_system              VARCHAR2(50)
    ,frequency                  NUMBER(6)
    ,status                      VARCHAR2(8)
    ,record_create_tms          DATE
    ,create_user_id                VARCHAR2(8)
    ,record_update_tms          DATE
    ,update_user_id             VARCHAR2(8)
    ,CONSTRAINT ctn_pub_cntl_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(ctn_pub_cntl_id)
    Data for this is:
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('10/2/2004 10:17:44PM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('02/06/2015 9:50:00AM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('10/2/2004 10:17:44PM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('02/06/2015 9:50:00AM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('04/23/2015 11:50:00PM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('04/23/2015 11:50:00AM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('03/26/2015 7:50:00AM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('03/28/2015 12:50:00AM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    Once the above data is inserted and committed, then I created a function in a package:
    TYPE tNameTyp IS TABLE OF ctn_pub_cntl.table_name%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
    g_tName tNameTyp;
    g_tClob tClobTyp;
    FUNCTION GetCtnData(p_nInCtnPubCntlID IN CTN_PUB_CNTL.ctn_pub_cntl_id%TYPE,p_count OUT NUMBER ) RETURN tClobTyp;
    --Package body
         doc           xmldom.DOMDocument;
         main_node     xmldom.DOMNode;
         root_node     xmldom.DOMNode;
         root_elmt     xmldom.DOMElement;
         child_node    xmldom.DOMNode;
         child_elmt    xmldom.DOMElement;
         leaf_node     xmldom.DOMNode;
         elmt_value    xmldom.DOMText;
         tbl_node      xmldom.DOMNode;
         table_data    XMLDOM.DOMDOCUMENTFRAGMENT;
         l_ctx         DBMS_XMLGEN.CTXHANDLE;
         vStrSqlQuery  VARCHAR2(32767);
         l_clob        tClobTyp;
         l_xmltype     XMLTYPE;
    --Local Procedure to build XML header    
        child_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc, 'PUBLISH_HEADER');
        child_node  := xmldom.appendChild (root_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
        child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (doc, 'SOURCE_APLCTN_ID');
        elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, 'CTN');
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));
        child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (doc, 'SOURCE_PRGRM_ID');
        elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, 'VALUE');
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));
        child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (doc, 'SOURCE_CMPNT_ID');
        elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, 'VALUE');
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));
        child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (doc, 'PUBLISH_TMS');
        elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));
    END BuildCPRHeader;
    --Get table data based on table name
    FUNCTION GetCtnData(p_nInCtnPubCntlID IN CTN_PUB_CNTL.ctn_pub_cntl_id%TYPE,p_Count OUT NUMBER) RETURN tClobTyp IS
        vTblName      ctn_pub_cntl.table_name%TYPE;
        vLastPubTms   ctn_pub_cntl.last_pub_tms%TYPE;
            SELECT table_name,last_pub_tms
            INTO   vTblName, vLastPubTms
            FROM   CTN_PUB_CNTL
            WHERE  ctn_pub_cntl_id=p_nInCtnPubCntlID;
        -- Start the XML Message generation
            doc := xmldom.newDOMDocument;
            main_node := xmldom.makeNode(doc);
            root_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc, 'PUBLISH');
            root_node := xmldom.appendChild(main_node, xmldom.makeNode(root_elmt));
          --Append Table Data as Publish Header
          --Append Table Data as Publish Body
           child_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc, 'PUBLISH_BODY');
           leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (root_node, xmldom.makeNode(child_elmt));
           vStrSqlQuery := 'SELECT * FROM ' || vTblName
                          || ' WHERE record_update_tms <= TO_DATE(''' || TO_CHAR(vLastPubTms, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ''', ''MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') ' ;
                        --  ||  ' AND rownum < 16'
           l_ctx  := DBMS_XMLGEN.NEWCONTEXT(vStrSqlQuery);
          DBMS_XMLGEN.SETROWSETTAG(l_ctx, vTblName);
          -- Append Table Data as XML Fragment
          elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, l_clob(1));
         leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));
         xmldom.writeToBuffer (doc, l_clob(1));
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?&gt;', NULL);
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&lt;', '<');
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&gt;', '>');
         RETURN l_clob;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Answer is' ||l_clob(1));
            DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('There is no data with' || SQLERRM);
            g_vErrorMessage:=SQLERRM|| g_vErrorMessage;
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
    END GetCtnData;
    PROCEDURE printClob (result IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB) IS
        xmlstr   VARCHAR2 (32767);
        line     VARCHAR2 (2000);
        xmlstr := DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (result, 32767);
           EXIT WHEN xmlstr IS NULL;
           line := SUBSTR (xmlstr, 1, INSTR (xmlstr, CHR (10)) - 1);
           DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (line);
           xmlstr := SUBSTR (xmlstr, INSTR (xmlstr, CHR (10)) + 1);
        END LOOP;
    END printClob;
    If you notice my query:
    vStrSqlQuery := 'SELECT * FROM ' || vTblName
                          || ' WHERE record_update_tms <= TO_DATE(''' || TO_CHAR(vLastPubTms, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ''', ''MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') ' ;
                         ||  ' AND rownum < 16'
    The minute I comment
    ||  ' AND rownum < 16' ;
    , it throws an error because this query returns around 600 rows and all of those rows need to be published as XML and the tragedy is that there is a C program in between as well i.e. C will call my packged functions and then will do all the processing. Once this is done will pass the results back to C program. So obviously C does not recognise CLOB and somewhere in the process I have to convert the CLOB to VARCHAR or instead of CLOB I have to use VARCHAR array as a return type. This is my challenge.
    Anyone that can help me to find out the required magic number and also a brief know how, I would appreciate that. Many thanks in advance.

    Not sure I understand which part is failing.
    Is it the C program calling your packaged function? Or does the error occur in the PL/SQL code, in which case you should be able to pinpoint where it's wrong?
    A few comments :
    1) Using DOM to build XML out of relational data? What for? Use SQL/XML functions.
    2) Giving sample data is usually great, but it's not useful here since we can't run your code. We're missing the base tables.
    3) This is wrong :
    vStrSqlQuery := 'SELECT * FROM ' || vTblName                     || ' WHERE record_update_tms <= TO_DATE(''' || TO_CHAR(vLastPubTms, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ''', ''MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') ' ;
    A bind variable should be used here for the date.
    4) This is wrong :
    elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, l_clob(1));
    createTextNode does not support CLOB so it will fail as soon as the CLOB you're trying to pass exceeds 32k.
    Maybe that's the problem you're referring to?
    5) This is most wrong :
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?&gt;', NULL); 
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&lt;', '<'); 
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&gt;', '>'); 
    I understand what you're trying to do but it's not the correct way.
    You're trying to convert a text() node representing XML in escaped form back to XML content.
    The problem is that there are other things to take care of besides just '&lt;' and '&gt;'.
    If you want to insert an XML node into an existing document, treat that as an XML node, not as a string.
    Anyone that can help me to find out the required magic number
    That would be a bad idea. Fix what needs to be fixed.
    And please clearly state which part is failing : the C program or the PL/SQL code?
    I'd vote for PL/SQL, as pointed out in [4].

  • Layout issue - More than one table sections on report?

    Hello all
    I am wondering if any of you know if there is a way to have more than one table or table field on a report.
    I'm asking this because I'd like to include a large number of fields in one report, but then that makes the report hard to read (everything is on one long line).
    I am wondering if there is a way to have more than one table section on a report so I could have the address information at the top of the report than have other additional information below the address. Basically I'm interested in making things easier to read for the user.

    Use Pivot tables to isolate the columns you want in each table in your report.
    Mike L

  • Excel 2007 to Sql server table. Column with more than 255 characters.

    Hi there,
    I am facing a problem while converting data from Excel 2007 to SQL server 2005 table. I am using BIDS 2005.I have an excel file where one particular column has more than 255 characters. I use OLEDB connection for excel file as there is no driver for Excel
    2007 in BIDS2005. I am using Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider for Excel file.
    Next, I changed advanced properties for the column to DT_NTEXT. But when I am getting errors on execution. They are:
    [OLE DB Source [1949]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21.
    [OLE DB Source [1949]] Error: Failed to retrieve long data for column "action".
    [OLE DB Source [1949]] Error: There was an error with output column "action" (2046) on output "OLE DB Source Output" (1959). The column status returned was: "DBSTATUS_UNAVAILABLE".
    [OLE DB Source [1949]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR.  The "output column "action" (2046)" failed because error code 0xC0209071 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "action"
    (2046)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
    Please advise on how can I deal with columns having more than 255 characters in Excel file.

    Here is what your connection string should look like for excel source
    Properties="EXCEL 8.0;HDR=YES";

  • How to display(binding) values in the table from more than one node?

    I have two nodes (TRIPS & AMOUNTS)in the context. How to bind these values into the table control?
    When i bind second one, first one is getting replaced.

    Hi Mog,
    Of course it is possible to create a table from attributes of more than one node, and in some cases this is still necessary, but you have to do this the hard (manual) way.
    If you have a table control, have a look at the properties and the elements belonging to it.
    First of all, there is the property "dataSource", which binds to a multiple node (let's name it TableRootNode). This means that for each element of THIS node, one row is created. In each row the data of exactly one element of this TableRootNode is displayed.
    Then you have columns in this table. Inside of the columns there is a header and an editor. The editor is the interesting part.
    Normally the primary property of this editor is bound to an attribute of the TableRootNode. Then everything works as expected. If it binds to an attribute of a subnode (SUB) of TableRootNode, then in row i the data of the subnode of the i-th element of TableRootNode is displayed. There is no need for SUB to be a multiple node, but it must not be a singleton.
    If you bind a property of the editor to an attribute, which does not lie in the subtree of TableRootNode, then you will see the same value in each row.
    Now it depends on the structure of your context. Take the node, which is relevant for the change in each row (I assume it is TRIPS) and bind the table to the node as you are used to. Then for each additional column, you have to create a new column in the tree, create a new header element with a title and a new editor (e.g. textview or inputfield) and then bind the right property of the editor to the corresponding attribute in node AMOUNTS).
    If these 2 nodes do not have parent-child-relationship, the tip to create a new node, which consists of the attributes of both nodes is the only solution.
    Ciao, Regina

  • How can i update more than one table at a time?

    i would like to update more than one table at a time. In Java Studio creator2 how can i do table updation?

    Please go through the below thread might be of help to you.

  • Tables with more than one cell with a high number of rowspan (ej. 619). This cell can not be print in a page and it must be cut. But I don't know how  indesign can do this action.

    Tables with more than one cell with a high number of rowspan (ej. 619). This cell can not be print in a page and it must be cut. But I don’t know how  indesign can do this action.

    set the wake-on lan on the main computer
    The laptop's too far away from the router to be connected by ethernet. It's all wifi.
    No separate server app on the laptop, it's all samba
    The files are on a windows laptop and a hard drive hooked up to the windows laptop. The windows share server is pants, so I'd need some sort of third party server running. Maybe you weren't suggesting to use Samba to connect to the windows share though?
    I'm glad that you've all understood my ramblings and taken and interest, thanks The way I see it, I can't be the only netbook user these days looking for this kind of convenience, and I certainly won't be once chrome and moblin hit the market.
    Last edited by saft (2010-03-18 20:38:08)

  • I need more than 255 charater value return from the table control screen.

    Hi guys,
    I used this function module to get the dynamic table control value changes, but it export me back only 255 character value.
    because the 'DYNPFIELDS' internal table structure hold only 255 character. kindly help me in this reg to get more than 255 character length.
    or any other solution.
          DYNAME     = '/A1SSPC/USR_RALG_FILL'
          DYNUMB     = '1000'
    kindly provide me if you have any solution.

    Try using the Text Editor for more info go throught the Control Examples
    Utilities--> Examples -->  Control Examples in SE38
    Ramchander Rao.K

  • How we can lock No more than one user can use the table  at a single time

    Hi Abapers,
    0)  which  function modules to lock & unlock a table.
    1) When you execute the program, we can check if there is any lock on this table. If yes, the user should be able to only view the table contents and not modify.
    2) If there is no lock, then lock the table and go into change mode.
    3) On exiting from the program, unlock the table using the function module.
    4) more than one user can't modify the table just display.
    Note: If there is any lock, display message saying table is locked.
    Plz help me for this requirement.

    Hello Nani
    Have a look at the lock object EMMARAE (<i>Lock MARA and MARM/MAKT exclusively</i>) in transaction SE11.
    Inspect the F1 help for field <b>Lock mode</b>:
    Short Text
         Lock mode
         Defines how to synchronize table record access by several users.
    The following modes exist:
         Exclusive lock
             The locked data can be read or processed by one user only. A request
             for another exclusive lock or for a shared lock is rejected.
         Shared lock
             Several users can read the same data at the same time, but as soon
             as a user edits the data, a second user can no longer access this
             data. Requests for further shared locks are accepted, even if they
             are issued by different users, but exclusive locks are rejected.
         Exclusive but not cumulative lock
             Exclusive locks can be requested by the same transaction more than
             once and handled successively, but an exclusive but not cumulative
             lock can only be requested once by a given transaction. All other
             lock requests are rejected.
    If you want to lock a standard table search whether the table is used in lock objects (<i>Where-Used-List</i>). If it is a customer table you have to create your own lock object (including two function modules: one for enqueuing and the other for dequeuing).
    The lock modules can be found in menu <b>GoTo -> Lock Modules</b>.
    Given these lock modules the logic should be quite clear after starting the program:
    1. Request lock -> if successful, continue in Change mode; -> if failed, continue in Display mode
    2. Before leaving the report remove lock (note: no problem if no lock has been set in the beginning).

  • How to enhance table control in DMS. Need to display doknr more than 25 cha

    Hi there.
    In transaction IL03 - document tab - I need to display a doknr which is longer than 25 characters.
    I search for exit/enhancement for DMS - saplcv140/control SUB_DOC, but cant find anything.
    If it is not possible to enhance this field, i would like to add a new field (more than 25 char) and fill in the long doknr.
    The documents that are attached contains both an internal docnumber(from the external system) and an external docnumber (functional location type of number). It is very important to show external documentno in the table control.
    Actually in the table DRAW the external dok number is in the field MRK_FILEP. Can this field somehow get in the tablecontrol?
    Anybody has experience with docno longer than 25 characters? Or how to enhance tablecontrol sub_doc (screen 0204) in fuction group CV140.

    The BAdI CRM_BADI_RF_Q1O_SEARCH is for enhancing OneOrder based searches. Not for business partners.
    The BAdI CRM_BUPA_IL_SEARCH is the way to go. I just checked in our system.
    In the method SEARCH_CRITERIA_INITIAL check if your field is supplied in IS_PARAMETERS. If yes return CV_IS_NOT_INITIAL = 'X'.
    Then in SEARCH_PARTNERS you delete the entries from table CT_PARTNER_KEYS according to your parameter.
    However this is not very performant. If you have a search with criteria only of your own for the BAdI SAP coding will first select everything and then you filter out.
    Anyway, it is much faster to implement than a new search...
    cheers Carsten
    Edited by: Carsten Kasper on Nov 18, 2008 7:44 PM

  • How to add the rows formatted as table headings, Tables headings are repeated when a table spans more than one page.

    Hi all,
    i am facing problem while generating Test Result word document after successful execution of TestStand.
    The Problem is :
    i want to add rows Formatted as table headings, table headings are repeated when a table spans more than one page(marked as Red).
    Page  No. 1
    |     Test case Number  |  Test Step number      |
    |      100                         |            100                   |
    Page  No. 2
    |     Test case Number  |  Test Step number      |
    |      200                         |            300                   |
    Test Result word document should generate with Table headings(marked as Red) in every pages of the document, but i am not getting as per above example.
    Please through light on this.

    Hi Santiago,
    Thank you very much for your valuable reply.
    i want to generate MS-word report for TestStand after successful testing using MS-word2000.
    Test report contains Actual values, Expected values and Pass/Fail status.
    In my program i have customized all  fields i can able to generate test report which contains Verification engineer name , test mode, test date, start time, end time Actual values, Expected values and Pass/Fail status.etc....
    To put all values of test case number, Test step number, Actual values, Expected values and Pass/Fail status in to table for each time, i will
    insert a row into table every time values arrives, once the table exceedes its page size it moves to the next page, next page should start with table row header  but it start with  values of above said parameters.
    so i'm not able to repeat table row header for each page.
    Please find the attached file for your reference.
    Attched file expected.doc  :   This file contains what i wanted to generate MS-word report. Here table row header "Test Case Number and Test Step Number " is repeated in second page.
    Attached file Actual output from source code.doc   :  This report generated from the source code. Here table row header "Test Case Number and Test Step Number" is not repeated in second page.
    Do you know any property to set "repeat as header row at the top of each page" using MS-word ActiveX in CVI/Labwindows.
    i think this information is sufficient for you,
    Still if you need some information please ask me.
    Actual output from source code.doc ‏25 KB
    expected.doc ‏26 KB

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