Mouting efivar read only

I wonder if is it possible to mount /sys/firmware/efi/efivars read-only. My great concern about these efivar is that it become very difficult to reset your machine in a pristine condition. Before that, if you have messed up your system, you could as a last resort reformat your hard disk and have a "new" installation again. If tools use efivar for their configuration, it became much more difficult. Resetting the efi variables does not appear to be easy. Maybe delete them all, but is that safe? I have a lot of variables that has been set by my Bios (including the secure boot key). I am not sure at all that I will not damage my system if I do this. In my case, the only solution I have found that seems to work is reflashing the bios.
This concern is not theoretical, gummiboot use efi variables to store how much time he must wait. But maybe, that was set by a previous owner of the computer or you have hit a keystroke years ago, removed gummiboot and completely forget what you have done. It is IMHO bad design. These tools don't really respect their documented default settings.

Just don't mount it - blacklist module "efivarfs"

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    hi there,
    running EE on windows 2008
    i have the problem that when starting the windows servcie for the standby database, the db automatically runs into the read only mode and NOT as desired in the mout state
    only if I am starting the standby like following:
    I will get my desired result.
    what do I have to configure in order that restarting the windows service (or only make a startup on the sqlplus prompt...) will bring up the standby in mount state?
    thanks in advance

    This is the expected behaviour. In 10g , if we invoke startup on a standby database, it automatically opens the database in READ ONLY mode. Not tested the same on other versions. You may want to use -STARTMODE option with oradim to set the instance startup to manual and bring it up manually every time.

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    Have tried verifying and repairing using Disk Utility, to no avail. 
    Am prompted to reformat but I don't have a good understanding of what this means and how to do it.  I'm guessing this would wipe the disk clean and I'd have to create the initial back up image all over again -- I'm reluctant to do this since this HD is my only back up and if it all goes tits up I'll be up that famous creek without a paddle.
    Thoughts, suggestions, input all welcome and deeply appreciated -- thank you!

    fzgy wrote:
    "Mac OS X can't repair the disk.  You can still open or copy files on the disk, but you can't save changes to files on the disk.  Back up the disk and reformat it as soon as you can."
    It's possible a heavy-duty 3rd-party disk repair app can fix it, but they're expensive (DiskWarrior is about $100), and there's no guarantee it can do it.
    Am prompted to reformat but I don't have a good understanding of what this means and how to do it.
    That will erase it.  See Time Machine - Frequently Asked Question #5.
    It sounds very much like the disk is beginning to fail, although it's possible there's a bad port, cable, connection or power supply (if it has its own).
    I'd suggest getting a new one, and using it for your Time Machine backups; once you have a good backup there, reformat the old one (and select Security Options to write zeros to the whole drive -- if that fails, you know the drive is toast).  Use it for secondary backups, per FAQ #27.   If it has failed, get a second new one for secondary backups. 

  • Fields for creation of BP in cProjects front-end are read-only

    Hi everyone,
    I'm a beginner in SAP-Development/Customizing so I hope this question isn't too easy
    I can't create a Business Partner using the cProjects front-end (Ressources > Staffing) because the necessary fields and buttons are read-only... (> web-Dynpro Component: DPR_ROL_STAFF; View-Info: VI_SEARCH_CREATE)
    I'm using CPRXRPM 450_700 patch 0006
    The field-control is standard-SAP (0SAP).
    My user-account has all cProject-roles + SAP-ALL
    I assume i can change the behaviour of these fields in the Field Control but I can't identify which is the corresponding Object Category to apply the changes.
    - Is there a documentation which field belongs to which Object Category in Field Control?
    - Or can somebody tell me a procedure to find it out on my own?
    Thanks in advance

    generally it is recommended to use transaction BP or ALE distribution to get the business partner be created.
    If you would like to create the BP in web UI directly, the user must have the Structural Authorization, see customizing path:
    Collaboration Projects -> Resource Management -> Organizational Management.
    It is very HR related topic, you may contact a HR consultant to know more details about it.
    Kind regard,

  • Generally when creating a Word file from either a Mac or Win7 pc and opening it on two different machines (either one first) it always prompts that the file is open and will be opened as read only. However opening a CSS file does not prompt that it is alr

    Generally when creating a Word file from either a Mac or Win7 pc and opening it on two different machines (either one first) it always prompts that the file is open and will be opened as read only.
    However opening a CSS file does not prompt that it is already open on or from any machine which is causing code edits to be lost.
    What we found from out testing:
    - The file can be saved from one user to the server and WILL NOT PROMPT on other machines until the saving machine has the Dreamweaver program closed completely
    - The file can be closed and  Dreamweaver minimised to the launch bar but it still will not register on other machines that it has been changed.
    - Also, until the  Dreamweaver program is closed on the machines, it will continue to open it's saved version of the file. 
    Example Scenario:
    - User 1 opens test.css (which is 2000 lines) and adds some code to the end of the file to bring it up to 2500 lines
    - Meanwhile User 2 opens test.css as well (opens as 2000 lines as User 1’s edits have not yet been saved) and adds in code to bring it to 2300 lines
    - User 1 saves his file and closes it - but  Dreamweaver is still open.
    - User 2 also saves his file and leaves  Dreamweaver  open.
    - The server will report the size and last edit of the file the same as User 2 as he was the last person to save it (and if you open from the Win7 Machine it will show as User 2’s 2300 line version)
    - If User 1 then open's the file again (from either the 'recent' in Dreamweaver OR clicking on the file directly in Finder...which version opens.... The version that User 1 saved! Not the true version on the server, but the version that User 1 edited and saved with 2500 lines in it.
    - Same for User 2, he will open 'his' version with 2300 lines in.
    Other information:
    - Files are opened directly from the server
    - Sometimes the users will save incrementally and re-open
    - Most of the time users will save incrementally and keep the files open
    - The users will never not save incrementally and just save when closing the file once finished
    - The users are usually working on the files all day
    - It is always the bottom lines of code that are lost. It could be a case of the two versions being mixed up and cutting off the newly added lines based on the line count (possibly).
    It is as if Dreamweaver is holding a cache of the version locally and then only properly looking back to the server when it has been completely closed. It is very difficult to see how the server is causing such an impact on these files, there are very few logs which are giving any indication to the root cause of the problems.
    Anyone know if this is a known issue?
    Is there a way that there can be a featured implemented on the server that doesn't allow another user to open a file if it is already open on another machine?

    Your server file handling has nothing, and really nothing to do with Adobe software. If files don't get locked for (over-)writing and/or lose connection to the program opening them, then your server is misconfigured. It's as plain and simple and that. Anything from "known file types"/ file associations not being set correctly, MIME types being botched, crooked user privileges and file permissions, missing Mac server extensions, delayed file writing on the server, generic network timeout issues and what have you. Either way, you have written a longwinded post with no real value since you haven't bothered to provide any proper technical info, most notably about the alleged server. Either way, the only way you can "fix" it is by straightening out your server and network configuration, not some magic switch in Adobe's software.

  • Read Only access for a Maintenance view

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement like this.
    There is a Z Maintenance View (namely ZVHR_GRD_TARGET), for this i have to maintain the status as Read Only, and have to create a transaction code for this view with only SE16 access.
    I am doing like this.
    In the Z view, in the tab "Maint. Status", i have selected the radio button "Read Only" and saved it.
    I have created a transaction code for this view with SE16 access with the inputs
    Transaction                                                           SE16
    Selected the check box "Skip Intial Screen"
    Selected the check box for GUI status
    Name of the Screenfield                                          DATABROWSE-TABLENAME
    value                                                                      ZVHR_GRD_TARGET (i.e, view name)
    But the transaction code is not executing.
    So can any help me out in the requirement
    Srinivas Kodukula

    Please refer to the following link:
    Read Only Schema in Oracle APPS 11i
    You may also search this forum as the same topic was discussed here many times before.

  • Can no longer select text in email template or read only field with mouse using IE or Firefox?

    Hi Guys,
    I can no longer select text in email template or read only field using my mouse in IE or Firefox anymore. We are using CRM 2011 rollup 18 applied with IE 11 and the latest version of Firefox. We only applied roll up 18 in Feb when this issue began.
    David Kelly

    When you have a problem with one particular site, a good "first thing to try" is clearing your Firefox cache and deleting your saved cookies for the site.
    (1) Bypass Firefox's Cache
    Use Ctrl+Shift+r to reload the page fresh from the server.
    (You also can clear Firefox's cache completely using:
    orange Firefox button ''or'' Tools menu > Options > Advanced
    On the Network mini-tab > Cached Web Content : "Clear Now")
    (2) Remove the site's cookies (save any pending work first) using either of these. While viewing a page on the site:
    * right-click and choose View Page Info > Security > "View Cookies"
    * Alt+t (open the classic Tools menu) > Page Info > Security > "View Cookies"
    Then try reloading the page. Does that help?
    These features rely on JavaScript, and it sounds as though you have scripting enabled if you get (the wrong) color changes. Some add-ons might alter the way scripts operate, so a standard diagnostic to bypass interference by extensions (and some custom settings) is to try Firefox's Safe Mode.
    First, I recommend backing up your Firefox settings in case something goes wrong. See [[Backing up your information]]. (You can copy your entire Firefox profile folder somewhere outside of the Mozilla folder.)
    Next, restart Firefox in Firefox's Safe Mode ([[Safe Mode]]) using
    Help > Restart with Add-ons Disabled
    In the dialog, click "Start in Safe Mode."
    If those features work correctly, this points to one of your extensions or custom settings as the problem.
    To also disable plugins, you can use this page:
    orange Firefox button ''or'' classic Tools menu > Add-ons > Plugins category
    Any change?

  • Read Only Display of Radio group and Text area with counter not working

    I am using Apex 3.2, with 10g for the database
    I have this form, with fields that will set to read only when status = 'closed'
    All of the fields display as read only except for 2. I cannot figure out why this is not working correctly.
    1st field is Issues that is a text area with character counter, with a sql query behind it, that is set to null unless the query is pulling in the data.
    2nd field is Status which is a radio group that will not display as read only when status = 'closed'
    I have other fields on the form with the same format and they change to read only when the status = 'closed', I have even copied the pl/sql expression from one field to these fields and it still doesn't work correctly. I have also tried javascript for an on load event, which works, but once I click on the save button, it disables all of the page items, which works correctly, but I purposely forget to enter information, to make sure the validations are firing correctly, which it does, but the script disables everything, not allowing me to correct the errors. The javascript is firing on the on page load event.
    Any help on this is greatly appreciated.

    That API seems to have a bug, it returns true/false/null, so you could use 'return not nvl(htmldb_util.current_user_in_group(p_group_name => 'APP Admin'),false)' to get a false value.
    Unfortunately there's another problem: using the read-only attributes for checkbox or radiogroup item makes them hidden. My suggestion would be to create another item that has disabled="disabled" in the HTML Form Element attribute in the item definition and display that item or the non-disabled item alternately, using conditions based on the current_user_in_group logic.

  • Fields appear as "Read Only" in an Int.Form called from a WD

    Hi Experts!
    I am having a doubt in an Adobe Int.Form, that is called from a WD application.
    The fields that are in my Form, always appear as a "read only". It is not possible to modify anything there.
    Here, I describe the steps that I follow.
    I create a very simple WD application. In its WD View, exist an unique Object (Adobe Interactive Form).
    In that object, I set the properties:
    "Data source": a context variable type "my structure". "My structure", is a simple structure with a couple or three fields, let´s say PERNR, BUKRS, WERKS... It is linked to the Form Interface (ABAP DICTIONARY-BASED INTERFACE). So in this way, the link between my WD and the AdobeInt.Form is working.
    "PDF Source": a context variable type XSTRING.
    "Template Source": here I have set my Int.Form. Currently, it only contains a couple of fields
    "Enabled": True.
    "Read Only": False.
    In the AdobeForm, I have drag & droped those 2 or 3 fields, save it, and activate it. I guess nothing more is needed, for my test.
    And at last, in the View´s method WDDOINIT, I am reading one of those fields, let´s say the employee number (PERNR), and I set by hardcoding its number (let´s say -> 00000001).
    Until here, everything seems to work fine. When I launch the WD test, the Adobeform appears, at the moment, with only one of my fields (Employee - PERNR), and its value is filled in with '00000001'.
    But now, I would like to write something by myself. And when I try to do it, it is not possible! Field PERNR, is displayed as a "READ ONLY".
    Someone knows what is happening here? I guess it should be possible, to activate as a "EDITABLE" that field in my Form.
    So here is my doubt.
    Am I doing anything wrong? Or am I doing any mistake?
    Thank you very much in advance!

    Finally I think I have found the problem.
    In the View where I am printing the ADOBEFORM, it is needed this code under the method WDDOMODIFYVIEW.
      LV_INTERACTIVE_FORM ?= VIEW->GET_ELEMENT( 'INT_FORM' ). "   adobeform object in view

  • Read only user creation for Oracle EM Console

    Dear All.
    I have created Read only user for Oracle EM Console.
    I have followed below link to do the same
    I have noticed with read only user is that TEST button in EM Console is active means user with read only user can create a trans, in Prod scenario it is a risk.
    Raised a CR with Oracle and found that it is a bug
    So my question is there any way by which i can disable the TEST button in EM Conasole.
    I think there are some WLST script or servlet java class available to resolve this issue.
    Can any one confirm this and please suggest if any one aware of any alternative method.

    Hi, have you got any solution to this problem? I am having exact the same issue in

  • Fields in read-only mode for BP transaction in upgrade from 4.72 to ECC6.0

    This is regarding the query for BP transaction in upgrade from 4.72 to ECC 6.0.
    While creating BP / Changing BP system is disabling the fields in compnay code & sales area option. There is a SAP not provided 907860; and specified that the proplem is because of the delta customizing.
    All the customization settings are as per the note. And the Synchronization Control is also activated. But still the fields are disabled only.
    I have checked the field settings also in Cross-Application-Components & Logistic-Genral.
    But these are not working for compnay code & sales area data.
    please let me know if anyone has faced this type of problem / found any solution on this.
    Best Regards,

    SAP IMG  -> Cross Application Components -> Master Data Synchronization  Synchronization Control -> Synchronization Control -> Activate Synchronization options
    This setting allows you to activate synchronization of BP with R/3. Not maintaining the values may result in certain fields being read-only in BP.
    Suggested Values:
    Source Object: BP | Target Object: CUSTOMER | Active Indicator : X
    Source Object: BP | Target Object: VENDOR | Active Indicator : X
    Source Object: CUSTOMER | Target Object: BP | Active Indicator : X
    Source Object: VENDOR | Target Object: BP | Active Indicator : X
    Have you set all of the above settings??

  • Are 'read only' items causing my automatic row processing to fail?

    I have a form that uses automatic row processing to update my table.
    I recently had to add a check to lock down the fields using the read only condition where a record has been 'approved'. So, I turned off all of the fields and hid the update button.
    Now they want me to check to see if the user is a manager, and if so, allow them to see the update button, and make a single field on the form modifiable.
    I have the user identified as a manager, and can make the field accept the change (a yes/no combo box). Yet when they click the update button, the form just sits there. A branch is supposed to fire on hitting that button, taking them back to the previous report, but it doesn't happen. The source of the combo box in question uses a column on the table, and works fine when the form has all of the fields showing for modification.
    I had some validations that I finally set to never fire, thinking that they were failing and just not giving the error messages. I know a bad sql or pl/sql atatement in a validation will cause the form to just keep sitting there doing nothing, and thought it might help.
    Several of the various fields are combo boxes, several are text boxes.
    I'm stumped.
    Shall I keep the regular update button hidden whether it is a manager or not (because it has been 'approved'), and enable a new button that fires off a process to update the one field that the manager may want to change? Does making a field 'read only' always have a detrimental effect on the auto processes I've been counting on? Is that if fact what is happening now?
    Thanks in advance for any advice or comments on this.

    Hi, Scott.
    My version is
    I have received info to set up the application, though I have not activated it as yet. I'm reluctant to try to load up the various tables to make it work. It could be done.
    My workaround is to that the user (a manager) fires off to another form to show an individual record, and ask if he/she really wants to make this change. On submit, they will be taken back to the original locked down form, and I will update the single field in that process of returning them. This will actually be a plus, in that I expect to show them all of the 'duplicate' entries for that item, and show them that by 'activating' this particular item, they will 'deactivate' the one duplicate that is currently active. Or, if they are deactivating the sole item that is active, that there will in fact be no active items in the system. Convoluted as heck, but they swear this is how they've been doing business with their briefcases and file cabinets of Excel files. I'm surprise they even float at this point (these are ships we're talking about).
    This all may be due to the form originally having a next/previous/count process once arrived at my clicking on the edit button of the report of items. All of that has been hidden away, and though the fields exist of the form, they are not used. They only see the current item that they clicked on from the report.
    I read up a little on session state, as well as posts with the debug error I was getting. I'm still not on board with the whole issue of 'state'. Items stay as they are until they're changed, no? I suppose that sounds simplistic.
    One of the things that caught my eye was several combo box lists that on read only mode, showed [] square brackets. Which, in some cases is okay.
    What I'll try to do is set up a public application - for future use if nothing else. I'm going to be working on this for awhile. I have more than a bit of work to do to cleanse the data as well as get rid of the single sign on requirement (I'll assume that I should have to do this) in order to share the app.
    I know you're expecting me to have this up and running for you to look at, but I'm under the gun. And they actually like my workaround.
    I'll keep everybody informed, one way or another.

  • Read only List-Field

    HI Folks
    It seems to me that there should be an easy answer to the following
    problem, so much so that I feel foolish for submitting it. However, since
    this is my first posting, it is usually o.k. to be an dimwitted idiot.
    Is there any way to have a list field (i.e. scroll list or drop list) that
    doesn't display the icon at the right side of the box (the drop arrow or
    scroll icon).
    We wish to display an item from the list in a read-only fashion, thus is
    not any need to display the list, just the corresponding item from the
    list. (i.e 'sex' it comes from the database as a 1 (Male) or 2 (Female),
    and rather than display the 1 or 2, we would like to display the 'Male' or
    'Female'. )
    Since we are displaying the records in an array and the array field is
    mapped to an object that corresponds to the database table, extra fields
    for translation, including virtual attributes, in that object fowl up the
    writing to that database table. And, of course, the Drop list adds some
    vertical height to the array field, screwing up the esthetic beauty of the
    Thanks for reading this.
    [email protected]

    Try some thing like below,
    your data value that needs to be update should be in this format "ID of the lookup";#"Title of the Lookup" 
    For example,
    = "1;#iPhone";
    = "2;#Mobile";
    Hope this helped you....

  • Read Only Columns

    We have designed a update METADATE type custom integrator to download, update and re-upload data to Oracle Apps. As a part of the integrator we are displaying few extra columns for the end users viewing purpose. The client want us to make such view only columns as 'READ ONLY' and prevent any changes to them. They want such columns to either be greyed out or protected in order to prevent any changes. Is it possible to achieve this using WebADI? We tried updating the READ_ONLY_FLAG column in the table bne_interface_cols_b but it doesn't work as expected. This set-up allows the end user to update/make changes to the column in the excel sheet and throws an error only when the sheet is uploaded, not before that.
    Any suggestions/help is appreciated. We are on R11i.
    Nitin jain

    As suggested, an update statement like below will address the issue in R11i:
    update bne_layout_cols
    set style = 'mso-protection:locked;'
    where application_id = <>
    and interface_code = <>
    and sequence_num in <>;

  • Read-only radio group losing value on validation error

    It took quite a while to track this down, but I think I've got it narrowed down properly. I have an APEX form for updating a record in a databse table with a radio group which is conditionally read-only. If that radio group has a value AND is read-only, when the form is submitted and hits a validation error, the value of the radio group is lost.
    For example, the radio group SUBMITTED_FOR_APPROVAL is set to Y and is read-only for a given user. That user then changes something else on the form and submits it. However, the form now hits a validation error for some field. When the form reloads with the validation error displayed, all the fields are restored except the read-only radio group which is now blank. If a select list is used with the identical read-only condition, it works fine. Likewise, if a radio group is used, but the read-only condition is removed, it works fine. It is only when it is a radio group and it is read-only, that the value does not appear to be submitted to the session with all the form values whent he form is submitted.
    Is this a bug or am I simply missing something?
    Apex 3.1.2
    Rgds/Mark M.

    It's using a shared component LOV cleverly called LOV_YN which consists of a static LOV with
    1 Display=Yes, Return=Y
    2 Display=No, Return=N
    The settings in the LOV section on the item iteself:
    Named LOV: LOV_YN
    Display Extra values: No Dynamic translation: Not translated
    Number of columns: 2 Display null: No
    Null display value is blank as is null return value
    Item was setup as a radio group and was only converted over to a select list to work around this issue. Let me know what else you need and thanks again.
    Rgds/Mark M.

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