Move files: they jump to bottom of grid

Hi Everyone,
Had a search but no joy. Using LR 5, and if i select a few images in grid mode, and then change their position in the grid by moving the selected files, they just jump to the bottom of the grid. So whereas i might move them to be, say, 3rd, the move will result in them all going to last ... strange! Testing this out, it seems to only happen if the selected files are not contiguous - there needs to be a gap between some of them.
Anyone able to point me to the solution to this (so they stay in the position that i've dragged them to).
Many thanks

At this point I am inclined to say something is stuck.
This may be one of those wierd problems that a preference reset may fix. If you want to make the attempt, here are instructions: -Preferences-file

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    It's not really possible to diagnose your problem given that you've provided so little information on your encoding method, source video, and/or your playback and evaluation method(s). NTSC or PAL, standard definition DV or HD, interlaced or progressive, frame rates, field dominance settings? What exactly do you mean by "digital break up?"
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    Here is the link to Apple's warning about using v1.x presets with Compressor 2.


    Hello.  I have a problem with the video editor in my CS6 Extented.  I have the newest updates (checked an hour ago), and restored default preferences before beginning the first video exercise in Chapter 10 of "Adobe Photoshop CS6/Classroom In A Book".  The book came with practice files on a DVD.  I installed those (for chapter 10) into my PC.  Following the book's directions to create a new video file, everything is fine, and works just as shown in the book, until I import the 9 sample files (6 Jpegs and 3 MOV files).  After placing these files onto the timeline, I am instructed to resize the duration of the JPEGs to 3 seconds, that works.  But when I go to resize the MOV files, they will not expand.  When I zoom in all the way, they are clearly empty place holders, of no lenght.  The marker says they are "01F", which looks to me like 1 frame.  Yet looking at the files before importing them in to Photoshop and placing them on the timeline, the first two files show as being 11 seconds long, and the third MOV file is 37 seconds long.  And, I can play all three files on my Windows media player.  But again, as soon as I place these on the time line, they are reduced to a sliver of just one frame, that can not be expanded.  
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    As another clue, before creating the video file in the exercise, the book directed me to load the finished file that they supplied, into Photoshop, and to play that in Photoshop, to see what the final project would look like.  I did that, and the video played fine.  And the book instructed me to note how the files in the timeline matched up with the files in the layers panel, and all of that looked just like in the book.  But I can NOT get the video/MOV files to move in to the time line when I do it as instructed. 
    And I am running Windows 8.1, on a brand new pc with a fairly highpowered dedicated video card with 3 gig of on-board ram, and 16G of ram in my PC. 
    What do I do?   Thank you, Chuck
    [ private info removed by admin ]

    Thank you Silkrooster!   I did the download of Quicktime and re-did the video training exercise, but this time it worked flawlessly!  Thanks, Chuck
    PS:  As I entered the forum, I noticed someone else with the exact same problem that I had.  But that person was able to ask their question in a couple of simple sentences instead of my long ramble! 

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    <Post Relocated by Host>

    The header statement for this forum states that this forum is for feedback about Apple Discussions only. You should repost your question in the forum corresponding to the OS that you are using. To select the proper forum, go to
    Are you sure the file is "whv" and not "wmv"? "whv" is a file extension associated with VS Ver 1.0 Session Data, a Windows application.
     Cheers, Tom
    P.S. Add your OS to you discussion profile.

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    situated. Right click and click on Get Info, then
    look around the tabs (cant remember which one) and
    make sure that the movie file is not under 'Music
    Video' if it is change it to Movie File.
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    Windows XP Pro

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    If you don't get an answer here, you might want to post your question in the iMovie discussion here.

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    No transcoding, amazing quality, cheap price.
    Put up with the transcoding.
    Message was edited by: wallybarthman

  • After Upgrade .MOV Files Got Changed

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    I am pretty sure this is normal, but try calling Apple back on the same case to verify. To fix it, open a terminal window and type
    this will tell you who you are logged in as. Say you are logged in as "bob" then type
    chown -R bob ~bob

  • Audition jumps time code forward on audio extracted from a .mov file

    I have a video file with a starting time code of 10:41:17:23.   I open this file in Audition, apply a noise reduction effect, and export the file out as a new .wav file.
    However, instead of the audio file having a starting time code of  10:41:17:23, the time code on the file starts at  10:41:34:20. 
    So, the time stamp has jumped forward 16 seconds, 21 frames.   And, the jump amount is not consistent.  Another file had a 37 second plus jump.
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    If I was dealing with different frame rates/codecs/etc., I could understand the time code being out of sync later in the file, but I cannot understand why it would be out of whack at the very start of the file.
    Anyone got any ideas on possible cause/cure?   It's a pain having to manually search for the audio file for the correct location instead of being able to just punch in the same time code the video uses.

    OK. I double checked and the timecode showed 23.976 for my test .mov file in Premier Pro,  with a sample rate of 48,000  32-bit. 
    I made sure my timecode default was set to SMPTE 23.976 in Preferences/Time Display in Audition.  I then opened the .MOV file in Audition, let it split the audio out, and moved the audio to the editor panel.
    The timecode in the audition editor panel shows 23.976.  The preview panel also shows 23.976. 
    For what is worth, the "time code" block of blue numbers in the lower bottom left of the Audition preview panel shows 00:00:00:00.    I believe this is because the primary "Time Code Start" field in the Canon 70D .mov format files is empty and the camera is putting the time code in the Alternate Time code fields.
    I then opened the Effects drop down menu and applied Noise Reduction/Restoration, option Adaptive Noise Reduction, using the preset "Light Noise Reduction."
    After the apply completed I saved the modified audio file with a format of Wave PCM, leaving the Sample type at the default of 48000 HZ Stereo, 32-bit and Format settings of Wave Uncompressed 32-bit floating point (IEEE).
    I left the box checked next to "Include Markers and Other Metadata."  And, clicked OK.
    I then went to Premier Pro and opened the just saved audio file.  The starting time code on the file is 10:38:52:22.   This does not match the starting time code on the original MOV file which is 10:38:14:10.
    So, based on my limited understanding of both Premier Pro and Audition, I am gettting the exact same sample rate settings and time code settings all the way through the process in both Premier Pro and Audition up to the point of saving the modified file out of Audition.  It is at the point of saving that things get changed.
    Charles asked me to post screenshots and a sample file somewhere.  I am working on doing those tonight.  I just have to figure out where to post them.  My original test files were quite large, but I got the same results with a 2 second file in my second test, so I'll post those files someplace.

  • I have a .mov file that plays on my mac but when someone tries to play it on a pc, they get an error 128 message. Help!

    I have a .mov file that plays on my mac but when someone tries to play it on a pc, they get an error 128 message. Help! Please!

    This is not the problem. We are using quicktime on the pc's and the mac. I also tried to open the file on the pc with other programs and it doesn't recognize the file. The file opens fine on my mac but I cannot save it as a new file. It says that "the end of the file was reached." The recording was made in iShowU then edited in Quicktime Pro.

  • I just used stellar phoenix mac data recovery and it seemed to work but now my files won't open.  Even though they are "jpeg, mov" files the error message is  could not be opened. The movie's file format isn't recognized. "  Any help or are they corrupted

    I just used stellar phoenix mac data recovery and it seemed to work but now my files won't open.  Even though they are "jpeg, mov" files, the error message is  "could not be opened". The movie's file format isn't recognized. "  Any help or are they corrupted?

    Sounds to me like the file is probably corrupt. If you had hard drive corruption or damage, that could easily result in recovered files not being fully intact. If you were trying to recover accidentally deleted files, it's possible they might have been partially overwritten before recovering. There are never any guarantees with file recovery.
    Without more information on the circumstances that led you to try recovery, it's hard to give advice on what to try from here. You could always try another file recovery tool, like Data Rescue 3. Just be sure you're taking appropriate precautions when doing recovery. See Recovering deleted files.

  • I have uploaded files in the cloud but they do not seem to open. (Movie files and other content)

    I uploaded content to the cloud without any problems or issues. (GREAT NEWS!) However the content appears as a gray box and does not open or do anything when you click on it. Can you help me? It looks like it uploaded completely but I am not sure how to access it or get it to open.

    Hi David,
    Thanks for responding! Yes they are files I created in Articulate and
    MSWMM- Microsoft Movie files. I still have both but was basically thinking
    when I sent the link they could log in and see the file. It looks like they
    would actually have to download it to open and view the materials. Is that
    correct? Is there some other way to share the content?
    Thanks again!

  • I am trying to import movie files into to iMovie. They are home videos so I use handbrake and VLC to put them onto the computer and convert them to MPEG-4 files. I successfully imported two of the videos but the others are not working, they are all MPEG-4

    I am trying to import movie files into to iMovie. They are home videos so I use handbrake and VLC to put them onto the computer and convert them to MPEG-4 files. I successfully imported two of the videos but the others are not working, they are all MPEG-4 files. Now, they are not compatible. How to I get them into imovie?

    I use
    • DV-PAL or DV-NTSC - or -
    • AIC
    Yours Bengt W

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