Move picture box with arrow keys

I have already gotten my picturebox to move either up, down, right or left when I press my arrow keys.
My problem is that I cannot make it to move for example up and right at the same time (diagonal), can somebody help me to do that?
I also want it to move more smoothly, and I don't want to need to hold my arrow keys down for two seconds before they start to move rapidly like I have to do now.
Would appreciate any help! Thank you!
(Sorry for my bad English, I'm Norwegian)
Here is my code so far:
Private Sub Map_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
        If e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then
            PictureBox1.Location = New Point(PictureBox1.Location.X, PictureBox1.Location.Y - 5)
        ElseIf e.KeyCode = Keys.Down Then
            PictureBox1.Location = New Point(PictureBox1.Location.X, PictureBox1.Location.Y + 5)
        ElseIf e.KeyCode = Keys.Left Then
            PictureBox1.Location = New Point(PictureBox1.Location.X - 5, PictureBox1.Location.Y)
        ElseIf e.KeyCode = Keys.Right Then
            PictureBox1.Location = New Point(PictureBox1.Location.X + 5, PictureBox1.Location.Y)
    End if 
And I have these:
 Private Sub btnPlay_PreviewKeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PreviewKeyDownEventArgs) Handles btnPlay.PreviewKeyDown
        Select Case e.KeyCode
            Case Keys.Left, Keys.Up, Keys.Right, Keys.Down
                e.IsInputKey = True
        End Select
    End Sub

Here's some other code I normally use now for key events on a Form since it is global. So if any controls are on the form which can get focus this works anyhow.
Protected Overrides Function ProcessCmdKey(ByRef msg As Message, ByVal keyData As Keys) As Boolean
If keyData.ToString = "Left" Then
PictureBox1.Location = New Point(PictureBox1.Left - 5, PictureBox1.Top)
ElseIf keyData.ToString = "Left, Control" Then
PictureBox1.Location = New Point(PictureBox1.Left - 5, PictureBox1.Top - 5)
ElseIf keyData.ToString = "Left, Alt" Then
PictureBox1.Location = New Point(PictureBox1.Left - 5, PictureBox1.Top + 5)
ElseIf keyData.ToString = "Right" Then
PictureBox1.Location = New Point(PictureBox1.Left + 5, PictureBox1.Top)
ElseIf keyData.ToString = "Right, Control" Then
PictureBox1.Location = New Point(PictureBox1.Left + 5, PictureBox1.Top - 5)
ElseIf keyData.ToString = "Right, Alt" Then
PictureBox1.Location = New Point(PictureBox1.Left + 5, PictureBox1.Top + 5)
ElseIf keyData.ToString = "Up" Then
PictureBox1.Location = New Point(PictureBox1.Left, PictureBox1.Top - 5)
ElseIf keyData.ToString = "Down" Then
PictureBox1.Location = New Point(PictureBox1.Left, PictureBox1.Top + 5)
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
La vida loca

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                paddle.x -= 10;
        if (input.IsRightHeld)
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    Thanks for samples, this is very kind ; p
    Hovewer you are doing everything almost exactly as I'am doing. Tou are using mySymbol.x++ which means your translation speed is 1. Also I'am aware that rising frame rate will result in smoother animations, but this is not the point. So once again, my flash applications suffer from two problems:
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    Here is a basic switch usage to move something with the keyboard:
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, move_mc);
    function move_mc(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
           case  Keyboard.LEFT : mc.x -= 5
           case  Keyboard.RIGHT : mc.x += 5
           case Keyboard.UP : mc.y -= 5
           case Keyboard.DOWN : mc.y += 5

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class DragBallPanel extends JPanel implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, KeyListener
    private static final int BALL_DIAMETER = 50; // Diameter of ball
    private static final int BALL_DIAMETER2 = 50;
         //--- instance variables
    /** Ball coords. Changed by mouse listeners. Used by paintComponent. */
    private int _ballX     = 50;   // x coord - set from drag
    private int _ballY     = 50;   // y coord - set from drag
    private int x2 = 200;               // starting x coord for 2nd ball
         private int y2 = 200;               //starting y coord for 2nd ball
         private int x3 = 75;
         private int y3 = 150;
    /** Position in ball of mouse press to make dragging look better. */
    private int _dragFromX = 0;    // pressed this far inside ball's
    private int _dragFromY = 0;    // bounding box.
    private int xInsideBall = 0;     //coordinates of where the mouse is pressed inside second ball
         private int yInsideBall = 0;     //is pressed inside second ball
         private int x3InsideBall = 0;     //coordinates of where the mouse is pressed inside second ball
         private int y3InsideBall = 0;     //is pressed inside second ball
    /** true means mouse was pressed in ball and still in panel.*/
    private boolean _canDrag  = false;
         private boolean _canDrag2  = false;
         private boolean _canDrag3  = false;
         /** Constructor sets size, colors, and adds mouse listeners.*/
    public DragBallPanel()
              setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 400));
    //--- Add the mouse listeners.
         /** Ball is drawn at the last recorded mouse listener coordinates. */
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
    super.paintComponent(g); // Required for background.
    g.fillOval(_ballX, ballY, BALLDIAMETER, BALL_DIAMETER);
              g.fillOval(x2, y2, BALL_DIAMETER2, BALL_DIAMETER2);
              g.fillOval(x3, y3, BALL_DIAMETER2, BALL_DIAMETER2);
         }//end paintComponent
         public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
    int x = e.getX(); // Save the x coord of the click
    int y = e.getY(); // Save the y coord of the click
    if (x >= ballX && x <= (ballX + BALL_DIAMETER)
    && y >= ballY && y <= (ballY + BALL_DIAMETER))
    _canDrag = true;
    dragFromX = x - ballX; // how far from left
    dragFromY = y - ballY; // how far from top
    _canDrag = false;
              //clicked on 2nd ball
              if(x >= x2 && x <= (x2 + BALL_DIAMETER2)
                        && y >= y2 && y <= (y2 + BALL_DIAMETER2) )
                   _canDrag2  = true;
                   xInsideBall = x - x2;
                   yInsideBall = y - y2;
    _canDrag2 = false;
              if(x >= x3 && x <= (x3 + BALL_DIAMETER2)
                        && y >= y3 && y <= (y3 + BALL_DIAMETER2) )
                   _canDrag3  = true;
                   x3InsideBall = x - x3;
                   y3InsideBall = y - y3;
    _canDrag3 = false;
         }//end mousePressed
         public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
    // True only if button was pressed inside ball.
    //--- Ball pos from mouse and original click displacement
              if (_canDrag)
    ballX = e.getX() - dragFromX;
    ballY = e.getY() - dragFromY;
    //--- Don't move the ball off the screen sides
    ballX = Math.max(ballX, 0);
    ballX = Math.min(ballX, getWidth() - BALL_DIAMETER);
    //--- Don't move the ball off top or bottom
    ballY = Math.max(ballY, 0);
    ballY = Math.min(ballY, getHeight() - BALL_DIAMETER);
    this.repaint(); // Repaint because position changed.
              if (_canDrag2)
                   x2 = e.getX() - xInsideBall;
                   y2 = e.getY() - yInsideBall;
                   x2 = Math.max(x2, 0);
                   x2 = Math.min(x2, getWidth() - BALL_DIAMETER2);
                   y2 = Math.max(y2, 0);
                   y2 = Math.min(y2, getHeight() - BALL_DIAMETER2);
                   this.repaint(); // Repaint because position changed.
              if (_canDrag3)
                   x3 = e.getX() - x3InsideBall;
                   y3 = e.getY() - y3InsideBall;
                   x3 = Math.max(x3, 0);
                   x3 = Math.min(x3, getWidth() - BALL_DIAMETER2);
                   y3 = Math.max(y3, 0);
                   y3 = Math.min(y3, getHeight() - BALL_DIAMETER2);
                   this.repaint(); // Repaint because position changed.
    }//end mouseDragged
    public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke)
         //int x = e.getX(); // Save the x coord of the click
    //int y = e.getY(); // Save the y coord of the click
              int dx = 10;
              switch (ke.getKeyCode())
              case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: // move x coordinate left
              _ballX -= dx;
              ballX = Math.max(ballX, 0);
              case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: // move x coordinate right
                   _ballX += dx;
              ballX = Math.min(ballX, getWidth() - BALL_DIAMETER);
    public void mouseMoved (MouseEvent e) {} // ignore these events
    public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent e) {} // ignore these events
    public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e) {} // ignore these events
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {} // ignore these events
    public void mouseExited (MouseEvent e) {}     // ignore these events
         public void keyReleased (KeyEvent ke) {} // ignore this junk
         public void keyTyped     (KeyEvent ke) {} // ignore this junk
    }//endclass DragBallPanel

    A couple of notes:
    - That code did not add the keyListener to anything.
    - At the moment (in the altered code below), only the blue circle moves, and only left/right. It is left as an exercise to the OP to 'take it from there'.
    - It only took four more lines of code to turn that code into an SSCCE*, which will generally get more help.
    - Please use code indentation, and the code formatting delimiters, when posting code. It makes code a lot easier to read and understand.
    * The SSCCE is described at..
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class DragBallPanel extends JPanel
      implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, KeyListener
      private static final int BALL_DIAMETER = 50; // Diameter of ball
      private static final int BALL_DIAMETER2 = 50;
      //--- instance variables
      /** Ball coords. Changed by mouse listeners. Used by paintComponent. */
      private int _ballX = 50; // x coord - set from drag
      private int _ballY = 50; // y coord - set from drag
      private int x2 = 200; // starting x coord for 2nd ball
      private int y2 = 200; //starting y coord for 2nd ball
      private int x3 = 75;
      private int y3 = 150;
      /** Position in ball of mouse press to make dragging look better. */
      private int _dragFromX = 0; // pressed this far inside ball's
      private int _dragFromY = 0; // bounding box.
      private int xInsideBall = 0; //coordinates of where the mouse is pressed inside second ball
      private int yInsideBall = 0; //is pressed inside second ball
      private int x3InsideBall = 0; //coordinates of where the mouse is pressed inside second ball
      private int y3InsideBall = 0; //is pressed inside second ball
      /** true means mouse was pressed in ball and still in panel.*/
      private boolean _canDrag = false;
      private boolean _canDrag2 = false;
      private boolean _canDrag3 = false;
      /** Constructor sets size, colors, and adds mouse listeners.*/
      public DragBallPanel()
        setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 400));
        //--- Add the mouse listeners.
        // add the keylistener!
        // make sure the panel is focusable
      /** Ball is drawn at the last recorded mouse listener coordinates. */
      public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
        super.paintComponent(g); // Required for background.
        g.fillOval(_ballX, _ballY, BALL_DIAMETER, BALL_DIAMETER);
        g.fillOval(x2, y2, BALL_DIAMETER2, BALL_DIAMETER2);
        g.fillOval(x3, y3, BALL_DIAMETER2, BALL_DIAMETER2);
      }//end paintComponent
      public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
        int x = e.getX(); // Save the x coord of the click
        int y = e.getY(); // Save the y coord of the click
        if (x >= _ballX && x <= (_ballX + BALL_DIAMETER)
        && y >= _ballY && y <= (_ballY + BALL_DIAMETER))
          _canDrag = true;
          _dragFromX = x - _ballX; // how far from left
          _dragFromY = y - _ballY; // how far from top
          _canDrag = false;
        //clicked on 2nd ball
        if(x >= x2 && x <= (x2 + BALL_DIAMETER2)
          && y >= y2 && y <= (y2 + BALL_DIAMETER2) )
          _canDrag2 = true;
          xInsideBall = x - x2;
          yInsideBall = y - y2;
          _canDrag2 = false;
        if(x >= x3 && x <= (x3 + BALL_DIAMETER2)
          && y >= y3 && y <= (y3 + BALL_DIAMETER2) )
          _canDrag3 = true;
          x3InsideBall = x - x3;
          y3InsideBall = y - y3;
          _canDrag3 = false;
      }//end mousePressed
      public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
        // True only if button was pressed inside ball.
        //--- Ball pos from mouse and original click displacement
        if (_canDrag)
          _ballX = e.getX() - _dragFromX;
          _ballY = e.getY() - _dragFromY;
          //--- Don't move the ball off the screen sides
          _ballX = Math.max(_ballX, 0);
          _ballX = Math.min(_ballX, getWidth() - BALL_DIAMETER);
          //--- Don't move the ball off top or bottom
          _ballY = Math.max(_ballY, 0);
          _ballY = Math.min(_ballY, getHeight() - BALL_DIAMETER);
          this.repaint(); // Repaint because position changed.
        if (_canDrag2)
          x2 = e.getX() - xInsideBall;
          y2 = e.getY() - yInsideBall;
          x2 = Math.max(x2, 0);
          x2 = Math.min(x2, getWidth() - BALL_DIAMETER2);
          y2 = Math.max(y2, 0);
          y2 = Math.min(y2, getHeight() - BALL_DIAMETER2);
          this.repaint(); // Repaint because position changed.
        if (_canDrag3)
          x3 = e.getX() - x3InsideBall;
          y3 = e.getY() - y3InsideBall;
          x3 = Math.max(x3, 0);
          x3 = Math.min(x3, getWidth() - BALL_DIAMETER2);
          y3 = Math.max(y3, 0);
          y3 = Math.min(y3, getHeight() - BALL_DIAMETER2);
          this.repaint(); // Repaint because position changed.
      }//end mouseDragged
      public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke)
        System.out.println("key PRESSED");
        //int x = e.getX(); // Save the x coord of the click
        //int y = e.getY(); // Save the y coord of the click
        int dx = 10;
        switch (ke.getKeyCode())
          case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: // move x coordinate left
            _ballX -= dx;
            _ballX = Math.max(_ballX, 0);
          case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: // move x coordinate right
            _ballX += dx;
            _ballX = Math.min(_ballX, getWidth() - BALL_DIAMETER);
      public void mouseMoved (MouseEvent e) {} // ignore these events
      public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent e) {} // ignore these events
      public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e) {} // ignore these events
      public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {} // ignore these events
      public void mouseExited (MouseEvent e) {} // ignore these events
      public void keyReleased (KeyEvent ke) {} // ignore this junk
      public void keyTyped (KeyEvent ke) {} // ignore this junk
      /** Add a main(), to make this an SSCCE. */
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        DragBallPanel dbp = new DragBallPanel();
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, dbp);
    }//endclass DragBallPanel

  • Moving anchor point with arrow keys crashes Photoshop CC

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    I've recently run into this bug many times while working with shapes. Don't really know what initiates it but it's super annoying as it crashes the PS CC completely without possiblity of recovering the unsaved files.
    The bug appears while working with shapes after file is saved and reopened. Because I use to design pixel-perfect UIs, I work with arrow keys a lot to be sure every pixel is in the right place. So after selecting one or more anchor points of shape and hitting any arrow key (to move it by pixel), photoshop immediately crashes with this super-long description of bug:
    Dunno why but this occurs very often when handling 1px-thin rectangles.
    Is it only me or has anybody else experienced this as well? Any idea what exactly is causing it or what might be wrong with my config?
    Never seen that kind of error in Photoshop before. It completely destroys my everyday workflow

    I have exactly the same problem and I don't have any solution. I was tried to update the latest video drivers - nothing! Tried to update Photoshop which updates fixes bugs - nothing! The problem continues.
    My OS is Windows 8 64bit, video card Nvidia GT 630. For the case, my Photoshop 32x works better (faster) than the 64x. Why is that ? I hope to have a solution.

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    Thank you Mike! It was driving me crazy. I just started to use CS6 and hadn't messed with any adjustments. How would someone know to check such a seemingly obscure--except to come to the forum?

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    The filter panel is a shortcut for the content panel and it only effects the content of that window. So if you have a folder it will only see this as a folder and not with its content. (a Stack behaves about the same, being different in only counting the first file in the filter panel criteria but not what is in the stack itself)
    You have a view work arounds, first is use menu view / show items from subfolders (this can take some time especially if you have not used caching before on this content) and this builds visible thumbs for all content and that can be used for filtering.
    Or use the find command (Edit / find) and inhere specify the source and fill in the criteria include subfolders and this will give you the correct result.
    When you create a smart collection the find command also pops up given you the same opportunity to get the results in a collection, but since a collection is only a bunch of aliases referring to the originals you might be a bit careful with editing and deleting.

  • Premiere CC Frame stepping with arrow keys

    Why can I no longer step ahead or back one frame at a time with arrow keys after updating PremiereCC software?

    It's working here for me xAndyx. Can you try trashing preference? Press Shift + Option and restart Premiere Pro (warning: you'll use any custom kb shortcuts, workspaces, etc.).

  • CTI Doesn't Move with Arrow Keys PE12

    I am running into a glitch in Premiere Elements 12. When I nudge the CTI (playhead) using the arrow keys it moves only 1 frame no matter how many times I press the over arrow. The audio continues to scrub and the time indicator continues to change for each frame, but the CTI itself is stuck and no longer represents the proper location.
    Anyone solved this?
    I am using a MacBook Pro running OS 10.8.5.

    Thanks ATR for you reply, here I will try to explain my findings.
    My hw. sw. setup
    MACBook Pro, OS X 10.9.4, 16Gb, licensed Premiere Elements 12.1 upgraded from 12.0
    Just to confirm....are you saying that if you do just a one tap on the right or left arrow key, the Timeline Indicator will move 1 frame.              YES (if slow repeat).
    But, if you hold down and continue to hold down on the right of the right or left arrow key, the Timeline Indicator will not go into a continuing movement?     YES.
    >> Today I have found that this problem only show up in ”Expert” edit mode and not in ”Quick” mode.
          1. Current Timeline Indicator (CTI) only move/jump one frame when I first start to hold right or left key pressed, after this first jump CTI will stop to move,
                my movie and time counter will move and count as expected.
          2. If I repeat pressing right or left key with a speed faster than one press per 3seconds the CTI will be stopped,  slower repeat than every 3 second then CTI will move on every key press.  
          3. Note1   when CTI not move during continue key press or fast repeat R/L (< 3sec) the accumulated new CLI position will show up as a long jump on next press after 3sec paus.  
          4. Note2   I have also verifies with my Win7 friend with a new installed PE 12.1 running just fine without this CTI problem.  (MAC version only??)
    If so, several things that I would like you to do if you have not already....
    1. Delete the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file which should be found
        Users\Libraries\Application Support\Adobe\Premiere Elements\12
    >> After I delete the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file I did restart PE12 program and created  a new project ( an new PE Prefs was automatic create in the same directory as expected)
          But unfortunately my problem is still there.  
    2. In the opened project, go to Edit Menu/Preferences/General and experiment with the Timeline Playback Auto-Scrolling Options (No Scroll, Page Scroll, and Smooth Scroll).
    ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE12/12.1: Timeline Playback Auto-Scrolling
    >> Thanks, here I found lot of good reading but your suggestion to change the Timeline Playback Auto-Scrolling Options did change scrolling behavior,
           unfortunately my problem is still there. 
    I am strictly an Elements Windows user, so please double check the translation of the suggested locations from Windows to Mac.
    How would describe your issue - "it worked before but not now" or "it never worked before".
    >> My best answer must be;  I have not seen this problem before but I´m trying to learn video editing so I could have missed the CTI behavior.
    Looking forward to your follow up.
    Thank you.
    Add On...Like the originator of this thread, are you working with a tryout of Premiere Elements 12/12.1?
    No this is a licensed version 12.0 upgraded to 12.1
    My conclusion must be that this CTI behavior is a software bug  (maybe only in MAC versionPE12 or in  some combination).
    How to fix my problem:
    Will a reinstall likely fix the problem?
    Or is´t a case for Adobe Support to handle? 
    I´m happy for any help here.

  • Moving Movie Clips with Arrow keys

    How do i make it so when i click the left arrow key, it will
    change the movie clip to make it turn around?

    Yes, that's what the code I gave you is intended to do....
    you replace that code with whatever action you need to take to turn
    your movie around.
    I have no idea what your movieclip is doing, but I'm guessing
    by your response that if it was an arrow pointing left to right
    (just an example), you want it to be pointing right to left when
    the left arrow is pressed. If you want an immediate turn around,
    then the simplest way to do that is to have another frame
    containing the movieclip that it moves to where it faces the other
    direction--and to have it appear turned around, from the toolbar
    you select Modify -> Transform -> Flip Horizontal.
    So the movieclip would live inside another movieclip that has
    two frames with stop()'s for each frame. In the first frame you
    would have the subclip facing left to right, and in the second you
    would have it facing right to left. If we call that 2-framed
    movieclip "walker", the code I provided before would

  • Movement with arrow keys

    When I first put this code in, it worked.  Now it doesn't.  Does anyone have any ideas as to how to fix it?
    var playerMc:player = new player();
    var speed:Number = 10;
    var left:uint = 37;
    var up:uint = 38;
    var right:uint = 39;
    var down:uint = 40;
    function keyDownListener(e:KeyboardEvent) {
        if (e.keyCode==left){
      playerMc.x = playerMc.x - 10
    if (e.keyCode==up){
      playerMc.y = playerMc.y - 10;
    if (e.keyCode==right){
      playerMc.x = playerMc.x + 10;
    if (e.keyCode==down){
      playerMc.y = playerMc.y + 10;

    That's the thing, it did work and now it doesn't.  This is all the code I have for the scene.  I don't think any of it is interferring.  But nothing happens when
    I hit the arrow keys.  And this was my third mover code I tried and this one finally worked.
    var doorslocked:Boolean = true;
    //end variables
    //vendor count
    var vendorcount = 0;
    if (vendorcount == 7){
    gotoAndStop (8);
    //end vendor count
    // timer
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    var secs:Number = 0;
    var mins:Number = 9;
    var sec_t:String;
    var min_t:String;
    var my_timer:Timer = new Timer(1000);
    my_timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerHandler);
    function timerHandler(event:TimerEvent):void
    if (secs == 0 || secs <= 0) {
      if (mins == 0) {
       trace("Countdown is finished.");
       gotoAndStop (9);
      } else {
       secs = 59;
    } else {
    sec_t = (secs<10) ? "0"+String(secs) : String(secs);
    min_t = (mins<10) ? String(mins)+":" : String(mins)+":";
    time.text = String(min_t+sec_t);
    //end timer
    var playerMc:player = new player();
    var speed:Number = 10;
    //end mover
    //test keys
    var left:uint = 37;
    var up:uint = 38;
    var right:uint = 39;
    var down:uint = 40;
    function keyDownListener(e:KeyboardEvent) {
        if (e.keyCode==left){
      playerMc.x = playerMc.x - 10
    if (e.keyCode==up){
      playerMc.y = playerMc.y - 10;
    if (e.keyCode==right){
      playerMc.x = playerMc.x + 10;
    if (e.keyCode==down){
      playerMc.y = playerMc.y + 10;
    //end testing
    var vendor_local:Number = Math.random()*3;
    var vendor_floral:Number = Math.random()*3;
    var vendor_music:Number = Math.random()*3;
    var vendor_decor:Number = Math.random()*3;
    var vendor_cake:Number = Math.random()*3;
    var vendor_photo:Number = Math.random()*3;
    var vendor_video:Number = Math.random()*3;
    //end vendors

  • Object Positioning with Arrow Keys / Hiting fast (3times) Objekt Moves Back

    Good Morning,
    Since i updated PS (CS6) the last time it has this very strange behavior when i try to position a object via the Arrow Keys.
    When i hit a Button very fast (3 times) the object jumps back to its very first position where i started to move it.
    Is this a normal behavior? Or a Bug?
    When it is a new "feature" - where can i turn it off?
    I ask some friends of mine, but nobody stumbled over it yet.

    Does this look like the same thing?
    (see the short screencast)
    Doesn't seem to happen on photoshop cs6 13.01 on a windows machine.

  • All indesign images/ texts are locked and will only let me move with arrow keys

         I've run into bit of a snag recently. I'm new to indesign but have alot of experience with other aodbe products.
    I recently attempted to megre several documents together. After viewing the book I deleted it and went to edit the individual documents but I cannot move any files with my mouse. ????
    Also, all my documents still have page numbers relating to the book that i deleted....
    If any one has any suggestions please let me know

    For prefs, see Replace Your Preferences
    If this is Windows 7 or Vista, see InDesign tools and panels don't respond to mouse clicks (Windows 7/Vista)
    As far as numbering, if the files were in a book, removing them isn't going to change the numbering as it was updated by the book. You must reset that for each file manually uing the Section and Numbering Options in the Pages panel.

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