MOVED: Exasperating Realtek line out problem

This topic has been moved to MSI Notebook.

OK, here's a new development. When I plugged headphones in for the first time recently I saw this pop up saying an audio connection had been made. That inspired me to plug and unplug the audio out in the back a couple of times until the same message appeared again. I then had audio to my desk top speakers. That lasted for about a week. Then today back to no desk top speakers and internal audio only. I plugged and unplugged the rear out jack a few times to no avail. Just a reminder, I have not had trouble getting audio out on the Mac side, just the bootcamp side. Also, I would describe the output jack as a little loose. Any ideas?

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    EDIT: I just tried headphones instead of my home dock and had the same my headphone jack bad?

  • Macbook pro 13' 2010 line out problem

    My problem is:
    When i use the line out on my Macbook pro (13' 2010), before the sound or music start i hear a "click"  (or pop, i don't know how to call) noise on the headphones (or a connected speaker).
    If i stop playing, and after a while (about 20 seconds), i hear a "click" again.
    I think this is because it turns on and off the line out port on the macbook. (turn on the line out when i start to play, and turn off when i stop to play).
    This is normal? This is irritating me, because it's annoying.
    Is there a fix for this?
    Please help me.

    I just tried it on my wifes 13" and  it does have a slight pop, very low in level at the beginning of a track, and while in pause. I did a pram reset and it seemed to reduce hoe often it happens, especially in pause mode and it now seems to not do it on every song. It was VERY low in level and has not popped at all in pause while I typed this response. It might be a part of Apple cheaping out the audio section on the 13', I have a 15" and never had this issue. She never mentioned it to me, but she usuallly listens to her music very quiet.  Still no pops, where as before the pram reset there was one about every 1/2 minute or so in pause mode. You might want to give it a try and see if it helps. But it still does it at the start of the first song but I did not here it going into the next.  Pram reset: disconnect all peripherals, power offthe MBP,power it back on and hold the following keys. Option,comand,P,R(no commas) Press these keys before the start chime and continue to hold them till you hear the start chime 3 times then release. Maybe it will help.  All the best

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    I am pulling my hair out here...can anyone offer any advice??

    OMG, I'm so stupid!
    I had plugged in my iPhone earlier to the Aux input of the speaker control on the desk and left the plug adapter in it! When it's plugged in, it doesn't allow anything to come through except the Iphone. Unplugged it and all is well again. I can't believe I didn't figure that out on my own earlier!!
    Well I hope this helps someone else out in the future who makes this same stupid mistake!

  • Line out and headphone problems

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    5g iPod 30GB   Windows XP Pro  

    Went to the genius bar earlier today to have my Mac Pro looked at. They said that front board and backplane failure is fairly common. In fact, the genius mentioned that his own 12-core suffered the same issues insofar as audio crackling and eventual analog out failure.
    I should be getting it back in 5-7 days.

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    I'm assuming the JB3 works in the same way as my JB, which may or may not be correct.
    I have never seen the message you refer to but there are 2 line-out sockets at the back of the player and a headphone socket at the side. The headphone socket has variable volume but the volume controls only work when headphones are plugged in.
    The line-outs default to a fixed ouptut level - that is what line-outs are, a standard level of output for feeding into an amplifier. In the menus, though, you can set them to variable output so that they work the same as the headphone socket. Again you need something plugged in to the socket you want to adjust the volume on.
    To switch to variable volume press Lib and go to Personalization, Line Out and change the setting.

  • Line-out audio problems.

    Can Apple please solve this: The line-out (and/or headphone-out, or default-out) on my 2010 Mac Pro just stops working on a daily basis. I use SoundFlower and LineIn apps as directed and they work fine on all internal sound-generating apps like iTunes, EyeTV HD, SoundStudio, etc. But audio coming in through the built-in audio line-in jack stops working at some point every day, or overnight. Sound control panel shows audio is getting into the computer, and LineIn app shows input and output, but I don't hear sound through the Mac's Line or headphone output.
    The "fix" is to keep switching inputs, outputs, quit and relaunch both SoundFlower and LineIn apps and, eventually, sound will return to the line and headphone output jacks on the Mac Pro. ( Switching here means choosing on-screen options, not physically replugging, which I have tried also to no avail!)
    As as active, professional composer/arranger, having to go through this ritual for 10 - 30 minutes every day before I can start working is becoming a major annoyance!
    I have read posts elsewhere where users complain of this same problem (though more often on a MacBOOKPro than on a MacPro) and it almost seems like this is a bug is in the Mac OS since OS 10.4, but it has not yet been solved or otherwise addressed by Apple.
    Can someone alert Apple to work on this, or has someone else found the cause and/or solution?
    I have the latest versions of OS 10.7.5, SoundFlower and LineIn freshly (re)installed.
    Rebooting does not solve the problem. Only the playing around with inputs/outputs I describe above.
    I have run Disk Repair and the HD is fully verified OK and all permissions have been repaired and read as correct.
    As I have said, I can get everything working just fine, then leave the computer for the evening, and when I try to return to work the next morning, the problem is back.
    I leave the computer fully on (no sleep) and I shut the monitor off as opposed to putting it to sleep so, on paper, nothing should be resetting itself, yet it does.
    Can anyone help?
    Thank you.

    Robert Wendel1 wrote:
    Can Apple please solve this:
    ask them
    I have the latest versions of OS 10.7.5, SoundFlower and LineIn freshly (re)installed.
    SoundFlower is notorious for causing OSX problems. Not familiar with Lineln, but would search for anyone else having compatability issues with Lion if I were you.
    Good Luck

  • Audio problems - soft sound, no line-out detected

    ok, so a number of things went wrong with my computer.
    it was working perfectly, and i opened garage band up to record music, and all of a sudden, no sound was coming out. at this stage i was using the line-out to my stereo amp. it also wouldnt let me change the volume and came up with the circle-with-a-line-through-it symbol.
    i did all the standard stuff, close garage band, play with the settings, go into system pref. restarted it, and then it was making some strange fuzzy noises, and system pref. said that no audio devices were detected, so i restarted again. now i only have built-in output detected, and its very quiet, even on full volume, the volume and mute controls all work.
    so thats all of my problems. im currently running OS X 10.4.10 on an intel-based iMac.

    on Nov. 29, 2007 we have begun shipping a revised PocketDock Line Out USB, which is now iPhone-enabled. We have also revised the 1/8" stereo plugs on the included cables, so they are now thin enough to fit the iPhone’s recessed headphone jack.
    Note that not all retailers might have the newest stock, so if you want to be on the safe side, either ask for which revision they sell (the iPhone-option is mentioned on the packaging) or order directly from
    Best regards,
    André Klein
    +President, SendStation Systems+

  • Sound problems with back line out port

    Hey everyone, I just sent an email to MSI Tech Support, but figure I would post a message here as well.  I just put together a new system, but I'm having a problem with the back line out port.
    My problem: When I plug in the front panel audio connectors (Left Audio Out, Left Audio Return, Right Audio Out, Right Audio Return) in the motherboard on pins 5-6 and 9-10 of JAUD1, the back line out does not work properly.  I get sound on only the right speaker of the headphones.
    More info:
    - Audio Driver: (from MSI CD)
    - If I instead plug the headphones on the front audio line out, then sound is fine
    - Here's the strange part, if I unplug the front audio connectors from the motherboard (and short pins 5-6, 9-10 with the jumpers, obviously), then the sound on the back line out works properly!
    - My Windows sound settings are fine
    Has anyone heard of this problem?  Any ideas/suggestions of what I could try?  
    Could this be a defective board?  Could it be bad wires on the case?  Seems unlikely since both back line out and front line out work depending on what I have setup.
    Help! :-)

    Originally posted by Steve F.
    You could try:
    1. Read the manual
    2. Search this forum.
    Rear sound problem
    Third time this has come up in 1 or 2 weeks.
    I appreciate the reply, but I believe you are wrong.  Yes, I have searched the forum and did find that thread.  Yes, I have read the manual.  The only thing that it says is: "If you don't want to connect to the front audio header, pins 5 & 6, 9 & 10 have to be jumpered in order to have signal output directed to the rear audio ports. Otherwise, The Line-out connector on the back panel will not function."  That's not my case since I want both ports to work (not outputting the signal both at the same time, obviously).
    This can't be ByDesign.  Either my board is defective or MSI is not following the Intel Front Panel I/O Connectivity Guide correctly.  The whole point of having 4 wires for the front panel audio ports, 2 of the wires being Aud_Ret_R and Aud_Ret_L, is so that the audio signal is sent to the front line out and _returned_ to the back line out if nothing is plugged in the front line out.
    I have an IBM machine with an intel mobo at work and it works as mentioned in the design guide.
    Any other ideas, anyone? I can still RMA my motherboard, but it's a design issue, i guess I'm stuck. I never got an automated reply from MSI Tech Support, so I guess my email never went through.  I'll send another email and let the forum know of the results.

  • Sound problem: I want line-in acting like line-out

    how can I make line-in jack acting like line-out?
    soundcard = realtek AC97 (integrated);
    alsa version = 1.0.13;

    yea, I did it in windows...
    the application which came with the sound driver had the option...

  • MOVED: Realtek AC97 STRANGE problem..

    This topic has been moved to AMD64 nVidia Based board.
    Realtek AC97 STRANGE problem..

    Yes. Everything seems okay. Realtek AC97 Sound is chosen everywhere, and everything seems perfect.
    There is just no sound. Not even a "Click" when i turn mute on and off. Nothing at all..
    When i look at the inputs on my board, i can see red light in the optical input, so i guess that the onboard sound is not broken.. :S
    Im not using optical, but the normal "Green" input..

  • Problems with audio line out jack

    When I connect the headphones in the audio line out inmediately change to "Digital out" and I don´t listen nothing, but when the headphones is unplugged I hear the music through the internal speakers normally. What can I do about?  Thanks.

    I need to change the logic board? or only the audio line out jack can be replace?

  • Enabling same Line out on my sound card (XFI Music)

    3Enabling same Line out on my sound card (XFI Music) Hello all,
    This must be possible! My main problem here is that I cannot find anyway to clone my main output, let me explain.
    I have my digital piano plugged into Line in
    I have my headphones plugged into the first Line out (these work fine)
    I have my TV (plugged in via 3.5mm jack) plugged into line out 2 (the one next to the green one)
    My TV is setup as a second monitor so I can watch films etc. All I want to do is get what I hear in my headphones on the television at the same time. I don't want to have to plug my TV into the green lineout everytime I want to use it.
    While we're on the subject, is there anyway I can remap the inputs, at the moment if I wanted to plug in my digital piano and a mic at the same time I can't. The irony is I upgraded from my absolute rubbish Realtek AC97 onboard audio device which could do all of the above. Surely this is possible?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Try resetting the PRAM. Info here:

  • GX740 - Anyone get two TRUE separate audio streams out Headphones and LINE OUT?

    Hoping for an update on this. I asked MSI via their support section and wow... what a FAIL that was:
    Do you have new specific drivers that allow TRUE 4 channel output? 2 out the headphones and 2 separate out the LINE OUT as implied by the design? I've tried everything and it doesn't work.
    I've tried ASIO4YOU drivers - doesn't work.
    I've tried every RealTek driver out there - nothing.
    Yes, I've set the RealTek driver to do multiple out but it sends the audio out the HDMI port, NOT THE LINE!
    I know this can be done cause you can set the REALTEK for 7.1 and you get separate streams out the headphones and line-out ports!
    Please - you've sold a laptop with "Headphone Out" and "Line Out" yet it fails to actually do that - NEW DRIVERS PLEASE?
    Posted: Feb 11, 2011 by Peter Stone
    All Posts
    Dear Customer,
    Please go to msi global website to download the audio driver,then install it.
    audio driver:
    Needless to say, that did nothing. In fact, I can't understand how I could of received such an answer given it made no sense what-so-ever. Download the driver that came with it? One that's now almost a year old?
    Regardless... I've tried that one. I've tried the latest RealTek drivers. I've tried a multitude of ASIO drivers. NOTHING WORKS. Yes, I've set the RealTek to send TWO SEPARATE STREAMS. That does NOTHING. The only thing I've been able to ascertain is that you can send one stream out the headphone/line out (same thing) AND one out the HD port which is useless.
    Here's the pain in the ass: If you go to the RealTek setup and change it to 7.1 and hit TEST, you DO hear separate output out the HEADPHONE JACK and the THIRD Audio Out jack which is the side fills so I know this laptop CAN spit audio out two separate outputs sitting on the side of the computer.
    Why do I want to do this:
    Simple. I'm lugging around an external audio interface for DJing and it's a pain. I'd rather just tap the headphones out for, well, headphones and send the line out or that third audio output to the DJ mixer. Done! I've tried MIXMEISTER, VIRTUAL DJ, NOTHING WORKS! I can select various strangely named outputs insinuating speaker out, speaker out + 1, etc... but no... it doesn't work at all...
    Sooooooooo... has ANYONE been able to get this to work? I'd love to know...

    Yea Stu... been through this part... Playback devices show the typical:
    1. Speakers (Realtek) -> Plays on ext. speakers but sounds like just treble. Headphone Out plays this stream.
    2. RealTek HD Audio 2nd output -> Plays on ext. speakers but sounds like bass/mids. No treble. NO OUTPUT PLAYS THIS. Plug anything in and sound from the speakers just shuts off
    3. Realtek HDMI Output (Not selectable)
    4. Realtek Digital Output (Not selectable)
    So yea, it seems right out of the box there is a problem with the sound on this unit. Choosing speakers sounds like crap (no mid/bass) and choosing HD Audio 2nd output sounds like crap (all mid/bass no treble).
    There is no discrete dual audio out the jacks.
    HOWEVER - Go choose 7.1 from the realtek setup and do a test. Well what do you know, DISCRETE 2ND AUDIO OUTPUT OUT THE HEADPHONE JACK AND THE 3RD OUTPUT JACK OF THE 4 IN A ROW. This PROVES you can have two discrete stereo audio streams coming out the output jacks. Just need someone to write the driver for it.
    Here's the thing. This laptop HAS 4 1/8" JACKS. SEE:
    Here's what the manual says about the output jacks:
    Mic In:

  • Mac Pro 2.66 Line Out not functioning.

    One of our Mac Pros on display here has a set of Altec Lansing speakers attached to it, but the line out on the back of the Mac no longer works (it did at one time). I've double-checked the settings and there is no audio coming out of the ports. However, I switch the cable to the headphone jack on the front, and boom, instant sound. Dunno why.

    This should fix your problem.
    1.1. Trash file in your Home > Library > Preferences folder.
    1.2. Empty the Trash.
    1.3. Either Log out then log in, or restrt your Mac.
    1.4. Check the volume keys' functions a few times in the hours after performing the steps above.
    2. More than likely, an errant Startup or Login Item maybe the cause. Perhaps some third-party utility you may have
    installed to control iTunes?
    My "Troubleshooting Startup and Login Items" FAQ can help you pin that down if such an item is causing the problem.
    3. If none of the above sorts it out, after the problem occurs, immediately check these Console logs for additional clues.
    Good luck!

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