MOVED: Reset turbo boost limit?

This topic has been moved to Overclockers & Undervolting & Modding Corner.

Quote from: dilburt on 25-April-11, 15:14:19
I do not have that processor or board but here are a few BIOS settings you might want to check into:
1. Make sure you have Overspeed protection turned off (the most likely culprit).
2. If that wasn't it, then try setting EIST to Auto
3. Try some different options with the C-State settings (e.g. C-State enabled & C-State Package auto)
That's all I can think of...
- D
Ahhh nutz, that overspeed is on by default and I haven't changed it. I'll try that, bet that's it! Thanks, will post back to let you know.

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    This topic has been moved to Overclockers & Modding Corner.

    Quote from: d593562 on 15-November-09, 12:34:34
    I'm not a big gamer, but use the computer  for everything else.  Quite a bit of realtime stuff for business that can use the cpu.
     Considering Turbo boost seems to work quite well in kicking the mHz from 1500 to 3000 when needed, I wonder how much extra horsepower I'd actually see if I oclocked this i5 to say 3.4 mHz?  And would I be turning turbo boost OFF when overclocking?
    i think turbo boost increase the clock for your processor from 2.66 to 3.2 but it'll reach that 3.2 only if you use a single core of your processor.
    over-clockers usually disable turbo boost and then over-clock the processor manually to have a more consistent and stable system. also get better overall performance .

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    Hi hky, and welcome to the Lenovo User Community!
    Glad Warder figured that out for you! See also this Community Knowledge Base article on running with your battery in or out:​-Base/Should-I-run-with-my-battery-in-or-out/ta-p/​...
    I don't work for Lenovo. I'm a crazy volunteer!

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    Quote from: XFM on 26-March-14, 04:08:04
    It depends on whether the CPU that you use, not all of them have Turbo Boost. Looking though the manual it does show setting for Turbo Boost. (enabled/disabled)
    I use i5 4570 and it has support for sure.
    MSI B85I, Hardware Features(from
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  • Z97 Gaming 7 Can't Turbo Boost?

    I just finished setting up my Dad's new build, and we downloaded Intel's Extreme Tuning Utility to run some burn in tests for our I7 4790k. We're getting great low 40s C for the CPU stress test, but the CPU clock will not rise above 4 GHz. Given Intel Turbo Boost, Enhanced Turbo, and Speedstep are all enabled and CPU voltage is set to adaptive, this makes not a lick of sense. Suggestions?
    --I already installed the newest BIOS version. I'm using Windows 7 Professional. If pertinent, I am also running an XMP profile for 2400MHz CL 10 Team Xtreme RAM.
    I'd like to attach a screenshot, but I can't seem to figure out this website's UI. Or is there a post limit I must hit before I can?

    Quote from: TZBC on 26-December-14, 16:30:46
    Try just hit the oc genie button to see if could over 4.0 GHz or not ? 
    I flipped OC Genie on, BCLK moved to 103 and booted. IBT reported 4.21 GHz. So that didn't initially work. I cleared CMOS 1 more time and...FINALLY! 4.4 GHz. Thanks a bunch you guys. Sorry to be such a problem case. MSI needs some quality control in their BIOS department. It was bad enough the iGPU would not display via displayport when we first booted up, and in fact the reason is because the BIOS does not allow a display output boot order hierarchy and forces the default to be a dGPU. Otherwise, I love the board so far. My only complaints come down to MSI's board programmers making a number of design and execution mistakes.
    Once again, thank you. Now go help someone more worthy 

  • How does the Turbo-boost works on the Intel i7?

    Just bought the new MBP Retina and would like to know how the Turbo Boost works in my processor. Is it a regular upgrade like buying a new processor or is it something I could menage at the settings and have it boosted up?

    Intel's definition:
    Any of the following can set the upper limit of Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 on a given workload:
    Number of active cores
    Estimated current consumption
    Estimated power consumption
    Processor temperature
    When the processor is operating below these limits and the user's workload demands additional performance, the processor frequency will dynamically increase until the upper limit of frequency is reached. Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 has multiple algorithms operating in parallel to manage current, power, and temperature to maximize performance and energy efficiency. Note: Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 allows the processor to operate at a power level that is higher than its rated upper power limit (TDP) for short durations to maximize performance.

  • MSI Z87 G45 and Intel 4670k Turbo Boost Option Missing?

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    I go into OC>CPU Features and Turbo Boost is not there, I have seen the bottom setting about using Intel's Turbo Boost, to UNDERCLOCK when needed, but I see no Feature to activate Turbo Boost or for some reason has this feature been taken out of V1.6?
    Also note that I accidentally reset my XMP RAM profile and is now back to 2400MHz.

    Not quite sure but this should be in just OC. Also you don't have to enable turbo boost but manually increase frequency using + and -, leaving all other settings at auto.
    You will find there things like Frequency mode (not quite sure how it's worded) so you can either set it to be e.g. 3.4ghz all the time (idle too) or adaptive so when idling, it goes down to 1.5ghz (around..). Look carefully.

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    All buttons and apps work perfect but when I press the G button nothing happens. It just light for a second and nothing else. My question is: How can I enable de Boost in this laptop?
    Thank you very much!!

    The turbo boost feature is automatic. As long as your power settings include it. Typically only high performance is the only one that allows turbo boost. Turbo boost is only activiated if windows power settings allow for 100% cpu. 99% or anything lower disables turbo boost. This is typically set up this way, because of battery life. Running turbo boost, even when not needing this top speed, will make the chip run as fast as it needs to, so running cpu at 99% limits this turbo feature, but still leaves the 2.7ghz. This greatly increases battery. Personal experiences with this, I run high performance, and then I run the msi 'office' power settings. Doing stuff like this (web browsing ect) will get me 2-3 hours high performance setting, and 4-5 hours on office.
    The turbo boost speeds you 'claim' 3.7 are only for single core. I'm not 100% sure, but it goes something like 1 core 3.7, 2 cores active its 3.5, and all 4 cores is something like 3.2. This is all non overclocked. And the biggest things with the 4810 chips that's in our gt70 dominator pro laptops is actually hindered by the tdp of the chip. The tdp is 47w. And unless you get the 4960mx chip, all the i7's have this 47w limit. That is, the total amount of wattage the chips will or can allow. So typical 'gaming' or 'workstation' loads, with turbo boost active, you will typically see 3.299 ghz. Those programs are very much typically multi core (4 core) loads.
    I hope this helps. If not, just post a more specific question.

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    1) First thing, why do I hear a noise only when C-State is enabled? I'm curious.
    2) I've also read that disabling the C-State affects how Turbo Boost works, is it true? If yes, what is the difference? Honestly I don't see any relation, one is a power saving feature and the other gives temporary extra performance when needed.
    3) About the B3, I noticed that my RAM (G.Skill Ripjaws 1333MHz) haven't the correct timings, they are one value higher (more loose, for example 10 instead of 9).
    This didn't happen with the B2 and UEFI 1.8, all the timings were exactly those in the JEDEC #4 profile. I see that in version 1.9 and 1.A they've improved memory compatibility, perhaps it's related?
    Anyway since it doesn't matter to me I just left them on auto.
    4) I'm not planning to update my UEFI (B3 came with v1.9) for a few months since it works fine (except that small RAM problem) and I don't overclock.
    I noticed that the latest version is 1.A, so it's normal to use 1.A after 1.9? I've never seen it before.

    Quote from: HU16E on 13-April-11, 17:02:09
    This might shed some light on question #1. Reply #17;
    Does someone know anything about question #2?
    I'm currently using APS mode with C-State enabled and the noise isn't there. The strange thing is that the Vcore is the same both with C-State enabled or disabled. Anyway I think I'll continue using APS mode with C-State enabled, thanks.
    Now I have a problem, I'm trying to update the UEFI but it doesn't work. I downloaded UEFI v1.A for the B3, then I used method I of the MSI HQ Tool but during the UEFI update it blocks at "Preparing to take a new BIOS backup". It just stays like that all the time...
    How can I resolve?
    Now I still have v1.9 and if I go in the CPU features I get "Error invalid input method" (or something similar, I can't remember properly). Before trying to update it didn't happen.

  • Z87-G45 BIOS 1.2 Disables Intel Turbo Boost?

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    I wanted to test that the Intel Turbo Boost was working, so I went to download Intel's Turbo Monitor, but they helpfully let you know it isn't compatible with 4th generation I-series processors. So I downloaded the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility, hoping it would show the CPU frequency live. It shows the CPU frequency at a constant 3.50Ghz, although I don't know if that means Turbo isn't working or the utility just doesn't do realtime frequency monitoring (but then why does it graph it?) The option to enable or disable Turbo Boost is grayed out in the ETU.
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    I feel like there is something very wrong here. Anyone know what's going on?

    Froggy: Yes, brought it over from a Gigabyte board with an i7-860 (I do a lot of video editing and moving from the 860 to the 4770k cut down the time it takes to render an effects heavy video by more than half! Getting turbo working shaved another few minutes off of the render time. For the video I used as a benchmark, the render time is down from 60 minutes to 24 minutes ) Honestly I don't remember if the Gigabyte board had AHCI enabled or not, but since Windows won't boot with it on now I'm guessing it wasn't on before.
    Bernhard: There is a very simple registry change you can make in Windows 7 to enable AHCI:  I tried the Fix-It tool and manually verified the registry change, but it still isn't booting.
    More specifically, the system hangs at the Windows logo. This also happens when trying to boot into safe mode. It always stops after loading the same file, which I looked up and found was an Avast file, but I tried uninstalling Avast and it just hangs after a different file. I installed the Intel chipset drivers that came with the motherboard (which appear to be the latest ones) but don't see any AHCI driver listed under device manager. There is an Intel Rapid Storage Technology download on the MSI page for this motherboard ( but it is for 7-series boards and won't install on my system (I'm not sure the RST driver is even what I need, as it seems more targeted towards RAID, but it came up searching AHCI). The latest RST driver from Intel's download page won't install either ("Platform not supported").
    I can't find any other AHCI drivers on the MSI CD. I'm not sure whether they would even show up in the device manager while the mobo is in IDE mode, or only in AHCI mode. If you guys happen to know anything else I should install I'd appreciate it.

  • Does my mid 2011 macbook air have turbo boost?

    what is turbo boost and does my mac have it? all answers are appreciated
    thnx guys

    TurboBoost is an elevation of clock speed to help speed up certain tasks. It momentarily switches the processor to a single core running at a faster speed.  It does so in an effort to manage speed and energy efficiency. urbo-boost-technology.html
    Yes, your CPU does have it.

  • Z77a-gd65 intel i5 2500k intel turbo boost

    I have just upgraded to z77a-gd65 for my Intel I5 2500 k
    16 gb corsair vengeance ram
    120 SSD
    Be quiet dark rock cooler pro
    Seagate HDD 2tb
    Tx 750 PSU
    MSI r7950 twin f
    The problem is the Intel turbo boost is acting strange it is shooting up to 8. GHz which can't be possible.
    The other thing is my 12 volt is saying it down to 11.889 ish never had any of these problems with the last motherboard which was a p67a-gd65 b3
    And no overclock want to just use oc genie but worried with it saying 8. GHz

    I can't remember what the + or - voltage variation is for +12V, but I don't think it is anything to be concerned about. Try a couple other utilities to check the CPU speed and temp/voltages. CPUID's CPU-Z and H/W Monitor are good ones.

  • Once and for all: Hyper-threading, turbo boost on Core i5 MBA?

    Hey, all.
    There is a lot of conflicting information on whether the new Core i5 MacBook Airs (as opposed to the upgraded Core i7 options) support hyper-threading. As best I can gather, there is still no "official" Apple statement on the subject. I thought I'd gin up another conversation in the event someone has more definitive information. In case anyone wants a fresh bit of provocation, earlier today I asked one of Apple's online "Live Chat" experts. Here's what she said:
    The Core i7 offers Triple Channel memory, hyper-threading, and full dual 16x video bandwidth.
    But the i5 doesn't offer the TurboBoost or hyperthreading.
    You would have to do the upgrade to the i7 for that.
    Agree? Disagree?

    Here is a comparison of the three processors used for the 2011 MBA.
    It would appear that the i5 does have Turbo Boost (and Hyperthreading), unless Apple's specification calls for disabling TB.
    But, if we look at some of the benchmark testing, the results would seem to imply that the specification only differs by the differences shown in these charts, hence Turbo Boost would be evident across all the Airs.

  • Experiment and conclusion on notorious Bios and turbo boost related issue.

    Hi everyone,
    Like everyone here, I suffered from the turbo boost issue and I decided to find a practical way to solve this problem,so .I conducted some experiments trying to find out the relationship between power strategy, graphic type, booting power source and the CPU frequency.. Here are my results:
    Variable: Power strategy for AC/BAT: Max/Balanced, Max/Max(didn't try for balanced AC power strategy)
                   Graphic type: Integrated, discrete and Nvidia Optimus
                   power source when the machine booted(BAT,AC)
    Testing model: W520 42762QU i7-2720QM Quodro2000M 16G Crucial M4 128G, 500G HDD, BIOS1.30
    Testing programs: Intel Turbo Boost programs and CPU-Z
    power   strategy
    Booting:   BAT
    Notice the '800-2400' state, it is a special situation when CPU-Z occationally gives me a speed of approx 2400 when I tried some head-load programs, which lasted about few seconds and the frequencies went back to 800 or 1500(in most cases, 800) when I closed the program.
    1. power stratagy will not influnce the cpu frequency.
    2. booting power source and graphic types will do.
    3. I'm sick and tired of pluging and unpluggin my W520.
    4. I'm not a fan of Nvidia Optimus.
    5. Lenovo did a terrible job on this issue.
    6. I expect a same result for Bios 1.26
    Practical solutions:
    1.When you need a powerful W520, use Discrete graphic and plug your AC while booting.
    2, For a longer battery life, use integrated graphic, and if you wan't to plug the AC, please turn off your machine and boot again.(not rebooting!)
    Thank you for reading my post and sorry for my bad english
    Robin Liu

    Thanks very much for keeping us all informed about the "work in progress" on the BIOS and the Turbo-thing.  That is thoughtful of you and will (hopefully) cut down on the amount of carping and complaining about this issue.
    W520 (4270 CTO), which replaced a W500 (4062-27U), which replaced a T42P, which replaced an A21P...

  • Turbo boost problem for DV6-2170ee with Windows 7 Proffessional SP1 32 bit

    hello every body,
    HP DV6-2170ee with I7 720 qm processor
    System: Windows 7 Professional SP1 32 bit
    I have a strange problem, while i am working on battery processor can boost up to 2.6 but when i connect it to the Ac adpater charger, no boost is there?!!!!
    Checked through internet and did the following:-
    1-update the bios.
    2-check power option and use the same settings as in battery mode.
    3-observe processor temperature through CPUID HWmonitor, it's almost 65 lower than 67 in the battery case.
    4-searched allover the whole internet google .. yahooo ...
    5-Each time i try to install the SP50038 which is the driver for the inter turbo boost, it gives an error message "your pc doesn't meet the minimum requirement"
    TIll the moment no solution, could you please help me ?
    Thank you for your time ans i hope to receive solutions soon ..
    Thanks in advance ;-)
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    To answer your last question first, the Turbo Boost Technology Driver is only intended for processors with an integrated GPU - the i7-720QM does not have this.
    More difficult is why you observe no Turbo Boost on AC Power.
    Try the following.
    Shut down the notebook.  Tap away at f10 as soon as you start the notebook to enter the bios menu.  Press f5 to load the defaults ( this is sometimes f9, but the menu at the bottom will show the correct key ), use the arrow keys to select 'Yes' and hit enter.  Press f10 to save the setting and again use the arrow keys to select 'Yes' and hit enter.
    When windows has reloaded, download and install the Turbo Boost Technology Monitor from Intel on the following link and see what this shows.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

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