Moving my photo's

I have recently invested in an external hard drive, now I want to move my iPhoto's pics (and also future downloads of pics) from my Mac hard drive to this external hard drive.
Does any one have any ideas how to do this?

Follow the instructions in this article:
As you'll have a duplication of the Library as part of the process, you'll need to rename and/or move the current library on the internal drive as point 2b before proceeding with 3.

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    Go into iTunes, select the name of your iphone on the list on the left hand side of iTunes, looks right above the picture of your iphone and you'll see summary info apps etc. go all the way to the right and you'll see photos, check mark the box to sync photos and chose the folder where you imported the photos to your computer from.

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    The recommended way to move to another computer with a new OS or PSE version is to use the built-in backup and restore function in PSE.
    - Start with a clean catalog : reconnect missing files, repair, optimize. That's good practice even if it is not strictly necessary.
    - Do a full backup on an external media (external USB drives are safe and affordable). If you have several catalogs, do as many backups. Warning ! each separate backup must be in its own separate folder.
    - Now, you have installed your PSE version (possibly a newer version) on the new computer, you can do a restore from each catalog backup. That will restore the catalog and the picture files ; if you have checked the option to keep the folder tree structure, it will be kept.
    The smart thing about this process is that not only everything is restored, but if you have upgraded to a newer PSE version, the catalog will be automatically converted to the newer version ; furthermore, you have a backup!
    This shows why a backup from the organizer is often a better solution than external backup solutions. Suppose your old computer crashes, you can restore to a new computer and newer PSE version easily. It's also a good way to update a secondary computer (a laptop for instance) to the same 'sync'  than the master computer.

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    navL_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, navL_Over);
    navL_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, navL_Out);
    function navL_Over(e:MouseEvent){
              if(scena_mc.x == 0){
                                  scena_mc.x == 0;
              else if(scena_mc.x <= -10){
                                  scena_mc.x += 10;
                                  navL_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, runL);
    function runL(e:Event):void{
              if(scena_mc.x == 0){
                                  scena_mc.x == 0;
              else if(scena_mc.x <= -10){
                                  scena_mc.x += 10;
    function navL_Out(e:MouseEvent){
              navL_mc.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, runL);
    navR_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, navR_Over);
    navR_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, navR_Out);
    function navR_Over(e:MouseEvent){
              if(scena_mc.x == -1164){
                                  scena_mc.x == -1164;
              else if(scena_mc.x >= -1154){
                                  scena_mc.x -= 10;
                                  navR_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, runR);
    function runR(e:Event):void{
              if(scena_mc.x == -1164){
                                  scena_mc.x == -1164;
              else if(scena_mc.x >= -1154){
                                  scena_mc.x -= 10;
    function navR_Out(e:MouseEvent){
              navR_mc.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, runR);

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    If you want to duplicate your Folder Tree in iPhoto:
    Start at the bottom of the hierarchy and drag a folder of images to the Album Heading in iPhoto. The pics will be imported and an Album of the same name created.
    You can then create the Enclosing Folders in the iPhoto Window (File -> New Folder) and drag the Album to it. Folders can contain other Folders (Nested Folders) and Albums.
    However, is your folder system date based? Then this form of organisation is a bit pointless in iPhoto when Smart Albums or the Calendar tool (Click on the wee magnifying glass in the Search Box) mean you can find the photos taken on any day, month or year at a click. With Smart Albums it's easy to find photos from specific range - say, June 3 to August 25, 2009 etc.
    If your folder system is theme based - Xmas pics, Birthday pics etc, then you'll find Keywords are much more flexible, and can be used in conjunction with other criteria for making Smart Albums and searches.

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    While on holiday I used my iPad to backup photos from my camera and I used the flag system in iPhoto for iPad to mark which ones I wanted to share. The problem is I can't see a way of moving the flagged photos into an album so I wanted to find out if it is actually possible to do this on the iPad.
    Additional info:
    The photos were uploaded onto the iPad using the native Photos app and have been flagged in iPhoto
    The photos are also on my iCloud account
    Neither the flags nor editing applied to the photos have synced after iCloud has been updated on my Macbook
    Due to the above I am unable to create a Smart Album based on flagged photos on my Macbook
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    Any help would be much appreciated as this is incredibly frustrating.

    There is not yet a simple solution to do what you want.  The new in iOS 8 will bring a much better integration between iPad and Mac.
    I just don't understand the point of being able to flag, favourite or tag item on the iPad  if you can't organise them into folders or easily share them between Apple's own apps.
    iPhoto on the iPad is simply not yet as flexible as iPhoto on a Mac.    It is not meant for syncing libraries between Mac and iPad. You can share photos, but not albums. And the central sharing place with other apps on the iPad is the Camera Roll. To make photos valuable in other apps, share them to the Camera Roll.
    In iPhoto you cannot create albums like in the Only smart albums based on tags. If you add a tag "Flower" to some photos, you will automatically create an album "Flower". But again, these tags will not be transferred to your Mac by the Photo Stream, you will not see them in iPhoto on your mac.
    If you want to transfer the edited photos using the Photo Stream you have to add them to the Photo Stream after editing, and that requires to save them to the Camera Roll.
    You could use a shared Photo Stream, but that will reduce the size of the photos.  Or select the flag photos and sync them to your Mac using iTunes Photo Sharing.
    Save photos to your computer using iTunes
    Connect your iOS device to your computer.
    Tap a photo, album, event, web journal, or slideshow and tap > iTunes.
    Tap Selected, or change the photos you want to save (if you are saving a slideshow skip to step 4):
    Select different photos: Tap Choose Photos, tap one or more photos, and tap Next.
    Select a range of photos: Tap Choose Photos, tap Range, tap the first and last photos in the range, and tap Next.
    Select all the photos in an album or event: Tap All.
    In iTunes, click the button for your device and click Apps at the top of the window.
    Below File Sharing, select iPhoto (in Apps).
    Select the Shared Photos folder under iPhoto Documents.
    Click Save To and select the location on your computer where you want to save the items.
    To view your photos, go to the Finder and look in the location you selected above.
    I am using the iPad mainly to browse and show photos in slideshows, but not, to organise and tag them. That I will do on my Mac.

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    So I guess my question is, can I go to each folder in lightroom and physically move all the photos that were previously in that folder BACK into that folder on the system automagically? It seems that lightroom recognizes what folders used to exist there... just can't find them. Well, I know they are all in that one folder and would like Lightroom to move them all back to their appropriate folders. That way when I search for a folder on my computer (not in lightroom), the folder contains the photos that used to be there. I hope this makes sense. I am using Lightroom 4.1 on a Mac running OSX version 10.8.3. Thank you for any and all help.

    Sorry IIIMPower, I just saw this post after responding to the other post.
    IIIMPower wrote:
    Rob, this sounds like it would work. I downloaded it and installed it and am having trouble editing the advanced settings... I have no idea what to put in the "FROM-PATH" area. Would this be "/Volumes/2TB HD/AUTO RESTORATION?" When I tried that, the plugin did nothing. Any tips on how to get this working?
    If your best whack at a correct path failed, then I'll have to add a UI with browse button for ya.
    But before I do that, please send me the (preferrably verbose) log file.
    * Check the 'Verbose Logging' box in top section of plugin manager.
    * Then click the 'Clear logs' button (same section), or reload plugin or restart Lightroom.
    * Click the 'Relocate' button (bottom section of plugin manager).
    (use test mode, not real mode)
    That will produce a fresh set of verbose logs. To send them to me, click the 'Problem Report' button in the top section of plugin manager.
    The fromPath should be the flat folder, i.e. where the files will need to be moved from. The location where files will be moved to is: "where they belong", which is known - it's in the catalog.
    So if "...Auto Restoration" folder is not the path to the flat folder (it's not, right?) it should not be in the fromPath.
    if "...68 Oldsmobile 442" is the flat folder, then it should be in the fromPath (with '...' replaced by the correct path prefix).
    *** Important: Relocation Services only relocates selected photos. Thus, you need to select which photos you want to restore before clicking the 'Relocate' button. The results of the relocation should be evident in Lightroom, but complete details are available in the log file. PS - the log file is not only useful for recording details of successful operation, but also may provide a clue if operation is not successful.
    Message was UPDATED by: Rob Cole

  • "An unknown error occurred while moving a photo" - LR 2.0 on Mac

    Lately, I've been seeing this error message with some regularity. It appears whenever I move photos containing a psd file. The scenario is as follows: I have started to use the 'edit in CS3' function to use the Silver Efex Pro plugin. I then save the image as a PSD and it shows up in LR2. However, when I move photos from the folder to which they are imported in LR2 to their final destination (on an external), I receive this error message. I am able to move all CR2 files without a problem. When I check the folders in Finder, I see that the files have been moved to the correct directory despite this error message. I then have to run the sync command on the target directory to get the files to show up and I promptly remove them from the source directory. Anyone else seeing similar error messages? I'm thinking of trying LR 2.1 RC1 to see if this resolves the issue.

    I am getting this error whilst attempting to move NEF (Nikon RAW files) either between folders on the same hard-drive or between hard-drives (which are incorporated into my Lightroom catalogue).
    Whenever I receive this error, a strange (locked) file appears in the directory/folder to which I intended to move the file and on examining this file in the terminal I can see that it contains the following error message: "cannot execute binary file...logout". The filename of this strange file is usually very random such as 470F00FF-9FBC-4517-84BF-26E52251B2B9-449-0000020C6A4DD5FD
    I do not have any problems with missing sidecars and always select "save metadata to files" before attempting to move the files...can anyone figure this out?

  • Advice for moving entire photo collection from one computer to another?

    I'm in the process of getting a new desktop. However, I already have gigs of photos that I've processed through Lightroom on my old computer. I'd like to move the entire collection to my new computer. Is there a simple way of doing this? It sounds like a daunting task.

    Here's the way I did it. I was moving from one mac to another mac, but I think that the database file is platform independent so you might try this.
    Back up your database on your old machine. Make note of where that file is.
    Have Lightroom installed and started up at least once on your new machine.
    Copy all your photo files, with whatever directory structure you like to your new machine.
    Move the database backup you made over to your new machine into whatever directory you wish to keep it.
    Start Lightroom on the new machine and open up your backed-up database.
    All you photos will probably be in red, since the database is pointing to the wrong locations. Select one photo in the grid, and lightroom will ask you where it is. Point Lighroom to the new location -- if you've kept your directory structure intact, Lightroom should go out and reconnect all the database links.
    Worked for me. Good luck.

  • Moving a photo in an event

    I'm trying to change the order/position of some photos in an event (for example, making the 5th photo in an event the 1st photo etc). Thought it was as simple as dragging the photo I want to move to it's new position in the event, but each time I try to do that the photo want move. Any suggestions?

    Rock Vegas
    Welcome to the Apple User discussion forums
    I'm trying to change the order/position of some photos in an event (for example, making the 5th photo in an event the 1st photo etc)
    You really can not in event view - photo view you can go to manual sort and change the order of with photos title turned off
    Events are a time based display and being time based does not match up with moving photos. If you are trying to set the key photo (the one that displays as the thumbnail for an event) with the event open select the photo and under the events menu select "Make key photo" or in thumbnail view scroll side to side to the photo you want as the key photo and hit the space bar once to set it as the key photo

  • Legacy folder structure and moving "existing" photos to LR

    I have always used folders to store my photos. The structure I have used is Year>Month and then dump those photos into the month they were taken. Along the way I have some photos I have named vs. the standard Nikon naming convention or I have named a folder inside of the year (i.e. 2012>Florida Trip instead of putting those in the July folder for example. I now want to make a transition to using LR for cataloging and tagging with keywords. Additionally, moving forward I would  use the import feature directly from the memory card to LR.
    My question is this: I see many sites that recommned having a standard file structure before moving to LR and I am curious should I rename these exiting folders to something else and/or re-organize them before importing the existing photos to LR? Or should I leave them alone, add keywords to all of them for searching capabilities, and any new photos imported moving forward would have a new structure or naming convention that you might suggest?
    Hopefully that makes sense.

    Adobe uses the term "catalog" ambiguously -- sometimes it means just the database containing links to your photos and their metadata, and sometimes it means that database plus all your photos.
    The File > Catalog > Move command moves just the database, not your photos (unless your photos happen to be stored in the catalog folder).  To move your photos to the new drive, see this FAQ:

  • Iphoto update has moved my photos in their frame.

    Last year i submitted a book from iphoto and all was well, this year i re-submitted the same book without any changes but the photos have now moved in the book meaning heads are being cut off ect. Why?

    did you preview the book prior to ordering? 
    Before ordering your book preview it using this method - - and save the resulting PDF for reference - the delivered book will match it.
    what does the preview show?

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    Why do adjusted photos lose all their adjustments when moved to a final composite looking like the original ,jpg or worse? What's the secret here?

    When CS4 is opened, photo images are placed there because BRIDGE doesn't work. The composite background is designed first, color adjusted and made transparent and saved and then each photo is opened one at a time on a new page, adjusted and  also saved as .psd. Moving each of these photos from its page to the composite page results in all the adjustments being lost. One of two things happen: the image reverts to the darkness of the .jpg (some photos didn't have the flash working) or, it gets much, much lighter as it is placed on the adjusted composite background.
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