Moving the video layer causes it to distort

I'm editing 2K keyed green screen footage. It's over a new background, but when I shift the top layer in any direction, the footage gets distorted. If I move it left, the left side gets pulled, so my image gets streched wider, move it up and the image gets taller and so on.
I'm not very good with motion, so this is probably just something I'm doing wrong. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Could be a number of things, but the most obvious guess would be that PBS has relatively narrow bandwidth. The people in Congress who think that Masterpiece Theater is intellectual sedition and Sesame Street is a communist plot to indoctrinate our children have been strangling PBS's cash flow since sometime the early '80s.
Unfortunately, the aesthete voting block doesn't have a particularly big political voice in the US (as though it has a big political voice anywhere).  We'll just have to continue trading our carefully hoarded recordings of 'good' television programs in secret.

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    Mac computers - FF 29.0 and 30.0 does not display the video layer in the Revolution Slider section of WordPress site. Why?
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    Can you play the video on YouTube?
    Note that Mac lacks support to play MP4 files natively without using a Flash player.

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    Operating system version:Linux CenTos6.4 GNOME2.28.2
    Web browser versions:Firefox31.6.0 in Firefox37.0.1
    Flash Player version:11.2 r202
    Open Tencent and Sina video browsing video will cause the browser to crash, has been closed hardware acceleration. More and more people are using the Linux desktop,I hope that Adobe can continue to update and maintain Linux systems support Flash Player。Thanks
    Firefox fault report:
    Video capture:
    Cause malfunctions page:

    A possible cause is security software (firewall) that blocks or restricts Firefox or the plugin-container process without informing you, possibly after detecting changes (update) to the Firefox program.
    Remove all rules for Firefox from the permissions list in the firewall and let your firewall ask again for permission to get full unrestricted access to internet for Firefox and the plugin-container process and the updater process.

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    thanks. i see i need to explain better:
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  • PS CC Video Layer Smart Object error

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    Additional Info:
    Whether the Smart object is composed of a single layer, or multiple layers, the error occurs.
    I've only tested it so far with scale/rotation transformations, may happen with opacity and position
    Altering the opacity and position of the second smart object without setting key-frames doesn't cause the error (just altering the opacity from the layers panel for example, or moving the video layer with move tool).
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    A few times when I didn't cause the issue intentionally for testing, I was still able to open the file, but attempting to start playback would then cause the error, which would crash Photoshop altogether.  In those cases, I was able to find that one of the smart object layers in particular would crash photoshop when visibility was enabled/disabled, so I was able to drag all the other layers into a new file, only loosing one layer.
    EDIT:  Just to add, my question was: Can other people reproduce this bug? 

    I can also reproduce this bug.
    It is also reproducible by creating a regular document.
    Add a few layers with content.
    Convert a few of those layers into a smart object.
    Animate the contents of the smart object.
    Everything works as expected. Timeline plays. Looks good.
    Save: Get PS error "Photoshop could not update smart object because of a program error"
    Save the animated file as it's own PSD just in case.
    Re-open: Nothing works. Cannot scrub timeline, cannot save for web, cannot play timeline, cannot move objects.
    Everything results in the error: "Photoshop could not complete the request because of a program error"
    I have inadvertently lost a few hours of work a couple of times now due to this bug. It sucks because the work is there right in front of me but none of it is accessible to me.

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    Assembling a time lapse | Photoshop | - YouTube
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    If your program is Photoshop CC, you have posted in the wrong forum. Some how your thread got posted in the Adobe Premiere Elements Forum.
    Please re-post your thread in the Adobe Photoshop Forum or wait for a moderator to see your thread here and move it from here to there.
    Photoshop General Discussion
    Do you have any version of Premiere Elements? It will do a great job for you for Time Lapse video. If you have Premiere Elements, I would encourage you to read
    the following
    ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE: Time Lapse Video Basics
    ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE: Numbered Stills in Time Lapse and Other Animations
    and consider your Time Lapse video in Premiere Elements.
    In the morning, I will look at the tutorial that you are working with to determine if I can detect the cause of your issue. I do not work with Photoshop CC, but I will see what I can put together. But, Adobe Photoshop Forum should be able to give you good immediate first hand input.

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    follow advice given in the User Tipp section of this board:
    How to create a pointer or a custom title

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    THX a lot

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    Thank you.

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    You have to convert the format to one that is compatible with the iPod. Yu can use the free Handbrake conouter app.
    Also see:
    Why can't I transfer videos to my iPod?
    Frequently asked questions about viewing and syncing video with iTunes and iPod

  • How do i move the second layer?

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    What does that layer contain? A normal pixel layer, you can use the move tool {v}. A shape layer you can use the direct selection tool {a} make sure the layer is selected first, then with the direct selection tool click on the path to move. You can also use the group selection tool this moves the object only whereas the direct selection tool can select points on the path and move just those.
    If you are unsure, capture your entire screen with the layers panel open and any collapsed layers expanded. Then post it here.

  • (Video) Moving Layer Causing Lag Issue with Latest Photoshop CC (12-14-2014)

    I have a 218 MB PSD file that is causing me major headaches. Any time I start up the file, dragging a single layer goes at about 2 frames per second. However, if I delete one layer or simply cut and paste a layer, the lag is fixed.
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    - Deleting a hidden layer fixes the lag
    - Removing one background layer fixes the lag
    - Cutting and pasting any background layer onto a new layer fixes the lag...
    Saving and returning to the doc causes it to lag again.
    Anyone know what's going on? Photoshop Preferences:
    Other Notes:
    - Happens in both 32 bit and 64 bit versions
    - I have the same issue with Photoshop CC 2014.

    Here is my problem:
    Any solutions?
    Adobe CC, W8.1, 16GB RAM, Nvidia GTX980, Intel i4790k, SSD..

  • After FlashPlayer 11.04, a website with videos on, like YOUTUBE opens a seperated process and the videos appear in the left top corner and can't be moved.

    After updating to a version after FlashPlayer 11.02 when opening a window with flash videos on, next to the process of Firefox in the Task Bar appears a new process with the Flash Player icon and the video window is placed in the top left corner and can't be moved. If there are more then one video in that page when clicking that Flash Player icon you can see a list of all the videos.
    Using FlashPlayer 11.02 this problem doesn't happen and I used this solution for some time, but now If I use that version I get a black window with an error message about security reasons, but if I click it it plays without any problem. Although in some websites that need Flash it says it needs at least version 10, but I have 11.02 but doesn't recognize it and demands to be upgraded.
    This is all very weird because only happens in my laptop, I have a desktop with the exact same windows and Firefx version and this doesn't happen. I already tried to uninstall Firefox completly and even deleteing all plugins and extensions and the problem remains.
    Uninstalling Flash player also solves this, but then I'm asked to update the the Flash player. This problems doesn't happen in Chrome or IExplorer 10:

    Recent crashes of certain multimedia contents (this includes Youtube videos, certain flash games and other applications) in conjunction with Firefox are most probably caused by a recent Flash 11.3 update and/or a malfunctioning Real Player browser plugin.
    In order to remedy the problem, please perform the steps mentioned in these Knowledge Base articles:
    [[Flash Plugin - Keep it up to date and troubleshoot problems]]
    [[Flash 11.3 crashes]]
    [[Flash 11.3 doesn't load video in Firefox]]
    Other, more technical information about these issues can be found under these Links:
    Please tell us if this helped!

  • Text Problem - 'Editing or Rendering the text layer will cause the layout to change'

    Hello all,
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    'Font is present on system but requires a layout change'
    When I double click to edit the text layer, the following warning dialog pops up:
    'Editing or Rendering the text layer will cause the layout to change'
    I'm forced to click 'okay' to proceed which is when the layout of the text layer changes completely! Obviously this has massive implications for branding and page consitency!!
    Now even if I have to do this the long way round, which means rebuilding each individual text layer for every single document, there is another problem, it appears that after I click 'OK' photoshop distorts the text! This means that I can't increase or decrease the font size to match it up! Same font, Same height, same AA, same weight, different circle radius!
    Any help is massively appreciated,
    I'm using CS5 64bit Cloud edition on Windows 7, I've already tried updating and reinstalling Photoshop but it doesnt remedy the problem, I've reinstalled a sample batch of the fonts affected and deleted any plugins

    That warning is pretty clear - you don't appear to have the font on your system. Not sure what otehr answer you are looking for. The layout changes beyond that could be indicative of a million things like the original source layers having been heavily customized with manual kerning, used a different version of a seemingly similar font, have been created with glyph substitution on a system with a different language and whatever... Unless you mean you created the files yourself just yesterday and the warning appears despite nothing have changed, everything works as intended. If you think something is up, you need to provide more info.

  • Video with alpha channel causing frame size distortion

    I have a lower-third which I built in AE. The content only occupies about 2/3 the width of the frame however I made sure I exported it at the full frame size as the rest of the video in my Premiere project. Also, I exported it as a quicktime movie with PNG settings to incl. the alpha channel.
    When I import it into Premiere CS4, I drop it in on the Video 2 layer over Video 1 which is the main VT and in the preview, it all seems to be appearing as you'd expect. If I hit enter to start rendering, when it finishes I find that the lower third has been stretched the full width of the frame and additionally, Video 1 has been stretched too. I know there's an option in Preferences > General to default everything to the frame size of the sequence but having that tickbox on or off doesn't make any difference.
    Does anyone have any ideas what's causing it?

    Windows. Alas neither of those options worked. In the end, it was terribly convoluted but I had to export the footage from Premiere without a graphics, then import the video into After Effects and layer my comp over it - then export the final version from AE rather than Premiere. It seemed a very back-to-front way of doing things but if it works...

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