MSi ge60 0nd stereo microphone

Ge60 0nd claims that the built-in mic is stereo. so it means that there are two mics that were placed. when i try to record, it only records mono. It is mono because i tried speaking to the left and right mics and the headphones left and right speakers are working. they should sound independently right?  when i try to speak in the left mic of the laptop, it is loud compared to the right mic. so i think only that the left mic is working but in mono. so i think mSi's claims are wrong?

Quote from: Svet on 06-February-14, 04:13:12
Yes, indeed the MSI download servers seems to be crapped out right now.
But i have a backup of wanted firmware at my PC,
im attach it here for you.
For flashing you can use >>Clear CMOS Guide<<
point to mode 1 then point to archive file.
wait the USB key to be prepared, then reboot your notebook.
go in BIOS setup, then set boot mode to legacy,
then save and exit, and press F11 at bios post/logo screen for BBC popup with storages,
when USB key appear choose it to boot from it and proceed with update
USB prepared properly according to the Software. Restarted my laptop
Legacy mode engaged, saved ad exited, pressed F11, found my USB Kingston, and this is the message I received when selected. Not quite sure what it meant but clearly something is wrong.
Intel UNDI, PXE 2-0 (build 083)
Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Intel Corporation
For Bigfoot PCIE Ethenet Controller v2.1.1.1(02/09/12)
Check Cable Connection!
PXE-N0F: Exiting PXE ROM
Reboot and select proper boot device
or insert Boot Media in selected boot device and press any key.
(I did want ot upload the picture but it's taking forever for some reason)
I did select my "Kingston" USB option in boot device options.

Similar Messages

  • Stop error 0x000000D1 in MSI GE60 0nd/0nc

    i just I just bought a few days ago the laptop MSI GE60 0nd/0nc and until now got few blue screens..
    all of the blue screens have the same .
    the stop errors is 0x000000D1 ..
    Picture of one of the blue screens:
    files and data of my blue screens:
    I do not know why this is happening.
    But until now I have tried several things to solve the problem that information I can provide:
    When I bought the computer, the computer came without an operating system (Windows). it was only freeDOS.
    I installed Windows 7 (the X17-24281.iso copy from here - official-windows-7-sp1-iso-image-downloads-t12325.html with Valid serial i have). Then the blue screen happened to me at the first time. the First blue screen was happened to me while I was trying to change the my partitions in my Hard Disk Through the "Create and format a hard disk partitions" in Windows 7.
    I can say definitively - it happened on a clean Windows - Before I installed any drivers from my disc that came with the computer.
    But the first blue screen not saved and documented. It is not included in the download, and it's not in the images.
    I re-installed windows and it is deleted.
    The other times it happened to me was after i have installed the drivers.
    and this was happen not when i played games..
    Most times it happened when i used the softwere 3ds max 2013.
    The strange thing is that it did not happen and not even once in heavy game when the computer work most hard.
    I played for hours the game Far Cry 3 on ULTRA settings and no blue screens at all..
    this point is very strange.
    not all of my blue screens happened While 3ds max 2013 running but most of them.
    i downloaded the software "bluescreenview" and Every time i got a blue screen, i looked in that Software.
    Most of the blue screens was Show me that the broblem is with the ntoskrnl.exe.
    but by Search on Google - this info was not good enough for me because According to Google - this exe do Lots of general things.
    Yesterday i got a new blue screen with the same Error Message - DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL
    but this blue screen gave me more info About the problem -
    According to "bluescreenview" i saw that there was Another file (with the ntoskrnl.exe) that Caused the problem.
    that file is "netwsw00.sys" -
    I did a Google search and it gave me much more information ..
    The problem is with the intel wireless card.
    After some searching, I came to a topic at Intel forum:
    In this topic people have complained about this problem (Blue screen).
    On the second page of the topic someone gave a link to an old driver for the intel wireless card.
    he said that he Does not have that problem with this driver. the old driver version is
    so i installed this driver and after that i thought I solved the problem...
    Because after that I did not get a blue screen for a long time ...
    I turned on the 3ds max and for hours - laptop worked properly.
    I did a lot in that time. I played far cry 3 and I used a lot on the computer.
    but at the end - it happened again. While 3ds Max and Photoshop running.
    This was a blue screen with the same message.
    I do not know what to do.
    Please help me!

    Quote from: darkhawk on 13-May-13, 06:43:40
    Ok, first off, the link you provided does NOT pertain to you at all. Your problem is pertaining a stop error. The problem at that link is related to the e22w8x64.sys which is completely different.
    Are you overclocking the computer at all?
    Are you 100% certain that the hard drive is NOT failing?
    You are right.
    But I'm sure that it is the Wii-fi.
    Because the file netwsw00.sys related to the intel wireless card.
    and i found a topic about BSOD with this file on intel forums and i tried the solution but it does not solve my problem.
    i also installed these drivers:
    for the killer network divice in case that the problam is with the killer network.
    what i am doing is to search BSOD problems with the intel wireless card and just try the solutions even if those problams is not the same as my.. i just think that maybe one solution might would solve my problem.
    In fact, I think I found someone's topic here with the same problem:
    The solution there is to disable the 802.11n.. but i have more ideas and I want to try it and I would rather try anything because it's the last option for me.
    By the frequency of these blue screens, the impression I get is that it's a case of instability.
    These blue screens happen after activities related to intel wireless card.
    For example - it happened after I turned of the wii-fi and then turned on through the S-Bur.
    The last time it happened to me was when I tried to get into online mode in some game.
    But because I can not make more blue screens by repeating the steps I did, it leads me to think that the problem is instability.
    I tried to think what causes instability and that's all that came to mind:
    * Heat
    * memory leak in the intel wireless card or something similar
    * Hardware problem in intel wireless card
    So what I thought to do now is set that the intel wireless card will not work too hard.
    And I think I found a place to set it but I'm not sure.
    In Device Manager I pressed right button on the intel wireless card and then I clicked on "Properties".
    in "Advanced" tab i found that these are the options I can change:
    My goal is to change everything that might cause the card to work harder ..
    so i thought to change "Transmit Power" and ""Roaming Aggressiveness"
    Both of them were defined to "5. Highest".
    i changed it to "2. Medium-low".
    i hope that it will solve the problem...

  • MSI GE60 0ND problems with graphics

    Hi everybody.
    I bought my MSI GE60 0ND about half a year ago, and I've recently restored it. This isn't the first time I've done that.
    This time though, my graphics are really terrible. I've installed the proper drivers and even tried to use older drivers for the GPU just in case the driver was the trouble maker. According to my GeForce GTX 660m should be able to run a game like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive really smooth. This isn't the case, tough. When first starting it out, it runs with around 80-120fps, but after a few minutes, it's down to 30-50fps.
    The power setting is set to "gaming". The driver is set to use the Nvidia graphics card both global and in-game. I've tried all kinds of different settings in-game.
    Another thing worth mentioning is, that when I disable the integrated graphics (Intel HD Graphics 4000), the Nvidia driver suddenly can't find the GeForce gfx-card.
    Does any one have an idea what is wrong? If you need more information, please just ask for it :-)
    Thanks in advantage!

    Quote from: Xandour on 26-November-13, 11:35:29
    Are you playing while plugging in and charging?
    It's charging :-)
    Quote from: darkhawk on 26-November-13, 11:52:44
    What are your temperatures when the FPS drops? Use CoreTemp to measure the CPU and MSI Afterburner to measure the GPU. That's a good place to start. Report what the temperatures are when the FPS drops and we'll see if high temperatures are your issue or not.
    Here is a screenshot .
    The CPU-temperatur seems way too high, but I'm setting with the laptop on my lap, and it doesn't seem almost 100degrees to me :-D Could it be wrong?
    BTW, does anything else seem weird to you?
    And thanks for the help both of you! :-)

  • MSI GE60 0ND - 298 - SCM problem

    Hey guys,
    I need an advice regarding the SCM manager for MSI GE60 0ND with 64bit Windows 8. After reinstaling my computer I installed all drivers from CD I received with PC but my pop-up icons doesn´t showing anymore. So I want to download SCM again but I can´t find a correct link. Please can you someone post here link to download this driver or give some advice how to solve this issue?
    Thank you a lot.
    (Sorry for my bad english :-) )

    Yep, here is the link:

  • [MSI GE60 0ND] VT-X Problem

    I use Msi GE60 0ND. I need VT-X support for virtualbox. Intel I7 3630QM seems have VT-X support but i can't enable VT-X on bios. There is no option to available it. I checked bios version and it seems up to date.
    I need your helps.
    BTW i use windows 10 technical preview.

    i can use virtual box there is no problem while setup and use it. but i cant enable hardware acceleration and can't add new virtual processors. also i can't install haxm for android development.
    btw I use Windows 10 Technical Preview.

  • MSI GE60 0ND SCM error

    Hey guys, I just recently bought new MSI GE60 0ND-480XCZ, which is shipped without OS. I installed Windows 8, all available drivers from MSI site and tried to install System Control Manager. There are available 2 versions. First is for Windows 8 notebooks and second is for Windows 8 notebooks which are upgraded from Windows 7 and have firmware version 4xx. Firstly I tried to install version for Windows 8 notebooks, everything went well but when I wanted to change anything inside the application (turn Wifi or BT on/off) it just froze. So I take a look into BIOS and I see, that there is BIOS and firmware for non-win8 systems. BIOS version is E16GAIMS.10F and firmware version is 16GA1404. And now what´s the problem. When I installed correct version of SCM, it won't even start, just a .NET framework error shows up.
    .NET framework is updated to latest version btw. Is there any possible solution, without downgrading to Win7?
    Here is whole error: (sorry for czech words in that, i'm czech and also sorry my english )
    Informace o vyvolání ladění JIT najdete na konci této zprávy,
    nikoli v tomto dialogovém okně.
    ************** Text výjimky **************
    System.FormatException: Vstupní řetězec nemá správný formát.
       v System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
       v System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
       v MSI.SCM.SCMII.LoadECORegistry()
       v MSI.SCM.SCMII.MainForm_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       v System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
       v System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateCont rol(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
       v System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateCont rol()
       v System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWind ow(Message& m)
       v System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
       v System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
       v MSI.SCM.SCMII.WndProc(Message& m)
       v System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callb ack(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
    ************** Načtená sestavení **************
        Verze sestavení:
        Verze Win32: 4.0.30319.18051 built by: FX45RTMGDR
        Základ kódu (CodeBase): file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
        Verze sestavení: 10.212.11060.0
        Verze Win32: 10.212.11060.0
        Základ kódu (CodeBase): file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/SCM/SCM.exe
        Verze sestavení:
        Verze Win32: 4.0.30319.18046 built by: FX45RTMGDR
        Základ kódu (CodeBase): file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
        Verze sestavení:
        Verze Win32: 4.0.30319.18022 built by: FX45RTMGDR
        Základ kódu (CodeBase): file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll
        Verze sestavení:
        Verze Win32: 4.0.30319.18045 built by: FX45RTMGDR
        Základ kódu (CodeBase): file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
        Verze sestavení:
        Verze Win32:
        Základ kódu (CodeBase): file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/SCM/WPFOSD.DLL
        Verze sestavení:
        Verze Win32: 4.0.30319.18053
        Základ kódu (CodeBase): file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/PresentationFramework/v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35/PresentationFramework.dll
        Verze sestavení:
        Verze Win32: 4.0.30319.18053 built by: FX45RTMGDR
        Základ kódu (CodeBase): file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/WindowsBase/v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35/WindowsBase.dll
        Verze sestavení:
        Verze Win32: 4.0.30319.18053 built by: FX45RTMGDR
        Základ kódu (CodeBase): file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_64/PresentationCore/v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35/PresentationCore.dll
        Verze sestavení:
        Verze Win32: 4.0.30319.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL
        Základ kódu (CodeBase): file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Management/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Management.dll
        Verze sestavení: 1.0.1005.2001
        Verze Win32: 1.0.1005.2001
        Základ kódu (CodeBase): file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/SCM/MSIECO.DLL
        Verze sestavení:
        Verze Win32: 4.0.30319.18053 built by: FX45RTMGDR
        Základ kódu (CodeBase): file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll
        Verze sestavení:
        Verze Win32: 4.0.30319.18053 built by: FX45RTMGDR
        Základ kódu (CodeBase): file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll
        Verze sestavení:
        Verze Win32: 4.0.30319.18010 built by: FX45RTMGDR
        Základ kódu (CodeBase): file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/mscorlib.resources/v4.0_4.0.0.0_cs_b77a5c561934e089/mscorlib.resources.dll
        Verze sestavení:
        Verze Win32: 4.0.30319.18010 built by: FX45RTMGDR
        Základ kódu (CodeBase): file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms.resources/v4.0_4.0.0.0_cs_b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.resources.dll
    ************** Ladění JIT **************
    Aby bylo povoleno ladění JIT, musí konfigurační soubor
    pro tuto aplikaci nebo počítač (machine.config) mít
    v oddílu nastavenou hodnotu njitDebugging.
    Aplikace rovněž musí být kompilována s povoleným
        < jitDebugging="true" />
    Je-li ladění JIT povoleno, budou všechny neošetřené výjimky
    odeslány ladicímu programu JIT, který je registrován v počítači,
    a nebudou zpracovány tímto dialogovým oknem.

    I had same problem with my GE60NC and GE60ND and i solved it with reinstallation SCM on the newest version, exactly it was clean install of SCM - unistall, restart, install new SCM ...
    I hope it helps
    stejný problém jsem měl u svého GE60 0NC i u druhého 0ND a vyřešil jsem to přeinstalací SCM na nejnovější verzi, respektive čistou instalací SCM - odinstalovat, restart, instalace nového SCM ...
    Snad to pomůže)

  • MSI GE60 0ND Bios

    Hi Everyone,
    I got the MSI GE60 0ND which comes with 8GB Ram (2x4GB).
    I have upgraded the ram with Corsair 16GB (2 x 8GB) PC3-12800 1600MHz DDR3 SODIMM RAM - 9-9-9-24.
    The problem i am facing now is that i am getting BSoD (Blue Screen) about memory.
    I think this is because i need to setup the Mhz to 1600 in the Bios?
    Now the problem comes with the Bios it has installed, as it must be locked.
    I can't find any setting available there and i don't know what to do...
    Bios Version: E16GAIMS.108
    EC Version: 16GAEMS1 Ver4.04
    OS: Windows 7
    CC: GTX 660M
    CPU: i7-3610QM
    Can someone please guide me through what i need to do?
    Thanks in advance.

    Usually it is as simple as rock but looking at how many people do not follow this I believe it must be in Sticky thread.
    1. If you have any problem then update your Firmware (4.05) and BIOS (10F)
    2. Don't forget to power drain or reset EC.
    More than 50% of people get this advice on this forum so I guess t must be a big banner, not even just a sticky thread.
    By the way quick googling your question moves to a youtube video where RAM can be overclocked.
    Although I don't think that you can use it because:
    a) Corsair sticks (especially 8GB) do not overclock well;
    b) I guess you don't need it. Check CPU-z to see actual timings and frequency.

  • Fan Issue MSI GE60 0ND 455 XDE

    I´ve bought a MSI GE60 0ND 455 XDE laptop and installed the newest offical drivers, firmware and Win7. I´ve also built in a SSD and RAM. There is only one problem, the fan keeps spinning up and down every 10 seconds even when nothing is running on the laptop. If i change with rweverything the EC value in Field 72 from 29 into 30 there is no issue anymore, but if i reboot i have to do it again. Is there a possibility to fix it permanent? Maybe with a firmware update or an unlocked BIOS?
    Thank you!

    Quote from: BerndBrot on 08-July-13, 18:35:47
    BIOS: E16GAIMS.10F Build: 12/18/2012 16:52:43
    EC: 16GAEMS1 Ver4.04 Build 04/26/2012
    Oki will work over it and send back to you when its done [after 2-3 hours]
    Will send you custom EC with wanted changes and unlocked BIOS with addiction intel rapid storage firmware update to the latest version
    EDIT: Done, check PM

  • MSi GE60 0ND - Fan has started to randomly speed up slow down

    MSi GE60 0ND-463UK
    I7 3630QM
    Windows 8 64 bit
    As of yesterday, my laptop has started to weirdly (under no loading on GPU or CPU, CPU 20% max during HD video watching on Youtube/ causing my fan to go from being quiet to shoot up in speed, this seems to stop when plugged in but when on battery power it's becoming more frequent. The only thing that is being done on the laptop when this happens is internet browser use.
    I cleaned my laptop 2 days before yesterday so it can't be a heat issue or dust issue. I'm quite clueless right now. I'm not what else to tell you, as that's all I've done. No updates to windows, no software updates on anything for over a week now I believe. Cable issue maybe?
    Hope I can get some info on this.

    Quote from: Svet on 06-February-14, 04:13:12
    Yes, indeed the MSI download servers seems to be crapped out right now.
    But i have a backup of wanted firmware at my PC,
    im attach it here for you.
    For flashing you can use >>Clear CMOS Guide<<
    point to mode 1 then point to archive file.
    wait the USB key to be prepared, then reboot your notebook.
    go in BIOS setup, then set boot mode to legacy,
    then save and exit, and press F11 at bios post/logo screen for BBC popup with storages,
    when USB key appear choose it to boot from it and proceed with update
    USB prepared properly according to the Software. Restarted my laptop
    Legacy mode engaged, saved ad exited, pressed F11, found my USB Kingston, and this is the message I received when selected. Not quite sure what it meant but clearly something is wrong.
    Intel UNDI, PXE 2-0 (build 083)
    Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Intel Corporation
    For Bigfoot PCIE Ethenet Controller v2.1.1.1(02/09/12)
    Check Cable Connection!
    PXE-N0F: Exiting PXE ROM
    Reboot and select proper boot device
    or insert Boot Media in selected boot device and press any key.
    (I did want ot upload the picture but it's taking forever for some reason)
    I did select my "Kingston" USB option in boot device options.

  • MSI GE60 0ND Wireless not working

    I bought a MSI GE60 0ND From Amazon had it for 3 days now, When i got the laptop i set it up and the wireless was working
    i used Windows updates and had about 330M of updates, after it installed it told me to restart the laptop, i restarted the laptop, then i checked for updates and there was 4 of them, i used the internet at the same time, and 2 mins later my internet stoped working, it is telling me that I'm still connected to the wireless but when trying to use the internet it douse not work and the windows update froze but could not detect that it was having a problem, i tryed restarting the laptop, and it did the same thing about 3 mins into running the laptop.
    i have tryed using the Live Update 5, to update my wireless and still is doing the same thing.
    i thought maybe something was curruped in the files so i System Recovery the laptop and did the same thing allover agen and still it is doing the same thing.
    im not a big on the internet side but my brothers laptop works fine with the wireless and he is set up just the same as my laptop with the internet.


  • MSI GE60 0ND - Fan Issue - Cooler Boost Button

    I have a problem with my MSI GE60 0ND. The fan / cooler boost button above the keyboard is always glowing and sometimes very light flickering. The fan spins at a normal and quiet level.
    When I press the button the fan starts spinning up and stays at the high level. The ligt of the button keeps glowing, but the flickering stops completly. When I press it again the fan goes back to a normal level, but the light keeps glowing.
    I recently updates the EC-Version, because I had an issue with my fan which was really annoying. Before the EC update my fan kept spinning up and down every 10-20 seconds.
    The temperatures ware always at a normal level. I own my MSI GE60 about one year. The spinning fan issue started just one month ago, but was fixed trough the update.
    Some detailed information about my notebook:
    MSI GE60 0ND
    Bios: E16GAIMS.10F (Release version)
    EC-Version: 16GAEMS1 Ver4.05
    I'm using Windows 7 x64 and tried also Windows 8.1 x64. Both have the same fan button issue.
    Installing / Uninstalling MSI SCM utility didnt make any difference.

    Quote from: w33daw on 03-December-13, 18:14:26
    fan is constantly spinning with the same, average speed. It goes faster when on stress but continue to spin when system is idle
    Bios Version: E16GAIMS.10F
    EC Version: 16GAEMS1 Ver4.05
    Sorry to spoil that, but the fan was indeed always spinning before, too. But very quietly at a low rate! You could observe rotational speed in RWeverything and it did NEVER stop with that notebook (GE60) and the EC-version 14.04
    If you want to go back, check out my post here. There are the old firmware files included as well. But read the readme.txt thoroughly first!

  • Msi ge60 0ND ,, after making update for firmare :(( !!

    I've msi ge60 0nd .. and it's working correctly !
    i'm making update 4 firmware ~~!!! without reason 
    and after update the wlan button turning off all the time ... but it's work !
    how can i recover the firmware !??

    I'm not really certain what you're trying to say you did.
    Did you update the firmware or BIOS? Which one did you use?
    Why did you update it 4 times?
    What OS are you using?
    A little more information and a better explanation would get you an answer much quicker.

  • MSi GE60 0ND Wireless isdues

    Msi ge60 0nd
    Intel centrino-n 135
    Lately my laptop is constantly disconnecting, slow or just won't work properly for a period.
    For example, today was the worst.... wifi is jumping from 2/3/5 bars and constantly disconnecting and while doing this my samsung galaxy s4 is watching a 1080p with a minute buffer ahead with no issues at all while on same wifi. It is clear zomething is wrong but i have no clue what to do...
    Im using my lhone now to make this post as my laptop just isnt connecting long enougb......
    Can someone please help as this is a nightmare, speed tests show nothing all keep saying same thing even isp speed tests show nothing wring.

    I guess it's the antenna quality issue. If so, it will require a RMA.
    Or, you can also refer to this FAQ (although it's for other models):

  • MSI GE60 0ND and Intel Dualband Wireless-AC 7260 plus Bluetooth

    I recently bought a Intel Dualband Wireless-AC 7260 plus Bluetooth Adapter (Model Number: 7260HMW) for my MSI GE60 0ND to replace the Intel Centrino Wireless-N 135.
    Wifi works without any problem, but bluetooth does not, even with the newest Intel drivers v3.​1.​1309.
    The bluetooth device isnt even listed in the device manager - there are also no unknown devices.
    I´m using Windows 8 - also tried Windows 8.1 and a Fedora 20 Live-CD with the same result.
    There is no bluetooth device listed.
    Could it be possible that bluetooth function of the Intel 7260HMW is somehow disabled in the bios?

    I tried the Intel Dualband Wireless-AC 7260 plus Bluetooth Adapter in a Desktop Asus Maximus V Gene using a mPcie Combo-Adapter. Wifi and Bluetooth worked without any issue.
    The Intel 7260 is definitly working.
    Another issue regarding my MSI GE60:
    I switched back to my Intel Centrino Wireless-N 135 and still have no bluetooth functionality. I thought it would be a driver issue, but there are still no bluetooth devices listed in the device manager Windows 8.1). Under Linux Fedora 20 are also no bluetooth devices present.
    It seems like bluetooth is somehow hardware disabled. In bios are no bluetooth options visible
    Edit: Using Fedora and FN-Key + F9 enabled bluetoth for the Intel Centrino Wireless-N 135 again. Maybe when the SCM / FN-Key Application will work under Windows 8.1, enabling/disabling bluetooth using Windows 8.1 will be possible too

  • MSI GE60 0ND-422NE

    hello everyone, just recently bought myself a MSI GE60 0ND-422NE.
    ive been wondering how the turbo boost works in this laptop? when i press the button it asks me what program i want to be able to open with it, and found out that it mean my laptop doesin't support the turbo mode.
    under specifications on this laptop from the store i bought it, it says my I5 processor has a max turboclock on 3.1ghz, but how does this work then?
    also, since the laptop have both Intel HD 4000 & GTX 660M graphics, does it then automaticly change between those 2 like when i start up a demanding game?

    No GE notebook features a turbo, only GT ones do.
    Quote from: GE60 OND FAQ:
    The scenario you encountered is normal since this model doesn’t support overclock function. Note: When the TURBO LED turns blue, it indicates that the system is under heavy loading thus system automatically switches to Nvidia dedicated graphics usage. On the other hand, when the TURBO button is pressed and user-defined key shows up, the blue light will turn off.
    Quote from: Kenni0411
    also, since the laptop have both Intel HD 4000 & GTX 660M graphics, does it then automaticly change between those 2 like when i start up a demanding game?
    Yes, that's how it works.

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