MSI K8N Diamond & Zalman 7700 Cooler

Hi.  I finally received my K8N Diamond and Zalman 7700 cooler today but am having some problems fitting the cooler.  I'm still a little concerned on clearance but it does look as though it will just make it, some other posts also mention using K8N Platinums with the same cooler.
Can anyone confirm whether the metal plate around the CPU area attached to the back of the K8N has to be removed to fit a Zalman fan ?  The screws & bolts provided by Zalman are a slightly smaller which suggests their back plate has to be used, but the MSI plate looks as though its bonded onto the motherboard.
Thanks for any help,

Hi Wheelman, thanks for the quick response.  I'll probably give them a call on Monday to get the other nipples, although waiting for them to arrive is going to be a nightmare :D  I'm in the UK so I'm not sure where they will be sent from.
Are the replacement nipples definately smaller ?  Is the threaded section of the nipple also larger in diameter because the MSI holes seem to be lager ?
I've put the nipples into the MSI metal mounts to test fit the cooler and there didn't seem to be much room.  If the replacement nipples are lower in height will the cooler not rub on the neighbouring capacitors and mmeory ?
Sorry about asking a question already answered in the FAQ.  I looked through a lot of them but must have missed that one, found it now.
Thanks again,

Similar Messages

  • Does new Zalman CNPS8000 fit on MSI K8N Diamond Plus?

    Was wondering about this, and if there would be issues with the height of the copper northbridge heatsink the MSI K8N diamond plus has.
    Will this new CPU cooler fit or will it not like the other Zalman 7000 series?

    I do not see why not:
    Take Care,

  • MSI K8N Diamond Plus - Guide to my first week

    OK, not a newb here, but been around the block quite a bit.   MSI K8N Diamond Plus is my 5th A64 mobo (ECS K8M800, my daily undestroyed computer, K8T800, my 12 year olds gamer, Asus A8V Deluxe, first 939 system, Abit AN8 SLI, first SLI gamer, and now the MSI Diamond Plus).   Had the KDP (K8N Diamond Plus) for more than a week now, and here's what I've learned.
    This is state of the art again, and we have no one to blame but ourselves for the pain this causes us when we upgrade like lunatics 
    And as usual, the drivers and BIOS are al Dente (i.e. not cooked enought yet, a little raw)
    MSI is also oddly silent on this system, which is wierd, as they are a large company, and specifically cater to enthusiasts.  But their BIOS guys are MIA.  Hopefully this will not be forever.  Asus, ABIT, DFI, Epox are always fast with fixes
    The board is a nice design, with everything basically accessible, as much as any other board.   Lots of purposeful components, not too many dumb frills.  No tooty fruity colors, but rather practical parts.
    The new 2 piece NForce chipset is fine, and the MSI guys gave us a decent, but funky cooler.  It gets a little warm to the touch when you pound on it with Prime95, or Quake4, but other than that it is fine
    The manual has a zillion typos, and fortunately for us in this forum, we have shared what we've learned.  The translation from Chinese to English leaves quite a bit to be desired, and hopefully, MSI will learn from Asus and Abit and get a better translation service.  In 2006 this is just plain stupid, especially with a $225 board   
    As usual, the mobo supplied tweaker utilities are just aweful.  They look like a hallucination from a Hunter S Thompson book, and they work about as well.  Core center is a sad state of affairs, and the rest of them just burrow their way into your otherwise stable system and cause it to have poor behavior.  And therefore as usual, the BIOS is the best way, if slowest, to tweak this bundle of parts
    Which brings us to the BIOS.  IMHO, the worst one I've seen on a high end board.  ZERO explanation for half the settings (this is not strange in and of itself, BIOS is still a black art, but in a tweakers board, we should have some basic explanation  )
    There seem to be adequate settings in the BIOS for all sorts of doodads and gizmos, but who the heck knows what half of them are.  Roger points out rightfully, that we now need to "Tune" across all these different intermediary bus structures and test.  But with the lack of info from either NVidia, MSI or anyone else for that matter, its kinda hard to know where to start.
    The board is clearly sensitive, which is a result of it being high strung.  This is no different than any "first out" product I've ever bought.  Most take 2 or 3 turns of the crank to get totally stable and forgiving.  This one hated my OCZ platinum EL 2Gb kit memory, and it brought out the worst in one of the SLI based EVGA 7800 GT COs.   These components worked in the Abit AN8 SLI (although not always great), but the MSI has ZERO tolerance for even the slightest pertubation from the memory.  It was BSOD city until I removed both of these components by process of elimination that took probably 100 hours
    Once I removed the bad components, and replaced the memory with Geil Ultra X 2x512 2-2-2-5, it worked great, ran Prime95 for 10 hours with no errors, and seems reasonably stable.  I've RMA-d the bad 7800GT CO back to EVGA, and will report back on how SLI behaves when I get the new one (cross shipped of course, I haveno patience )
    I also now need to replace the 2Gb RAM kit with something that the board will tolerate.  I may RMA the 2Gb kit back to OCZ and try another one, but I dunno.   I love OCZ but I have a bad feeling about this, even though they have great!!! support.  I may try OCZ PC4000 or the RAM that Roger successfully used.
    I did upgrade to the 1.16 BIOS, and found that some new things were added, as well as voltage control in Cell was a little better, but registration of changes in voltage is still a disaster.   I adjusted a bunch of times, it didn't register, and I ended up smoking a new A64 3700+ Diego with 1.95 volts, even though the BIOS claimed it was 1.53.  I had to rebot to see what was going on.   The Thermalright XP-90 kept the proc from melting down through the earth
    Finally, I hope this board attracts more people, and therefore more tweakers that can figure out all these gadgets and settings.  Everyone flocked to the Asus X16 SLI product, which is too bad, as this one needs lots o' folks to hack it up for us to figure out what is going on.
    The on board Creative audio sounds lousy to my ears, and I will replace it with an Audigy 2ZS gamer that I had in the Abit.  It just sounds better, but hopefully the drivers will not trash my newly stable system.   Creative scares me, they scare me alot.
    I've been able to get the CPU up to 2.4Ghz, with a .5 volt bump to the CPU and 2.9 volts into the Geil memory.  So far, so stable, no smoke coming out yet 
    I hope this info is somewhat valuable to someone on this board.  I will post details of all changes that I make, as others are doing, so we can at least take care of ourselves with this thing.

    Quote from: nanohead on 15-February-06, 01:17:10
    Which brings us to the BIOS.  IMHO, the worst one I've seen on a high end board.  ZERO explanation for half the settings (this is not strange in and of itself, BIOS is still a black art, but in a tweakers board, we should have some basic explanation  )
    There seem to be adequate settings in the BIOS for all sorts of doodads and gizmos, but who the heck knows what half of them are.  Roger points out rightfully, that we now need to "Tune" across all these different intermediary bus structures and test.  But with the lack of info from either NVidia, MSI or anyone else for that matter, its kinda hard to know where to start.
    first of all, i do think that all the settings in the BIOS have an explanation in the manual, even if it's a basic one. if that explanation doesn't tell you everything in detail, is because if you do need a detailed explanation of the settings, you probably shouldn't be messing around with those settings.
    Quote from: nanohead on 15-February-06, 01:17:10
    I did upgrade to the 1.16 BIOS, and found that some new things were added, as well as voltage control in Cell was a little better, but registration of changes in voltage is still a disaster.   I adjusted a bunch of times, it didn't register, and I ended up smoking a new A64 3700+ Diego with 1.95 volts, even though the BIOS claimed it was 1.53.  I had to rebot to see what was going on.   The Thermalright XP-90 kept the proc from melting down through the earth.
    wanna tell me how did you get 1.95V on that mobo?
    Quote from: nanohead on 15-February-06, 01:17:10
    I've been able to get the CPU up to 2.4Ghz, with a .5 volt bump to the CPU and 2.9 volts into the Geil memory.  So far, so stable, no smoke coming out yet 
    a 0.5V  bump? again, you must be joking. maybe 0.05V.

  • MSI K8N Diamond Plus Question

    Will the ThermalRight XP-90C Heatsink and 92mm fan work with this board?  Thermalright's web site does not say anyything but I can't help but wounder if it will fit with that fanless cooler on the MOBO.

    Quote from: nanohead on 15-February-06, 00:23:59
    I've got an XP-90 installed and there is plenty of room.   Plenty of airflow also.   I'm at a constant 31-36 celsius, so no worries on the CPU.  This cooler is large, I had it on an Asus A8V deluxe, an Abit AN8 SLI and now on the MSI K8N Diamond Plus, and its basically located on the same place regardless of mobo, so I wouldnt worry too much about it.   
    I did'nt mean that it has a massive effect on the temps, although comparing your rig to my last (AN8 Ultra, 3700 @ 2.7) my temps never went above 32'c idle and 44'c loaded!! 
    I meant that the airflow in my case struggles a little because the exhaust fan is right next to the hs and I cannot operate it the other way round due to my ram hs being so bloody large <damn you Corsair!!>
    Sorry if I caused confusion!!

  • MSI K8N Diamond (MS-7100) O/C Advices...

    I want some overclock advices about MSI K8N Diamond (MS-7100).
    First my full configuration:
    AMD Opteron 165 CPU (Default 1800 MHz.)
    MSI K8N Diamond (MS-7100) MOBO
    Sycthe Ninja 1000P CPU COOLER
    1 GB. (2x512 MB.) Mushkin (991093) DDR400 RAM (Default 3-3-3-8 2T)
    AOpen H600 B-28 CASE
    Tagan EasyCon 530W PSU
    160 GB. Samsung SATA2 NCQ (HD160JJ) HDD
    Sapphire X1800XT@PE 512 MB+AC Accelero X2 VGA
    Creative Audigy DE@Audigy2 ZS SOUND CARD
    Creative Inspire 5200 SPEAKER
    Philips 107P5 SCREEN
    Now; I O/C'ed my system to 260 FSB, HTT:4x.
    CPU is running at 2340 MHz. Memories are running at DDR433 2.5-3-3-5 1T
    All voltages are default. Temperatures are: IDLE:38 LOAD:51 with Sycthe Ninja 1000P.
    How can I O/C my system further? I need all advices about this mobo and cpu.
    With which settings may I run my CPU at 2700 MHz.
    Best regards.
    Yep the thread is long winded and a bit bizar in places if you were not in on the original conversation.
    However it does give a load of info to work with if you have a Diamond board. We discuss parts, Overclocking and various other topics of interest.
    Some say we should publish that thread to put some poor slobs in colledge to sleep.

  • MSI K8N Diamond

    I would like to know if the motherboard MSI K8N Diamond suport processors x2, whatever, dual core processors... I must buy it if does support dual core, am i doing a nice shop? Thanks...

    Quote from: Bannik on 12-August-05, 13:23:43
    Will the K8N Diamond support an AMD Athlon 64 3000+ Venice CPU? Without a BIOS flash?
    Will the K8N Diamond support an AMD Athlon 64 4000+ San Diego CPU? Without a BIOS flash?
    Is flashing the BIOS safe? Only done it once before on an old motherboard with a VIA chipset and seemed to have no problem with it, but the K8N Diamond is quite an expensive board and i would hate to damage the BIOS.
    You see, i'm purchasing an AMD 64 3000+ Venice CPU off a friend of mine soon, which i will then use in the K8N Diamond, then i will hopefully flash the BIOS and put in an AMD Athlon 64 4000+ San Diego if i need to flash it that is, if it supports the 4000+ CPU without a BIOS flash, that would be great.
    It depends on what BIOS version is currently installed. Though the Venice will start up your sytem, maybe Cool and Quiet and Voltage/Frequency settings won't work. My board had the first, 1.0 BIOS on when I set it up with a Venice 3200+ CPU. Then flashed to the latest BIOS and changed the CPU to the X2 4200+.
    Flashing BIOS is safe even under a stable Windows, you just pray for no electricity shortage. I flash it always under Windows, though I have a 1000 VA APC UPS.

  • Which PSU for MSI K8N Diamond SKT939 nForce4??

    Hi can any1 give me some ideas for which psu to get for the MSI K8N Diamond SKT939 nForce4 as it needs a -5v rail on the psu
    i cant seem to find any and wondered if anyone had the motherboard or if msi could help
      Antec TPII-550 
      Antec TP2550EPS12V 
      Antec TrueControl II 550 
      Enermax EG565P-VE 535W 
      Enermax EG651AX-VH EPS12V 550W 
      Enermax EG851AX-VH EPS12V 660W 
      Enermax EG701AX Noisetaker 600W 
      PC Power & Cooling Turbo-Cool® 510 SLI (510ATX-PFC) 
      PC Power & Cooling Turbo-Cool® 850 SLI (850ETX-PFC) 
      Seasonic S12-600 Watt 
      Silverstone ST65ZF 650W 
      Silverstone ST60F 600W 
      Sunbeamtech NUUO Series 550W SLI (SUNNU550-US)

  • Which PSU for MSI K8N Diamond Plus?

    I am so frustrated ... I have spent over 6 hours trying to find out which power supplies I can use with the MSI K8N Diamond Plus.
    I am not able to find any PSU that has 24 pin, 8 pin and 4 pin power connectors ... do you have to get them custom made or something? I am in Switzerland and it is hard to track these things down if you do not speak the language.
    This is the page which I am using to try and find a compatible PSU:
    I think the Spire Rocketeer VI should work but am not sure.
    Can anybody recommend a PSU that is compatible with this board? Please.

    Quote from: russellmrgn on 27-March-06, 20:51:26
    Off topic.
    I see you have the Stacker830, was looking at that case myself. How do you find it performance / quality wise?
    Yeah i love it...the cooling is amazing, my case never goes above 30C and the cpu idles at 22c and never goes over 27C even when OC'd,.. granted i have substantial cooling for the cpu.  the case is completely tool less and boasts a up to 9 12cm fans...the case is double encased  Al so with a silent PSU (true 500W), which is my set up , it is extremely quiet. i was going to get the lian li until i saw both of them on display. the lian li seemed a little harder to set up for water cooling -if i wanted that option in the future, and the tool less feature for the cm stacker was a lot more appealing. Interestingly, it has its own proprietary hard drive noise reduction and cooling doohickey. Also, the mb has this cool pull out tray plus the PSU rail is really easy to accomadate for a larger  PSU. the store where i bought it from in santa clara CA threw in some of these nice dust filters with the case and I was sold. the only con was the price, i paid  around $230, which is a little expensive for a CM....oh and a word of warning , the case doesnt really look that big in pictures, but it is HUGE !! it has 10 5.25-inch can fit every single imaginable peripheral and still have room to fit your kitchen sink..i was definitely surprised to see how big it was in person.

  • MSI K8N Diamond hangs on startup

    Without having changed anything (neither hardware nor software), the computer now hangs on every bootup.
    It only get to the MSI Diamond logo screen (with Graphic memory passed and memory check stated in the background)
    I cant even press DEL to enter BIOS menu or F11 to enter startup menu.
    The computer has worked like a charm for 6 months since I installed it, so this current problem is really strange.
    Windows XP Pro SP2
    MSI K8N Diamond (Award Bios)
    XFX GeForce 6800 Ultra
    2048MB PC3500 RAM
    250GB SATA Hitachi Deskstar T7K250 7200RPM (Master boot)
    250GB ATA Seagate Barracuda 7200RPM
    Creative Soundblaster XFI Fatal1ty FPS
    Logitech MX510
    Logitech UltraX Flat Keyboard

    My PSU is a Hiper Type-R 480W (sufficient for my usage at least)
    The problem seems to be in the USB handling, since it randomly decides to fullfill the startup after I've disconnected/reconnected some of the USB devices;
    My USB devices are;
    Wacom Intuos2 (Tablet)
    M-Audio Oxygen-8 (Midi keyboard)
    These USB ports and devices never caused any problems before though. And since the startup shouldn't care about USB, it's damn strange that it just hangs without any error what so ever.
    Code: [Select]
    System Information
    Time of this report: 3/6/2006, 14:57:44
           Machine name: SYNTHETI-7C3D19
       Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519)
               Language: Swedish (Regional Setting: Swedish)
    System Manufacturer: MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD
           System Model: MS-7100
                   BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
              Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+,  MMX,  3DNow, ~2.2GHz
                 Memory: 2048MB RAM
              Page File: 295MB used, 2621MB available
            Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
        DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
         DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode
    DxDiag Notes
      DirectX Files Tab: No problems found.
          Display Tab 1: No problems found.
            Sound Tab 1: No problems found.
              Music Tab: No problems found.
              Input Tab: No problems found.
            Network Tab: No problems found.
    Disk & DVD/CD-ROM Drives
          Drive: C:
     Free Space: 130.5 GB
    Total Space: 238.5 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: HDS722525VLSA80
          Drive: G:
     Free Space: 25.3 GB
    Total Space: 238.5 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: ST3250823A
          Drive: D:
          Model: SONY DVD-ROM DDU1613
         Driver: c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys, 5.01.2600.2180 (Swedish), 8/3/2004 20:59:54, 49536 bytes
          Drive: F:
          Model: _NEC DVD_RW ND-3520A
         Driver: c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys, 5.01.2600.2180 (Swedish), 8/3/2004 20:59:54, 49536 bytes
          Drive: H:
          Model: Generic DVD-ROM SCSI CdRom Device
         Driver: c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys, 5.01.2600.2180 (Swedish), 8/3/2004 20:59:54, 49536 bytes

  • No signal - MSI K8N Diamond

    Hello, I have a K8N Diamond motherboard which I've had for about 4 months. I tried to set it up a while ago but I remember it not working, anyway I tried again this morning but I'm getting the same problem. After I install everything and start up the PC I get a "no signal" on my monitor. The fans start up, and all the led's come on but nothing else seems to be happening. There is no problem with the graphics card, soundcard, hard drive, ram, power supply or any of the cd drives as I am using them all now on a different pc. I am thinking it is either the cpu which is also 4 months old, bought at the same time as the motherboard, or a fault with the actual motherboard?
    MSI K8N Diamond nForce 4 SLI ATX Motherboard
    Radeon 9800 XT Graphics card
    M-Audio Audiophile 24/96 Soundcard
    Bestec 250 watt Power Supply
    Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 160 GB Harddrive
    AMD 64 Athlon 3500 Socket 939 2.2 GHZ Processor
    1536 MB Ram
    I know the power supply needs upgrading to around 450 watt but i'm sure that shouldnt cause this problem?
    Any ideas? 
    Thanks, adam.

    Quote from: Stick on 09-March-06, 16:24:27
    dude, 250W power supply? i think this is the lowest one i've seen on the forum. no wonder your rig is not powering up. go get yourself a good PSU, something with more than 25A on the 12V rail. the Tagan 480 looks like a favorite amongst the users.
    haha i know. i had a 400 watt but it blew so i've been using this since. I'll head out and get a new one today and see if that does the trick. thanks

  • Soundblaster Audigy on MSI K8N Diamond Plus, Sound Linked? vs Audigy2 ZS?

    Had a couple of quick questions regarding the Soundblaster Audigy onboard chip on my MSI K8N Diamond Plus.  I have the audio connected to a front panel, and when I try and change the Right or Left speaker volume balance in Windows (by going to volume control and dragging the balance slider right or left), the volume slider goes down and the balance slider snaps back to center.  As in my previous post, I had some damage to my front panel connector pins and wanted to make sure this wasn't a hardware issue requiring a replacement of the board.
    Also, I have a Soundblaster Audigy2 ZS card from my previous system, and I was wondering if it added anything the onboard Soundblaster chip doesn't provide.  I was thinking of installing it, but if the onboard audio does everything the card would, I'd rather just use the onboard solution.

    Quote from: syar2003 on 21-August-06, 06:59:38
    Onboard creative is just live24 marketed as Audigy SE
    live 24bit is an audigy SE striped down of some features.

  • MSI K8N Diamond - Front Audio Header Mic problem

    I'm Alex Dias Teixeira from the netherlands
    About 3 months ago I assembled my own computer, but yesterday is tried to install my Fronpanel that is on my case. Not without problem.
    I connected all pins as said in he manuals, and replaced the two jumpers with the pins, no problems so far. The problem is that my microphone is not working properly in my frontpanel.
    Its seems to work but when I record my sound in Windows Soundrecorder I get a flatline but can hear my sound I recorded... in MSNmessenger and Windows Speech hardware test my sound is POOR( bad and soft sound ). I have no clue anymore ... anything is connected properly :(
    Mainboard:   MSI K8N Diamond                                     Manual page 34
    Case:           Thermaltake Soprano VB1000BWS             Manual
    Mainboard                                                                                                       Case
    PIN   SIGNAL                DESCRIPTION                                                                PIN
    1      AUD_MIC             Front panel microphone input signal  -----------------------  MIC_In
    2      AUD_GND            Ground used by analog audio circuits ------------------------ Ground
    3      AUD_MIC_BIAS    Microphone power --------------------------------------------- MIC_VCC
    4      AUD_VCC            Filtered +5V used by analog audio circuits
    5      AUD_FPOUT_R    Right channel audio signal to front panel --------------------- EAR_R
    6      AUD_RET_R        Right channel audio signal return from front panel ---------- Return_R
    7      HP_ON               Reserved for future use to control headphone amplifier
    8      KEY                    No pin
    9      AUD_FPOUT_L     Left channel audio signal to front panel ----------------------- EAR_L
    10    AUD_RET_L         Left channel audio signal return from front panel ------------ Return_L
    I hope this is all the info ya'll need and are willing to help me.
    Thanks in advance
    Alex Dias Teixeira

    Check the manual, but if you use the microphone plug-in in the back on the motherboard, you might disable microphone input
    to the front case header panel.  I believe if you use the microphone in the back, it disables microphone input from the front.  Also be sure to check the multimedia/sound settings near the clock to make sure you don't have anything muted in advanced tabs found.

  • MSI K8N Diamond is AMD X2 Compatible?

    As you will have gathered, I am enquiring about if the MSI K8N Diamond supports AMD dual core CPU's?

    Make sure that if you manually flashed your BIOS, reboot a couple of times in different manner so that the motherboard properly detects your dualcore configuration.
    I do not know if this happens to Diamond range but it does happen on mine whereby sometimes at different startup methods (for the BIOS of course) it only detects one CPU even though it says on the CPU ID that its X2 (obviously dualcore). Refer to my sig if you don't know about my motherboard

  • MSI K8N Diamond - PCI Express x1??

    First, excuse me for my bad english, I'll try to do it well  
    I was searching for information about "MSI K8N Diamond", MSI motherboard with SLi technology. In the specifications web, I read that they are 2 PCI-Express x1 Slots in this motherboard. Exactly the information is:
    • Two PCI Express x16 slot (supports PCI Express Bus specification v1.0a compliant)
    • Two PCI Express x1 slots (support PCI Express Bus specification v1.0a compliant)
    • Three 32-bit v2.3 Master PCI bus slots (support 3.3v/5v PCI bus interface).
    But when I came to see the motherboard's image, I couldn't found these two slots anywere. There they are 2 PCI-Express x16 and 3 "normal" PCI slots...
    So, the question is if somebody knows where are those slots, or if it's only an error in the specifications web page...
    Early thanks!!

    If u check the msi website and click the flash about the K8N Diamond it shows that it has
    2 x PCI Express 16x/1x - meaning if one port is running 16x (i.e. non SLI) then the other can be utilised as a x1 port
    bogus I know - especially seeing as the Asus board can support extra x1 slots  

  • MSI K8N Diamond not booting

    I have a slight problem with MSI K8N Diamond. It is not booting and according to the manual d-bracket says memory error.
    My system:
    Motherboard: MSI K8N Diamond
    CPU: AMD Athlon64 3000+ Winchester (socket 939)
    Memory: 2x Corsair ValueSelect 512M
    Graphics card: PNY GeForce 6600GT 128M
    Hard disk: Western Digital Caviar 200GB IDE
    Power supply: Antec SmartPower 350W
    PSU's Max DC Outputs:
    +5V: 35A
    +12V: 21A
    +3.3V: 28A
    -5V: 0.5A
    -12V: 0.8A
    +5VSB: 2.0A
    When I got motherboard, I plugged everything in and it seemed to work. I got to sleep and on the morning the motherboard didn't boot up anymore. D-Bracket just says memory error and nothing comes to screen. Because of that I sent the first motherboard for RMA (did cost me 27 euros). I got new motherboard today, but I have the exactly same problem. System not booting up because of memory error.

    Quote from: The_Oak on 17-August-05, 02:16:26
    ... or my processor's pci-express is broken....
    You probably mean Hyper-Transport....
    As for the PSU, you can try with the PSU of your friend to test the MOBO.
    But do the following, take the MOBO out of the case and test it outside on top of a pile of newspapers, then put in the CPU+HSF, memory 1 stick in slot 1, gfx, and your friend's PSU, press the CMOS reset button, connect the AC plug to the PSU and start it. Test it like this...and post back with results...
    Be well....

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    Hello, I am working with JDeveloper 10G. Now, I am trying to create a JSP Report (the typical Hello World) but I read that JDeveloper is integrated to Report Builder 10G. I downloaded JDeveloper 10g from oracle site and the only installation I made w

  • IChat Problems Since MobileMe

    Hi! I was on a business trip last week and iChatting with my husband every night using our .mac accounts. Then MobileMe launched and ever since our status appears offline to each other. Any idea what is different now?