MSI NX6800GT: Crap overclockability, or just bad luck?

Okay, I finally got my MSI GF 6800GT in today, and I must say that I'm rather disappointed. First off, it's reference design, and not the copper thingy I expected. Second, the card won't overclock good at all. When I get close to 390 core, 3dmark 03 starts to take pauses at about 3-5 secs all the time, then it carries on. What is this? Some kinda auto-limiting overclock barrier? There are NO artifacts or any other visual corrption on the screen when this happens. I've been overclocking video cards for many many years, and I'm used to artifacts as the natural sign of a max clock, not weird pauses like this. Is this usual on the new series from Nvidia? I've had ATi for over a year now, so all this stuff is new to me.
So anyway, any suggestions?

Originally posted by cgrossi
floppymaster, when u get o the max to the core clock, hangs might occur. that is the sympton for u to stop because u achieved it limits. the glitchs on screens only occur when u overclocked too much the memory clock.
No, the core artifacts, but in another way. Usally, memory artifacts looks like black squares popping up around the screen, while core artifacts are more like white dots or squares. When I got rid of the pausing, and pushed it further, the white artifacting from the core appeared - so it's all well!  

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    So what have you tried? These?
    The Five Rs.

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    Keep in mind i have done gaming at 4255mhz cpu and 2900ish nb, but wasnt prime stable very long, while the board failed settings where as followed:
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    Msi 890fxa-gd70 mobo
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    corsair GS800 psu
    8 120mm fans and twin corsair memory fan that comes with dominator gt memory
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    I do wanna say Im glad msi has been friendly and am so glad they allow me to drop off and pick up since I live/work nearby. Today I dropped off the bad rma unit and they said they would give me a "new" one, probably a new refurb, but they told me to pick it up tomorrow because they are gonna burn test it overnight so I dont have any issues with the next one. Them stress testing it was nice. I would discuss my setup with them so we could both learn from it but the people I dealt with didnt seem to care how it went out.
    Thanks for input guys, dont wanna waste my time or theirs smoking another board. Hope the next one does well or may need to look into a crossfire v. I have always liked MSI and also use their gtx560 ti.

    manual settings. I wish I wrote my settings down other than just a saved profile, guess I should have also had my bios backed up too
    I have played with a bunch of different settings but 4025mhz (230x17.5) was prime stable for one hour so i used that as my stable oc with only 1.40v on cpu vdd, think it even did an hour on 1.38v too if I remember but left it at 1.40 for good measure. Which if not mistaken is the max normal range the cpu is rated for and used durring normal operation when it ramps to 3.7ghz on stock settings.
    I have done gaming (crysis2 w/dx11 patch and cod blackops)  on 4255mhz with 1.43v. Would easily play till I got tired after an hour of gaming, but would fail prime within 7-8mins...Would shut down and have fans all running and needed to cycle psu. I have always wondered if that was a psu issue since both games use all 6 cores but same time prime IS A KILLER so figured was just the cpu
    When the board failed settings where as followed:
    overclock that both failed on was 4140mhz (230x18)
    nb was aprox 2900mhz 1st failure and 2760mhz (aprox) 2nd time
    1.40v cpu vdd on both times
    1.25v cpu-nb on 1st failure and 1.21ish on 2nd failure
    memory run in the 1840mhz range on 4 dimms
    1st failure had a few other voltage settings up a bit (some where most 2 ticks above auto but sb 1.22v)
    2nd failure all others where auto except memory at 1.655v memory spec and like mentioned cpuvdd 1.40, even nb was auto

  • MSI NX6800GT - Problems running 2 cards inSLi

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    Asus A8N-SLi-Deluxe
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    Win 2k SP4
    Well the above is my brand new setup - if it would just work :p
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    - Different monitor (CRT) which still exhibits the white screen phenenoma with 2 cards in Sli
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    If anyones got any ideas, I'd be glad to hear them

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    1) SLi card on m/b turned to 'single card'
    2) DirectX 9.0(c) installed
    3) Video Drivers from CD installed
    4) Forceware 66.93 installed
    All absolutely fine at this point, no conflicts, errors or uninstalled devices.
    5) Switched off comp, turned SLi card to 'dual cards'
    6) Installed second card and the SLi connector to the goldfingers
    7) Checked BIOS settings for SLi
    8) Plugged in "EZ-Plug" on m/b
    9) restarted comp upon which win2k detects 2nd vid card and installs drivers for it.
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    Hello !
    First read the overclocking stickys they will help you.
    I do not know exactly but CoreCenter should support your Board, its an MSI overclocking utility.
    Good Luck
    Greetz MurdoK

  • [GeForce 6] nx6800gt 256mb overclocking instability

    Hi all,
    I,ve noticed there are a few people with OC,ing there GT problems,i have the same problem but it used to oc to 400 1100 easily, temp 58c underload,i never used it 24/7 at those speeds and never went higher that 400 1100,its just weird that it will not run stable anymore,i use coolbits to oc and now will only go up to 370 1050 will crash and have graphic glitches, my fan is the copper version with fan speed select and i have a well ventilated case so temp is not an issue(right now its at 47c idle)have tried lots of different drivers but am using the new nvidia one right now,have tried rivatuner,D.O.T,coolbits2 but still the same result,fastwrites off/on does not help,have even tried a better psu than my thermaltake 420w,was looking at the guru3d forums and some people have modded there bios from 3d voltage 1.3 to 1.4 and have had success by doing this but i,m not keen to try this in case i mess it up,but i should,nt have to do this as it used work just fine at the normal voltage.
    has any one solved there problem with oc,ing a stubborn 6800GT???
    p.s works fine at default speeds
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    2x512 pc3200 kingmax
    Gigabyte K8ns pro nforce3
    Msi NX6800GT 256mb agp
    Audigy1 soundcard
    thermaltake tsunamidream case,420 psu
    sony 21inch trinitron flatdisplay

    I can't answer your questions directly, but since the overclocking performance has degraded, there is a possibility that you pushed it into premature faliure or weakness.
    Did you record the temps on the card when you installed it and compared them to what you have now? Same for system temps? It is getting warmer now so maybe ambient temps(room) may be having an effect. Perhaps even some dust buildup? A few degrees can be the difference between success and failure with overclocking.
    Many variables to consider here

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  • Alternative to MSI drivers with overclock settings too! (UPDATED)

    Hello all,
    Well, this has been posted a lot and I just wanted it here plain as day so we don't have to keep posting with this same answer.
    Many times, due to poor configuration. or any number of reasons the MSI drivers overclocking can be a bit on the buggy side, Coolbits is one of the best basic alternatives, and what you should be using anyway for overclocking and setting your card's options, however, in some cases the MSI drivers may be the only thing that works for your sytem, so this may not be for you, the only way to tell is to try it and see.
    Of course there are other utilities like Riva Tuner and nVtweak, that can take settings to another level of tweakdom, but for simplicity purposes Coolbits is the basics.
    Driver Information
    Download the latest Drivers from the nVidia Website. Again, you may have to search the internet for a previous version that works better for your configuration. you can go to where they have a whole archive full of previous versions.
    Also, you can go directly to nVidia's FTP site and get all the past versions here
    While you are at Driverheaven, download and install the utility called Driver Cleaner, or go directly to the site dedicated to the utility
    Read and follow the instructions that come with this utility PLEASE.
    QI have MSI drivers installed but the Tabs are still present in Display Properties, how do I remove them?
    A MSI's clock tabs are controlled by msicpl.dll and will not removed, you will manually have to eradicate the file yourself. It should be in the windows directory but if you cannot find it just do a search.
    Keep in mind that XP's System Restore can also complicate things, while I won't recommend disabling it, it's something to think about.
    *Supplimental Information*
    With the intoduction of MSI's DOT Overclocking DOT Explained utility, some of the guesswork is taken out of the art of overclocking your card, however, don't assume that it is safe. Overclocking in ANY case can damage hardware if not done properly. One must take proper measures in cooling, and become educated in the dynamics of overclocking in order to get the best results. Just remember that heat shortens the life of any component, overclocking simply accelerates it. Liken it to smoking, one will most likely have a shorter lifespan, or have health problems. Some may live a normal lifespan, but the former is usually the case.
    Although D.O.T. is more safe and stable than manually overclocking, risks are still involved. We suggest you that you first make sure your graphics card can handle overclocking. If you find some abnormal phenomenons while playing 3D games after enabling D.O.T., such as broken images, we recommend you to either stop D.O.T or to lower the level of D.O.T.
    If you prefer to overclock manually, you must disable D.O.T. first. We cannot gurantee that every graphics card can be overclocked to the Commander level.
    *End Supplimental Information*
    Additionally, there is a tool available called, nVTweak that can unlock many features, including clock settings. Please read all documentation related to this product before using. Donations are accepted by the author.
    Now finally to enable the simple bare bones overclocking abilities of the drivers using Coolbits...
    Download the attached file and extract the .reg file to your desired location. Then, just doubleclick on the .reg file, this will enable the extra options including the Core and RAM settings for your card.
    PM me if you think there are any changes that might need to be made, I will consider it.
    And here is coolbits in a zip (Updated to coolbits2)

    Hello all,
    Well, this has been posted a lot and I just wanted it here plain as day so we don't have to keep posting with this same answer.
    Many times, due to poor configuration. or any number of reasons the MSI drivers overclocking can be a bit on the buggy side, Coolbits is one of the best basic alternatives, and what you should be using anyway for overclocking and setting your card's options, however, in some cases the MSI drivers may be the only thing that works for your sytem, so this may not be for you, the only way to tell is to try it and see.
    Of course there are other utilities like Riva Tuner and nVtweak, that can take settings to another level of tweakdom, but for simplicity purposes Coolbits is the basics.
    Driver Information
    Download the latest Drivers from the nVidia Website. Again, you may have to search the internet for a previous version that works better for your configuration. you can go to where they have a whole archive full of previous versions.
    Also, you can go directly to nVidia's FTP site and get all the past versions here
    While you are at Driverheaven, download and install the utility called Driver Cleaner, or go directly to the site dedicated to the utility
    Read and follow the instructions that come with this utility PLEASE.
    QI have MSI drivers installed but the Tabs are still present in Display Properties, how do I remove them?
    A MSI's clock tabs are controlled by msicpl.dll and will not removed, you will manually have to eradicate the file yourself. It should be in the windows directory but if you cannot find it just do a search.
    Keep in mind that XP's System Restore can also complicate things, while I won't recommend disabling it, it's something to think about.
    *Supplimental Information*
    With the intoduction of MSI's DOT Overclocking DOT Explained utility, some of the guesswork is taken out of the art of overclocking your card, however, don't assume that it is safe. Overclocking in ANY case can damage hardware if not done properly. One must take proper measures in cooling, and become educated in the dynamics of overclocking in order to get the best results. Just remember that heat shortens the life of any component, overclocking simply accelerates it. Liken it to smoking, one will most likely have a shorter lifespan, or have health problems. Some may live a normal lifespan, but the former is usually the case.
    Although D.O.T. is more safe and stable than manually overclocking, risks are still involved. We suggest you that you first make sure your graphics card can handle overclocking. If you find some abnormal phenomenons while playing 3D games after enabling D.O.T., such as broken images, we recommend you to either stop D.O.T or to lower the level of D.O.T.
    If you prefer to overclock manually, you must disable D.O.T. first. We cannot gurantee that every graphics card can be overclocked to the Commander level.
    *End Supplimental Information*
    Additionally, there is a tool available called, nVTweak that can unlock many features, including clock settings. Please read all documentation related to this product before using. Donations are accepted by the author.
    Now finally to enable the simple bare bones overclocking abilities of the drivers using Coolbits...
    Download the attached file and extract the .reg file to your desired location. Then, just doubleclick on the .reg file, this will enable the extra options including the Core and RAM settings for your card.
    PM me if you think there are any changes that might need to be made, I will consider it.
    And here is coolbits in a zip (Updated to coolbits2)

  • Getting a replacement fan & heatsink module for my MSI NX6800GT (agp)

    Hi all,
    I got a bit of a problem, the fan on my MSI NX6800GT (agp) sounds like a dog, after removing the card and having a look, it appears that the spindle that holds the fan in place has worn out (the fan seems to drop down onto the plastic and thats what is making the noise) . Its buggered basically. Do any of you fine people know of where I can get a decent replacement fan and heatsink?
    All help appreciated

    OK, I ordered one of those  nv silencers, I thought about contacting MSI like you guys said but after reading about this product I thought what the hell . . . £20 but worth it.
    It came yesterday, so last night I installed it, fitted well, one small thing on the instructions, there is an "L" shaped metal bracket called a passive heatsink plate, now I know my **** from my elbow but could I work out where this was supposed to go? . . . NO.
    Anyway it appears that I dont need this bit, why cant they just say "this bit is optional". Kinda scary fitting stuff like this when youre as green as me.
    Anyway, all went well. Thank you all.

  • Bad luck...solution or not?

    well not my day today.
    Wanted to go back to iphoto 8 so decided to to use TM to do so.
    Supposed to be easy.
    Well not luck or very bad luck you decide!
    My HD crashed!!! heard strange clicks then nothing.
    No more mounting, disk warriors cannot access it ( not existing) disk repair no accessing it at all.Try to mount it on another response.
    It looks like it is dead. Cant believe it.
    did a back up on another external drive I hade just in case.
    Now what ? I have my iphoto library but is has been updated for iphoto 2011 and no more of my 2008 one.
    Is there a way to go back to iphoto 2008 anyway?
    help would be nice.

    To re-install iPhoto
    1. Put the in the trash (Drag it from your Applications Folder to the trash)
    2. In the Finder using the Go menu and selecting Go To Folder
    In the resulting window type
    A Finder window will open at that Location. Find and remove any pkg file there with iPhoto in the name.
    3. Re-install 08

  • Msi nx6800gt-td256(bulk)

    i bought MSI NX6800GT-TD256(BULK);the colour is red but in is green colour..¿what's mean?

    Originally posted by swatx
    bulk means a lot. companies like dell buy vid card in bulk so that they get cheap prices for a individual card and bulk doesnt come with a software bundle , i think in bulk you just get the bare minimum like the card and the manual..
    Very true... But bulk software are often down clocked to get a cheaper price (my friend had one).

  • String of bad luck, caps lock is flashing once every few seconds

    So lets start off with the beginning of the bad luck, first i was watching a youtube video and deicided to go make a snack b/c i was hungry, when i came back my compuuter had shut itself off, overheating wasnt uncommon so i checked the how hot the computer was over the processor and it was coo and not hot at all, so i turned it back on, and i didnt get a thermal shutdown message, so i was a little confused and started checking for the error, the first thing was the power, in which it said "9% availiable(plugged in, not charging)" so i first made sure it was plugged in and everything a bit confused, still did it, and then i googled it, and apparently i had to uninstall the apci from device manager, so i did the ~11 step solution that had helpe so many people, and then it still was like that, so then i used the HP assistant to check my battery, and i needed to replace it, but on the way i noticed i had "system updates" and such i was bummed i had to get a new battery(To put it simply, im poor) and decided to update my system at the very least, maybe the HP assistant was wrong and after the update the battery would register as good again, with little hopes on that(i knew that the chance was near 0%) i updated, and one of the updates were BIOS updates, so half way through downloading my sister decided to power-cycle our router, as our router is a pretty bad router and every now and then our internet would slow to the point of pretty much being non-existant, so then my computer resets i get a black screen and capslock starts blinking twice, i use my issters computer to google it, my BIOS is corrupt, so i use windows + b + the power button, to try and restore my BIOS, during it flushing my computer overheats, and now when i turn it on its a black screen with the capslock blinking once every few seconds, i havnt been able to find a fix, can anyone help me? also i should mention the tag on my HP is worn out pretty bad i can barely salvage any info off it which is pretty bad, all i know is that its an hp pavilion G4 with AMD radeon GPHX, and 8mb of memory

    Hi ,
    Welcome to the HP Forums! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More. Thank you for posting. I have read your post, and I understand that you had experienced a series of issues, and now your laptop cannot start. Below is a link could help you to diagnose the problem of your laptopHP Notebook PCs - Computer Does not Start (Windows 7, Vista, XP) If the laptop could back to start, you could use this link to reload the BIOS. If you find out it is a hardware issue, please use the following link to create a case for your issue, and contact HP. If you live outside the US/Canada, please click the link below to get the contact information for your region. Let me know if you need any other assistance. Good luck,

  • HT1206 i have had bad luck with computers laitly and have 5 pc allready authorised now i have a new one i cant authorise it so i can not access my itunes account can u deauthroise my pc from my accont so i can access it again

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    <Email Edited by Host>

  • Msi nx6800gt agp atrifact problem pls HELP!!!

    hello all,
                well guys need a help, a real bit starnge problem im facing, i got a MSI NX6800GT 256MB DDR3 AGP graphic card, the system boots up well no issues in the 2d mode but when i ran cod2 i faced kind of shall i say pixel sized squares appearing during gameplay the same was noticed playing f.e.a.r also, i chcked the card with riva tuner it showed the card as a proper 6800gt with 16pipelines etc i dont knw whts the problem i tried the same card in my frnds system also, he is running a gainward 6800gt golden sample we noticed the same kind of square artifacts which run all round the screen sometimes very few but i think as the game goes on its more, the card was run at stock speed of 350/1000 and the temp maintains at 62 degrees...
               the system tested on had specs amd 3400+ 754 on a asus k8ne dlx mobo, with 1 gb twinmoss ram, an 500w power supply, the 3dmark2005 scroce is 4736pts, an we noticed these spots even during the benchmark....
               the driver version used was 71.77 series then we used the 66 series an even msi's default series or drivers but to no avail pls do guide me on this guys it wud be really really helpful...

    hey richard,
                      i tired tht also, infact in the very begening the new forceware drivers were used then we tried the others, actually the artifacts are not like polygons or anthying they are square sized pixels tht appear on the screen, the monitor used was a viewsonic 17'' flat screen and the res was 1024 X 768.
                      we saw some serious square pixels in bf2, cod2 an even fear! 3dmark05 also displayed the same, do you think its a problem with the card or the cooling, the temp of the card remains between 56-62 deg.
                      we dont wanna underclock te card as i think it wud void the warranty!

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    Originally posted by Pachan
    Hi everybody! I ordered an MSI NX6800GT card today, what do you guys think about that card?
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    I got one yesterday,and its the best card i,ve ever owned,you will be very happy
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    Hello all. I am a Premiere noob that works in Cinema 4D.  I am exporting C4D  animations as QuickTime "animation" files. (.mov)  These videos are highly  detailed pixel-precise renders. I want to bring them into Premier with this  level of pixel prec

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    Hi All, While Migrating from 3.5 to 4.5 I am getting following UNKWON Error. Declaration of style 'direction' conflicts with previous declaration in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.5\sdks\4.5.0\frameworks\libs\mx\mx.swc(mx.controls:TextI

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