
i'm happy to tell you that i've created my first package today
MToolsFM is a basic graphical file manager and a front-end to mtools
which permit an easy floppy-access without mounting them before.
# Contributor: Comete <[email protected]>
pkgdesc="Graphical file manager for an easy floppy-access under linux / UNIX"
depends=('gtk' 'mtools')
build() {
cd $startdir/src/MToolsFM-$pkgver-$pkgverextra
./configure --prefix=/usr/X11R6
make || return 1
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
[~/mtoolsfm]$ more PKGBUILD
# Contributor: Comete <[email protected]>
pkgdesc="Graphical file manager for an easy floppy-access under linux / UNIX"
depends=('gtk' 'mtools')
build() {
cd $startdir/src/MToolsFM-$pkgver-$pkgverextra
./configure --prefix=/usr/X11R6
make || return 1
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install

one of the things i tried to impress upon whatever devs were working on incoming was that an effort should be made to tackle the oldest contributions first and not what they saw fit to include from the oldest. 
one of the things that frustrated me before i left the dev team and frustrates me even now is seeing just how old some of the contributions are in incoming and how some people's work was completely ignored, but each time a new developer comes on their favorite applications and even ones they did not contribute to incoming show up before stuff that USERS contributed long ago.
don't get me wrong i would never say don't add something to the package repos (except maybe alien or rpm) but consider other contributions before your favorites. just because you never use <insert package name here> does not mean that somebody else might not. it is like using archstats to determine what should be upgraded first and what should not. i know freom the stats that the application rip is not widely used but that does not mean that NOBODY uses it and it does not mean that to those people it is any less important than say grip or ripperx.
i think comete is saying that there are no outward signs that the "policies" for adding packages stated in this thread are being followed. maybe if year old contributions were disappearing from incoming or turs or whatever he would not have even posted.
comete did not intend this post to say that devs were not doing their jobs but he was just trying to point out that some users are and will continue to feel that way unless they see their work show up sooner in the repos (if it is indeed a good build).
incoming has been a mess for a long time despite efforts of many to reverse it and i think comete was just trying to kickstart more attention to this.

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