Multi line headers

Does anyone know how to have multiple line headers in JTable?

Most components except can render HTML text. A header in a JTable is one of them. Try:
String header = "<html>line 1<br>line 2</html>";

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    The only thing I could think of was to override AbstractTableModel.getColumnName to send String values with embedded "\n" or html "<br/>" constructs. Neither method works.

    I'm sorry, my earlier statement was not precise enough.
    The technique you show does produce multi-line header text; however the height of the header is unchanged, so only the center line is visible (or the bottom of line 1 and the top of line 2, if two lines are written).
    Do you know if the height of the header row can be changed?

  • Permanently save line spacing in a multi-line text field

    Me: Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro, Windows Vista
    (I think the people who will be using the form have Reader 7 on Windows)
    I work in a doctors' clinic, and we use phone message sheets to document conversations between the patients/us/nurses/doctors, and I scanned the form and made it into a fillable PDF for our secretaries to fill out more quickly. The "message" area has pre-printed lines on it, and the multi-line text field I placed there needs to match up to the lines. I used the Rich Text Formatting options to set it to "Exactly 24 Points," but I can't get it to KEEP the formatting permanently. The only way I could get it to save the formatting in that field was to put a space in it and then save it, and then give that to the 2 phone secretaries. It works perfectly the first time, but instead of just closing/re-opening the file to start a new message, one of the secretaries highlights everything in the "message" field and deletes it... which deletes the line spacing formatting. I've told her
    b numerous
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    ???? Here's a shrunken screenshot of the field -- I wish I could just erase the lines altogether so the spacing wouldn't matter, but the secretaries type/print the message out, then the nurses/docs write on the page with pen so the lines have to stay.

    You can set the font size of the text. Then play with the underlines in the original document to match the needs of the font that is used. Print to a new PDF and then use replace pages to put the new page into the form without changing the form fields. I was able to do this with a word processing document by adding underlining in the document with 12 pt and setting the font to 12 pt in the text field. You can play with the font, the border of the field, and the underlining in the original document to get the desired result. Is this optimal, probably not. However it does the job.

  • Multi Line Text Custom Field

    Multi line text custom field is not coming in ms project Professional

    You cannot access Multiline text fields from Project Professional and in Project Server Views. These fields are for use in Project Details pages and with workflow for demand management in Project Server. Please refer to the article shared in earlier post.
    I would recommend you to create a Excel/SSRS report if you would like to show data available in this fields to end users.
    Hope this helps.
    Thank you,
    Kiran K.
    If a post answers your question, please click "Mark As Answer" on that post and "Vote as Helpful

  • Address Book: Importing Multi-Line Fields

    A common and often unavoidable import format for Mac Address Book is Comma Separated Value files (.csv). Address Book cannot import CSV files that have multi-line fields, such as might be included in Notes, because it cannot tolerate embedded newline characters (a.k.a., carriage returns, line breaks). (See The CSV spec ( addresses this need by requiring that fields which contain newlines be enclosed in quotes, but Address Book doesn't adhere to this part of the standard.)
    Here's a way to import CSV files and have multi-line fields preserved:
    Using an editor, replace +every embedded+ newline character in the CSV file with "\n". Take care to not alter the newline characters that end each record. Import the resulting file into Address Book using the CSV option. Selecting the 'Last Import' group, export those specific records using the vCard option. Then delete those records. Then import the vCards previously exported. Presto!
    Apparently, although Address Book is blind to "\n" when importing CSV files, and exporting vCard fields, it interprets this character sequence as newline when importing vCards.

    Hi Adam,
    Thanks, but the problem is not importing to AddressBook, it is exporting.  I did discover from another that I can export very easily to a Numbers spreedsheet.  It is exceptionally simple.  But it will not export custom fields.  Someone said that is because of a vcard standard.  My custom fields are just "name" fields that I have labeled differently.  But Numbers does not support the name (it only takes the name of the card).

  • Need a JavaScript to enable/view Multi-line option for Text fields.

    Hello All,
    I need a JavaScript to enable/view Multi-line option for all the Text fields in PDF Form.
    Assume that I have a PDF form of Fields from F1 to F100 and it contains 25 Checkboxes, 25 Combo Box and 50 Text Fields. Now i need a javascript for which i need to enable Multiline for only Text Fields. So Is there any JS for which i can enable the Multiline option for only Text fields and not for ComboBox or Checkbox.

    Hi timo,
    Thanks for your help. iam trying to use the iteraor approch to do this. but i don't know how to fetch the data entered in the form that was built by the iterator. can you please tell me .

  • How to Remove the /Div in a Multi-line Field when reporting in Excel, getting

    I am uisng Excel Services to extract data from PS2013.  And the Multi-line text fields include the </Div> syntax.  I have looked at a lot of the links regarding how to do this.  I have even borrowed code that was on someones blog. 
    When I try and use it I get the following message and cannot not seem to resolve it after reading varous links regarding this issue. 
    Any ideas?  As a work around I have created an Excel Macro to remove it, however would like to solve it in the query
    Error Message
    The data types
    Nvarchar and Ntext are incompatible in the add operator
    Here is the syntax
    declare @Headxml nvarchar(350)
    declare @Footxml nvarchar(50)
    set @Headxml = N'<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    [<!ENTITY  nbsp "&#xA0;"><!ENTITY quot "&#x22;">]><html><body>'
    set @Footxml = N'</body></html>'
    SELECT   ProjectOwner.ProjectUID as [ProjectUID],
    ProjectOwner.ProjectName as [Project Name],
    ProjectOwner.[Project Number] as [ECP#],
    TaskRelated.TaskName as [Task Name],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.RiskID as [Risk ID],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Title as [Risk Title],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Status as [Status],   
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.AssignedToResource as [Assigned To],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Owner as [PM], 
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.DueDate as [Due Date],  
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Probability as [Probability],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Impact as [Impact], 
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Exposure as [Exposure],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Cost as [Cost],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.CostExposure as [Cost Exposure],  
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Category as [Category],
            .value(N'(/)','nvarchar(4000)'))),'') AS [YourMulti-lineCustomFieldNewName],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.MitigationPlan as [Mitigation Plan],  
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.ContingencyPlan as [Contingency Plan],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.TriggerTask as [Trigger Task],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.TriggerDescription as [Trigger Description],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.CreatedDate as [Created Date],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.CreateByResource as [Create By],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.ModifiedByResource as [Modified By],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.ModifiedDate as [Modified],
    TaskRelated.TaskUID as [TaskUID],
    TaskRelated.TaskName as [Task Name],
    TaskRelated.TaskStartDate as [Task Start],
    TaskRelated.TaskFinishDate as [Task Finish] FROM dbo.MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.MSP_EpmProject_UserView AS ProjectOwner ON ProjectOwner.ProjectUID = MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.ProjectUID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.MSP_EpmProject_UserView AS ProjectRelated ON ProjectRelated.ProjectUID = MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.RelatedProjectUID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.MSP_EpmTask_UserView AS TaskRelated ON TaskRelated.ProjectUID = MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.RelatedProjectUID 
    AND TaskRelated.TaskUID = MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.RelatedTaskUID LEFT JOIN dbo.MSP_WssRelationshipType ON
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.RelationshipTypeID = MSP_WssRelationshipType.RelationshipTypeID                
    ORDER BY ProjectOwner.ProjectName ASC,  MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.RiskID
    Andrew Payze

    Hi Andrew,
    We normally create a function to do this. Some examples can be found here:
    Paul Mather | Twitter | | CPS

  • Update of Qty in multi line PO's

    Hi All,
    We need to update the qty in the PO (multi line POs), and we have around 3000 multi line POs, please let me know which is best way to change the qy in these POs.
    Please let me know complete process.

    I would create a program calling BAPI_PO_CHANGE for each PO item and update the quantity.
    Gilberto Li

  • Multi line issue in Table Cell Editor

    I am developing an occasionally connected application for handheld devices using NetWeaver Mobile 7.1. In one of the view, I have a table which display items information from the data source. In one of the column I need to display item description so I used TextEdit in the Cell Editor to display the information in multi line format and also wrapping is enabled.
    But during testing of the application the TextEdit control does not wraps the text and as well as only first line of TextEdit control is visible inside the table and rest of the rows are not visible because of table's row height is not adjusted to the TextEdit control. I couldn't find any option to vary the size of the row height of the table.
    Please suggest a solution to bring multi line display with in the table.
    Also, check out my other issue posted here.
    [Issue in wrapping of text in TextEdit control|Issue in wrapping of text in TextEdit control]
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Vinodh Raj D on May 28, 2009 8:18 AM

    Hi Vinodh,
                   Mutliline text in a text view/edit control inside a table cell is not supported.
    You can view multiline text in a text view/edit as a seperate control inside a view. I think in case you want to see the whole address you can create a detail(s) view which can be navigated from the list (table) view.

  • Printing all text in a multi-line text field??  Can it be done?

    I was wondering if there is a way to print out a multi-line field and have all text entered print as well.  Currently, anytime someone enters more information in a multi-line text field on our form than is set to show without scrolling, when a PDF is created for printing from the results page, only the text that fits within the specified size prints.  You can scroll within the PDF and read it all, but I can't seem to figure out how to get all of the text to show and have that field resize accordingly on the printed copy.
    Is there a way?  Thanks.

    Is there an easy way to determine the character count that is visible in a given multi-line text field when designing the form, so if I want to allow 500 characters, the text box I create is large enough for 500 characters?  Obviously I can just do a trial and error process using a cut and paste of 500 characters and testing it, but is there an easier way?

  • How to determine the length of a line of text in a multi line text control

    I am working on a simple widget to compare two snippets of text.  The string controls are side by side with a colum of square bools in between
    the two string controls.
    The Bools line up with the lines of text in each string control.  The Bools are used as a quick indicator that at that line point there is a difference
    between the two string controls.
     There is a slider that allows the user to scroll up and down,  the slider scrolls both string controls simutaneously.
    As the string controls are scrolled I will be comparing the left and right lines of text and reflecting the match status in the Bool Colum.
    The reason I need to know the length of the line of text is so each line can be compared against one another.  It is not as simple as counting the
    col width of the string control and parsing the text because if there is a line return the text will word wrap before before it extends all the way accross the string control, which will cause parsing discrepencies.
    Any suggestions on obtaining the multi line string control text character length would be much appreciated.
    Best Regards
    Tim C. 
    1:30 Seconds ARRRGHHH!!!! I want my popcorn NOW! Isn't there anything faster than a microwave!

    Front panel of widget....
    1:30 Seconds ARRRGHHH!!!! I want my popcorn NOW! Isn't there anything faster than a microwave!
    Attachments: ‏27 KB

  • HOW can i rotate the loop as many lines of multi line container in BPM

    Hi All
    I have to send an idoc to 2 Receivers by spliting the message.
    Based on the occurance of a particular source segments i need to create those many instance of targets.
    IDOC ---> Rec1 (More than one message instance)
         ---> Rec2  (More than one message instance)
    I have taken messages of Receiver into a multi line container1
    and messages of Receiver 2 into another multi line container2.
    HOW can i rotate the loop as many lines of multi line container.

    Hi Raj
    There are two webservices are 2 receivers.
    In the idoc there is specific segment , which occurs unbounded,Each occurence we Need to check the value of a particual field and send to corresponding Receiver.
    For Ex:
    ZE1KONH (1..Unbounded)
       >MSFGN =004 --> Rec1
      >> MSFGN==0009 Rec2
    It could be like , 1 or more segm for Rec1 and 1 or more segm for Rec2
                            all are for Rec1 or All are for Rec2.
    so in the tranformation we need to put all message of Rec1 in corresponding multiline container as well for Rec2. Then i need to send to correspongind Receiver.
    So here i need to send all splited messages to appropriate receivers

  • How to create a dynamic multi-line function in SQL Server

    I am attempting to create a Multi-Line Function in SQL Server that accepts a dynamic WHERE clause as a parameter. I need this so that the function can be as versatile as possible for the filter that needs to be applied. I am unfortunately getting an error
    upon creation of the function.  I don't know how to solve the problem. Can someone advise me?
    -- =============================================
    -- Author:
    -- Create date: 2/3/2014
    -- Description: This multiline function will accept a generic WHERE Clause and apply it to the query for return.
    -- =============================================
    REVS.ID, REVS.Revision
    Select distinct result.ID, Max(Rev) as ''''Revision''''
    Select * from dbo.BugsAll
    [Changed Date] < @CHANGEDDATE
    ) result
    GROUP BY result.ID
    ) REVS
    join dbo.BugsAll BA on (BA.ID=REVS.ID AND BA.REV=REVS.revision)'
    Msg 443, Level 16, State 14, Procedure TESTMULTILINEFUNCTION, Line 44
    Invalid use of a side-effecting operator 'INSERT EXEC' within a function.
    Senior Test Lead -- Microsoft

    >> Unfortunately I really need to form a dynamic query in a table valued function on the SQL SERVER. I have another tabled valued function that needs something returned as a table in order to further join the data. I am not allowed to use Stored
    Procedures in that function. <<
    You do know that real SQL programmers hate the proprietary nightmare of tabled valued functions?  This is how you procedural programmers avoid learning set-oriented declarative and functional programming. 
    Your mindset wants to write to a scratch tape or disk file (aka “tabled valued function result table”) just like you did BASIC, FORTRAN or COBOL. QL programmers do not have to materialize their data. We can use VIEW or a drive table as well as a base table. 
    >> Plus, there are occasions where I don't want to pass in a field [sic: columns are not fields] parameter or need to change a parameter list such that I don't wish the table function to filter by a particular field [sic] or other setting. <<
    What you want is a magical “Automobiles, Squids and Lady Gaga” function. An SQL programmer might write a complex VIEW then do simpler SELECTs off it. 
    >> My application pushes the WHERE clause from EXCEL to SQL to do the hard work as EXCEL is not the application in which I want to process the SQL statement and pass it via ODBC. I cannot run macros in Excel on the web.<< 
    This is a crazy language system. Usually we fetch data in SQL and then pass it to a math package, report writer, etc. We never keep logic (aka WHERE clauses) outside the database. 
    >> I am bummed about the fact that this feature doesn't work. It will up my server management costs to maintain unique tabular based functions based on WHERE clause query <<
    So stop writing those “tabular based functions”, change your mindset and start learning SQL and do it right. 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • New lines created in excel when displaying multi-line text item value

    Hi all,
    I put the value of a multi-line text-item into a csv file :
    file_filter VARCHAR2(256) := 'Export Files (*.csv)/*.csv/All Files (*.*)/*.*/';
    fExp VARCHAR2(256);
    in_file Text_IO.File_Type;
    linebuf VARCHAR2(4000);
    fExp := get_file_name ( directory_name, file_name, file_filter, NULL, SAVE_FILE, TRUE);
    in_file := Text_IO.Fopen( fExp, 'W');
    linebuf := NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.LIBEL_TRAITE,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.NUM_ANFR_ID,'') || ';' ||
                             NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.ver_fiche,'') || ';' ||
                             NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.titre,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(to_char(:com_bnc_possibles.date_creat, 'dd/mm/yyyy'),'') || ';' ||
    NVL(to_char(:com_bnc_possibles.date_valide, 'dd/mm/yyyy'),'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.LIBEL_STATUT,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.label_reg,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.nom,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.prenom,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.nom_societe,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.comp_bnc,'') || ';' ||
    NVL(:com_bnc_possibles.motifs,'') || ';' ;
    Text_IO.Put_Line( in_file, linebuf);
    Text_IO.Fclose( in_file);
    END IF;
    And when I opened the csv file then the remaining lines , that is from the second line , of the column "motifs" are displayed through the column A of excel. The "motifs" multi-line text-item has 500 as its Maximum Length property value, and has a Char Data Type property value.
    So how to display all the motifs' lines through the same column M without displaying the remaining lines in column A ?
    Or are there tips to remove CHR(13) characters from a multi-line text-item ?
    Thank you very much indeed.
    Message was edited by:

    I tried to do it in different way. What i did is I have created a item of type formattted text and set its text like:--
    <html>User authentication failed. <br*> Cause: Invalid password.</html> --remove *
    So I am able to see the prompt like :-
    User authentication failed.
    Cause: Invalid password.
    Hope this helps you...

  • How to expand multi-line fields in pdf forms?

    I have a FormsCentral PDF form, which allows users to fill out the form and save as a PDF. However, after receiving the completed forms, I am unable to see all the text in the multi-line field boxes without opening them and scrolling down. Since I will be sharing several of these competed forms with a review panel, I would like to:
    1) Display the entire content of the multi-line field boxes rather than having the reader scroll down, then
    2)  Save the completed forms so that its read-only when I send it to the review panel
    I am not collecting responses via FormsCentral. I am just receiving the PDF via email.
    Can someone please help me?
    Thank you!

    You can use a script to change the font size to Auto, which will cause all of the text to display, assuming it can be even at a font size of 4. For example, the following code can be executed in the interactive JavaScript console (Ctrl+J):
    // Set the font size to Auto for a text field named "Text1"
    getField("Text1").textSize = 0;
    A script that will change this for all multline fields in the form is:
    // Set the font size for all multiline fields to Auto
    for (var i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
        var fName = getNthFieldName(i);
        var f = getField(fName);
        if (f.type === "text" && f.multiline && f.textSize !== 0) {
            f.textSize = 0;
    This script could be included in an Action if you want to do this for a collection of forms.

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