MultiCam editing for PPCS5

So I'm editing 3 canon 7d's and 1 zoomh2  for external audio.  I've run PluralEyes to sync up the audio and all 3 camera's onto the timeline.  Pluraleyes was spot on for syncing and now Ive created a new multicam sequence and dropped the first sequence into the timeline.  Right click enable multicamera and open the multi camera monitor.  I'm recording how I want to switch between camera's by simply clicking on each clip in sequence of how I want to see it.  Now what if I goof up completely and just want to restart the whole sequence again after I've made so many edits?  I can't seem to find a "revert" button.  Also, what if there is just 1 or 2 that I want to edit.  Can I adjust it from the multicamera monitor or does it have to be from the sequence timeline?

You should be able to just go back in time inside the multicamera window and redo your edits.  They should overwrite what you're already done.  I say should because CS4 had a bug with this option.  I haven't tried it in CS5 yet to see if it's been fixed.
As a normal part of your workflow, however, I suggest doing a "rough cut" in the multicamera window, and then going over the whole thing again from the sequence to make your "fine cut" adjustments.

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    Adobe, please take note of how FCPX does multicam editing, for example:
    auto syncing using audio (i.e. free integrated Plural Eyes software functionality)
    Timeline and Program Monitor integration (i.e. pressing play in the Timeline/Program Monitor also plays video angles in the Multicam window and vice versa, not either or as is currently the case in CS6)
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    Please add this to PP!
    Thank you!

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    Turns out that was EXACTLY the problem --- I kept looking around and finally discovered the problem was that I was NOT in a project (although I thought I was).
    Nevertheless, thank you for responding.

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    I'm not aware of any way to do this. You might want to invest in a battery case if this is a problem for you; our users here all have them.
    Please submit your feature request to Apple at this link:; I agree it's a good idea.

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    The "Roll" tool. Click between 2 clips and roll the edit left or right.

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    Does any of this help?
    System Info:
    Drives: (1 of 2)
    Drives: (2 of 2)

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    I think you're selecting clips in the timeline… not in the browser, which is where you need to work when you create multi clips. .

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    I already tried. Doesn't help.
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    The problem is very likely coming from the fact that FCP doesn't support h.264. It's a delivery format, not an editing format.
    You'd be much better off transcoding these files to a supported editing format such as DV then creating the multiclips.
    Message was edited by: Jerry Hofmann

  • Premiere pro cs6 multicam editing

    hI all!
    How can I do a Premiere Pro cs6 multicam editing when there is a "audio only" clip too? for exemple when there is an external service audio recording?
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    thank you all.

    You can always do things the original (and often better) way.

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    CS6 does add an additional method of creating a multicam sequence, but the old method there from the beginning still works just fine.

  • Multicam Editing in Premiere CC Issue

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    ........ any help?

    Seems like this thread is the same issue just in different words:
    Sadly, I found out the hard way. I'm another lost soul that was bit by this bug. And on my first day of editing with Premiere Pro CC after using CS6 since last fall. Day one and I already have to shelve the new software til it's fixed. So sad. Makes me really wonder actually how this was never caught and solved in all the time leading up to the release given that if you make any adjustments to your multicam that rewrite any previous multicam edits, then save and reopen the project the issue pops up. Seems like a pretty huge bug to look over or miss.  If it was "known" then how can you justify releasing it? It essentially cripples this feature rendering it almost useless.
    The bug occurs whenver you go back and "re-edit" or "re-write" in hit play and make new cuts as it plays OVER previous edits that you made on a multicam sequence. Simply start any multicam edit, make a few cuts. Stop...go back a bit and hit play and redo some of those cuts in the multicam window (which will overwrite the previous cuts you made). Now save, close and reopen...and there you have a screwed up sequence just like the above videos show.
    This is very disappointing. Multicam is broken in Premiere Pro...again. Sad.
    Mark Mapes wrote:
    edited: As a workaround, after saving and closing an edited multicam sequence, we recommend making subsequent edits through the Timeline rather than the Program Monitor's Mullticam mode.
    The caveat here is you must NEVER re-do ANY of your previous edits before you EVER save and close. So if you stop a multicam midway (even on your first time throught it) and decide you want to re-do the previous edits, DO NOT DO IT using the program monitor's multicam window. You now have to use the rolling edit tool to adjust your previous cuts. If you go back, hit play and write over any previous edits the way you're "supposed to" using the multicam window then you're screwed upon reopening your project. This is gonna be fun to see how long it takes for Adobe to fix their broken editing program.

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    The best way is to have your co-workers download the free QuickTime Player for Windows.
    Better yet, have your boss watch it on QTfW and send an email out telling everybody else to watch it.
    Message was edited by: AppleMan1958

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