Multicamera setup: Why shoot at the same aperture

Back in film school, they told us to always shoot using the same aperture across all cameras (in a multicamera setup). In editing, this would give a similar image quality across all cameras.
Its been bugging me for a long time, but is this logic correct? And if so, why? Is it because all cameras will have similar DOP?

you mean DOF (depth of field) I presume but that would only work if all cameras had lenses with the same focal length and it would be a really weird stylistic choice.
It's more useful in that it means that the exposure levels are consistent across all cameras. However, precisely in order to mess with DOF the DP might decide to ND one of the cameras and open up the iris. This may end up meaning that the exposure varies slightly between cams but that's what grading's for.

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    For each project you want to work on, CTRL + Click the project and "Export -> Project as new library". These new temporary libraries can be moved to your MacBook for working on.
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  • How to create a cube/ods/infoobjects etc..and also  why to create the same

    Dear Friends
    how to create a cube/ods/infoobjects etc..and also  why to create the same objects.
    thanks & Regards

    Hi Friend,
    Creating Infoobjects
    1. Go to RSA1 -> Modelling tab.
    2. Click on Infobjects.
    3. Create a new Infoarea.
    4. Now create Infoobject Catalog for Characterstics and Key Figures.
    5. Now create Char Infoobject under Char Catalog and Key figure Infoobject under Key Figure catalog.
    Creating Cubes:
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    2. Select the type of cube you wish to create and comnfirm your selections.
    3. The next screen is where you actually define the cube.
    4. Now you will notice the difference.
    5. Place your cursur on key fig and right click and chose infio object direct input; chose your key fig for the cube.
    6. Similarly for the dimension; right click the dimension and chose inbfo object direct input, chose your chars and out them in dimension.
    7. Activate the cube.
    Creating a ODS is also the same.(in step 1 choose create ODS)
    Creating Multicube/Multiprovider
    1. Right click the info area - chose create multi provider.
    2. select the cubes , DSOs, info objects that you need for the multi provider.
    3. On the right side of the screen, you will see all the objects that you selected and open the key fig and dimension and drag the ones you need to define the multi provider.
    4. Identify the chars and key figs.
    5. Acvitate the mullti provider.
    Why we create them ?
    Infobjects : They are fields in R/3. As we require fields in R/3 tables we require infoobjects in BI.
    ODS : This actually is like a table in R/3.
    Cube : This contain the Key figures.(e.g Sales quantity, Amount etc)
    Hope it helps.
    Hemant Khemani

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    Nano comes with flash memory and Video with micro drive.
    Tiny is beautiful but expensive.

  • Why I need the same pof conf on client+srver if Coherence is used as cache?

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    Hi Dominique,
    user4947403 wrote:
    Hi Robert,
    robvarga wrote:
    Hi Dominique,
    Coherence does not know what you will do with the data. It has to assume that you may want to send an entry-processor or entry aggregator or query the items with a filter, or you may simply want to get the item from the cache WITHIN the cluster not only via Extend. imho, I feel it as counter-intuitive.
    I have expected something like: as far as no EP is run, no pof config is searched+if no pof config exists in order to deserialize when needed, raise an exception.
    1. There is no such thing as no config. If you don't specify an explicit configuration, default configuration is used, which (depending on whether POF is globally enabled or not) is either a DefaultSerializer, or a ConfigurablePofContext loading stuff from pof-config.xml.
    2. If some data travels across the proxy connection, it has to travel in the serialization format configured for the proxy service. If you put data into a cache, it has to travel on the network in the serialization format configured for the cache service of the cache. Period.
    If this rule was not followed, Coherence would not know what serialization format any piece of data has. Therefore as mentioned below, if the proxy service serialization configuration differs from the cache service serialization configuration, data has to be de- and reserialized on the proxy.
    Again, imagine the case if your logic were followed: Just because you used some service to put data into the cache, Coherence cannot know that you will use the same service to get the data back. If some code inside the cluster tried to deserialize it, it would fail as it has no idea, that it was serialized with the proxy serialization format. It actually doesn't even have an idea that the data came from the proxy, or even that there is a proxy. Also, if you used some other code to put data into the cache which is not coming via the proxy, you would have another piece of data sitting in the cache which was not serialized by the proxy serialization format. If you tried to retrieve that via the TCP*Extend, you could not deserialize it on the client as it is not in the serialization format used by the proxy. Moreover, the client does not even have any chance of even knowing what it was serialized with as the client does not even see the serialization configuration of services inside the cluster.
    Because of this it has to ensure that it can deserialize it with the serializer configured for the cache service within the cluster, so not with the one used for TCP*Extend.Well, in my case, my client is a cluster node+localstorage=false => are the explanations you wrote ok for this case too ?
    It does not matter how your cluster looks like at the moment when you consider consistency checks. Nothing prevents you to start another cluster node, therefore Coherence cannot be lenient in the service configuration consistency checks just before .
    By the way, if you have only a single storage-disabled cluster node (and that means that no cache server node is running) and you tried to put something into a distributed cache then if the serialization error did not happen because you have correct configuration, then you would have received a Storage not configured error instead, as no cache server node is running to actually store your data.
    So if you did not get any errors, then you were either putting the data into a replicated cache where being storage-disabled is not relevant as that is a distributed cache setting, or you had a cache server node running or you only believed that the node was storage disabled.
    Best regards,

  • Need to setup AP's with the same SSID

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    Any info anyone can provide to help me out would be greatly appreceated.  Thanks in advance.
    Cisco Aironet 1140 AIR-LAP1141N-A-K9 Wireless Access Point

    Note that the part number you gave (AIR-LAP1141N-A-K9) requires a controller to operate.  That is because the OS on it is a lightweight image.  If you already have the APs, they can be converted to autonomous mode per the instructions at  If you haven't yet ordered them, use AIR-AP1141N-A-K9.  (Or,use 1142 if you want both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz radios.)
    And, yes, if you configure both APs with the same SSID and the same encryption/authentication, clients will be able to connect to both without changing their parameters.  Whether or not they roam properly is dependent on how close the APs are to one another and how well the individual clients roam.

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    No, you're not charged twice. Look in your purchase history if you don't believe.
    The SD is a lower-res copy in case you have an iPod you want to watch it on.

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    this is crazy. I have different folder for the domais and avery time I want to open one of them, it opens always the same domain. After I upgraded to OS X 10.8.2 I do not know... did they change the way iWeb works?

    In Lion and Mountain Lion the Home/Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
    To open your domain file in Lion or Mountain Lion or to switch between multiple domain files Cyclosaurus has provided us with the following script that you can make into an Applescript application with Script Editor. Open Script Editor, copy and paste the script below into Script Editor's window and save as an application.
    do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults write iWebDefaultsDocumentPath -boolean no"delay 1
    tell application "iWeb" to activate
    You can download an already compiled version with this link: iWeb Switch Domain.
    Just launch the application, find and select the domain file in your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder that you want to open and it will open with iWeb. It modifies the iWeb preference file each time it's launched so one can switch between domain files.
    WARNING: iWeb Switch Domain will overwrite an existing Domain.sites2 file if you select to create a new domain in the same folder.  So rename your domain files once they've been created to something other than the default name.

  • Why two of the same folder?

    I'm getting two of the same folders somehow and I don't know how to fix it.
    Take a look:
    What you are seeing is two of the same folder showing up in LR, but their files within each are different.  How can I combine these folders so that they correctly show the architecture of my hard drive as one folder?
    Additionally, how do I prevent this in the future?
    Thank you,

    I'm doing something wrong and I don't know what it could possibly be as I seem to be following your instructions very closely.  Here are your instructions with my questions in Red:
    How to consolidate:
    "Add Parent Folder" on all the folders to be consolidated, so you end up with as few top level folders as possible So, on both sets of "2010" I right click and hit Add Parent Folder so now they both have "Lightroom" as the parent folder
    On all of the top level folders under a "non strategic" drive, choose "Update Folder Location ..."
    Navigate  to the folder on the network share through the path which you want to  use in the future (one of the three described above) After I right click, I only have one option... to navigate in my Mac Finder to where the "Lightroom" (Parent) folder is
    Now LR will  (rightly so) tell you that the selected folder already exists in LR and  asks you whether you want to combine the two folders
    After I do all of the above things don't go exactly as planned.  Do you know if your method only works for PC's?  Does anyone know of a Mac solution that will work without disturbing the metdata and image changes?

  • Why I got the same reslults whether the Bluetooth adaptor plug or not?

    I am trying to make communication from USB Bluetooth adaptor on my laptop to other Bluetooth device on J2ME environment, but after I finished the java code, and there is a problem, the laptop cannot detect any Bluetooth device. I am not sure which part I should change.
    1) When I install the Bluetooth adaptor, I select com 4 as service port, but I did nothing with this in my Java code.
    2) My developing environment is: Eclipse 3.2, JDK 1.5, WTK 2.5, J2ME , and my main program is Midlet program.
    The following is my code; anybody can give me some suggestions.
    And the running result is :
    Running with storage root temp.MediaControlSkin21
    Running with locale: English_United States.1252
    Device Bluetooth Address: 0000000DECAF
    Starting device inquiry...
    no device found
    and the big question is whether I plug the Bluetooth adaptor or not, the program always get the same result?!! And I never made any code to get the �Device Bluetooth Address: 0000000DECAF�, what is this address? I even did not plug the Bluetooth adaptor~~!!!
    import javax.bluetooth.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class BTConnector implements Runnable, DiscoveryListener {
    private javax.bluetooth.UUID uuidSet[] = {new javax.bluetooth.UUID(0x1101)};
    RemoteDevice remoteDevice;
    try {
    // create/get a local device and discovery agent
    LocalDevice localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice();
    discoveryAgent = localDevice.getDiscoveryAgent();
    System.out.println("Starting device inquiry...");
    discoveryAgent.startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, this);
    transactionID = discoveryAgent.searchServices(null, uuidSet, remoteDevice,this);
    // Searsh for services on the remote bt device.
    catch(BluetoothStateException exp){}
    public void doDiscoverService (RemoteDevice remote){
    // Called if a remote btDevice is found
    public void deviceDiscovered(RemoteDevice btDevice, DeviceClass cod) {
    deviceNames[index] = btDevice.getFriendlyName(false); System.out.println(index + " : " + deviceNames[index]);
    devices.addElement(btDevice); //
    }catch(Exception e){
    public void inquiryCompleted(int discType){
         if (devices.size()==0) {System.out.println("no device found");}
         else {
    public void servicesDiscovered(int transID, ServiceRecord[] servRecord) {
         if (servRecord.length==0);      
    public void serviceSearchCompleted(int transID, int respCode) {

    Can you read dates? Take a look at when this thread was started.
    Make sure that javax.bluetooth is on your computer, and is included in the Classpath.
    And please don't resurrect any more long dead threads. You are welcome to start one of your own.

  • Setup mySQL and access the same from jsp

    I have installed the MySQL in local desktop in d: drive. As per the documentation, have created my.cnf file to point sql directory in d drive.
    Now I dont know how to proceed further. I need to see if MySQL installation is fine, create table and access the data in jsp page. Please advice.
    Thanks in advance.

    For MySQL help try a MySQL forum.
    For connecting to the database, use JDBC. You can get the MySQL JDBC driver from
    From there just follow standard java database connection setup.

  • If Apple stamps their apps with apple ID's, why not do the same to songs?

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    Apps were created specifically for the App Store, which is owned and managed by Apple.
    Songs are the property of those record companies or artists that recorded them, completely separate from the iTunes Store. Apple simply has contracts with those companies that allow for the distribution of those songs. You can sort of think about how you can find song downloads all over the internet and in things like Frostwire, but you'll never find Apps in there.

Maybe you are looking for