Multicast on PXI using multiple PXI-8231s

I am seeing some very weird behavior when trying to use multicast on my
PXI chassis. The chassis contains two PXI-8231 Ethernet modules. I
would like to send multicast messages out the two different modules. I
used the write only Open UDP Multicast vi, passing in the individual
net addresses for the two different cards. Both ports seem to open ok,
but when I go to send traffic... instead of appearing on both network
cards, all the data is sent out the same card. Changing the data for
the second card to a different multicast group did not remedy the
Any suggestions?

I have some additional questions for you to help troubleshoot this issue. Can you confirm that both cards work individually? If you remove one of the cards, can you send out data from the other card? This will help confirm that the network settings and the hardware are working correctly.
What operating system are you using? Below is a link that describes how to use two network cards in a Real Time application.
From other discussion forums, it looks like the network card that the application uses will be controlled by the operating system.
Please let me know if you have any questions about this. Have a great afternoon!
Missy S.
Calibration Engineer
National Instruments

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    hello jcao,
    I have adressed your questions individually below:
    1. bi-directional examples can be found in two locations Hardware Input and Output >> Modular Instruments >> Demos >> Dynamic Acquisition and Generation and Hardware Input and Output >> Modular Instruments >> Dynamic Acquisition and Generation >> Stimulus and Response Load from HWS . Both of these examples utilize the bi-directional functionality of our HSDIO cards.
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    3. The  "Multi-Device dynamic generation and acquisition" example VI is the best to follow for syncing across multiple HSDIO devices. The examples use TCLK which is the recomended syncing method. I have also provided a link explaining TClk a little more thoroughly.
    National Instruments | AWR Group

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    Yes, Adobe Send.
    Unfortunately, it is NOT spelled out on the page where you enter email addresses of recipients, nor is it revealed if you click on the question mark box by email address.
    Frank Schmalleger, Ph.D.
    Distinguished Professor Emeritus
    The University of North Carolina
    Amazon Author Page:
    Mailing Address:
    Ste 203-332
    4300 S. U.S. Hwy 1
    Jupiter, FL 33477
    Ph. 561.225.1760

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    Message was edited by: AppleMan1958

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    Hey Eric,
    Thanks for taking the time. Unfortunately no that does not solve it. Same as swipe it will get me there and it will show separate programs spaced out. The issue I am having is that all my open word files are bunched up in a pile on top of each other. I can see the edges of each one but I want them to be separated from each other enough that I can visually identify what file is what.
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    in (select 'is null' 'C','C','C','C','C','C','C','C' from dual)
    which doesn't work.
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    select stat.personal_id, appt.username, appt.password, apps.rgn_apt_id, apps.apy_apn_id
    from apy_ast_application_status stat, rgn_usr_user appt, rgn_aps_applications apps
    where stat.apy_apn_id = apps.rgn_apt_id
    and apps.rgn_apt_id = appt.rgn_apt_id
    and stat.application_completed is null
    and stat.application_started_date > '01-MAY-11'
    and stat.amount_paid is null
    and (stat.personal_details, stat.further_details,,
    stat.employment, stat.personal_statement, stat.choices, stat.reference, stat.student_finance)
    in (select 'C','C','C','C','C','C','C','C' from dual)
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    Hi There,
    I have had the exact same issue but with a projector.
    The issue lies with Mountian Lion 10.8.2.
    I tried many a combination with no luck to get HDMI working.
    Took my mac into the apple store and came to the conclusion it was the software, so I asked them to install 10.8 onto it (this is destructive so a backup is a must)
    Bought my macbook home and voila, now displaying through my projector.
    There is a small graphics update after 10.8.1 which seems to be the cause.
    Hope this helps.

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    Why do you have 3 Apple IDs?
    Apple IDs cannot be merged and items bought with one Apple ID cannot be transfered to another. A computer can only be associated with one Apple ID every 90 days for automatic downloads, re-downloading of past purchases or iTunes Match. There is no getting around this restriction.
    One computer can be autorized to play content purchased with multiple Apple IDs, though.
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