Multiplayer Applet Game I made

Hey Everyone. I made an online 2 player head to head picture puzzle game which I call Jeuno Jumble.
It's a lot of fun and it runs really smoothly by my standards. I'm looking for people to give it a try and possibly provide feedback on design or technical issues that may arise.
Here's the link:
Thanks for your help and I hope to see you in the game room.

Humm.. I visited your link and got the message "Applet crashed."
This is from the Java console (Opera, JavaScript disabled) access denied ( connect,resolve)
     at Source)
     at Source)
     at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
     at com.opera.AppletContext.checkConnect(
     at com.opera.AppletContext.getAudioClip(
     at java.applet.Applet.getAudioClip(Unknown Source)
     at java.applet.Applet.getAudioClip(Unknown Source)
     at JeunoJumbleLobby.init(
     at com.opera.AppletPanel.runHandlerThread(
     at Source)Well it just might be because of a corporate firewall.

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    What would be the best way to make a multiplayer online game? I know how to create a game using an applet. Do I need to use a servlet? I know nothing about comunicating across the internet using java. Thanks.

    no you dont need a servlet, nor an applet.. just write it. you choose servet vs. applet vs app when you ask 'how do i want them to get it?" then that helps you decide limitations of the game..
    do you mind them dl'ing a client manually?
    do you want it put into a web page for auto download?
    do you want it to be a web page? (sorta dull dont ya think? click right to go right, click left arrow to go left.. reminds me of wumpus hunting!)
    so, then you need to figure out how to communicate over a wire... advanced java networks is a good book for that.. gives a good smattering of rmi, corba, sockets, etc etc..
    so once you realize sockets is the answer then go look at, and what not.. follow the tutorials.. ask some questions along the way and walla.. you have a simpel client/server.. after that, start writing your game.

  • What do you think of my applet game

    Over the last couple days, I made a java applet game. It is all complete except for the highscores. I am planning on doing some sort of global highscores and since I have little experience with internet programming, it is going to take a little while.
    Let me know what you think!

    First of all I wanted to say that I like the game but I still think there is room to improve.
    To begin with yes, I think you've got way to many circles going in the start.
    If you had maybe 7 circles with higher speed I would think it more of a challenge or do as turingpest says and ramp up the number of circles.
    When I click the mouse button everything stops for a maybe 250 msec and then jumps to a new location, while it makes it more difficult I though it mainly annoying.
    One thing I would like to see in the game is if you remove the white corners of the circles and makes them explode in the color that they are.
    Adding sound would greatly benefit the game.
    Another thing that TuringPest points out, try making a credits part or something where you show any info about yourself.
    Another idea would be to give the circles different scores and when you've got enough score and accuracy you reach a new level.
    Something in the manner of adding time to the bar when you hit a circle and remove when you miss might be fun and as the difficulty increases you lose time faster.
    That's about what I can think of right now, but as I said, I actually enjoyed playing it :P

  • Applet game question , plz take a look

    Which is the most common method when u have an applet game and you want to paint/print things on the screen, do i use the normal paint method?
    like this:
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
    //etc etc...
    } I don't know any other way so please tell me which is the most common way. And which alternatives there are.
    Thanks in advance.
    By the way, here is one game i made using the way i showed aboveEdited by: javaguy387 on Nov 20, 2007 8:19 AM
    Edited by: javaguy387 on Nov 20, 2007 8:27 AM
    Edited by: javaguy387 on Nov 20, 2007 8:28 AM

    Active rendering is when you actively decide when to render (draw) things.
    No, I don't have any current samples, and if I gave them to you it'd be because I used the wonderful "Search Forums" box on the left sidebar, or google. I suggest you learn to do the same or you won't get very far. Good luck with your work.

  • Applet Game Programming - player movement

    HI Java Experts,
    I have a very simple question applet game programming - jdk 1.02.
    Let's say you have a player on the applet window. He can move right and left.
    Naturally you have an image representing the player. When the player moves left you present an image loop with him running left. And vice versa for running right.
    Of course when he stops moving you just want to show a still image.
    What do you guys feel is the best technique for that situation ?

    Hi Thanks for the advice.
    I'm under the impression that if I used jdk1.4
    everybody who wanted to play the game would have to go
    through the trouble of downloading something . If
    that is so, then i would like to stick with 1.02 to
    have the widest possible audience.Use Java Web Start to deploy it as an application instead of an Applet. If your program is really cool, people will download the JDK 1.4 to use it. Then we will have more java users in the world :)
    By the way i have a URL perhaps someone could look > at the source code and give additional suggestions
    you can make sonic the hedge hog run and jump
    That code has some good points. I like the nice object oriented flow of it. However, the way he sets up the Thread is all wrong. He uses yield and sleep, you would want to set up this using wait() and notifyAll() calls if you want to make it more interesting.
    Right now i'm trying to address the issue of how to
    reverse the image for when the player is running the
    opposite way -- ? perhaps a separate thread in 1.02
    might be an answer? I would be glad to hear all kinds
    of suggestions on the sample code seen thereYou shouldn't need a separate thread just to reverse the image. If your little guy is already in his own thread, just switch the image that is displayed when the player hits the opposite direction key.
    Think of threads like puppets, and you are the puppet master. Your little guys is a puppet, so he should be in his own thread. You can make him do whatever you want from your thread (the master) by pulling strings (changing globals, and message passing)
    Wow... Thats a really good analogy... I just thought that up :)

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    Components and windows in java have setVisible(boolean) methods. You can hide them by calling setVisible(false). Later you can make them visible again by calling setVisible(true).

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    I have an online multiplayer flash chess game based on FMS
    SharedObject/Audio/Video. You may have a look at
    But I can't send you the code because there are more than 20
    thousand lines in more than 20 .fla and .as files.
    You may try to play a game between at least two computers.
    Have fun!

  • Looking beginner applet game programmer

    Hi people. Iam quite new to java and currently learning stuff about how to program java games in an applet. So iam looking for a partner to start a little game/project together and hopefully we can learn stuff of each other and get a half decent game at the end aswell. I only really have 1 requirement.
    Please know atleast the fundementals of applet game programming
    Other information
    Age : 16
    Location : UnitedKingdom
    Chat : MSN Messenger
    Please get in contact with me through e-mail or MSN Chat. e-mail is : [email protected]
    Thanks alot.

    The age/location aren't requirements--the OP is describing himself.Yes, I think it's a bit too early in the day for my attempt at humor:);)
    kindly apologizing
    walkenNo need to apologize. Your humor is always welcome. If this is too early, I'd hate to see what's too late. ;)

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    Like it use the bluetooth and you connect to it.
    Like the quiz is to answer 0-20 on german and when you click check it will send the answer to the other phone. Like if my mom have it and says whats wrong and right you know. It would be neat if you did help me!
    Thanks, Sander over here!
    In ActionScript 3 to Air for IOS.

    multiplayer games are for advanced programmers.
    the easiest way to start multiplayer gaming with flash is it use adobe's rtmfp peer-to-peer connections.  here's an excerpt from a book (Flash Game Development: In a Social, Mobile and 3D World) i wrote:
    Multiplayer Games
    With multiplayer games data needs to be communicated among the players.  When a player makes a move (changing the game state) the updated game state needs to be communicated to all the other players. In addition, that communication needs to occur in a timely manner. 
    With turn based games (like card games) that communication among players can take as long as few seconds without degrading the game experience. With real time games (like shooter games), even a 250 millisecond delay in communicating game state leads to a significantly degraded player experience. Consequently, real time multiplayer games require substantial expertise to successfully develop and deploy.
    There are two fundamentally different ways that communication among players can be accomplished. Players can communicate via a server (server based games) or they can communicate directly from player to player (peer-to-peer) games.
    Server Based Multiplayer Games
    Generally, the code in each player’s Flash game handles the player’s input, transmits player data to the server, receives other players' data and displays the game state. The server receives player data, validates the data, updates and maintains game state and transmits each player’s data to the other players.
    The code used on the server cannot be ActionScript so you will need to learn a server-side coding language like php or c#.  Server-side coding is beyond the scope of this book so I will not cover server based multiplayer games except to say you need to have advanced coding skills in, at least, two languages (ActionScript and a server-side language) to create these game types.
    Peer-to-peer games
    Since Flash player 10, you can create multiplayer games without the need of an intermediary server to facilitate player communication.  The Flash player can use a protocol (Adobe's Real-Time Media Flow Protocol) that allows direct peer-to-peer communication.
    Instead of using server-side code to handle the game logic and coordinate game state among players, each peer in the network handles their own game logic and game state and communicates that directly to their peers and each peer updates their game state based on the data received from others.
    To use peer-to-peer networking each peer must connect with an Adobe server.  Peer-to-peer communication does not go through that server (or it that would not be peer-to-peer) but peers must stay connected with the Adobe server in order to communicate with each other.
    To communicate with the Adobe server you should use your own server URL and developer key. That URL and key can be obtained at

  • How to create a turn-based multiplayer online game?

    Hello. This is my first time here. I am familiar with programming games and have been doing so for 20 years. However, I'm completely new to using Java to do so. In the past, I wrote games in BASIC, Blitz, and C++ using DirectX. Being familiar with C/C++, the Java language syntax is not a hurdle for me.
    I've never created a networking game, but I feel that if I tried to create one using one of the programming languages I already know that I would succeed at doing so. (I'm just trying to show that I feel confident in programming with the languages that i know)
    The dilemma here is that someone else would like me to program a turn'based multiplayer game for them in Java.
    I've downloaded the NetBeans 4.1 IDE and uncovered a lot of terms and such that I'm unfamiliar with.
    What I'm looking for from you guys is an overview of what I need to do to achieve my ultimate goal of creating this online game.
    As a reference, I need to create a game very similar to this one:
    Click on the "Launch Game: Tactics Arena Online" link to see the game.
    Create a new account to play (accounts are free).
    Upon starting the NetBeans IDE, I found that I could create several different types of projects. I guess first of all, I need to know what kind of project is best suited to make this type of game.
    To name a few, I have to select from:
    Java Application
    Java Class Library (is this an Applet?)
    Web Application
    Enterprise Application
    EJB Module
    Then I guess I would like to know if any of the above projects would be used to make the clients interface or the server side software or both? Or do I need to use some other kind of software/programming language/etc. to create the server side? (As a side note, typically what kind of Operating system would the server be using? I ask because I may set one up myself for testing purposes.)
    Somewhere I came upon the term 'Servlet'. Is this some kind of Java server application? Do I need/want to be using this?
    As you can see, I'm very lost at where to begin. I'm not at all unfamiliar with programming. I'm just unfamiliar with Java.

    Hi WolRon
    I am in the process of learning Java myself and from what i have read, you have a long road ahead of you!
    To start this Project the following will be essential for you to know:
    Applets - if this is going to an online game
    Multiple Threads - for the Server side
    Swing - for the GUI on both sides
    AWT - help work with the user input (mouseListeners, buttonListeners, etc)
    And knowledge of a database.
    those are the most obvious things that you will need to understand.
    I strongly suggest buying a Java book from which you need to start at the beginning. Although the concept of OOP is the same through most languages Java has terms - as do all languages- that will be different from the other languages. Starting at the beginning will be beneficial to your Java coding future.
    Good luck.

  • Time delay in a applet game

    J have a game in an applet but I am not so fast in my fingers so I want to slow the game dowm. I therefor thought of taking the class file home and decompile it. Is there an other wayThe game is an sokoban with 400 steps and a time limit. The problem is that it easy to forget the move if you dont have the needed time.
    Hopefully someone helps me with this for me big problem
    Regards Bengt

    Hi When I turn off my computer and turn oi on again it still works. I have seen i the HTML what the name is and and if I cange the name I cant get it workning so it must be right.
    Still the question remain, no class file. Have you tested to get an applet on your computer and get it working and seach for the class.file. It must be the same for you.
    I think about the secutity. Perhaps one is not allow to dowmnload class file, because then author can prove the author have made it? But how can the thing work without the executable file class-file.
    DIV align=center><APPLET code=Triplets.class vspace=10 align=middle
    width=530 height=380
    alt="This program requires a Java-enabled web browser."><PARAM NAME="bgColor" VALUE="000000"><PARAM NAME="title" VALUE="TRIPLETS"><PARAM NAME="newGame" VALUE="NEW GAME"><PARAM NAME="level" VALUE="LEVEL"><PARAM NAME="beginner" VALUE="Beginner"><PARAM NAME="intermediate" VALUE="Intermediate"><PARAM NAME="expert" VALUE="Expert"><PARAM NAME="board" VALUE="BOARD"><PARAM NAME="bdWidth" VALUE="Width"><PARAM NAME="bdHeight" VALUE="Height"><PARAM NAME="board3" VALUE="3"><PARAM NAME="board4" VALUE="4"><PARAM NAME="board5" VALUE="5"><PARAM NAME="board6" VALUE="6"><PARAM NAME="board7" VALUE="7"><PARAM NAME="board8" VALUE="8"><PARAM NAME="board9" VALUE="9"><PARAM NAME="board10" VALUE="10"><PARAM NAME="board11" VALUE="11"><PARAM NAME="board12" VALUE="12"><PARAM NAME="playerFirst" VALUE="Player First"><PARAM NAME="yourMove" VALUE="Your move.."><PARAM NAME="thinking" VALUE="Thinking.."><PARAM NAME="playerWin" VALUE="You win !"><PARAM NAME="tripletWin" VALUE="Game Over !"><PARAM NAME="code" VALUE="Triplets.class"><PARAM NAME="vspace" VALUE="10"><PARAM NAME="align" VALUE="middle"><PARAM NAME="width" VALUE="530"><PARAM NAME="height" VALUE="380"><PARAM NAME="alt" VALUE="This program requires a Java-enabled web browser."><PARAM NAME="codeBase" VALUE=""></APPLET></DIV></TD></TR>
    Regards Bengt

  • Best place to load Images in applet game

    Sorry for the double post but I just realised I originally posted this in completely the wrong forum!
    I have made a fairly basic game of 21/BlackJack and was wondering where the best place to load the card Images is/was...
    Currently I am loading the images into an Image[ ] in the applet class, but was thinking maybe the loading should be done in the deck or card class?
    In the applet class I use an ordered version of the deck to assign the cards in the image[ ], then to call an image I generate an index number based on the current cards value and suit....
    However this method means I have to create an instance of the deck in the main program, whereas before I had it as a private member of the dealer class, so only the dealer could access it (which seems "safer", no?)
    So would a better idea be to have a loadImage() method in the deck class, which populates an Image[ ] with the cards and pass this to the main program?

    Loading images is slow so you only want to do it once... maybe when you generate the deck ... and "image" is definately an attribute of the card, yes... I'd actually implement the loadImage() as a method in the card class so set a private image variable... and then get the the dealer to call the loadImage method for each card as "he" builds the deck.
    But that's just how I would do it... and I'm no guru so don't take it as gospel... I'd be surprised if there wasn't atleast one "purer" way of doing it.

  • First Applet Game

    I was trying to write snake. After discovering the Timer class, i was able to get the snake to move properly. However, i cant get it to turn. I think I did something wrong with the key listener.
    import javax.swing.Timer;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Snake extends Applet implements KeyListener
        private int length,dir; //for dir, 2=down, 4=left, 8=up, 6=right
        private int[] snakeX=new int[99];
        private int[] snakeY=new int[99];
        public void init()
            for (int c=0;c<length;c++)
         * Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this Applet that it
         * should start its execution. It is called after the init method and
         * each time the Applet is revisited in a Web page.
        public void start()
            int delay = 1000; //milliseconds
            ActionListener taskPerformer = new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
             new Timer(delay, taskPerformer).start();
        public void update(Graphics g) {
            // Redefine update so it doesn't erase the applet before calling
            // paint().
         * This may be the most important method in your applet: Here, the
         * drawing of the applet gets done. "paint" gets called everytime the
         * applet should be drawn on the screen. So put the code here that
         * shows the applet.
         * @param  g   the Graphics object for this applet
        public void paint(Graphics g)
            g.fillRect(0, 0, 500, 500);
            for (int c=0;c<length;c++)
                g.fillRect(snakeX[c] ,snakeY[c], 20, 20);
         public void changeDir(int direction)
         public void keyTyped(KeyEvent evt) {
             int key = evt.getKeyCode();  // keyboard code for the key that was pressed
             if (key == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT)
             else if (key == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT)
             else if (key == KeyEvent.VK_UP)
             else if (key == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)
         public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
         public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {                       
        public void move()
            int x=snakeX[0];
            int y=snakeY[0];
            int xChange=0;
            int yChange=0;
            for (int c=length-1;c>0;c--)
            switch (dir)
                case 8: yChange=-20; break;
                case 4: xChange=-20; break;
                case 6: xChange=20; break;
                case 2: yChange=20; break;
        public boolean isAlive()
            if (snakeX[0]<0 || snakeX[0]>280 || snakeY[0]<0 || snakeY[0]>280)
                return false;
            for (int c=1;c<length;c++)
                if (snakeX[0]==snakeX[c] && snakeY[0]==snakeY[c])
                    return false;
            return true;
         * Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this Applet that
         * it should stop its execution. It is called when the Web page that
         * contains this Applet has been replaced by another page, and also
         * just before the Applet is to be destroyed. If you do not have any
         * resources that you need to release (such as threads that you may
         * want to stop) you can remove this method.
        public void stop()
            // provide any code that needs to be run when page
            // is replaced by another page or before Applet is destroyed
         * Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this Applet that it
         * is being reclaimed and that it should destroy any resources that it
         * has allocated. The stop method will always be called before destroy.
         * If you do not have any resources that you need to release you can
         * remove this method.
        public void destroy()
            // provide code to be run when Applet is about to be destroyed.
    }The Timer creates new thread. I think i need to get the Key Listener into that thread, but Im not sure how to. Please help me do this. (Btw, i know the delay is too long)

    this is the code, same with your code but keyTyped is moved to keyPressed, and it is an applet-application game
    if playing as applet, be sure to click in the applet area to have it focus
    and one thing, there's nothing wrong with the thread
    import javax.swing.Timer;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Snake extends Applet implements KeyListener{
         private int length,dir; //for dir, 2=down, 4=left, 8=up, 6=right
         private int[] snakeX=new int[99];
         private int[] snakeY=new int[99];
         public void init() {
              for (int c=0;c<length;c++) {
         public void start() {
              int delay = 1000; //milliseconds
              ActionListener taskPerformer = new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
              new Timer(delay, taskPerformer).start();
         public void update(Graphics g) {
              // Redefine update so it doesn't erase the applet before calling
              // paint().
         public void paint(Graphics g)    {
              g.fillRect(0, 0, 500, 500);
              for (int c=0;c<length;c++) {
                   g.fillRect(snakeX[c] ,snakeY[c], 20, 20);
         public void changeDir(int direction)     {
         public void keyTyped(KeyEvent evt) {
              // moved to keyPressed(KeyEvent) method
         public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { }
         public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
              int key = e.getKeyCode();   // keyboard code for the key that was pressed
              if (key == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
              } else if (key == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
              } else if (key == KeyEvent.VK_UP) {
              } else if (key == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) {
         public void move()    {
              int x=snakeX[0];
              int y=snakeY[0];
              int xChange=0;
              int yChange=0;
              for (int c=length-1;c>0;c--)        {
              switch (dir)        {
                   case 8: yChange=-20; break;
                   case 4: xChange=-20; break;
                   case 6: xChange=20; break;
                   case 2: yChange=20; break;
         public boolean isAlive()    {
              if (snakeX[0]<0 || snakeX[0]>280 || snakeY[0]<0 || snakeY[0]>280) {
                    return false;
              for (int c=1;c<length;c++) {
                   if (snakeX[0]==snakeX[c] && snakeY[0]==snakeY[c]) {
                        return false;
              return true;
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              Snake game = new Snake();
              Frame f = new Frame();
              f.setSize(500, 530);
    }and you might want to see this:

  • Preloading Data for Applet Game

    Hey all!
    I was wondering how I could go about preloading all of the images and sounds I use in my game (applet-form) before the user starts playing. It would be especially helpful to have a bar going across that would show the user their status.
    It would be even greater to allow the JAR files (I would assume) that hold this data to be cacheable on the user's computer, so they do not need to redownload the data every time they wish to play. This most likely will be a setting they have to choose, but I'm not sure if anything extra would be needed on my part to enable that capability for my users.
    I'm fairly advanced with Java; I simply cannot for the life of me figure out how to preload this data.
    Any links, resources or tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    1. Have the applet load (basically do nothing during construction, init, or run other than get a very basic applet loaded). Have a timer go off to trigger #2 after it is created so it at least loads and the user sees something. A custom class loader might be good, but I don't know anything about them.
    2. Then start a thread or threads to load the images and sounds. If you know what file sizes they are you can code a JProgressBar to keep track of how far along you are. (Annoying to maintain, but a good indication of what is left to load.)
    3. Definitely use a jar file to bundle everything. The JVM will cache the jar file if the user doesn't modify the defaults.
    The main problem with Javoids was that I didn't code it in a way so as to observe #1 and 2 above.
    Good luck in your project. I hope this gives you some ideas to help you on your project.

  • Online Multiplayer Table Game Framework

    I'm another person who is considering creating an online multiplayer java based game with a collection of different tables to which users can connect. This would be similar to the yahoo games or any of the online poker games.
    Does anyone know of a java framework for creating the server part for these types of games? I've looked but couldn't find any.

    You will probably have to build it from scratch. I suggest reading the Networking section of the Java Tutorial - .

Maybe you are looking for