Multiple Colums in a Single Row

Hi ,
I have a requirement as follows.
Table Test
Col1 Col2
Jim 200
Jack 300
Jon 400
I would require the output as follows
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6
Jim 200 Jack 300 Jon 400
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I tried like this......
create table ex_abc
as SELECT   'Jim' Col1, 200 Col2 FROM DUAL
                 UNION ALL
                 SELECT   'Jack', 300 FROM DUAL
                 UNION ALL
                 SELECT   'Jon', 400 FROM DUAL;
select * from   ex_abc;     
Col1 Col2
Jim 200
Jack 300
Jon 400
--Anonymous block
set serveroutput on
/* Formatted on 06/07/2013 1:58:47 PM (QP5 v5.126.903.23003) */
   v_String    VARCHAR2 (4000);
   v_String1   VARCHAR2 (4000);
   v_a         VARCHAR2 (4000);-- := 'Jack 300 Jim 200 Jon 400';
   v_count     NUMBER;
   SELECT   listagg (col1 || ' ' || col2, ' ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY col1)
     INTO   v_a
     FROM   ex_abc;
   SELECT   regexp_count (v_a, '[^ ]+') INTO v_count FROM DUAL;
   FOR i IN reverse 1 .. v_count
      v_String :=
            'SELECT regexp_substr('
         || ''''
         || v_a
         || ''''
         || ',''[^ ]+'',1,'
         || i
         || ')   FROM dual';
      v_String1 := '(' || v_String || ') col'||i||',' || v_String1;
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(   'select '
                        || SUBSTR (v_String1, 1, LENGTH (v_String1) - 1)
                        || ' from dual');
--A dynamic select query will be generated as below:
select (SELECT regexp_substr('Jack 300 Jim 200 Jon 400','[^ ]+',1,1)   FROM dual) col1,(SELECT regexp_substr('Jack 300 Jim 200 Jon 400','[^ ]+',1,2)   FROM dual) col2,(SELECT regexp_substr('Jack 300 Jim 200 Jon 400','[^ ]+',1,3)   FROM dual) col3,(SELECT regexp_substr('Jack 300 Jim 200 Jon 400','[^ ]+',1,4)   FROM dual) col4,(SELECT regexp_substr('Jack 300 Jim 200 Jon 400','[^ ]+',1,5)   FROM dual) col5,(SELECT regexp_substr('Jack 300 Jim 200 Jon 400','[^ ]+',1,6)   FROM dual) col6 from dual;
The output of above query is:
Col1          Col2             Col3         Col4         Col5          Col6
Jack     300     Jim     200     Jon     400Edited by: nkvkashyap on Jun 7, 2013 2:16 AM

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    v_lab_blob blob;
    v_lobamt binary_integer := 32767;
    v_lobpos pls_integer := 1;
    v_labrec labman.lab_testingdata%rowtype;
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    v_start_left number;
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    -- *** select the test name for shaded printing
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    -- *** select the test data for printing
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    -- *** test includes
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    Plpdf.PrintCell(25,5,'Test Includes:',0,0,'R',0,null,0);
    if dbms_lob.getlength(v_labrec.testincludes) > 32767 then
    v_buffer := '*** error - text is greater than 32k ***';
    v_lobamt := 32767;
    v_buffer := '';,v_lobamt,v_lobpos,v_buffer);
    end if;
    end if;
    -- *** special requirements
    Plpdf.PrintCell(25,5,'Special Requirements:',0,0,'R',0,null,0);
    if dbms_lob.getlength(v_labrec.specialrequirementss) > 32767 then
    v_buffer := '*** error - text is greater than 32k ***';
    elsif dbms_lob.getlength(v_labrec.specialrequirementss) = 0 then
    v_buffer := '';
    v_lobamt := 32767;
    v_buffer := '';,v_lobamt,v_lobpos,v_buffer);
    end if;
    end loop;
    -- store the PDF document
    delete from store_blob;
    INSERT INTO STORE_BLOB (blob_file, created_date)
    VALUES (v_lab_blob, SYSDATE);
    end test_lobs;

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    Thanks for your help!
    elsif dbms_lob.getlength(v_labrec.specialrequirementss) = 0
    or v_labrec.specialrequirementss is null then

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    Hi Varum,
    Sorry but I think I don't understand your requirement. Do you need see on the left of your gantt project structure?

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    thanks in advance.

    Thank you for the quick response.  Would rather stick in biztalk if possible.
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    set Middle = case when a.Rank_> b.Rank_ OR a.Middle IS NULL then ISNULL(b.Middle,a.Middle) end,
    LName = case when a.Rank_> b.Rank_ OR a.Lname IS NULL then ISNULL(b.LName,a.LName) end,
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    from #temp1 a
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    where b.T2_ID in (select top 100% T2_ID from #temp2 order by T2_ID asc)

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    insert into a temp table to update since the resulting row I need is the last in the table.
    ;WITH cteRowNumber
    Select DISTINCT
    Row_Number() OVER(PARTITION BY a.LName ORDER BY a.LName ASC, a.Rank_ DESC,b.T2ID ASC) AS RowNumber
    ,b.LName as xLname
    ,b.MName AS xMName
    ,b.Rank_ AS xRank
    FROM #temp1 a
    inner join #temp2 b
    ON a.fname = b.fname
    ), cteCursor
    Select a.RowNumber,
    ,CASE WHEN a.Rank_ >= a.xRank THEN ISNULL(a.xRank,a.Rank_) else ISNULL(a.Rank_,a.xRank) end AS Alt_Rank_
    ,CASE WHEN a.Rank_ >= a.xRank THEN ISNULL(a.xMName,a.MName) else ISNULL(a.MName,a.xMName) end AS Alt_MName
    ,CASE WHEN a.Rank_ >= a.xRank THEN ISNULL(a.xLName,a.lname) else ISNULL(a.LName,a.xlname) end as Alt_Lname
    FROM cteRowNumber a
    where a.RowNumber = 1
    Select crt.RowNumber
    ,CASE WHEN Prev.Alt_Rank_ >= crt.xRank THEN ISNULL(crt.xRank,Prev.Alt_Rank_) else ISNULL(Prev.Alt_Rank_,crt.xRank) end AS Alt_Rank
    ,CASE WHEN Prev.Alt_Rank_ >= crt.xRank THEN ISNULL(crt.xMName,Prev.Alt_MName) else ISNULL(Prev.Alt_MName,crt.xMName) end AS Alt_MName
    ,CASE WHEN Prev.Alt_Rank_ >= crt.xRank THEN ISNULL(crt.xLName,Prev.Alt_Lname) else ISNULL(Prev.Alt_Lname,crt.xLName) end as Alt_Lname
    FROM cteCursor prev
    inner join cteRowNumber crt
    on prev.fname = crt.fname and prev.RowNumber + 1 = crt.RowNumber
    SELECT cte.*
    FROM cteCursor cte

  • Multiple rows Converge to Single row and join

    Hi Folks,
    I am facing a tricky challenge to join a table with multiple rows and converge into a single row (based on ID, period) and join with another table to get a single row. Let me explain.
    Table 1: DTL_TABLE (id, period, course, names, title, type)
    1 2010 mat john null null
    1 2010 mat jim null null
    1 2010 cam null officer null
    1 2010 cam null Prof null
    1 2010 phy null null Inclass
    1 2010 phy null null Online
    Join with
    Table 2: ID_TABLE(id, period, Loc, Dept, Code)
    1 2010 nj 101 CC.
    Output format (id, period, course, names, title, type, Loc, Dept, Code)
    result : 1 2010 mat,cam,phy john,jim officer,prof inclass,online nj 101 CC
    I have created all the DDLs and DMLs if that help. Kindly let me know if a Join SQL query is possible.
    Thank you,
       ids      VARCHAR2 (10),
       period   VARCHAR2 (10),
       course   VARCHAR2 (10),
       names    VARCHAR2 (10),
       title    VARCHAR2 (10),
       TYPE     VARCHAR2 (10)
         VALUES ('1',
         VALUES ('1',
         VALUES ('1',
         VALUES ('1',
         VALUES ('1',
         VALUES ('1',
         VALUES ('1',
    CREATE TABLE id_table
       ids      VARCHAR2 (10),
       period   VARCHAR2 (10),
       loc      VARCHAR2 (10),
       dept     VARCHAR2 (10),
       code     VARCHAR2 (10)
    INSERT INTO id_table
         VALUES ('1',

    Aj09 wrote:
    Hi Folks,
    I am facing a tricky challenge to join a table with multiple rows and converge into a single row (based on ID, period) and join with another table to get a single row. Let me explain.
    Table 1: DTL_TABLE (id, period, course, names, title, type)
    1 2010 mat john null null
    1 2010 mat jim null null
    1 2010 cam null officer null
    1 2010 cam null Prof null
    1 2010 phy null null Inclass
    1 2010 phy null null Online
    Join with
    Table 2: ID_TABLE(id, period, Loc, Dept, Code)
    1 2010 nj 101 CC.
    Output format (id, period, course, names, title, type, Loc, Dept, Code)
    result : 1 2010 mat,cam,phy john,jim officer,prof inclass,online nj 101 CC
    I have created all the DDLs and DMLs if that help. Kindly let me know if a Join SQL query is possible.
           DTL_TABLE DTL
           AND TBL.PERIOD = DTL.PERIOD; it not good to use RESERVED WORDS like "ID" or "TYPE" as column names

  • Updating single row by multiple users at the same time

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    Please provide suggestion that is it the best way to handle the situation or not. If it is then can you also please provide an example (with sample code) of it.

    It depends entirely on how the system was built.
    You could relatively easily build an application that does something like
    - Select a row with as last_updated_date column
    - Update the row specifying the last_updated_date you had selected in your WHERE clause
    - If the update updates 1 row, it was successful, otherwise inform the user that the row was already updated.
    In this case, the second user would get an error indicating that the seat had already been purchased.
    You could also relatively easily do a SELECT FOR UPDATE to prevent users from ever getting an error between the time they select a seat and the time they finish their transaction. Of course, if the user wanders away from the computer, or inadvertently ends up locking dozens of rows, this tends to rather problematic in practice. You may find that when the train pulls out of the station, someone that never ended up buying a ticket has locked a dozen rows so you lost a dozen sales. If you have a call center where operators are reserving seats for people on the phone, you may decide that explicit locking is more appropriate because you're confident that the operators aren't going to leave tickets locked for long periods of time and the cost of having the customer walked through the seat selection process multiple times would be higher than the cost of having rows locked longer than they need to be.

  • Multiple pages that edit a single row

    I have searched on tabs and editing a single row using multiple pages and I am confused. I don't want to use java as I am trying to not learn that too...
    What I am trying to do sounds like it has been explained before but let me do this again...
    I have a record that is too large to fit on a single screen. This makes for a cumbersome entry process. The record is actually broken into four "logical" chunks. Main, Sub1, Sub2 and Sub3.
    I have made a list that will allow the record to be selected and call the first logical page... L1.
    I have made tabs that show all the pages and allow me to navigate between them quickly.
    When I get to L1 all the data is there. I may not change any data on that page and go directly to L2 through L4. However the record is not brought forward onto those pages. So the pages are not related (and I don't have the terminology right I know :) and I could "link" the pages. So here is what I would like the application to do;
    1. Display a list and allow the user to select the record to edit.
    2. Upon edit go to the first page (tab).. this works
    3. Allow the user to select a tab and the page displays the data for the record selected
    4. Allow the user to complete the edits and save the record. Upon save the user is returned to the list in step 1.
    I was thinking there are several ways to do it... but I was hoping someone could save me a bunch of trial and error (emphasis on the error) ...
    1. When navigating off the page save the record, pass the key and re-read the record... ugly huh?
    2. Pass all the session data for the record over to the next screen. Is that possible? e.g pxx_field1 = pyy_field1
    The the question was does a template with two level tabs keep the record data between tabs?
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    I think this works... kinda
    1. I have a "list" that allows the selection of the item to edit.
    2. That list opens a page that is the "header" page for a tab set.
    3. Each page in the tab set uses the same "ID" to read the record and display the columns. That is how it would work if the list called each individual page.
    4. I modified the "slave" tabs to have the "ID" of the "header" page.
    This displays the correct data on each page. And it looks like the "apply changes" button saves the changes on the page.
    Caveats inlclude (I think as I haven't done exhaustive testing"
    1. "apply changes" must be done at each page where there were changes or they would be lost.
    2. The first dispaly of the page is blank. Clicking on the tab a second time displays the data. This is true if it is the first time a user selects a record in a session (the "slave" tabs are blank) or if it is a subsequent record update (the "slave" tabs have the last records data.
    Thoughts... is this really boring to everyone but me?

  • Multiple rows in a single row.

    I want to know how can I store the values of multiple rowe in a single row.for an example..
    machine name    manchine no  frequency   month
    Lathe                  MOO1          yearly         jan
    Lathe                  MOO1          halfyearly   feb
    Lathe                  MOO1         weekly       march and so on
    I want this in a single row..
    like                        jan       feb             march
    Lathe       M001   yearly     halfyearly   weekly.
    and in a single row I want this as per the month specified .
    In my report I have 12 months distribution for each machine.

    Just make sure understand the scenario correctly. Would you like to store the row in DB like this:
    Lathe MOO1 yearly jan,feb,mar
    then you expect to show in the report like this:
    Lathe MOO1 yearly jan
    Lathe MOO1 yearly feb
    Lathe MOO1 yearly mar
    Yes, you can do it this way, but somehow break the 1st principle of DB schema design - Atomic
    Of course, you need to convert jan,feb,mar into list and display for each row.
    string monthStr = "jan,feb,mar";
    string [] months = monthStr.Split(",");
    Kind Regards

  • Merging Multiple Rows into a single Row

    I've read a number of posts with no real good answers or answers that might be good for tables with 3 columns of data. I have a table with 33 columns that will all need to be combined. A little history. Apparently in production the Primary Key Constraint
    was dropped which allowed some duplicate data into the table. Now they want me to squish the records together to fix it.
    Sorry I couldn't include the screen shot of the data, MSDN says my account isn't verified...
    My requirements when I'm putting them together, CERElibilityID is a unique column. This is a sticky problem because in the related tables it is only one of the parent records gets child records related to it.
     I just want to keep the one that has the child records in CERPrepActivity table. If there are no child records then the rule will be like all the other records with data. 
    If a  field is null and another record has data we take the record that has data.
    If multiple records have data we take the record that has the highest "ModifiedOn" timestamp column value.
    I feel like I'm asking a lot, but I'm in a bit of a bind and I've spent the morning Googling and have come up with nothing 
    Thank  you for any help the community can provide and the more specific you can be the better. I'm not a DBA or SQL guru by any stretch so I'm way out of my element.

    Using the systables, you can get information about your table. I put these together:
    SELECT '
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility ['']
    ON s.caseID = [''].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [''].modifiedOn
    AND [''].[''] = (SELECT TOP 1 [''] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [''] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [''].[''] IS NOT NULL'
    FROM tempdb.sys.objects o
    INNER JOIN tempdb.sys.columns c
    ON o.object_id = c.object_id
    AND LIKE '#CEREligibility%'
    SELECT '[''].[''] AS [''], '
    FROM tempdb.sys.objects o
    INNER JOIN tempdb.sys.columns c
    ON o.object_id = c.object_id
    AND LIKE '#CEREligibility%'
    On my test system I created your table as a temp table named #CEREligibility.
    The first of these two queries generates LEFT OUT JOIN SQL for a self join. Because we're using the columns systable, a LOJ for each column is generated.
    The second, produces a select list.
    Putting the two together like so, and adding a FROM and GROUP BY gives us:
    MAX([CEREligibilityId].[CEREligibilityId]) AS [CEREligibilityId], s.[CaseId], MAX([M2Eligibility].[M2Eligibility]) AS [M2Eligibility], MAX([CDREligibility].[CDREligibility]) AS [CDREligibility], MAX([M2Comments].[M2Comments]) AS [M2Comments], MAX([M2CommentsRtf].[M2CommentsRtf]) AS [M2CommentsRtf], MAX([CDRComments].[CDRComments]) AS [CDRComments], MAX([CDRCommentsRtf].[CDRCommentsRtf]) AS [CDRCommentsRtf], MAX([RIAWA].[RIAWA]) AS [RIAWA], MAX([RIAWADate].[RIAWADate]) AS [RIAWADate], MAX([EducationAndTraining].[EducationAndTraining]) AS [EducationAndTraining], MAX([EducationAndTrainingDate].[EducationAndTrainingDate]) AS [EducationAndTrainingDate], MAX([Internship].[Internship]) AS [Internship], MAX([InternshipDate].[InternshipDate]) AS [InternshipDate], MAX([Apprenticeship].[Apprenticeship]) AS [Apprenticeship], MAX([ApprenticeshipDate].[ApprenticeshipDate]) AS [ApprenticeshipDate], MAX([Entrepreneurship].[Entrepreneurship]) AS [Entrepreneurship], MAX([EntrepreneurshipDate].[EntrepreneurshipDate]) AS [EntrepreneurshipDate], MAX([EmploymentPrep].[EmploymentPrep]) AS [EmploymentPrep], MAX([EmploymentPrepDate].[EmploymentPrepDate]) AS [EmploymentPrepDate], MAX([OTPrep].[OTPrep]) AS [OTPrep], MAX([OTPrepDate].[OTPrepDate]) AS [OTPrepDate], MAX([ExitInterview].[ExitInterview]) AS [ExitInterview], MAX([ExitInterviewDate].[ExitInterviewDate]) AS [ExitInterviewDate], MAX([CreatedOn].[CreatedOn]) AS [CreatedOn], MAX([CreatedBy].[CreatedBy]) AS [CreatedBy], MAX([ModifiedOn].[ModifiedOn]) AS [ModifiedOn], MAX([ModifiedBy].[ModifiedBy]) AS [ModifiedBy], MAX([BCPermInEligibility].[BCPermInEligibility]) AS [BCPermInEligibility], MAX([CCPermInEligibility].[CCPermInEligibility]) AS [CCPermInEligibility], MAX([M2EligibilityDate].[M2EligibilityDate]) AS [M2EligibilityDate], MAX([CDREligibilityDate].[CDREligibilityDate]) AS [CDREligibilityDate], MAX([ExitSeparationCode].[ExitSeparationCode]) AS [ExitSeparationCode], MAX([ExitSeparationSubCode].[ExitSeparationSubCode]) AS [ExitSeparationSubCode]
    FROM #CEREligibility s
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [CEREligibilityId]
    ON s.caseID = [CEREligibilityId].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [CEREligibilityId].modifiedOn
    AND [CEREligibilityId].[CEREligibilityId] = (SELECT TOP 1 [CEREligibilityId] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [CEREligibilityId] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [CEREligibilityId].[CEREligibilityId] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [CaseId]
    ON s.caseID = [CaseId].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [CaseId].modifiedOn
    AND [CaseId].[CaseId] = (SELECT TOP 1 [CaseId] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [CaseId] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [CaseId].[CaseId] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [M2Eligibility]
    ON s.caseID = [M2Eligibility].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [M2Eligibility].modifiedOn
    AND [M2Eligibility].[M2Eligibility] = (SELECT TOP 1 [M2Eligibility] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [M2Eligibility] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [M2Eligibility].[M2Eligibility] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [CDREligibility]
    ON s.caseID = [CDREligibility].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [CDREligibility].modifiedOn
    AND [CDREligibility].[CDREligibility] = (SELECT TOP 1 [CDREligibility] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [CDREligibility] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [CDREligibility].[CDREligibility] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [M2Comments]
    ON s.caseID = [M2Comments].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [M2Comments].modifiedOn
    AND [M2Comments].[M2Comments] = (SELECT TOP 1 [M2Comments] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [M2Comments] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [M2Comments].[M2Comments] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [M2CommentsRtf]
    ON s.caseID = [M2CommentsRtf].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [M2CommentsRtf].modifiedOn
    AND [M2CommentsRtf].[M2CommentsRtf] = (SELECT TOP 1 [M2CommentsRtf] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [M2CommentsRtf] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [M2CommentsRtf].[M2CommentsRtf] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [CDRComments]
    ON s.caseID = [CDRComments].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [CDRComments].modifiedOn
    AND [CDRComments].[CDRComments] = (SELECT TOP 1 [CDRComments] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [CDRComments] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [CDRComments].[CDRComments] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [CDRCommentsRtf]
    ON s.caseID = [CDRCommentsRtf].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [CDRCommentsRtf].modifiedOn
    AND [CDRCommentsRtf].[CDRCommentsRtf] = (SELECT TOP 1 [CDRCommentsRtf] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [CDRCommentsRtf] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [CDRCommentsRtf].[CDRCommentsRtf] IS NOT NULL
    ON s.caseID = [RIAWA].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [RIAWA].modifiedOn
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [RIAWADate]
    ON s.caseID = [RIAWADate].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [RIAWADate].modifiedOn
    AND [RIAWADate].[RIAWADate] = (SELECT TOP 1 [RIAWADate] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [RIAWADate] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [EducationAndTraining]
    ON s.caseID = [EducationAndTraining].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [EducationAndTraining].modifiedOn
    AND [EducationAndTraining].[EducationAndTraining] = (SELECT TOP 1 [EducationAndTraining] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [EducationAndTraining] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [EducationAndTraining].[EducationAndTraining] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [EducationAndTrainingDate]
    ON s.caseID = [EducationAndTrainingDate].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [EducationAndTrainingDate].modifiedOn
    AND [EducationAndTrainingDate].[EducationAndTrainingDate] = (SELECT TOP 1 [EducationAndTrainingDate] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [EducationAndTrainingDate] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [EducationAndTrainingDate].[EducationAndTrainingDate] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [Internship]
    ON s.caseID = [Internship].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [Internship].modifiedOn
    AND [Internship].[Internship] = (SELECT TOP 1 [Internship] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [Internship] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [Internship].[Internship] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [InternshipDate]
    ON s.caseID = [InternshipDate].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [InternshipDate].modifiedOn
    AND [InternshipDate].[InternshipDate] = (SELECT TOP 1 [InternshipDate] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [InternshipDate] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [InternshipDate].[InternshipDate] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [Apprenticeship]
    ON s.caseID = [Apprenticeship].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [Apprenticeship].modifiedOn
    AND [Apprenticeship].[Apprenticeship] = (SELECT TOP 1 [Apprenticeship] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [Apprenticeship] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [Apprenticeship].[Apprenticeship] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [ApprenticeshipDate]
    ON s.caseID = [ApprenticeshipDate].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [ApprenticeshipDate].modifiedOn
    AND [ApprenticeshipDate].[ApprenticeshipDate] = (SELECT TOP 1 [ApprenticeshipDate] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [ApprenticeshipDate] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [ApprenticeshipDate].[ApprenticeshipDate] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [Entrepreneurship]
    ON s.caseID = [Entrepreneurship].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [Entrepreneurship].modifiedOn
    AND [Entrepreneurship].[Entrepreneurship] = (SELECT TOP 1 [Entrepreneurship] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [Entrepreneurship] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [Entrepreneurship].[Entrepreneurship] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [EntrepreneurshipDate]
    ON s.caseID = [EntrepreneurshipDate].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [EntrepreneurshipDate].modifiedOn
    AND [EntrepreneurshipDate].[EntrepreneurshipDate] = (SELECT TOP 1 [EntrepreneurshipDate] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [EntrepreneurshipDate] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [EntrepreneurshipDate].[EntrepreneurshipDate] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [EmploymentPrep]
    ON s.caseID = [EmploymentPrep].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [EmploymentPrep].modifiedOn
    AND [EmploymentPrep].[EmploymentPrep] = (SELECT TOP 1 [EmploymentPrep] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [EmploymentPrep] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [EmploymentPrep].[EmploymentPrep] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [EmploymentPrepDate]
    ON s.caseID = [EmploymentPrepDate].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [EmploymentPrepDate].modifiedOn
    AND [EmploymentPrepDate].[EmploymentPrepDate] = (SELECT TOP 1 [EmploymentPrepDate] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [EmploymentPrepDate] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [EmploymentPrepDate].[EmploymentPrepDate] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [OTPrep]
    ON s.caseID = [OTPrep].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [OTPrep].modifiedOn
    AND [OTPrep].[OTPrep] = (SELECT TOP 1 [OTPrep] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [OTPrep] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [OTPrep].[OTPrep] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [OTPrepDate]
    ON s.caseID = [OTPrepDate].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [OTPrepDate].modifiedOn
    AND [OTPrepDate].[OTPrepDate] = (SELECT TOP 1 [OTPrepDate] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [OTPrepDate] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [OTPrepDate].[OTPrepDate] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [ExitInterview]
    ON s.caseID = [ExitInterview].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [ExitInterview].modifiedOn
    AND [ExitInterview].[ExitInterview] = (SELECT TOP 1 [ExitInterview] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [ExitInterview] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [ExitInterview].[ExitInterview] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [ExitInterviewDate]
    ON s.caseID = [ExitInterviewDate].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [ExitInterviewDate].modifiedOn
    AND [ExitInterviewDate].[ExitInterviewDate] = (SELECT TOP 1 [ExitInterviewDate] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [ExitInterviewDate] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [ExitInterviewDate].[ExitInterviewDate] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [CreatedOn]
    ON s.caseID = [CreatedOn].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [CreatedOn].modifiedOn
    AND [CreatedOn].[CreatedOn] = (SELECT TOP 1 [CreatedOn] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [CreatedOn] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [CreatedOn].[CreatedOn] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [CreatedBy]
    ON s.caseID = [CreatedBy].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [CreatedBy].modifiedOn
    AND [CreatedBy].[CreatedBy] = (SELECT TOP 1 [CreatedBy] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [CreatedBy] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [CreatedBy].[CreatedBy] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [ModifiedOn]
    ON s.caseID = [ModifiedOn].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [ModifiedOn].modifiedOn
    AND [ModifiedOn].[ModifiedOn] = (SELECT TOP 1 [ModifiedOn] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [ModifiedOn] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [ModifiedOn].[ModifiedOn] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [ModifiedBy]
    ON s.caseID = [ModifiedBy].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [ModifiedBy].modifiedOn
    AND [ModifiedBy].[ModifiedBy] = (SELECT TOP 1 [ModifiedBy] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [ModifiedBy] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [ModifiedBy].[ModifiedBy] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [BCPermInEligibility]
    ON s.caseID = [BCPermInEligibility].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [BCPermInEligibility].modifiedOn
    AND [BCPermInEligibility].[BCPermInEligibility] = (SELECT TOP 1 [BCPermInEligibility] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [BCPermInEligibility] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [BCPermInEligibility].[BCPermInEligibility] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [CCPermInEligibility]
    ON s.caseID = [CCPermInEligibility].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [CCPermInEligibility].modifiedOn
    AND [CCPermInEligibility].[CCPermInEligibility] = (SELECT TOP 1 [CCPermInEligibility] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [CCPermInEligibility] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [CCPermInEligibility].[CCPermInEligibility] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [M2EligibilityDate]
    ON s.caseID = [M2EligibilityDate].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [M2EligibilityDate].modifiedOn
    AND [M2EligibilityDate].[M2EligibilityDate] = (SELECT TOP 1 [M2EligibilityDate] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [M2EligibilityDate] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [M2EligibilityDate].[M2EligibilityDate] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [CDREligibilityDate]
    ON s.caseID = [CDREligibilityDate].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [CDREligibilityDate].modifiedOn
    AND [CDREligibilityDate].[CDREligibilityDate] = (SELECT TOP 1 [CDREligibilityDate] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [CDREligibilityDate] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [CDREligibilityDate].[CDREligibilityDate] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [ExitSeparationCode]
    ON s.caseID = [ExitSeparationCode].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [ExitSeparationCode].modifiedOn
    AND [ExitSeparationCode].[ExitSeparationCode] = (SELECT TOP 1 [ExitSeparationCode] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [ExitSeparationCode] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [ExitSeparationCode].[ExitSeparationCode] IS NOT NULL
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #CEREligibility [ExitSeparationSubCode]
    ON s.caseID = [ExitSeparationSubCode].caseID
    AND s.modifiedOn = [ExitSeparationSubCode].modifiedOn
    AND [ExitSeparationSubCode].[ExitSeparationSubCode] = (SELECT TOP 1 [ExitSeparationSubCode] FROM #CEREligibility WHERE caseID = s.caseID AND [ExitSeparationSubCode] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ModifiedOn)
    AND [ExitSeparationSubCode].[ExitSeparationSubCode] IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY s.caseID
    When I ran this against your test data, It produced a single row for each of the two case ID's.
    To keep performance in line, I also created a covering index on the temp table:
    CREATE INDEX idx_caseID_ModifiedOn ON #CEREligibility (caseID, modifiedOn) INCLUDE ([CEREligibilityId], [M2Eligibility], [CDREligibility], [M2Comments], [M2CommentsRtf], [CDRComments], [CDRCommentsRtf], [RIAWA], [RIAWADate], [EducationAndTraining], [EducationAndTrainingDate], [Internship], [InternshipDate], [Apprenticeship], [ApprenticeshipDate], [Entrepreneurship], [EntrepreneurshipDate], [EmploymentPrep], [EmploymentPrepDate], [OTPrep], [OTPrepDate], [ExitInterview], [ExitInterviewDate], [CreatedOn], [CreatedBy], [ModifiedBy], [BCPermInEligibility], [CCPermInEligibility], [M2EligibilityDate], [CDREligibilityDate], [ExitSeparationCode], [ExitSeparationSubCode])
    Don't forget to mark helpful posts, and answers. It helps others to find relevant posts to the same question.

  • Oracle query - Merging multiple rows into a single row output

    Hi All,
    I have to have a multiple row output to be converted into a single row output.My current output looks as follows:
    8006 2002 00175 SC03 12
    8006 2002 00175 DC06 12
    8006 2002 00175 DC03 12
    8006 2002 00175 DC02 12
    ID,INCIDENT CODE,OFFENSE are all Primary keys
    So I need the output as follows:(IN ONE ROW)
    8006 2002 00175 SC03 DC06 DC03 DC02 12
    Can you help me on this since have been spinning the wheel and this has to be a query since will have couple of tables join to produce a materialized view.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Nigel,
    Thanks for the reply I tested out the portion having the decode and I get the output as follows:
    8982 2002 2175 DOC01 -----------------------
    8982 2002 2175 DOC02-------------------
    8982 2002 2175 DOC03------------
    8982 2002 2175 DOC06-------
    8982 2002 2175 SCV03
    There is no value as max for OFFN and each INC_CODE MAY HAVE UP TO A MAX OF 5 OFFN.My query is as follows:
    , decode(rank() over (partition by INC_CODE order by OFFN),1,OFFN,null) as offn1
    , decode(rank() over (partition by INC_CODE order by OFFN),2,OFFN,null) as offn2
    , decode(rank() over (partition by INC_CODE order by OFFN),3,OFFN,null) as offn3
    , decode(rank() over (partition by INC_CODE order by OFFN),4,OFFN,null) as offn4
    , decode(rank() over (partition by INC_CODE order by OFFN),5,OFFN,null) as offn5
    from stu_offn where
    stu_offn.ID = '8982' and stu_offn.INC_CODE = '2175'
    (****Where clause is just given to just check a value)
    So as you know I need to just have all the OFFN in a single row ie as follows:
    8982 2002 2175 DOC01 DOC02 DOC03 DOC06 SCV03
    Can you just give me a step by step procedure to go through this and the table in this case is just 'STU_OFFN'
    Thanks for the earlier reply appreciate it!
    ****Sending this again to show the exact way the output is coming

  • Merging multiple rows in to a single row (when rows meet merging criteria)

    I have a scenario to merge multiple rows in to a single rows when the data in those rows fall in merge criteria .Below is how my data is 
    Now the merging logic for the above rows is , we need to combine multiple rows in to a single row when the data in those rows permits us to do in that way. Simply saying , its like sandwich where we combine multiple things to a single piece.The output for
    the above rows should be
    Here  we combined Row 1 ,2, 3 in to a single row as the data in those rows permits to merge in to single row. But the row 4 cannot be combined to any of those rows because the data in those rows doesn't permits us do a merge ( As the value of the column
    JobSource for the row 4 is different from the other rows ) .
    My original data has 56 columns , but for readability i kept only 9 columns. 
    can you please throw some idea on how to achieve this scenario. I know we need to use CTE for achieving this, but i am not able succeed in doing an iteration on multiple rows.
    Appreciate your response .

    Thanks for your reply .
    Rule for merging is simple . First of all there is no unique row identifier for each row , the fact table is not having an identity column in the database . I called row 1 , row 2  etc in my post above only to make better explanation of my scenario.
    The rule for merge is below. 
    1) we can combine only when the data in a column for one row is null & the data in same column for the other row is not null . It should also satisfy the condition where the data in other columns should conflict each other.
    2) Data for all columns for the merging rows should not be conflicting (i.e. we should not merge the rows when the data in a column is not equal to the same column in the other row
    ,considering not null value)
    Steps in merging the above source data :
    1) Consider the case of row 1 and row 2 in the source, we can combine these rows as the data is satisfying the rule 1 for columns (Jobsource,Flight, Package,Update,Iscancelled
    ,Result, Severity) and columns (JobID and RuleName ) fall under rule 2.  we merge these two rows in to a single row and keep in that in the table.
    2) Then the resulting row is again merged with the second row which is present above by applying the rule 1 and rule 2 . Below would be output of merge operation.
    Now there would be only two rows in the output . But these rows cannot be merged as the data doesn't satisfy the merge rules 2 . As Jobsource for the row 1 in the above output is "PresubmissionSource" which is not equal
    to "PostSubmission" jobSource which is in row 2. So these two rows are left unmerged .So the above two rows would be the output of merge operation on my source data.
    This process has to be repeated for all the rows in the table. As of now my table as 92 Million rows with 56 columns which need to be considered for merging rows. I replicated my scenario in 9 columns and 4 rows to understand better.

  • How to display multiple lines of texts in a single rows in ALV

    I have a unique requirement in which i have to display multiple lines if texts for a single rows in ALV Grid. Right now in my output it is coming in single line which is not visible fully because that text is more than 255 character. So i want to display the test by splitting into multiple lines and show it on output. Please suggest some solution for this if this is possible in ALV.

    Hi Raghavendra,
    Its not possible to display multiple line in one row of an alv, but i think you can acheive it by splitting the whole text into multiple sub-text.
    For example, if your requirement is as below:
    Field #1          Field #2
    1                    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(200 characters)
    2                    yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy(220 character)
    then you can break Field#2 value into say 50 character and then populate the internal table with repetative entries of Field#1 and the finally sort it by Field#1 value... as a result of which you output will be somewhat as below:
    Field#1          Field#2
    1                   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    2                   yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    Hope it will help you in meeting your requirement.

Maybe you are looking for