Multiple contact Sync options

I now currently sync w/ outlook. Thinking of switching to maybe windows. Is this the same as windows live or hotmail contacts? My wife syncs w/ google. It kind of a pain to have to switch the itunes user everytime we sync our phones, but we don't want ever contact the other has so we use different contacts books. Any way to solve this??

Hi All and Pieter,
we have bought for 2 out of 3 people the E71 and we are extremly happy with the phone. Only the issue you raised is bugging us as well. We have our personal contact folders which are automatically synchronised with our phones (meaning user1 is sync'ed with users outlook contact folder, which contains his personal contacts and the same with user2); all the business contacts are in a public folder, which we would like to have synchronised with user1 and user2 E71. Trying to get something out of microsoft, but.... .
Do you guys know a way around it? We would be even happy to have just one set of contacts containing our private and the business contacts.

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    If the same contacts exist in iCloud and on your MBA then there will clearly be duplicates. Export the contacts from the MBA, (On My Mac account) and then delete the content of the On My Mac account, then join iCloud on the MBA.

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    If your contacts are synced to your computer use the contact app there to merge multiple contacts. Try the help menu for instructions on how to merge contacts on your computer.

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    Some general content and computer management information if at all helpful!!
    Section 1:
              -About authorizing and de-authorizing:
              Prevent unprompted syncing of your iPod, iPhone, or iPad:
    Section 2:
              -iOS how to transfer or sync content to your computer:
              Transfer purchases from your iPod, iphone, or iPad to an authorized computer:
              iOS: Importing personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer:
               Backing up, updating and restoring:
              Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes store

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    You're welcome.
    The Apple ID was changed where on the device?
    The Apple ID for the iTunes & App Store can be the same or different than the Apple ID registered with iMessage and FaceTime on the device.
    Where it is changed for iMessage is at Settings > Messages > Send & Receive > Apple ID.
    Select the Apple ID and at the menu window that appears, select Sign Out. Sign back in there with the different Apple ID to register that Apple ID with the iPhone's phone number with iMessage.

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    There is no such option with the iPhone.

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    Thanks for your reply, Allan.
    I tried everything I could think of. When I wrote syncing "several times" I actually ment exactly what you are suggesting, replacing all data in the iPhone with the one available on the computer, that is, hence the multiple syncs.
    I now went as far as starting a trial account with only to find that the problem is more serious than I thought.
    My contact list (I am using the backup I created before experimenting) looks fine on my Mac/s.
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    All my (799) contacts are now online on but none of the info I want such as phone number, home address and so on are available. To add insult to injury, they are all available on my Google-GMail contacts.
    I am flabbergasted!
    It seems like something is wrong with the way the Address Book is exporting data.
    Yes but.. what?
    Luckily I have several copies of my data, last but least, a Time Machine backup, but still can't figure out where to go from here.

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    The ability to sync contacts, calendar and browser bookmarks directly from a Mac running Mavericks to an IOS device via USB or WiFi has indeed been removed. Synching through iCloud, Exchange, WebDAV or a similar cloud service is the only option now. You can comment to Apple in this issue via their feedback page, if you wish:

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    Just an update (2013 Nov 25). There is now an option to add multiple contact using csv file. Here is a simple direction: Create a csv file with 2 columns 1st column is the email address and the 2nd column is the name of the account. Then go to Members > Add members > create business accounts > then click on Browse..., choose the file you just created and it should be able to import the contacts.

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    It was easy on my sony i need to download an app?

    There is no group send option like you are looking for.
    To send to a group you have to pick each person you want to send to and send as a group that way. Then don't delete that SMS thread and you can reuse it again later.
    As for an app, well SMS works via your carrier and the OS, not something an App can do unless the app send the data to them (a third party) and then they relay it to the carrier. Do you really want to be sending your SMS to some 3rd party first?

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    No, there's no mass delete or partial mass delete option.
    If these are iCloud based contacts, you may find it easier to go to and delete them there.

  • Contacts sync ****

    In Feb this year I tried to get rid of my Palm V and bought an iPod Touch.
    I was a happy man until end of June. Then contact sync **** broke out.
    I had to move to a different laptop that runs Outlook 2000 instead of Outlook 2003.
    Step #1: Try synching as usual
    Result #1: The contact sync won't work. No contacts are trashfered any way.
    Suggested solution #1: Read the FAQ of this forum and find the article
    Troubleshooting iPhone and iPod touch contact and calendar syncing via USB on Windows
    which gives you some advice what do
    Step #2: Try advice from (Outlook 2000) not supported - install Office 2007
    Result #3: The contact sync won't work. No contacts are trashfered any way.
    Step #3: Try advice number 1: Reset Sync History
    Result #3: The contact sync won't work. No contacts are trashfered any way.
    Step #4: Try advice number 2: Disable third-party Outlook add-ins
    Result #4: The contact sync won't work. No contacts are trashfered any way.
    Step #5: Try advice number 3: Attempt to sync content in a new Windows user
    Result #5: The contact sync won't work. No contacts are trashfered any way.
    Step #6: Try advice number 4: Reinstall the iTunes software
    Result #6: The contact sync won't work. No contacts are trashfered any way.
    Step #7: Try reinstalling Office 2007
    Result #7: The contact sync won't work. No contacts are trashfered any way.
    Step #8: Write an article in this forum
    Result #8: no answers still The contact sync won't work. No contacts are trashfered any way.
    Step #9: Try upgrading Office 2007 to Service Pack 2
    Result #9: The contact sync won't work. No contacts are trashfered any way.
    Step #10: Try diagnostics of Office 2007 under help/diagnostics
    Result #10: The contact sync won't work. No contacts are trashfered any way.
    Step #11: Check outlook options and ma outlook standard e-mail, calendar and contact program
    Result #11: The contact sync won't work. No contacts are trashfered any way.
    Step #12: Write another article in this forum:
    Result #12: Suggestion to file a bug report with Apple
    Step #13: File a bug report via
    Result #13: No answer from Apple
    Step #14 to #99999: lookup more articles in this forum and via google
    Result #14: Contact Sync **** is the name for this! See
    So at least since October 2008 there has been a lot of trouble with this Sync business on iPhone and iPod touches. In July 2009 the problem persists and no easy to find news from Apple on the issue.
    I'm dreaming of the time where my Palm V used to do the job - a push of a button and synching is done - it's been like that for more than 10 years with that device. With Apple I was hoping to improve to photo synching - all I can do now is using the dreadful Windows Address book. I could also buy some Apple gear. But I won't yet since I think Apple should get it's software right on any platform - not just the one they built themselves.
    What do you think - will there be a solution any time soon that helps fixing sync **** problems like the one describe above?

    I know it may not make you feel any better, but I've not had any trouble with a 1st Generation or a 3G with syncing with Outlook 2003 or 2007. Both phones are still working flawlessly. Let me ask you as couple of questions about your problem. Is contact syncing the only thing that is not working? Have you been able to see your phone in iTunes and does Calendar sync?
    For photos you mention, does the computer recognize the iPhone in My Computer under Scanners and Cameras? If so, you should be able to transfer photos the same way you do from any other digital camera. You would just use the same software you use for that purpose, or you can just click on the iPhone in the Scanner and Camera section and copy the photos from there.

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