Multiple disks with identical partition names

(cross-posted from the Mac Ach:)
Just a day before the announcement of the FW800less BunnyBooks, I bought me an FW800 external, to boot my PB off while working at home.
I intend to clone my internal to it, keeping the same organisation in which for instance I have partitions OSX1 (root) and OSX2 (case sensitive), with a softlink work -> /Volumes/OSX2/Users/bertin/work in my home directory. Rather than calling my external partitions OSX1e and OSX2e (for instance), and having to modify all my links, I'd prefer to call the external partitions OSX1 and OSX2 too. (This means I could keep the 2 disks synchronised easily.) OS X handles this correctly by changing the mountpoint name in /Volumes on the fly.
My question is about the mount order during booting. When I boot from the external, its partitions will be /dev/disk0s*, but does that mean that /Volumes/OSX1 and /Volumes/OSX2 will be guaranteed to point to the external disk's partitions (and to the internal disk's when booting off that one)?

(cross-posted from the Mac Ach:)
Just a day before the announcement of the FW800less BunnyBooks, I bought me an FW800 external, to boot my PB off while working at home.
I intend to clone my internal to it, keeping the same organisation in which for instance I have partitions OSX1 (root) and OSX2 (case sensitive), with a softlink work -> /Volumes/OSX2/Users/bertin/work in my home directory. Rather than calling my external partitions OSX1e and OSX2e (for instance), and having to modify all my links, I'd prefer to call the external partitions OSX1 and OSX2 too. (This means I could keep the 2 disks synchronised easily.) OS X handles this correctly by changing the mountpoint name in /Volumes on the fly.
My question is about the mount order during booting. When I boot from the external, its partitions will be /dev/disk0s*, but does that mean that /Volumes/OSX1 and /Volumes/OSX2 will be guaranteed to point to the external disk's partitions (and to the internal disk's when booting off that one)?

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    Hi all!
    Just to post the solution to this if anyone ever runs accross this thread...
    For some reason i had it bad the first time, don't have time right now to see why but here is what worked for me:
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    primaryFile.put("fileName", uploadedFile.getFilename());
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    Hi all!
    Just to post the solution to this if anyone ever runs accross this thread...
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    I like Apex even better now! :-)
    - Morten

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    You do realize the end result is that you will have no usable OS, right? If you do that's fine but I wanted to put that out there.
    Reboot from install media and run the commands from there. They will be in the single user environment.
    Edited by: John.Kotches on Apr 22, 2008 9:53 AM
    Cleaned up spacing... Nothing to really see here.

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    A schema is just a collection of objects owned by a particular user. So you don't need to create a separate schema-- the schema is automatically created when you create the user.
    In order to log in to the database, a user needs the CREATE SESSION privilege. In order to create a table, the user needs the CREATE TABLE privilege and needs to be granted enough quota on whatever tablespace the table will be created in. If you don't care about managing quota or restricting the tablespaces that a user can create tables in, you can grant the user the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege. If you do care about managing quota, you'd need to run commands like
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      QUOTA <<quota amount>>
      ON <<tablespace name>>for each tablespace you want the user to be able to use.

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    alphaniner wrote:
    Well now I'm confused. My xterm (xfce4-terminal) has that option disabled but I still get a user entry for each tab.
    OT: you can run who to get a better idea of what each user is associated with. Eg. with Xorg on tty1 and terminal open with two tabs:
    $ who
    testing tty1 2013-12-11 08:55
    testing pts/0 2013-12-11 08:55 (:0.0)
    testing pts/1 2013-12-11 15:51 (:0.0)
    Oh there is another option on mine besides "Run command as a login shell" called "Update login records when command is launched" I have them both disabled. Check for a second option maybe.

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    MyName 1
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    Is any of this slowing down iDisk syncing or searching?
    Thanks in advance

    I have the same problem
    an external firewire drive "232 GB" is gaining an extra, sequentially numbered, mountpoint in /Volumes/ each time it is unplugged and re-plugged.
    This is a bit of a pain as Xtorrent is downloading to a folder on this drive and so, whenever it is unplugged, I have to either;
    restart all the downloads or,
    before launching xtorrent, go into /volumes/ and delete the last mountpoint (so the system automatically adds the one Xtorrent is expecting)
    just noticed you're in Sheffield too, maybe it's a local problem....
    no idea what's causing it

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    I have the same problem
    an external firewire drive "232 GB" is gaining an extra, sequentially numbered, mountpoint in /Volumes/ each time it is unplugged and re-plugged.
    This is a bit of a pain as Xtorrent is downloading to a folder on this drive and so, whenever it is unplugged, I have to either;
    restart all the downloads or,
    before launching xtorrent, go into /volumes/ and delete the last mountpoint (so the system automatically adds the one Xtorrent is expecting)
    just noticed you're in Sheffield too, maybe it's a local problem....
    no idea what's causing it

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