Multiple reporting instances within application

Can I have 2 analytics instances in different tabs within the Siebel application. One reporting tab pointing to the production database instance and the other to the archival database instance.

Well that is something you may as well do in the RPD rather than duplicating the reports & dashboards. From your statement I take it that you want to have the same reports for the production and the backup system. You have several options for that:
1.) You can simply have the report objects you have and by combining the two different data sources in the LTS of your business models, map your models to both sources and depending on which timeframe you choose in the prompt on the dashboards, the query will be fired against the one, the other or both data sources.
This means that you have a seamless integration and users will not even notice that there's a physical break between the sources.
2.) In case your requirements are to HAVE a break between the sources so that users are explicitly discovering production data or archived data you can use the approach I described here:
This means one single prompt and you can change the scope of all your analyses.
Both these options allow you to keep your webcat simple and singular. No duplication.
Is this something that'd suit your requirements?

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    Steps Needed To Reproduce:
    User logs into workspace.
    user click on expolore and able to view the report without any issues.
    When right on any of the report and select properties.
    Select the SmartCut url and paste it in the Internet explorer.
    The webanalysis report opens without any issues.
    Similarly user copies the smartcut url for a different report and paste the link on a different tab or new window of same browser.
    The report on the first tab gets over written of the report of the second tab of the browser.
    The issue happens when two different reports and opened on a browser with multiple tabs. The reports get over written.
    Oracle development answer:
    In the described scenario opening new browser window does not spawn a separate independent browser session. A new browser window is supplied with URL pointing to the same domain, so all browser cookies including the "ORA_WA_SID" (WA session cookie) are shared between the windows. But multiple application instances cannot run in the same browser session simultaneously because of session sharing. This is not actually a defect, but rather a limitation of current system architecture and browser behavior. And there is no way to fix it programmatically on the product side.

    Hi MeHyper,
    Your current arrangement puts most of the session handling and persistence on the client. This forces you to accept whatever the client decides to persist and propogate between browser elements (in this case iframes).
    My approach would be to:
    Consider coding your portlets to manage the sessions. Manage using a somewhat stateless strategy so that each request to the server requires a login and connect, retrieve, and disconnect. Each Iframe should access a different portlet url (or provide a different query) based on its content.
    This way, in theory, you can invalidate the sessions and related cookies and update the various report elements independently.
    Is smartview out of the question here?
    Robb Salzmann

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        Steps which i have completed
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    Step 1:- 
       Copied Data Model into '/Shared Folder/Custom/Financials/Fixed Assets/Tracking/Data Model' and report into '/Shared Folder/Custom/Financials/Fixed Assets/Tracking/'
    Step 2:-
       Opened task 'Manage Custom Enterprise Scheduler Jobs for Ledger and Related Applications' and created a job with the following details.
    Job Definition
    Field Name
    Display Name
    XX Asset Transfers Report
    Financials Common Module
    XX Asset Transfers Report
    Job Application Name
    Enable Submission from Enterprise Manager
    Job Type
    Class Name
    Default Output Format
    Report ID
    /Custom/Financials/Fixed Assets/Tracking/Asset Transfers Report.xdo
    Allow Multiple Pending Submissions
    Enable Submission From Scheduled Processes
    User Properties
    Field Name
    Since the standard report has the below parameter i have created same set of parameters for the Job which i have created, but i do not know how to assign the list of values to these parameters
    Parameter Prompt
    Data Type
    Page Element
    Default Value
    Text box
    Text box
    Text box
    Text box
    Step 4:-
       Now when i navigate to schedule process, when i click Schedule New Process Button in the list of values i can see the job which i created. When i submit the job is completing with error.
       When i open the xml file, file is blank and no data is available in the file.
       When i open the log file i see the below error
    dummy file is deleted
    ================ BIPJobExecutable Execution Started ============
    OutputFile : /u01/APPLTOP/instance/ess/rfd/67068/out/67068.xml
    Request ID: 67068 ClassLoader is weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader@1c85c3a finder: weblogic.utils.classloaders.CodeGenClassFinder@1c85cb3 annotation: FinancialsEssApp#V2.0@
    ReportID : /Custom/Financials/Fixed Assets/Tracking/FLY FA Transfers Report.xdo
    Process : BIPDocGen
    The bipJobID : 6252
    bipJobID is updated to ESSRuntimeService
    BIP_STATUS_URL is added to ESSRuntimeService
    ================ BIPJobExecutable is running in async mode. ============
    ================ Please check the ess status for more detail info. ============
        Am i doing anything wrong while creating the job?
    Note :- I created another test data model and report with 'Select SYSDATE from dual' and am able to see the report completing successfully.
    Please kindly help, i am failing to meet my deadlines.
    Prasad R

    Hello Jani Rautiainen,
        Thanks a lot for replying my question.
        This is the first time i am working with the BI Publisher reports and fusion applications.
        My requirement is to add few columns to the standard report with out loosing the functionality.
        I was not aware that there is two ways of doing this, i was always copying data model and report to a new folder and trying to create a new job for the report.
        As mentioned in the document Using the Customize Feature    , i clicked on the more button on my report but i do not see the customize option. Do i need to have any specific role for this to appear in the menu? Please kindly let me know.
        Also i see below limitations while customizing report
    Following are limitations of the Customize report option:
    The Customize option is only available through direct access to the BI Publisher server using the /xmlpserver URL (for example: The Customize option is not available through the /analytics URL used to access Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
    The Customize option is available only for reports. The Customize option is not available for data models, style templates, or sub templates.To customize data models, style templates or sub templates and insulate them from potential changes from patching: Make a copy of the data model, style template, or sub-template and either rename it or place it in a custom folder. Ensure that you update any reports to point to the customized data model, style template, or sub template.
        My requirement is to add few additional columns which needs Data Model to be modified, Can i copy the data model to the custom folder and do my modifications and point this data model in the report(as mentioned in the point 2 in the limitations)? In that case, will the original report submission works?
    Prasad R

  • How to schedule webi report in bulk (multiple report in one request)

    I am little bit new to BOXI. I have little bit work experience in Crystal X on scheduling which was used in one of our enterprise java application. We are exploring options in BOXI.
    Currently i am scheduling a report with following api
    infoStore.schedule (webiDocs);
    This will schedule one report instance.
    My question is
    Is there any way to schedule multiple instances of a same report in one request.
    Is there any way to schedule multiple instances of a different report in one request.
    If above things are possible please provide the apis for the same.
    thanks in advance

    Scheduling multiple Webi reports in one command:
    infoStore.schedule takes 1 arhgument of type IInfoObjects which is a collection of InfoObject. IInfoObjects is retrieved by the query. So if you to retrieve all the Webi Docs you want to schedule , then with infoStore.schedule(WebiDocs), it will schedule them all in 1 shot. Scheduling Info properties for each Webi Docs should also be set. Please refer to the samples on scheduling at link below.
    Scheduling one Webi Doc multiple times in one command:
    I donu2019t think it can be done in one command. Do you want to schedule the object multiple times each time running it with different prompts? Or do you want it to be sent to different destination in each schedule? Otherwise you can schedule it once and then access the scheduled instance multiple times.
    I hope this helps.

  • Multiple BW Instance question

    Getting lost wading through the plethora of information available, so any direct pointers to information that directly addresses the following would be appreciated, in addition to any direct answers of course!
    Consider a multiple BW instance, with a staging layer, and integration layer, and multiple analytic layers (one large one, and a couple smaller ones that operate at different service levels).
    If we upgrade staging to 3.5, do all the rest have to tag along (staging feeds integration and one other, integration gets data from staging and feeds all the rest).
    If we upgrade to 7.0, or whatever they are going to call it, will every system have to upgrade, or are the BW to BW connections backwardly compatable.
    Major reason for considering this architecture is the ability to have a couple target BW's at higher or lower releases/service pack levels as warranted by the specific applications using them (e.g. SEM wanting SP's faster than the uber BW can test and apply them).   However, if we have to keep all systems in synch, then this is NOT a viable option.
    Mark Marty
    EBIS Architect

    This is based on some work being done by another member of the Terabyte club, and we have similar sized landscapes.
    The key concerns are, with a single instance of BW, and ~ 10M rows of raw transactions migrating into the system each night (SD - BO, DD, SO's, MM, COPA, it all adds up), it is not clear to us that BW could handle all data rationalization, transformation and dissemination tasks. We have significant legacy transactions and master data that needs to be merged with a good portion of the R/3 data.
    In our current environment, 90% of this is done outside of BW, using Datastage and a Data Provisioning Area.  Even with sending only clean, merged, ready to load to target data, our load windows are increasing, and our backup window is scary.
    This new effort is an attempt to separate key data needs so that certain things that need to be more responsive can be made available earlier.  Additionally, this landscape is going to test out and prove or disprove the ability to do this volume of ETL wholly within a BW environment, rather than leveraging on other marketplace tools and techniques.  Needless to say, this is a hot topic, internally we have a slant towards best in breed, and consultatively everyone wants it all to be the SAP suite of tools.   Hence, we will build it and see.
    Splitting Staging from Integration is not necessary (likely) from a purely technical need, however it has proven useful at another company, and we are going to explore it and determine the efficacy ourselves.

  • IHAT multiple iAS instances in the same view.

    I have three iAS instances installed on the same node, the iHAT is also installed and running from the same node.
    iHAT Version: 10.1.3
    - MIDTIER#1 - Forms / Report - ORACLE_HOME02
    - MIDTIER#2 - Discoverer - ORACLE_HOME03
    I installed iHAT and started the JAVA server, (3 sessions on different ports. 8096, 8097 and 8098)
    Everything works well and i can monitor the application servers on the different ports from the web browser.
    Then over to my question, is it possible to monitor all three IAS servers from only one running iHAT view? And if so, how is this possible.
    Best regards,
    Roberth Steiner

    Yes.. I need to use different port and I could resolve by following steps
    There is a way in Oracle Application Server to achieve this. However, it requires a different installation type and additional configuration, Following are the steps that you need to take.
    a) Install Oracle Application Server with J2EE Server only option, this is in Advanced Installation, also, please select the option: Configure this as an Administration OC4J Instance.
    b) Access Oracle Application Server control console
    c) Create the OC4J instances, by default, it has a home instance, then you need create additional instances: say example placeagra, placeexcalibur.
    d) Stop Oracle Application Server.
    e) Edit [oracle-appserver-root]/opmn/conf/opmn.xml
    Replace OC4J instance placeagra's port definition for default-web-site
    from <port id="default-web-site" range="12501-12600" protocol="ajp"/> to <port id="default-web-site" range="8889" protocol="http"/>
    Replace OC4J instance placeexcalibur's port definition for default-web-site
    from <port id="default-web-site" range="12501-12600" protocol="ajp"/> to <port id="default-web-site" range="8890" protocol="http"/>
    f) Start Oracle Application Server
    g) Install your applications into these instances through application control console. (You can only use home's ascontrol)
    * This should work fine. If you go to [oracle-appserver-root]/opmn/bin directory, type "opmnctl status -l", you will see that you have multiple HTTP server services running, each with different port.
    * This is identical to Weblogic's set up, however, this is not recommended for production, since the embedded HTTP server in Oracle Application J2EE server is only for application management, just as weblogic.
    * You can only access application console through home's http server, since ascontrol application for other instances are always in down mode.

  • How To Install Multiple OBIEE Instances On One Linux Machine

    OS: Red Hat ES 5.2
    OBIEE :
    We one development server(Linux) where one OBIEE was installed with os user as 'ora1a' (Deployed on Oracle Application Server
    and now I have installed OBIEE on same Linux Server with different user(ora2b) and different mount point (Deployed on Another Oracle Application Server )
    But My OBIEE was not working and I came to know that only one can be working by default.
    After following few notes i have update and odbc.ini with different ports ie from 9704 to 9725 and bounced BI server and presentation server
    But still its not working can any one tell me what are all needs to update to make it work
    Thanks in advance
    Bhanu Chander
    Reference's i used: HOW TO: Install Multiple OBIEE Instances On One UNIX Machine          (Doc ID 605582.1)

    I was not much clear about what you are telling
    See my first OBIEE instance URL is (As i deployed OBIEE on Application server 10g(OAS1))
    and second one is (As i deployed OBIEE on another Application server 10g(OAS2))
    Also My port for first OBIEE instance is 9704 and second one is 9725(Which i changed to this)
    Now tell me what are all i should update
    Bhanu Chander

  • How Can I Use Multiple Weblogic Instances in a Single OS

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    Actually I have to install Some different applications. Few of them need weblogic 10.3.6 and others need 10.3.4. The OS am using is Oracle  Enterprise Linux 5.
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    The main problem here is :
    In the second instance (10.3.4 ) installed with a a different user and gave the port number to NodeManager as 1600 and its not getting started. Its throwing error and also after some errors in the terminal am able to see that its reverting to port number 5556 only.
    What might be the issue?
    I have to install 2 different versions of weblogic in a single Server. But am failing with NodeManager. What Can I do to have multiple weblogic instances with multiple versions in a single server ?
    Can anyone suggest a resolution for this please ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Pl do not spam these forums with multiple posts - How Can I Use Multiple Weblogic Instances in a Single OS

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