Multiple selection in JTable

Hi ,
The problem is to select multiple rows and columns in the JTable like that of a excel application and have the focus on the first column of the last row. for example if select cells from ( 1,1 ) to ( 4,4), after selection the focus should be in cell (4,1). i have written a prgram( which is below) which uses listSelection to find out the cells which are selected. i found out the cells which are selected also. but i do not know how to get the focus on that cell. i have attached the code below also.. i want to know whether there is any method which set the focus to the particular cell. Can the problem above can be solved in any other way..or a simpler way..
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
class myTable {
public static void main(String a[] ) {
          JFrame myframe = new JFrame();
          JTable jtable = new JTable(10,10);
     // add the listener to the table
ListSelectionModel listSelectionModel;
     OSSTableSelectionHandler obj = new OSSTableSelectionHandler(jtable,10,10);
     listSelectionModel = jtable.getSelectionModel();
} // end of public static void main
} // end of class of myTable
class OSSTableSelectionHandler implements ListSelectionListener {
               JTable table;
     int row;
               int col;
OSSTableSelectionHandler(JTable tab, int r, int c ) {
     table = tab;
row = r;
          col = c;
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
ListSelectionModel lsm = (ListSelectionModel)e.getSource();
               int i = 0,j = 0;
int firstIndex = e.getFirstIndex();
int lastIndex = e.getLastIndex();
boolean isAdjusting = e.getValueIsAdjusting();
if (lsm.isSelectionEmpty()) {
System.out.println(" Selection empty ");
} else {
// Find out which indexes are selected.
                    int maxrow = 0 ;
int minIndex = lsm.getMinSelectionIndex();
int maxIndex = lsm.getMaxSelectionIndex();
for ( i = minIndex; i <= maxIndex; i++) {
if (lsm.isSelectedIndex(i)) {
                              if ( maxrow < i )
                                   maxrow = i;
                              for (j = 0;j < col ;j++ )
                                   if ( table.isCellSelected(i,j) )
                                        System.out.println("The selected index is " + i + " " + j);
                         } // end of if                    
} // end of for
               // after this maxrow contains the last row that has beeb selected
               // this for loop is to find out the first column in the maxrow that is selected
               for (j = 0;j < col ;j ++ )
                    if ( table.isCellSelected(maxrow,j) )
               // set the focus to the column ( maxrow, j )
} // end of else
} // end of fucn value changed
} // end of class OSSTableSelectionHandler

Whic cell is focused depends on where you begin your selection. The cell that you press your mouse first will be the focused one. Here is how I implement the mutiple selection functionality in a JTable as what MS Excel provides. This class is independent of my any other package. your table has to have column headers and a upper left JLabel corner(int the scroll pane containing the table) in order to make this class which I named TableSelectionAdapter function properly. You can revise and imporve it as you need, however.
package petrochina.riped.gui.table.tableadapter;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
import java.util.*;
* Enables multiple selection funtionality on <code>JTable</code>s.
* @author Guanglin Du,SEC of Riped, PetroChina,
* [email protected]
* @version 1.0 2002/09/16
public class TableSelectionAdapter extends MouseAdapter {
private String newline = "\n";
private boolean DEBUG = false;
// private boolean DEBUG = true;
private JTable myTable = null;
private boolean shiftKeyDown = false;
private boolean ctrlKeyDown = false;
private int firstSelectedColIndex = -1;
* Constructs with a <code>myTable</code> to simplify its reusability.
* Guanglin Du, 2002/09/19
* @param myTable     a <code>JTable</code>
public TableSelectionAdapter(JTable myTable) {      
this.myTable = myTable;
* The initTableSelection method: initializes the row/column/cell
* selection functionality of the table.
* Guanglin Du, 2002/09/19
public void initTableSelection() {      
     //Cell selection
     myTable.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
     public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
     setMyKeyListener(); //shift/control key listener
     //column selection functionality
     JTableHeader myTableHeader = getMyTable().getTableHeader();
     myTableHeader.addMouseListener(new TableHeaderListener());
     //enalbles select-all functionality
* This setSelectAllFunction isto set the select-all functionality
* when the upper left corner label of the JTable is clicked.
* Note: JTable's parent JScrollPane has to be found.
* Guanglin Du, 2002/09/19
public void setSelectAllFunction() {      
Container firstParent = getMyTable().getParent();
if (firstParent instanceof JViewport) {
     Container secondParent = firstParent.getParent();
     if (secondParent instanceof JScrollPane) {
     JScrollPane myScrollPane = (JScrollPane)secondParent;
     JLabel myLabel =
          (JLabel)myScrollPane.getCorner(JScrollPane.UPPER_LEFT_CORNER );
* Detects shift/control key state.
* DGL, 2002/09/18
public void setMyKeyListener() {
     getMyTable().addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter(){               
     public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){
          //shift key state
          if(e.isShiftDown())     shiftKeyDown = true;                    
          //control key state
          if(e.isControlDown()) ctrlKeyDown = true;
     public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){
          //shift key state
          if( !e.isShiftDown() ) shiftKeyDown = false;                    
          //control key state
          if( !e.isControlDown() ) ctrlKeyDown = false;
* Adds the table header listener to enable single/multiple column selection.
* DGL, 2002/09/17
public void setTableHeaderListener() {
     JTableHeader myTableHeader = myTable.getTableHeader();
     myTableHeader.addMouseListener(new TableHeaderListener());
* Returns the <code>myTable</code> property value.
* @return myTable the table that this class handles
public JTable getMyTable() {
return myTable;
* Sets <code>myTable</code> property value of this class.
* @param myTable the table that this class handles
public void setJTable(JTable myTable) {
     this.myTable = myTable;
* Returns the shiftKeyDown property value.
* @return boolean, Guanglin Du, 2002/09/18
public boolean getShiftKeyDown(){
     return shiftKeyDown;
* Return the ctrlKeyDown property value.
* @return boolean, Guanglin Du, 2002/09/18
public boolean getCtrlKeyDown(){
     return ctrlKeyDown;
* This inner class handles the column selection, the same
* behavior as MS Excel.
* Guanglin Du, 2002/09/18
class TableHeaderListener extends MouseAdapter {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {    
     stopLatestCellEditing(); //To save the data being edited
     if(DEBUG) System.out.print("mousePressed on ");
     JTableHeader myColumnHeader = (JTableHeader)e.getSource();
     Point myPoint = e.getPoint();
     int selectedColIndex = myColumnHeader.columnAtPoint(myPoint);
     if(DEBUG) System.out.print("the header of column "
          + selectedColIndex+newline);
     JTable table = myColumnHeader.getTable();
     //The following column selection methods work only if these
     //properties are set this way
     int myRowCount = table.getRowCount();
     //makes this table focused, so that setMyKeyListener method can
     //listen for shift/control KeyEvent
//     System.out.println("myRowCount = " + myRowCount);
     if( getShiftKeyDown() ){
     if(firstSelectedColIndex > -1) {
          table.addColumnSelectionInterval(firstSelectedColIndex, selectedColIndex);
          firstSelectedColIndex = -1;//restore to -1
     } else if( getCtrlKeyDown() ) {
     } else {
     if(DEBUG) System.out.println("shiftKeyDown = " + shiftKeyDown
          +";"+" ctrlKeyDown = " + ctrlKeyDown);     
     //saves the first selected column index
     firstSelectedColIndex = selectedColIndex;
* MouseAdapter implemenation.
* mousePressed: sets the select-all functionality
* when upper left corner label of the table is clicked
* Guanglin Du, 2002/09/18
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {    
     if(DEBUG) System.out.println("Select all");
     stopLatestCellEditing();//To save the data in editing
* Triggers the latest <code>ActionEvent</code> in a table cell to save
* the latest data. Or, the newly input data will not be stored into the table
* model and cannot be retrieved.
public void stopLatestCellEditing() {
int editingRow = getMyTable().getEditingRow();
int editingCol = getMyTable().getEditingColumn();
if (editingRow != -1 && editingCol != -1){
     TableCellEditor cellEditor =
     getMyTable().getCellEditor(editingRow, editingCol);
Here is how you can use it in your coding(where myTable is a JTable instance you create):
     /* Adds TableSelectionAdapter to enable all kinds of selection action. */
     TableSelectionAdapter tableSelect = new TableSelectionAdapter(myTable);     

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    Thanks for your suggestions! They both would work as workarounds, I think. I tried another way:
    Following code changes a TableBinding bound JTable's selection model to Multi select (thanks to Shailesh!!).
    void setMultiSelectionModel(JTable tbl)
    class MultiSelectionListListener implements javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener
    ListSelectionModel defSelModel;
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    //change currency on the bound iterator only if
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    defSelModel.setSelectionInterval(leadIndex, leadIndex);
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    Use the setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION ) for your JList / JTable.

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    if (table.getSelectedRow() == row) {
    if (row != -1) {
    setToolTipText(table.getModel().getValueAt(row, col).toString());
    return comp;

    Please edit your post and use proper tags.
    +if (table.getSelectedRow() == row) {+
    From the JTable API Javadoc:
    Returns the index of the first selected row, -1 if no row is selected.
    So this only returns +one+ index among all those selected.
    You could use <tt>getSelectedRows()</tt> (notice the +s+ !) instead, but there's a much better approach: guess what the +isSelected+ argument to <tt>getTableCellRendererComponent(...)</tt> stands for :o)

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    Use table.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);I don't know if it differs but I use it and I don't have the problems you describe. Might be a bug in your Java version?!
    Message was edited by:

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    I am running in M$ Windows.
    The first cell (anywhere in the Table) when you press the mouse to select a range of cells is present by color white (depend on L&F setting).
    The white color on first cell does not means the first cell is not selected!!!
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    Hope this helps.

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    like this
    please help me

    You are trying to remove the rows an equal times to the amount of rows selected.
    You should remove one row at a time:
    Change your code into this.
    for(int i=0;i<rows.length;i++)
    DefaultTableModel model=(DefaultTableModel)jtable.getModel();

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    Use the setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION ) for your JList / JTable.

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    Usually data from a database would be stored in a JTable as it already provide support for multiple rows and columns:
    Also, with JDK1.3 there is some sample code of using a JTable with a database. I'm not sure if the code actually runs, but at least you can look at the source to see the steps involved:

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    The problem is, since I'm holding down the CTRL key, this comes across as a DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY.
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    Any ways around this anyone knows, short of modifying the JTable or BasicTableUI itself?
    - Tim

    By the way, I just tested this assumption of mine, and found I was wrong if you're using default JTable drag and drop.
    However, I'm using my own implementation. I notice in a simple program without any drag and drop, I get the behavior I mentioned above, so I'm guessing this IS default JTable behavior, which is then modified by the built-in drag and drop support.
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    - Tim

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    select user, project, count(start date ), project, count(end date) where date between 01-jan-07 01-feb-07
    (simplified to show the idea)
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    Is it possible to do this type of select? If so does it have a special name (so I can try a search on that name)

    First of all, '11-MAY-06' and '19-MAY-06' are not dates, they are strings. This has some important disadvantages:
    1) Oracle has to implicitly convert them to a date, when they are being compared to a date column
    2) Your application will be NLS (National Language Support) dependent, so they might break when you change a setting
    3) When compared to a varchar2 or other string column, the comparison will give incorrect results. For example: 12-MAY-06 will be between 06-JAN-06 and 18-JAN-06
    Bottom line: convert those dates to real dates using the to_date function, or the date 'yyyy-mm-dd' variant.
    Back to your question, apparently you don't want to count the number of occurences of CON_ACTUAL_START and CON_SIGN_OFF, but you only want to count them when this date is between the two boundary values. So use the following:
    select mli_clo
         , count(case when con_actual_start between date '2006-05-11' and date '2006-05-19' then 1 end)
         , count(case when con_sign_off between date '2006-05-11' and date '2006-05-19' then 1 end)

  • How to get multiple selections from jsp page in my servlet

    Hello Everyone,
    I've a list that allows users to make multiple selections.
    <select name=location multiple="multiple">
      </select>I want to get the selections made by user in jsp page from my servlet, selections can be multiple too.
    ArrayList locList = new ArrayList();
    locList = request.getParameter("location");when I do so, I get compilation error as the request returns string type. How do I then get multiple selections made by the user.
    Please let me know.

    For those kind of basic questions it would help a lot if you just gently consult the javadocs and tutorials.
    HttpServletRequest API: []
    Java EE tutorial part II: []
    Coreservlet tutorials: []

  • Get all the values from a multiple select in a multipart form

    Hi there!
    I am using a form with enctype="multipart/form-data" in order to upload files from the form.
    I have read this page: and everything works well for my form.
    The only problem is that I can't get all the values from a "multiple select" html object. I get only one value.
    Using servlets I have used this method:
    public java.lang.String[] getParameterValues(java.lang.String name) But now I have enctype="multipart/form-data" in my form and I can't use this way...
    Is there a way to get all the values of a multi-valued parameter?
    Thanks a lot!

    I have got solution for this problem so, I am listing here logic
    assume tag name of html
    <select name="moption" multiple="multiple">
    iterate it in as
    String moption="";
    boolean cnt=true;
    FileItem fi=(FileItem);
    If wants more help then mail me your problem
    at [email protected]
    Anand Shankar
    Edited by: AnandShankar on 6 Nov, 2009 12:54 PM

  • All values from multiple select LOV

    Ik have a customize screen for a chart where a can select days. That works. But i want the standard value to be 'all days', so the user does not have to click all seven days. When i have combobox i use in the where clause:
    "and (fieldname = :variable or :variable = '%')"
    For a mutiple select i use IN:
    "and fieldname IN :variable"
    That would make:
    "and (fieldname IN :variable or :variable = '%')"
    This does not work for a multiple select LOV.
    Anu ID how i can make it work???

    Try the following:
    (:variable = '%' or
    :variable <> '%' and fieldname in :variable)

  • Struts: getting multiple selected values from a select element

    Hi Friends,
    I am a total newbie with struts,I have manage to run a simple login script,
    Now I was wonderingif there is a select box and user has the ability to select multiple values from it how do I get those values in the *Form class
    my select tag looks like this
    <html:select property="listboxValue" mulitple="mulitple">
    in the ****Form extends ActionForm{....I have setter and getters for getting the value  from select box as below
    public void setListboxValue(String value){
    this.listboxValue = value;
    and the getter is
    public String getListboxValue(){
    return this.listboxValue ;
    please never mind the missing brackets and such.
    What I was hoping to get to work was something like this
    public void setListboxValue(String[] value){
    this.listboxValue = value;
    but that does not work...If I have the an array being passed,it seems like this method is no even envoked
    Please guide me

    I'm having trouble to get in the ActionForm all the selected values in my multiple select. I select all the values by setting to true the selected attribute of all the options in a javascript function. In the ActionForm the variable is String[]. I'm not getting any ClassCastException, but I only receive the first value selected (String array with just one element).
    Select definition:
    <html:select name="detalleConsultaForm" property="destinatarios" multiple="true" size="8" >
    Javascript function:
    function validalistarelacion(campo)
    {   if (campo.length < 1)
    alert("Campo sin valores");;
    return false;
    for (var i = 0; i < campo.length; i++)
    campo.options.selected = true;
    return true;
    String[] destinatarios;
    public String[] getDestinatarios() {
    return destinatarios;
    public void setDestinatarios(String[] destinatarios) {
    this.destinatarios = destinatarios;
    What I get:
    2006-03-30 12:54:19,899 [ExecuteThread: '10' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG BeanUtils - setProperty(es.tme.apl.mante
    nimientosPlanificados.form.DetalleConsultaForm@59def5, destinatarios, [2320])
    2006-03-30 12:54:19,899 [ExecuteThread: '10' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG ConvertUtils - Convert String[1] to class

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