Multiple Shop Layouts specific to catalogue

Hi All, thanks in advance for any help here.
I have a specific issue in relation to the way Business Catalyst handles filtering products. I love using BC but I think it's a little behind some other eCommerce platforms in this field?
1. Is anybody aware of a more advanced way of filtering products outside of the built in  {tag_browsepanel}. Specifically, I wondering if their is some javascript solutions around which will allow filtering via tags etc?
2. Alternatively, does anybody know if it's possible to display slightly altered Shop layouts depending on the catalogue. For example, I'd like to offer the BrowsePanel  {tag_browsepanel}  on 2nd level Catalogues, but not on top  level?
So a working example would be:
Top Level: Clothes (don't show browsepanel)
2nd: Clothes/Dresses (show browse panel for remaining sub-catagories e.g.: size and label). This would essentially act as a way to filter by Size or Label.
Again, thanks for any suggestions.

I am also having issues with this. Did you figured out a solution?
I need this for a computers store, so the first level would be for example motherboards that would show in the left side a list of all the sockets (subcatalogs) and all the motherboards in the main side, after selecting the desire socket this subcatalogs menus would be replaced with the browsepanel with the porpous of filtering shown products by price range, brand, connections, etc...
Any help guidelines would be very appreciated.

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    I have also created the corresponding internal tables with data for each catalogue: ALVITAB1, ALVITAB2, ALVITAB3, ALVITAB4
    I have so far used the following function to generate each of the catalogues above:
          I_PROGRAM_NAME     = SY-CPROG
          I_INCLNAME         = SY-CPROG
          ct_fieldcat        = ALVCAT1[].
    And I have used the following function module to display the table as ALV:-
          i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'
          IT_FIELDCAT             = ALVCAT1[]
         i_screen_start_column = 10
         i_screen_start_line   = 15
         i_screen_end_column   = 200
         i_screen_end_line     = 20
          t_outtab                = ALVITAB1.
    How can I now using the above function modules or similar function modules to DISPLAY multiple ALV layouts on a single SCREEN. Each layout should be treated separately with their own ALV tool bar etc.
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    Would be really grateful for your guidance with source code to achieve this.....
    Edited by: Salman Akram on Sep 20, 2010 2:47 PM

    Try this [Link|] or the below program
    or else
    Try to use splitter container to display multiple ALVs on one screen
    here is the demo program RSDEMO_SPLITTER_CONTROL
    the below code will help you to call grid using splitter control
            container_name = 'CUSTOM'.
        CREATE OBJECT splitter
            parent  = container
            rows    = 1
            columns = 1
            align   = 15.
        CALL METHOD splitter->set_row_height
            id     = 1
            height = 1.
        CALL METHOD splitter->get_container
            row       = 1
            column    = 1
            container = container_1.
        CREATE OBJECT grid1
            i_parent = container_1.
        CALL METHOD grid1->set_table_for_first_display
            is_layout       = gss_layout
            is_variant      = lwa_variant
            i_save          = 'A'
            it_outtab       = gt_report_list
            it_fieldcatalog = gtt_fld_cat.
    Edited by: Anesht on Sep 20, 2010 11:49 PM

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    Hi Anne,
    You should be able to o this with custom templates and the {system_visitorDeviceClass} tag. If you want no coding at all, you should be able to do the following: Create templates for mobile in the same folder as the standard ones (root > Layouts > OnlineShop. Rename all of them to something like mobile_small_product / desktop_small_product
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    Kind Regards,

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    Solved it with SAP help.
    It seems that even if you config 4 queues (content-specific) to be used in SWF_INB_CONF, it is normal that not all queues allowed are used at runtime. The messages are distributed to the queues based on the correlation defined for the process, narrowing down the result afterwards to the number of allowed queues using a hash algorithm.
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    </td><td class="productItem"></td><td class="productItem"></td><td class="productItem"></td></tr></tbody></table>
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    Hi there,
    You need to look at the tag information properly,!/tag-reference/e-commerce/online-sh op-overall-layout.html
    You will see it has a lot more components to it, you need to have the commas correctly, if you do not want to specify one of the components you just leave it blank.
    EG - {tag_productlist,3,,24,Alphabetical,true,true}

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    Binny Mathew.

    As Auditn  is at the SQL Server instance level. You can have multiple audits per SQL Server instance.
    Database Audit Specification
    The Database Audit Specification object also belongs to a SQL Server audit. You can create one database audit specification per SQL Server database per audit.
    The database audit specification collects database-level audit actions raised by the Extended Events feature. You can add either audit action groups or audit events to a database audit specification. Audit events are
    the atomic actions that can be audited by the SQL Server engine. Audit action groups are predefined groups of actions. Both are at the SQL Server database scope. These actions are sent to the audit, which records
    them in the target. Do not include server-scoped objects, such as the system views, in a user database audit specification.
    Database-level audit action groups and audit actions are described in the topic SQL Server Audit Action Groups and Actions.
    You can also consider using a Profiler trace file to capture the events.
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

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    Currently it prints like this (representing the 4 corners of the page:
    page 1
    1    2
    3   4
    page 2
    5    6
    7    8
    page 3
    9    10
    11   12
    There is no way to keep these in order after cutting without manually going through it...not fun when you have several hundred pages.  What makes a world more sense is to have it print like:
    page 1
    1    4
    7    10
    page 2
    2    5
    8    11
    page 3
    3    6
    9   12
    This way after its cut, the top left corner stack can go right on the top right corner stack, which goes on the bottom left corner, then bottom right corner.  Now you have a full stack in numerical order.
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    Thank you.

    Hi Catherine,
    First locate your purchase form via admin panel -> site manager -> and disable credit card processing. 
    Next go into your registration (buy) layout locate in admin panel -> site manager -> module template -> online shop layout. Remove the unwanting payment method options.  Acces the HTML view and keep the "PayPal value 5" option code present as thats the option for PayPal Standard.
    Hope this helps!

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    I have had this issue before and was told to weight the products, which then worked ok last time. So I now weight all product enteries, it's fine on all other pages of product catalogues in the shop, but this seems to be happeneing again on this one? See link below: page 2 from the engineered section, page 1 is fine, page 2 has gaps?

    Can i just check with you that this is correct?
    /* View Type: Grid */
    .products-grid { width:100%; float:left; padding-top:15px;}
    .products-grid.last { border-bottom:0; }
    .products-grid .productSmall li { float:left; width:220px; padding: 0 10px 20px 0;
    .products-grid .product-image { display:block; margin:0 0 5px; }
    .products-grid .product-name { font-weight:bold; font-size:13px; font-weight:bold; }
    .products-grid .product-name a{ color:#000!important; }
    .products-grid .availability { line-height:21px; }
    .products-grid .actions { font-size:11px; text-transform:uppercase;  }
    .products-grid .actions a { color:#3c7fa8;}
    .col2-left-layout .products-grid,
    .col2-right-layout .products-grid {margin:0 auto;  }
    .col1-layout .products-grid { margin:0 auto; }

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    The class exists.
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    Can anyone know why or how I can use PrepareLoginAction in v7.
    Any help will be much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Well, if you want to hear my personal opinion:
    better stick to the cookie specification ( and accept the constraint that cookies will only be send to domains that tail-match the domain-constraint specified in the set-cookie http response.
    Although this specification is not an official internet standard most browsers are implementing the cookie mechanism according to this specification.
    Unfortenately there's no option to specify that a cookie should be send to a list of servers and/or sub-domains.
    However one physical server can have multiple (FQDN) hostnames. So if you intend to send the cookie to a group of servers the best approach is to create a new (DNS) (sub-)domain exclusively for those servers.
    Theoretically (and also practically) it is possible to set cookies for multiple domains (by using a webservice that will set cookies on request of a caller). But that approach is dangerous:
    (1) not the server but the http client is defining the content of the cookie (= part of the http server response)
    (2) (unintended) many servers can obtain the cookie which will be send to all servers that reside in all (tail-matching sub-)domains; although most likely only one or two servers of each domain are intended recipients
    Regards, Wolfgang

  • Multiple Blog Layouts

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    I guess word from higher up is that all blogs share the same template. Once Liquid is integrated it will be supported but not yet. Sorry.
    (But I still can't see why it can't be done)

  • Enhancement of Employee Self-Service Shop by an own Catalogue (ABAP)

    Hello SRM-Development-Experts
    I enhanced the /SAPSRM/WDC_DODC_SC_GAF_C-WD-Component of Employee Self-Service Shop with an own ActionLink to an own WD-Component.
    The own WD-Component uses the interfaces /SAPSRM/WDI_L_FPC_GENERAL, /SAPSRM/WDI_L_FPC_POPUP and /IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK.
    So the call from the V_DODC_SC_GAF_FSCA view is like this:
    DATA: lv_ref_cmp_usage  TYPE REF TO if_wd_component_usage,
          lr_general_controller TYPE REF TO /sapsrm/iwci_wdi_l_fpc_general,
          lv_task_container  TYPE REF TO /sapsrm/if_cll_task_container,
          lr_node  TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
          lr_mo_bom_sc  TYPE REF TO /sapsrm/cl_ch_wd_bom_sc,
          lr_pdo  TYPE REF TO /sapsrm/cl_pdo_bo_sc_adv,
          lt_usages TYPE /sapsrm/t_ch_wd_usages,
          lr_api  TYPE REF TO if_wd_controller,
          lr_comp  TYPE REF TO if_wd_component,
          lr_win_manager  TYPE REF TO if_wd_window_manager,
          lr_win  TYPE REF TO if_wd_window.
    " component usage for our component.
         lv_ref_cmp_usage = wd_this->wd_cpuse_z_myself( ).
    " Initialization step starts.
        IF lv_ref_cmp_usage->has_active_component( ) IS INITIAL.
    " Component creation.
         lv_ref_cmp_usage->create_component( ).
         lr_mo_bom_sc ?= wd_this->mo_bom_sc.
         lr_pdo  ?= lr_mo_bom_sc->/sapsrm/if_cll_xo_mapper~get_pdo( ).
         APPEND lv_ref_cmp_usage TO lt_usages.
         wd_this->mo_component_manager->init_component_usages( it_usages = lt_usages ).
         " Second step: SRM-specific Initialisation of wd-component
         lr_general_controller ?= wd_this->wd_cpifc_z_myself( ).
         lr_general_controller->l_fpc_general__init( io_task_container = wd_this->mo_task_container
                                                   io_bo_mapper       = wd_this->mo_bom_sc ).
      lr_api = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ).
      lr_comp = lr_api->get_component( ).
      lr_win_manager = lr_comp->get_window_manager( ).
      lr_win = lr_win_manager->create_window_for_cmp_usage(
          interface_view_name  = 'Z_W_MYSELF'
          component_usage_name = 'Z_MYSELF'
          title = 'Material-Katalaog'
          close_in_any_case = abap_false ).
      lr_win->open( ).
    To add products I (mis)used the /SAPSRM/IF_CLL_DODM_SC_I_IGOSV-Interface and copy pasted the content of /SAPSRM/WDC_DODC_SC_I_IGS into my WD-Comp:
    METHOD onactionadd_to_basket .
      DATA: lo_api_component  TYPE REF TO if_wd_view_controller,
            lo_w_component  TYPE REF TO if_wd_component,
            lo_window  TYPE REF TO if_wd_window,
            lo_window_ctrl  TYPE REF TO if_wd_window_controller,
            lr_current_controller TYPE REF TO if_wd_controller,
            lr_message_manager   TYPE REF TO if_wd_message_manager,
            lr_internal_goods TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
            lv_close_window TYPE abap_bool,
            lo_idr  TYPE REF TO if_fpm_idr,
            lo_fpm  TYPE REF TO if_fpm,
            lo_cnr_gaf  TYPE REF TO if_fpm_cnr_gaf,
            lo_pdo_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
            lo_pdo TYPE REF TO /sapsrm/cl_pdo_bo_sc_adv,
            ls_item TYPE bbp_pds_sc_item_icu,
          lr_internal_goods = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_internal_goods ).
          lr_internal_goods->bind_structure( new_item = ls_item ).
         " mo_bom_sc is initialized in method L_FPC_GENERAL__INIT
          wd_comp_controller->mo_bom_sc->/sapsrm/if_cll_mapper~is_ui_changed_by_client( ).
          wd_this->mo_dodm_sc_i_igosv->add_internal_goods( IMPORTING ev_close_window = lv_close_window ).
          wd_comp_controller->mo_bom_sc->/sapsrm/if_cll_mapper~is_ui_changed_by_client( ).
          IF lv_close_window EQ abap_true.
    " Close window
            lo_api_component = wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
            lo_window_ctrl = lo_api_component->get_embedding_window_ctlr( ).
            IF wd_comp_controller->mv_popup_active EQ abap_true.
              FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_mapper> TYPE /sapsrm/s_cll_mapper.
              wd_comp_controller->mo_message_handler->deactivate_popup( EXPORTING iv_view_name_of_popup = 'V_ADD_TO_BASKET' ).
              LOOP AT wd_comp_controller->mt_mapper ASSIGNING <ls_mapper> .
                wd_comp_controller->mo_bom_sc->/sapsrm/if_cll_bo_mapper~deregister_mapper( io_mapper = <ls_mapper>-mapper ).
              CLEAR: wd_comp_controller->mt_mapper.
    " special message stack handling
            wd_comp_controller->mv_popup_active = abap_false.
            lo_window = lo_window_ctrl->get_window( ).
            lo_window->close( ).
        CATCH cx_root INTO lr_root.
    So, the after closing my own WD-Component the products have been added to the basket & the basket can be properly saved.
    But pushing the Next-Step-Button or Previous-Step-Button provided by the GAF framework makes the shopping basket "empty" and the Previous/Next navigation doesn't react anymore.
    What is the correct approach? Documentation?
    Thanks in advance.

    Dear Poster,
    As no response has been provided to the thread in some time I must assume the issue is resolved, if the question is still valid please create a new thread rephrasing the query and providing as much data as possible to promote response from the community.
    Best Regards,
    SDN SRM Moderation Team

  • Need best practice to deploy similar content to multiple clients with specific skins/images

    Hello, my name is Bernadette. When I was with a previous employer for several years I created WebHelp using RoboHelp 8. Then, the last two years I worked there I transitioned to MadCap Flare again creating WebHelp. I have been with a new employer two years now, using RoboHelp again. However, this company still has us creating HTML Help only. My manager has just assigned me to create and launch our first WebHelp project. Currently, we have RoboHelp 8, with a P.O. in process to purchase version 9 hopefully very soon. However, I cannot wait and have just started the project using version 8.  Since it's been a few years, I am a tad rusty in my use of RoboHelp/WebHelp. For this first project, I have been asked to customize the skin for EACH client that transitions to the new proprietary application. My question is, since it is likely that the contents of the completed WebHelp project will be identical (with the exception of the customized customer-specific skins, logos and window images) is there a creative, timesaving method for rolling out primarily the same content to each customer WITHOUT the need for me to maintain numerous, individual WebHelp projects?  I so appreciate any input or suggestions. Thank you!

    Hello Peter and Jeff, there IS the potential for eventually reaching a HUGE number of customers, but I would expect that to take at least a good number of months or beyond to get to that stage. As for Peter's question about variables, I have used conditional build tags in the past, which I know is a variable, but I am not certain what else might be included in the category.
    I was not aware that it is possible, within a single project, to create and maintain different versions of the same layout type, namely WebHelp by creating  duplicates for each customer. This could be challenging, but fun! So, as I get further into this I assume you are both "on call" for additional questions? Thank you both so much for your rapid responses.  

  • Create multiple pages layout in Smartforms?

    Hei guys,
    I need to create a Smartform which has two parts. The top portion will remain the same, but it could possibly be more then one page because of size of text. The second part will have different values but the size will always be the same.
    Now we need to print multiple pages where the second the part will be different.
    I know that i will need to create a first page and a next page. But do i need to create two main windows in first page, one for each part. And what do i need to have in next page?
    Any help/suggestion will be appreciated.

    I have now worked on the Smartform. I am still struggling little bit. This is what i have now:
    I have one main which have 3 tables. The first two tables are displayed in the top portion of the page. As they are based on internal tables the number of rows will be different, so we dont know the exact size.
    In the bottom portion i have a table which is also based on an internal table. Now in this case we only want to print one row and then jump to next page where i want to display the top portion again and the next line of bottom portion. The issue i have right now is that the bottom portion needs to be printed on a fixed place of page. But what happens is that after first row is printed, and it goes to next page and starts printed on top of the next page. I dont want that.
    What i need is that the third table prints once on each page on a fixed position. Because once these pages are printed, they are not printed on a blank pages but a on a form where bottom portion values needs to be printed on specific fields.

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    I am having a pdf document which contains 10 pages. I want to make the first three pages in Landscape layout and the remaining 7 pages in Portrait, is it possible?
    Thanks in advance
    Sreejesh K V

    Sreejesh K V wrote:
    HI all,
    I am having a pdf document which contains 10 pages. I want to make the first three pages in Landscape layout and the remaining 7 pages in Portrait, is it possible?
    Thanks in advance
    Sreejesh K V
    Sure. Print the first threee pages to PDF in landscape, the remaining seven in portrait, then combine them in Acrobat either by opening the first and inserting pages from the second or by using File>Create PDF>From multiple files.

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