Multiple User Confusion

I've never set up a computer for multiple users until now with new new (to me) Powerbook and I must have done something wrong. When I log in under my user name "Brent", when the desktop appears the "home" icon is labeled "administrator" and within the administrator folder there are only the Desktop and Library folders. My "Brent" folder, with all the apps, docs, settings, etc. seems to be just another user.
I think my troubles started when I noticed that in the Sharing Prefs the Computer Name was showing as "Administrator's iMac" so I decided to change it. I may have done another thing or two that contributed to my current state, but all I want to do is to get things back to normal with minimum destruction. Hopefully despite my poor recollection of events someone can help.
P.S. The account labeled "administrator" does not show up in the Accounts window.
Message was edited by: Brent Emerson

Following the instructions in I managed to get things back to normal. Now I'd like to figure out how to do change my Short Name from administrator without re-creating havoc. Is that possible? The short name textbox is disabled in the Accounts window.

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    if you really want to be sure, that there is no confusion when synchronizing the iPad or your 4G you should create a second iTunes library. Just hold down the Shift button when opening iTunes. You'll be asked if you want to create a new library, or open an existing one.
    This way you can switch between the libraries and no one of your data will be loaded on the iPad or vice-versa.
    It shouldn't be a problem if the iPad is not synced with iTunes for 3-4 months.
    Message was edited by: CarialGiga

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    Not really sure if this will help or confuse things...
    If each user has a preset folder/directory, could you not create a symlink that points to oen on the USB device? And then keep all the presets there?
    Disclaimer:  i have not tried this, nor looked at it much, just a thought as i was reading your post.  If it doesn't apply, ignore me!

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    Hello Chet,
    MobileMe only supports one personal domain per MobileMe login.
    If your goal is to give your brother his own personal domain ( for use with his own iWeb site then assigning him his own MobileMe member name from your family pack would be the way to go.
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    Hope that helps
    ~ Mr. Madison
    Do you have a backup?
    Mac OS X v10.5, v10.6: How to back up and restore your files

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    Also, are there any limitations to the user accounts? If each user does not have access to the files...
    When you use a server, all of the computers have access to the raw files, (if the files are on the server...I've learned not to assume too much...) but when you have individual workstations you have to have all computers not only connected by cables (i.e.firewire) but you have to connect them through network settings, MY Network, and password in. Always connect to HD so you can choose where to get info. Of course all of this relies on the fact that you trust all of the users to not screw up the workstations they are on...
    Basically, each computer has to be a clone of the others, even though they are working independently.
    MacG5 2.7Dual   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   FCP Studio, DVC Pro Deck, AJA

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    Abhijeet M. Mohite

    Hi Abhijeet
    get-mailbox -identity user1 | add-adpermission -user domainname\service application user -ExtendedRights ms-Exch-EPI-May-Impersonate
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    Each Skype Manager member should have their own subscription. Here's a guide how to allocate subscriptions:
    If answer was helpful please mark it with Kudos and if issue is resolved mark it with solution. This will help other users find this answer more easily. Thanks in advance!

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    Pizza98704, it would be more helpful if you edit your canned response to meet the specific problem. In this case you said there is not solution but the canned part refers to "above solutions" and say post back and you will try to find another solution. Very confusing.
    Pizza98704 wrote:
    I am currently an owner of an Ipod Touch 4th generation. I see you are having problems with your Ipod Touch, so I will try to find a solution to your problem.
    Cannot be done!
    Hope that helps!
    If none of the above solutions work, can you please respond back ASAP as I will try to find another solution to your problem (This might even help others with the same problem!)

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      Kind: Volume
      Server: smb://rt-ac68u/iTunes
    Name & Extensions:
    Step 2: When user2 mounts the same iTunes folder as a network drive, the general info shows:
      Kind: Volume
      Server: smb://rt-ac68u/iTunes
    Name & Extensions:
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    tastyrico wrote:
    Hi Drew,
    Thanks for the recommendations.  They are useful tips to have in the arsenal, thanks.  However, the preferences discussed are intended for directly attached external hard disks and the specific discussion was to make it available to the network on a Mac that is powered up with no user logged in (like a OS X Server but user still need to log in).
    That's correct, I'm sorry I am wrong.
    I do remember another defaults write option for detaching network drives on 'switch to loginwindow' because I needed the same thing - eventually I gave up & disabled fast user switching, it reduced the amount of issues for the clients. Sorry for confusing the two.
    Have you considered mounting it via a startup script. At the moment it is failing because the path exists when User2 mounts it. If you try a script (at the level of the system) it should mount only once. Obviously sticking usernames & passwords into a script is not the best for security.
    I think this issue is what NFS mounts can overcome, but I haven't used them for so long. They should be able to mount with no user interaction, but they are less flexible with permissions IIRC.
    If your NAS supports NFS look at that, I think you both need to remove the user as the agent that mounts the disk. If the OS does it once (& permissions are correct) it should remove the 'diskname-1' issue.
    When it works you end up with volumes in /Network/diskname.
    I don't have a good place to start with NFS, so take a look around here…
    @ElisabethBraut, do you get this error form MS…
    MS apps fall apart when you have disks mounted like this, it's a consequence of MS apps using an older way to represent filepaths.

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    We have one shared graphics workstation, which is infrequently in use by different people - therefore we bought a single-workstation license (which we were referred to "Creative Cloud Individual"). In the FAQs it says it installs locally, but whenever a user different from the installing adminstrator logs in, he is forced to use the trial.
    Is there a way to make the local installation usable on that single machine for multiple users?
    Thanks in advance for your reply

    Serenatasystems do the other users not have administrator access?  What happens if they sign in using the Adobe ID tied to your Creative Cloud subscription?  Do your Adobe Creative applications then exit trial mode?

  • Multiple users in household, how do I simply sign out of an account and not delete the account?

    I just got an iPad and am still figuring out its quirks. One thing that is completely frustrating me is that I am being told that I have to delete accounts instead of simply being able to sign out? I don't get it? For instance the Gmail app lets you switch between accounts but both are always signed in. Same with iCloud and Appleid's. I don't get it? I have multiple users at my house that use the same apps but we can't sign in and out as our respective selves? Is this an Apple thing? I haven't used Apple products since the mid 90's so I could just be out of the loop? Not being able to Sign in and out doesn't seem very logical to me so it makes me think that I must be missing a step because why on Earth would you not have that function? Help me understand. Please and thank you.

    You are not going to like the answer, but no you cannot sign out of email accounts on the iPad. The iPad was originally designed to be a single user device that was to be used in conjunction with one's own iTunes library. That was back in 2010 when the first iPad was released. many things about the way you can use an iPad have changed, but it still designed to be a single user device.
    Anybody can check email in a web browser on the iPad, just like one can check ther email on any computer by signing into their account, but the built in Mail app does not have separate user accounts. You can sign into and out of Apple ID's on the iPad but that is where Family Sharing comes into play.

  • How to use Keychain for multiple users on one computer?

    I have a new Macbook Pro with Yosemite.  I just moved over from PC for my work computer and the Keychain thing is killing me!  I am a social media consultant so I manage multiple accounts for multiple clients.  I need a way to log in and out as them on many different platforms.  The reality is that I am the only user but I log in and out of different things as if this was a public computer with multiple users. 
    PC allowed me a drop-down option with each login.  For example the email box could be clicked and then I could select the client email that I needed to fill in.  The password would then auto-populate.  Is there any setting I can change to make this happen on a Macbook? I have been logging in, deleting the info in Keychain, then logging in for the next client, delete...etc.
    Most password managers don't work because of this same problem.  Please don't recommend a password manager app unless it can handle logging in and out of (for example)10 different LinkedIn profiles.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Tanja Turtsanyi wrote:
    I have a new Macbook Pro with Yosemite.
    Apple>About This Mac>More Info>Service
    Please read the warranty paperwork that came w/your computer.
    You have 14 days to return the computer w/no questions asked. 
    You have 90 days of FREE phone tech support on top of your standard 1 year warranty unless you also purchased AppleCare which gives you an additional 2 years of coverage plus FREE phone support.
    Strongly suggest that you take FULL advantage of the above before it runs out.  Let Apple deal w/the problems.
    Mac OS X (10.4)
    Conflicting info:  Please update/correct your profile so that you can receive the correct troubleshooting suggestions.  This will assist the users in trying to help you.  Thank you.

  • Sharing an iTunes Library across multiple user account and a network.

    Sharing an iTunes Music Library across multiple user accounts.
    Hello Everybody!
    Firstly, this was designed to be run in Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. It will not work with earlier versions of Mac OS X! Sorry.
    Here's a handy tip for keeping your hard drive neat and tidy, it also saves space, what in effect will be done is an iTunes music library will be shared amongst multiple users on the same machine. There are advantages and disadvantages to using this method.
    • Firstly I think it might be worthwhile to state the advantages and disadvantages to using this approach.
    The advantages include:
    - Space will be saved, as no duplicate files will occur.
    - The administrator will be able to have complete control over the content of the iTunes library, this may be useful for restricting the content of the Library; particularly for example if computer is being used at and education institution, business or any other sort of institution where things such as explicit content would be less favorable.
    - The machine will not be slowed by the fact that every user has lots of files.
    The disadvantages to this system include.
    - The fact that the account storing the music will have to be logged in, and iTunes will have to be active in that account.
    - If the account housing the music is not active then nobody can use the iTunes library.
    - There is a certain degree of risk present when an administrator account must be continually active.
    - Fast User Switching must be enabled.
    A central account controls all music on the machine/network, this is achieved by storing iTunes files in a public location as opposed to in the user's directory. In effect the system will give all users across the machine/network access to the same music/files without the possibility of files 'doubling up' because two different users like the same types of music. This approach saves valuable disk space in this regard and may therefore prove to be useful in some situations.
    This is a hearty process to undertake, so only follow this tutorial if you're willing to go all the way to the end of it.
    Step 1:
    Firstly, we need to organize the host library, I tidied mine up, removing excess playlists, random files, things like that. this will make thing a bit easier in the later stages of this process.
    Once the library is tidied up, move the entire "iTunes" folder from your Home directory to the "//localhost" directory (The Macintosh HD) and ensure that files are on the same level as the "Applications", "Users", "Library" and "System" directories; this will ensure that the files in the library are available to all users on the machine (this also works for networks)
    Optionally you can set the ownership of the folder to the 'administrator' account (the user who will be hosting the library.), you may also like to set the permissions of 'you can' to "Read & Write" (assuming that you are doing this through the user who will host the library); secondly you should set the "Owner" to the administrator who will be hosting the library and set their "access" to "Read & Write" (this will ensure that the administrator has full access to the folder). The final part of this step involves setting access for the "Others" tab to "Read Only" this will ensure that the other users can view but not modify the contents on the folder.
    So far we have done the following steps:
    1. Organized the host library.
    2. Placed the iTunes directory into a 'public' directory so that other users may use it. (this step is essential if you plan on sharing the library across multiple accounts on the same machine. NOTE: this step is only necessary if you are wanting to share you library across multiple accounts on the same machine, if you simply want to share the music across a network, use the iTunes sharing facility.
    3. set ownership and permissions for the iTunes music folder.
    Step 2:
    Currently the administrator is the only user who can use this library, however we will address this soon. In this step we will enable iTunes music sharing in the administrator's account, this will enable other users to access the files in the library.
    If you are not logged in as the administrator, do so; secondly, open iTunes and select "Preferences" from the "iTunes" menu, now click the "Sharing" tab, if "share my library on my local network" is not checked, the radio buttons below this will now become active, you may choose to share the entire libraries contents, or share only selected content.
    Sharing only selected content may be useful if their is explicit content in the library and minors use the network or machine that the library is connected to.
    If you have selected "share entire library" go to Step 3, if you have selected share "share selected playlists" read on.
    After clicking "share selected playlists" you must then select the playlists that you intend to share across your accounts and network. Once you have finished selecting the playlists, click "OK" to save the settings.
    In this step we:
    1. Enabled iTunes sharing in the administrator's account, now, users on the local network may access the iTunes library, however, users on the same machine may not.
    Step 3:
    Now we will enable users on the same machine to access the library on the machine. This is achieved by logging in as each user, opening iTunes, opening iTunes preferences, and clicking "look for shared music". now all users on the machine may also access the library that the administrator controls.
    This in effect will mean that the user will not need to use their user library, it will be provided to them via a pseudo network connection.
    As a secondary measure, I have chosen to write a generic login script that will move any content from the user's "Music/iTunes/iTunes Music" directory to the trash and then empties the user's trash.
    This is done through the use of an Automator Application: this application does the following actions.
    1. Uses the "Finder" action "Get Specified Finder Items"
    1a. The user's "~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music" folder
    2. Uses the "Finder" action "Get Folder Contents"
    3. Uses the "Finder" action "Move to Trash"
    4. Uses the "Automator" action "Run AppleScript"
    4a. with the following:
    on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "Finder"
    empty trash
    end tell
    return input
    end run
    IMPORTANT: Once the script is adapted to the user account it must be set as a login item. in order to keep the script out of the way i have placed it in the user's "Library" directory, in "Application Support" under "iTunes".
    Here we:
    1. Enabled iTunes sharing in the user accounts on the host machine, in effect allowing all users of the machine to view a single iTunes library.
    2. (Optional) I have created a login application that will remove any content that has been added to user iTunes libraries, this in effect stops other users of the machine from adding music and files to iTunes.
    Step 4:
    If it is not already enabled, open system preferences and enable Fast User Switching in Accounts Options.
    We have shared a single iTunes library across multiple user account, while still allowing for network sharing. This method is designed to save space on machines, particularly those with smaller hard drives.
    I hope that this hint proves to be helpful and I hope everybody will give me feedback on my process.
    iBook G4; 60GB Hard Drive, 512MB RAM, Airport Extreme   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   iWork & iLife '06, Adobe CS2, Final Cut Pro. Anything and Everything!!!

    how to share music between different accounts on a single computer

Maybe you are looking for