Multiply column by a scaler factor ??

How do i multiply a column by a factor ??
EG i want to find the city where the population of the city accounts for GREATER than 20% of the total population of the state ??
pop90 = population of city
totpop = population of corresponding state
i tried WHERE pop90 > .2 totpop
But the cmd isnt recognised, how can i do this ?? thanks

EDIT, just tried the * key to use as multiplication and it seemed to work, this command counts the number of cities where the population of the city (pop90) is greater then 20% of the total population for its corresponding state (totpop)
FROM (SELECT city FROM (SELECT city,pop90,totpop FROM spatial.us_cities usc, spatial.us_states uss WHERE usc.state_abrv = uss.state_abrv)
WHERE pop90 > .2 * totpop);

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    I am attempting to adjust the scale factor on my macbook pro.
    If you mean so images display the correct size on screen when you choose Print Size, you do that in Photoshop by opening the preferences.
    Create any blank document at the resolution you most commonly use. Something small enough to fit the screen and be measured with a ruler. 3"x5" or somewhere around there.
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    I am not saying it will work, but I would ask if you tried "Dilate"? I don't know what the parameters are supposed to be for the different methods, but I do know how to get a listing of them. See the code below:
              OperationRegistry ory = JAI.getDefaultInstance().getOperationRegistry();
              String [] temp = ory.getRegistryModes();
              String []temp2;
              for (int which = 0; which < temp.length; which++) {
                   temp2 = ory.getDescriptorNames(temp[which]);
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  • Scale factor change in 11g?

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    select wktext from cs_srs where srid = 28992;
    On 10g R2 I get:
    PROJCS["Amersfoort / RD New",
              GEOGCS [ "Amersfoort",
                   DATUM ["Amersfoort (EPSG ID 6289)",
                        SPHEROID ["Bessel 1841 (EPSG ID 7004)",
                        6377397.155, 299.1528128], 593.16, 26.15, 478.54, -1.30439800822601264037402186442411206952, -.103297414968545854662361857351254024323, -1.14450153042326354585672371782129234178, .9999959225],
                   PRIMEM [ "Greenwich", 0.000000 ],
                   UNIT ["Decimal Degree", 0.01745329251994328]],
              PROJECTION ["RD New (EPSG OP 19914)"],
         UNIT ["Meter", 1]]
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    PROJCS["Amersfoort / RD New",
              GEOGCS [ "Amersfoort",
                   DATUM ["Amersfoort (EPSG ID 6289)",
                        SPHEROID ["Bessel 1841 (EPSG ID 7004)", 6377397.155, 299.1528128],
                        593.16, 26.15, 478.54, -1.304398008226, -.103297414969, -1.144501530423, 4.0775],
                   PRIMEM [ "Greenwich", 0.000000 ],
                   UNIT ["Decimal Degree", 0.01745329251994328]],
              PROJECTION ["RD New (EPSG OP 19914)"],
              UNIT ["Meter", 1]]
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    on 11g this is
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    1.0 + 4.0775 * 1.0e-6.
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    Is Oracle Spatial wrong again as it should be 1.0 + ppm * 1.0e-6?
    Am very confused here...
    Edited by: [email protected] on Jan 25, 2010 4:04 PM

    Yes, a small subset of the EPSG SRIDs had this problem in 10gR2. OGC SRIDs were not affected. The value in 11g is correct, based on the EPSG data.

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    Hi Ben,
    Chandrasekar's approach was to create a new template & bind the list items to the new template which is also a good solution, but a better way would be just updating the list Aggregation that would have solved your issue,
    JS Bin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging&lt;/title&gt; &lt;link rel=&quot;icon&quot; href=&quot;http://static.jsbin.…

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            Property Node 'Picture':     (nothing)
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    Any help would be appreciated,
    all.jpg ‏211 KB
    all2.jpg ‏113 KB
    template.jpg ‏132 KB

    That's interesting you would think that rotation was the problem after I explained taking all.jpg and increasing it's size to create all2.jpg, and that change caused all2.jpg to no longer contain a pattern match. So, I took all2.jpg and created all3.jpg by rotating all2.jpg to match the rotation of template.jpg. all3.jpg also does not contain a pattern match. Now for fun, I'll take all.jpg and create all4.jpg by rotating all.jpg to match template.jpg. all4.jpg also contains a match. So to summarize my findings:
    all.jpg - original - pattern found
    all2.jpg - all.jpg size increase - pattern not found
    all3.jpg - all2.jpg rotated - pattern not found
    all4.jpg - all.jpg rotated - pattern found
    This leads me to believe that the pattern matching is not accounting for the scale factor, but is accounting for the rotation. Although, the interesting thing is all2.jpg is closer in size to the template than all.jpg.
    all3.jpg ‏124 KB
    all4.jpg ‏81 KB

  • Thermocoup​le Scale Factor

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    What device are you using to measure the voltage from the thermocouple? Are you using a National Instruments DAQ board, or something else to input the voltage to the PC? Is the voltage from the thermocouple amplified by anything before you measure it? That would help a great deal in determining the answer to your question.
    But this might be useful info:
    According to this website:​html
    Type K (Chromel / Alumel)
    Type K is the 'general
    purpose' thermocouple. It is low cost and, owing to its popularity, it
    is available in a wide variety of probes. Thermocouples are available
    in the -200 °C to +1200 °C range. Sensitivity is approx 41 µV/°C. Use
    type K unless you have a good reason not to.
    So, at 100°C, without any amplification, the thermocouple would output a voltage of
    .000041V/°C * 300°C = 0.0123V (the TC range starts at -200, so add 200 to the desired temp)
    And at 25°C, the TC output would be
    .000041V/°C * 225°C = 0.009225V
    So, I would say that you have some kind of device that is amplifying your TC to a higher voltage. Therefore, you need to know what that amplification factor is before converting that voltage to a temperature. If, just as an example, you have a circuit or box that inputs a TC voltage and outputs 10mV/°C, then your 25-100°C range would be .250V - 1.00V. In that case, the .010 is your scale factor, and your 0.4V output would translate to 40°C. Again, that depends on the hardware you are using.
    Does that help at all, or just confuse you more?

  • Report with multiplying columns  and WITH clause

    I saw sth strange in my report. I assume that it could happens very often.
    I have report with few columns which two of them ar most complicated (many joins subqueries aggreagations on joined values etc.) These two columns (i.e C3,C4) should be multiplied (C3*C4).
    When i do pure report without multiplying only columns C1,C2,C3,C4 everything is ok - duration about 15 sec. but... when I put next column on report which multiply these columns (in Answers C5=C3*C4)
    I wait 3-4 minutes and my database hungs :(. After investigation I saw that in first case to databese goes pure "SELECT" statement it means:
    "Select ... as C1, ... as C2, max(...) as C3, sum(xxx)... C4 from yyy,sss,ttt WHERE aaa"
    but in second case BI uses WITH clause it means:
    ( Select ... as C1, ... as C2, max(...) as C3, sum(xxx)... C4 from yyy,sss,ttt WHERE aaa )
    SELECT SAWITH0.C1 as C1,
    SAWITH0.C2 as C2,
         SAWITH0.C3 as C3,
         SAWITH0.C4 as C4,
         SAWITH0.C3*SAWITH0.C4 as C5 FROM SSS
    and this statement is long runninq query and kills my database :(.
    I checked that SQL like this:
    Select ... as C1, ... as C2, max(...) as C3, sum(xxx)... C4, max(...)*sum(xxx)... As C5 from yyy,sss,ttt WHERE aaa" -
    runs few times faster than that above
    I know that I can do this multiply in business model layer but sometimes users can multiply(or other operations) on columns in reports without my knowledge and it kills my db :(. Where is bug? Why SQLs with WITH clause takes so much db time?
    Thank you for each kind of help

    WITH clause or Subquery Factoring allows the set of data to be reused multiple times within the SQL. Oracle will usually materialize the data into a temporary table (you will see it if you take an explain plan of the SQL).
    I would be surprised if it was the actual WITH clause that was causing the performance issue, however you can test this by turning the WITH clause feature off. Go to the Physical model, right mouse click on your Database > Properties > Features Tab, scroll down to WITH_CLAUSE_SUPPORTED and switch it off.
    I'd be interested to know if you do see actual improvement.
    Good Luck.

  • Output/Input Scale Factor

    I have a high resolution stage used for a scanning application.  I'm using a pci-7344 to control the stage.  The system is marginally stable with kp=1 and various values set for ki and kd.  I have found several posts with the same issue:
    It is apparent that the gain needs to be set below one and the only current solutions (decrease encoder resolution or decreasing the output limits) are both unacceptable.  Encoders aren't free (and in my case extremely difficult to replace) and I want my stage to run as fast as possible.
    Many other modern controllers allow the input and/or the output of the PID loop to be scaled (even if it's only by factors of two for non floating point dsp's) for exactly this reason.  This allows one to arbitrarily place the optimal kp value within the allowable integer range (i.e. 1<kp<32768).  Is there a way to do this on ni controllers?  If not is there a propper place to request features?

    Unfortunately you can't scale the input or output of the PID loop. I am attaching two links below that discuss how to tune the servo motor and also where you can make product suggestions. I'm sorry I don't have better news for you, but please post your ideas to the idea exchange below so our developers can look at them. Thank you!
    A Simple Method for Servo Motor Tuning
    NI Idea Exchange
    Mychal F
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Calculating scale factor from miliamps input to labview output

    I am setting up a testing fixture with Fieldpoint and Labview. I am bringing in a 4-20MA single to the fieldpoint. I need to scale it so I can have a pressure and vacuum reading in my labview screen. Do I use a multiply function or make a sub VI.
    Thanks, Bob

    I built a sub VI for my amp meter. I have a current transducer that is set to read 100 amps. So we used y=mx+b and got the scaling right on. I copied the Sub VI and used it for a pressure reading. This time the scale was based on a 250 PSI Transducer. This transducer puts out a 4 to 20ma signal. Again this one works perfect. It is dead on compared to the precision analog gauge. The problem is with my Vacuum Transducer. It is a 0-200 psi or 0-30" in Hg. I calculated the y=mx+b for this sub VI and I can not get a valid vacuum reading. I checked the port to make sure I was pulling vacuum there.
    In the sub VI if you click on it, it shows the original calculation for the amps. I tried to save the sub VI as a different name but it will not allow two sub VI's in the same state. I was able to get the pressure to work by changing the value in the constant that is connected to the Y multiplier.
    So how do I get the vacuum meter to show a 0-30" value.
    Thanks for the reply, Bob

  • Multiplying Column by a Fixed Percentage

    Hello, I am using Numbers to calculate grades, and would like to weight each column (each one contains the grade for X number of students for a certain assignment) with a certain percentage, so that the final column shows the final grades.
    Is there any way to do this, other than re-entering all the grades again one by one?

    The are a number of different solutions that might apply to the situation you described, so I'll ask you to clarify:
    What is the form of grades currently listed for students? (Number or points, percent, letter, other)
    How is the final grade in the final column determined and what is it? (Total points, percent, letter)
    I'll make a guess as to one of the possibilities since the title of your post suggests you are using number scores, each to be multiplied by a weighted percent. And assuming you are adding the results together, to get a final grade in total points the formula is:
    -- Note $ signs in first pair

  • ? Scale Factor of Imported Graphics

    I've exhausted every possible place I can find an answer, so if it's obvious to you, I apologize, but I have tried.
    I am going from nearly 20 years in Pagemaker (and Quark) to Indesign. The transition is not intuitive to say the least. My biggest head scratch is where do I find the proportions or scaling of images. The images are in their containers, but I find no way to see what their scaling factor is set to.
    The fit content to frame, fit frame to content, etc. etc. buttons in the tool bar don't give this info. In Pagemaker, there were actual x and y scaling measures. One of the advantages of seeing the measures is to ensure that you're not over scaling an object (and subjecting your image to pixelation). Links, right clicking, double clicking, etc. I just cannot find this information.

    Thank you Peter. I figured I was making it harder than it needed to be. I appreciate your taking the time to reply.

  • Scale factor in f.09

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    pls help me any one one on this

  • Scale factor on WebView

    Does webview provide any way for zooming in and zooming out (make html5 webpage appear to be bigger or smaller)? The closest thing i found is webview.setScaleX, webview.setScaleY but it doesn't seem to work. What i tried both way of setting the scale before or after loading the document and it does seem to matter. The webpage doesn't load at all after the setScale*.
    Thanks for the great work btw.
    - tt

    You issue may be platform specific - a simple test case on JavaFX 2.0GA, WindowsXP SP3 with a Radeon 4650 worked fine for me.
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.web.WebView;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class WebViewScaler extends Application {
      public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); }
      @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        WebView root = new WebView();
        root.setScaleX(2); root.setScaleY(2);
        primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root, 1000, 800));;

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