Multithreaded irc client

I need an example on howtodo the threading part. Id like for my client
to be able to connect to several irc servers ... using different user-nick info.
A simple program skeleton of just the threading part or something... the client I
have already works with a single irc server. Id like to have a thread handling the
userinfo, read/write part ... per server.
All my other attempts so far has failed ... miserably and I need some tip. =)
Thanks in advance ...

if it is valid to create multiple
threads in a ejb client program that makes synchronous
calls to the bean instance.Depends of what you mean by 'ejb client'.
If you mean a non-ejb class ( regular java class/servlet) making calls to an ejb bean, the answer would be yes, although I don't see why you should worry about sync-ing the calls, since the ejb container automatically handles that, i.e locks the bean for the time of the request.
If you mean by 'ejb client' an ejb bean making calls to another ejb bean , then you're violating the specs, since it is the container who is supposed to have the monopole of handling threads, not the programmer.

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  • So I want to create my own IRC client...

    I've wanted to make my own IRC client for a long time now. As soon as I switched from winfailure a few months ago (I think nearly a year now! ), actually.
    As time went by I've slowly, begrudgingly gotten used to irssi, but with gritted teeth all the same. On winfailure, I used HydraIRC, and while this application was quite good, its supposedly open source license wasn't free as in free speech, only as in free beer. So while the code was open, it was only opened such that the code couldn't be used in other projects. Stab.
    Anyway, I used this client for the better part of a year, and while it lacked quite a few things that would have probably turned others away like the complete lack of a scripting engine, it did what I wanted pretty well, and set an operational standard, if you will, that I got used to and have not found anywhere else. Yet.
    So I want to recreate the standard I picked up on but for POSIX platforms (except for cygwin), and introduce some features of my own too. I simply don't know where to start, however.
    Note that the subject says "create", not "write" - after asking around a bit in IRC ##linux recommended I try taking two IRC clients that have the features I want and merging their codebases. I've never done something like this before but I think it'd probably be fairly interesting, if not trying.
    So, I'll list the features I'm looking for, and perhaps you can give me some suggestions on 1) how I'd either implement this myself or 2) a client with X feature already coded in. Thanks.
    The features I'm looking for:
    - Code Simplicity: This is the most important, to me, in the case of using others' code. Complex code (just look at rxvt if you want complex code) will just confuse and down-hearten me and make me run away.
    - A network-oriented model: I want a client with a daemon, or server, that connects to my networks and performs most "heavyweight" takes, and a client, which just handles display. Quassel does this to an extent but is horribly underdeveloped and I don't have a system powerful enough to handle running Qt on a long-term basis (since I already tend to use GTK apps). I also don't know C++.
    - Multiple clients: This is the second most important. I really need this one. I want to be able to have a "main" client that can connect to the server and manage general tasks, and a "light" text-based, console-driven client that connects and can be run over ssh, for example. Quassel completely falls apart here because it uses KDE's network-IPC libraries to transfer data from the server to the client, which a quick check with Wireshark showed to be binary. And I wouldn't want my "lite" client to require KDE, or at least KDE's libraries - that'd just be majorly weird.
    - Speed: I want the client to be fast and responsive at all times, even on slower systems, and even when I'm connected to a lot of channels.
    - Scriptability: It doesn't need to be complex, like Perl's library that applications can bind in. That's overmuch IMHO and, most importantly, slow.
    I don't think one particular client meets those needs, but a few of you will probably shout "xchat!" Well, X-Chat is... not my thing. If irssi could be considered very far away from HydraIRC in terms of operation, X-Chat is the same distance away twice over. It doesn't operate the same way at all.
    So, now that I've loosely explained the features I want, let me now explain another thing I want to be able to do.
    Despite having hardware in dire need of upgrading right now (these systems aren't nearly that bad, but Firefox tends to eat my 512MB of RAM up pretty quickly, and I recently found all the PCs this house has in it 99% likely can't use DDR2 RAM, which isn't too good), I hope and believe that one day I'll upgrade to considerably better equipment with extensive graphics support. With this newer hardware I hope to create a new kind of UI model with animation integrated into the look-and-feel model of the UI the same way images are used for the same purpose today, GPLv3 license it so corporations can't steal it and use it in their products, and then bind it into my IRC client.
    However, I want to start now, before I upgrade. With this in mind, I don't know whether I should make my own GUI toolkit, or use an existing toolkit now and rewrite half the codebase later to support my own graphics and animations. I'm not very good at making things that are programmatically extensible and flexible, so I don't really know what to do here. Simple hand-rolled toolkits such as dialogs with some text and a button can be managed in under ~250 lines of code, but anything bigger, and, well... you get stuff like GTK and KDE, whose toolkit libraries in total are both on the order of over a couple of MBs each, and have been in development for years, and continue to evolve rapidly today. If you're careful, you end up with FLTK, which I don't like the look of at all.
    In addition to that, I want my client to be fast, even on slower computers. Right now, I have a 3-screen setup, with each screen being driven by a separate PC. The one on the right - the one I'd be putting my IRC client on - is a 450MHz P3 with 320MB of RAM. It runs X on a 4MB VGA card at 800x600. This is where I currently run an irssi session over ssh and screen. To give you an idea of the graphical power of this machine, antialiased Xft fonts with urxvt take 0.15 seconds to "scroll" when I say something in IRC. However, it's a capable PC if I harness its capability right, and is where I'd target my IRC client. And I dislike seeing my fonts redraw - I dislike seeing anything redraw, for that matter.
    You might think I'm crazy, writing an IRC client for one of the slowest PCs in the house that works, that I in future want to extend to use a graphics layer that I hope to develop on a server-class Nehalem workstation with an insane amount of RAM and a pair of SLI'd GTX 280s in it.
    I don't think I'm crazy. I'm using what I have to give back to the open source community, and using what I consider to be an cunning operational model to do it: back when the 450MHz P3 I spoke of was the only "main" working PC I had, I designed, in none other than Visual Basic 1.0, a media center UI. On Windows 98. In 2006. And, you know what, despite the fact that the animations it used were pretty basic, it actually looked really, really good. And why was this? Because I used software designed for 486DX2s running at 33MHz with 4 or 6MB of RAM, on a P3, with 128MB of RAM (yes, I've upgraded it since), clocked at 450MHz. The result? Blinding, optimized, speed. You really should try the older versions of VB sometime - I managed to score a copy of VB 2.0 which is legal to distribute because its "Make EXE" (ie compile) function is crippled. Email me and I'll mail you a copy - it's completely legal.
    In the same manner, if I design this IRC client and carefully construct it so its client/server model works capably on my two PCs, my server (a machine not unlike the P3 I've been discussing - my server just has more hard disks in it, a 50MHz faster processor, runs my left-hand display and my IRC network) and my old desktop (the 450MHz box I've mentioned so much), when I finally bring it over to my new computer it'll be so fast that it'll be as if the computer is registering keypresses before I even type them. And that's the kind of performance I want to couple with shinyyy graphics.
    Sorry this sounded halfway between a motivational speech, a request for help, and a coder's dilemma. lol

    Bit of an update: Varreon emailed me regarding VB 2.0 and we had a bit of a discussion regarding the language I planned to use.
    He said it would be fine to post our conversation, so here's how it panned out:
    Varreon wrote:...What language were you planning on writing your client in? I've written an irc bot in c++, and I'll upload my source code if you're interested in looking through it.
    dav7 wrote:
    Well, I'm not all that sure what language I want to use just yet.
    I know I want it to be extensible, so I could either use a high-level, extensible but slow scripting language to power the client as a whole, or I could go down a path already travelled, proved extremely successful and in my opinion cleaner, and embed a scripting language, which would negate the requirement for a high-level language but still facilitate customization.
    All the same, I'm not really all that sure what language to use.
    C++ isn't really my thing - on my current computers, g++ takes maybe 3 seconds to compile the smallest of source files, and while that isn't *really * all that long, I'm not all that patient. As it stands I consider /gcc/ too slow for my preferences and use tcc instead - you might like to try it if you're on a 32-bit system.
    I'll probably move to C++ when I get a new PC, but for now, all I really find fast enough for my liking is C, and I'm a little concerned that C might be a little too low-level for what I want to design here - beyond scriptability, I want the client itself to be easily extended in various directions. Of course the client will only appeal to a specific market (in an open source sense), but I do want it to feel organic and something that can be extended in as many directions as possible. So C probably won't be the language I use, and since C++ is slow to compile, it's probably going to be off the list as well.
    All the same, I'm not concerned about speed in the irrational way I have been in the past, but at the same time I do need to be careful in my thinking regardless of the language I use since don't want a client that lags to death. A good example of a slow program is SciTE - the text editor I'm typing this in, Geany, uses the same edit control it uses (Scintilla, which is written in C++, AFAIK), and while this component has a good degree of editorial control, scrolling with the scroll wheel can be slow. Also, when I recently tried to run SciTE on an old laptop I found on the side of the road (AMD K-6, 350MHz, 32MB RAM), I discovered that just *typing* would lag the system horribly - typing about 15 keystrokes quickly resulted in a lag of about 6 seconds after which what I typed would appear all at once. Typing single keys - slowly - resulted in a delay of around 0.20-0.39ms (guessed).
    Regarding scripting, I had my eyes on one embeddable language in particular but I forgot what it was called, so I headed to Wikipedia for a quick hunt-down session for it and managed to discover Falcon, which appears to use a VM but is at the same time the same insanely fast because it uses a C/C++-only policy for its modules. It also advertises itself as a scripting engine "ready to empower mission-critical multithreaded applications" so I'm considering Falcon to be a possible engine to integrate, and on a slightly long shot, even the language I might end up using. I also think hunting the first language I considered down and embedding that might be a nice idea, and I also might embed Perl. I'd love to be able to embed Ruby.
    Overall however, I do need to contain my enthusiasm - the desire to throw in multiple scripting engines, awe-inspiring compositing graphics layers, and support for multiple protocols isn't such a bad idea, but if not controlled will result in serious featuritis, which when combined with a verbose, low-level language will only result in me throwing myself at the project too hard "to get it done", with proven disastrous results.
    [ Note, there's an update in a follow-up post below this one that affects the information you see here - just so you know ]
    I've done some consideration since that email and it's possible that C++ might be able to be brought onto the table. This was mostly inspired by the good outcome I had with writing a couple of modules for InspIRCd, which uses C++, compared to my previous attempt when I knew no C.
    The main thing I'm a little indecisive about at the moment is the toolkit; I want something that's fast but doesn't look all that bad; FLTK is, as I've said previously, not something I like the look of - it does appear to be somewhat themable but it's impossible to escape the fact that it values speed over shininess, and while this is excellent for my current target, I don't want to develop something that relies on it so heavily that it's next to impossible to port to whatever I end up using when it's time to get the graphics in, such as a UI model on top of an OpenGL canvas.
    The second thing I'm unsure of is what scripting language I should use. I've done quite a bit of looking around - mostly to try and find that language I mentioned that I lost - and found quite a lot of possibilities, and even discovered that with some work (well, a lot of work, admittedly) it's even possible to embed Ruby into C++, and have Ruby call user-defined C++ functions and so on. It's not an official part of the project, but someone managed it nonetheless.
    It seems to be possible to embed popular languages such as Perl, Python, Tcl, Lua, etc, but then there are lesser-known languages designed for embedding, such as Nesla, AngelScript and the like (such as that language I can't find, heh). And of course I could also embed a JavaScript engine, which would probably be very odd but all the same quite an experience.
    Then there's Falcon, which appears to be a pretty good language in general but doesn't appear to have all that many modules available for it just yet, so doesn't seem to suit my purposes.
    So, summing up:
    - I don't know how I should develop this in terms of graphics - should I wait for a new PC and just use SDL or whatever I'm going to use, use a toolkit and either rewrite half of everything at some other point or juggle two display methods, or what?
    - The number of scripting languages out there is mind-boggling. To me, it's not what syntax the language uses, or whether it's statically or dynamically typed, or how readable it is, it's #1 how fast it is, and #2 how suitable it would be in the context of an IRC client - string manipulation (even on every incoming and/or outgoing message), user interface control, and so on.
    Last edited by dav7 (2009-02-16 09:25:49)

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    but have no experience with this mode of communication.
    Last edited by pradtf (2010-06-28 17:03:03)

    Weechat.  It is easy to get up and going with in just a minute or two of blasting though irc.conf.  The configuration options are very straight-forward.
    Last edited by Wintervenom (2010-06-22 12:41:14)

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    But if there's any other factors besides DCC that I should consider in choosing which IRC client to all means tell me about it.
    I would really appreciate a few informed opinions.
    Many thanks!

    You should get more responses if you cross-post over in the iChat AV 3 Forums. That is where the IRC users hang out.

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    It should not be necessary to use the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag for a
    single-context client, even if it is multithreaded. What is the nature of
    the failure that you are seeing?
    <Jacque Cole> wrote in message news:[email protected]..
    We just moved to Tuxedo 8.1 from Tuxedo 7.1. One of our appications has
    started to fail. This particular application is a single context
    multithreaded workstation client. All Tuxedo operations are performed
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  • Best irc client for a mac 10.9 os

    I was not give a choice for this OS. So anyway.
    What is preferred IRC client for mac  - mavericks. 10.9.2? Google and got lots of suggestions but none originated from an apple forum.

    Ircle was my old favorite, but I can't find its download site anymore.  You might want to look at:
    Especially under the sortable IRC table, and also see to see if any have been rated for compatibility.

  • IRC client for Nokia 5800

    Can you tell me is there IRC client for Nokia 5800? Because i tried with jmirc, but it doesn't work fine.
    Nokia X6 8GB Xpress Music
    Nokia E66, Nokia 5800 Xpress Music
    Nokia 7250i, Nokia 5300 Xpress Music

    mIRGGI works, but it's nowhere near as good as Wireless IRC is on S60v3. After countless attempts to get janole (creator of Wireless IRC, Gravity, Remote Professional, etc), it doesn't look like he's going to port WIRC to S60v5 for a while.
    The best solution I could come up with is using PuTTy for S60v5 to connect to my SSH that has IRSSI. Works brilliantly, although lacks some important features like copy-paste.

  • How to install a java based irc client into a hand...

    I've tried to install a java-based irc-client, but all I get is a webpage thanking for downloading. Something is updated for a while, but no application nor any new files seem to have been stored into the handheld nor mem-card.
    Is there a way to installa programs straight from the web other than Ovi-service. I dod not find any links nor feature to browse outside the OVI-store selection. Ovi however loaded with the installer in my phone, XpressMusic 5310.
    B.Sc Information tech
    Phones I have or used to have: ancient Ericsson, Nokia: 6510, 2610, 5310 XpressMusic

    Hey you can create java client using Eclispe or WSAD or far that matter any other IDE. crate a project save the WSDLs in a package. Right click on WSDL goto webservice option. From there you can generate client.
    Is it still open ?
    Edited by: sapan on Feb 25, 2009 1:17 AM

  • IRC Client for OS X  10.4.11 PPC

    I am running a PowerMac PPC G4 and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find an IRC client that would work with that.
    Thank You!

    Does iChat on your Mac already... not work?

  • Mac IRC Clients?

    I'm a big user of IRC and I've been using X-Chat Aqua, but it's started to have a bug where it crashes when ever I try to right-click. I'm getting this crash report:
    Process: X-Chat Aqua [202]
    Path: /Applications/X-Chat Aqua/X-Chat Aqua
    Identifier: X-Chat Aqua
    Version: X-Chat Aqua version 0.15.3 (???)
    Code Type: X86 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [132]
    Date/Time: 2008-08-19 14:41:01.649 -0400
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.4 (9E17)
    Report Version: 6
    Exception Type: EXCBADACCESS (SIGABRT)
    Exception Codes: KERNPROTECTIONFAILURE at 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread: 0
    Thread 0 Crashed:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x92466b9e __kill + 10
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x924ddec2 raise + 26
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x924ed47f abort + 73
    3 libruby.1.dylib 0x0dd3b840 rbexcnew + 0
    4 libruby.1.dylib 0x0dda24e3 rbgc_mark_traplist + 440
    5 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9246509b _sigtramp + 43
    6 ??? 0xffffffff 0 + 4294967295
    7 0x956ba4b2 CFStringCompare + 18
    8 com.vmware.FusionVMDKPlugIn 0x0e322de0 FusionVMDKPlugIn_ExamineContext + 56 (fusionVMDKPlugIn.c:289)
    9 0x90870fc3 TContextualMenuPlugin::ExamineContext(AEDesc const*, TPluginCommandList&, unsigned long, unsigned char&) + 49
    10 0x90870f6d TContextualMenuPluginList::ExamineContext(AEDesc const*, TPluginCommandList&, long) + 145
    11 0x90905f4e _ContextualMenuInsertItems(MenuData*, unsigned short, AEDesc const*, ContextualMenuHelp const*, unsigned long*, OpaqueContextualMenuItemsRef**) + 400
    12 0x9087071d _ContextualMenuInsertItems + 95
    13 0x931aa64a _NSPopUpCarbonMenu3 + 1464
    14 0x931aa088 _NSPopUpCarbonMenu2 + 155
    15 0x931a9fe9 _NSPopUpCarbonMenu1 + 82
    16 0x931a9f49 -[NSCarbonMenuImpl _popUpContextMenu:withEvent:forView:withFont:] + 237
    17 0x931a9d82 -[NSMenu _popUpContextMenu:withEvent:forView:withFont:] + 285
    18 0x931a9c5f -[NSMenu _popUpContextMenu:withEvent:forView:] + 63
    19 0x931a9c1a -[NSMenu _popUpMenuWithEvent:forView:] + 52
    20 0x9357410d -[NSView rightMouseDown:] + 103
    21 0x935039ee -[NSTextView rightMouseDown:] + 167
    22 0x930314c5 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 8511
    23 0x92ffd431 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 2941
    24 X-Chat Aqua 0x0001c9d6 -[SGApplication sendEvent:] + 132
    25 0x92f5ae27 -[NSApplication run] + 847
    26 X-Chat Aqua 0x0000ad93 fe_main + 327
    27 X-Chat Aqua 0x00038005 main + 87 (xchat.c:1027)
    28 X-Chat Aqua 0x00001fe2 _start + 216
    29 X-Chat Aqua 0x00001f09 start + 41
    Thread 1:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x924485e2 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x924296f5 pthreadstart + 321
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x924295b2 thread_start + 34
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
    eax: 0x00000000 ebx: 0x924ed43f ecx: 0xbfffe8ec edx: 0x92466b9e
    edi: 0xa0282650 esi: 0x0000000c ebp: 0xbfffe908 esp: 0xbfffe8ec
    ss: 0x0000001f efl: 0x00000286 eip: 0x92466b9e cs: 0x00000007
    ds: 0x0000001f es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037
    cr2: 0xffe17cc8
    Binary Images:
    0x1000 - 0xe1fe7 +X-Chat Aqua X-Chat Aqua version 0.15.3 (???) /Applications/X-Chat Aqua/X-Chat Aqua
    0x500000 - 0x61eff7 2.0.8 (2.0.8) <56067945130800a348eb076676d41e92> /System/Library/CoreServices/RawCamera.bundle/Contents/MacOS/RawCamera
    0x738000 - 0x738fff ??? (???) /Applications/X-Chat Aqua/Plugins/
    0x73c000 - 0x74cfff +perl-tiger.impl ??? (???) /Applications/X-Chat Aqua/Plugins/perl-tiger.impl
    0x768000 - 0x76afff libutil.dylib ??? (???) <5ac8a5517aae408d0fdb6da13a2faf89> /usr/lib/libutil.dylib
    0x76f000 - 0x76ffff ??? (???) /Applications/X-Chat Aqua/Plugins/
    0x779000 - 0x77efff ??? (???) /Applications/X-Chat Aqua/Plugins/
    0x7e1000 - 0x7e6fff +ruby-tiger.impl ??? (???) /Applications/X-Chat Aqua/Plugins/ruby-tiger.impl
    0xd9d3000 - 0xd9dafff ??? (???) /Applications/X-Chat Aqua/Plugins/
    0xdb00000 - 0xdc1aff3 libperl.dylib ??? (???) <294007223e0c3d7adb49a035f74da05e> /System/Library/Perl/lib/5.8/libperl.dylib
    0xdc47000 - 0xdcebfe3 org.python.python 2.3.5 a (2.3.5 a) <be828bed7958568051a4764b2a0218cd> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/Python
    0xdd2c000 - 0xddcaffb libruby.1.dylib ??? (???) <3017afafed990ab3cb3035c6e2757700> /usr/lib/libruby.1.dylib
    0xddec000 - 0xde6afef com.tcltk.tcllibrary 8.4.7 b (8.4.7 b) <fd41897f36de9271d601298eaf7cdf4b> /System/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Versions/8.4/Tcl
    0xe0a8000 - 0xe0adff3 libCGXCoreImage.A.dylib ??? (???) <b6cf72d9cbd5312d4ec435e298954ade> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCGXCoreImage.A.dylib
    0xe0de000 - 0xe0e8ffc +com.hsoi.DeskPicChangeCMPlugin DeskPicChangeCMPlugin 2.1 (2.1) /Users/bhansen/Library/Contextual Menu Items/DeskPicChangeCMPlugin.plugin/Contents/MacOS/DeskPicChangeCMPlugin
    0xe0f1000 - 0xe0f2ff7 ??? ( /Users/bhansen/Library/Contextual Menu Items/Google Notifier Quick Add CM Plugin.plugin/Contents/MacOS/Google Notifier Quick Add CM Plugin
    0xe200000 - 0xe202fff +com.lemkesoft.GraphicConverterCMI 1.5 (1.6) /Users/bhansen/Library/Contextual Menu Items/GraphicConverterCMI.plugin/Contents/MacOS/GraphicConverterCMI
    0xe20c000 - 0xe212fcb +com.roxio.ToastItPlugin ToastIt 1.1.2 (build 17) (1.1.2) /Users/bhansen/Library/Contextual Menu Items/ToastIt.plugin/Contents/MacOS/ToastIt
    0xe239000 - 0xe23bffe 1.1 (160) <650079fd95a57e8131e79409a00b2aed> /System/Library/Contextual Menu Items/AutomatorCMM.plugin/Contents/MacOS/AutomatorCMM
    0xe241000 - 0xe242ffd 2.1 (2.1f17) /System/Library/Contextual Menu Items/BluetoothContextualMenu.plugin/Contents/MacOS/BluetoothContextualMenu
    0xe247000 - 0xe2b5ff7 2.1 (2.1f17) <29ab5843bb608c155d4d7353320c2194> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework/Versions/A/IOBluetooth
    0xe301000 - 0xe304fff 1.4.832 (1.4.832) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BezelServices.framework/Versions/A/BezelServi ces
    0xe315000 - 0xe31afff 1.3.2 (1.3.2) <9ba69ef0bec96264a79fa28b3a5f058b> /System/Library/Contextual Menu Items/FolderActionsMenu.plugin/Contents/MacOS/FolderActionsMenu
    0xe321000 - 0xe322ffd +com.vmware.FusionVMDKPlugIn ??? (0.0.1d2) /Library/Contextual Menu Items/FusionVMDKPlugIn.plugin/Contents/MacOS/FusionVMDKPlugIn
    0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe2da53 dyld 96.2 (???) <7af47d3b00b2268947563c7fa8c59a07> /usr/lib/dyld
    0x90003000 - 0x9000cfff 3.7.24 (3.7.24) <d3180f9edbd9a5e6f283d6156aa3c602> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SpeechRecogni tion.framework/Versions/A/SpeechRecognition
    0x9000d000 - 0x9005dff7 1.7.0 (???) <f7e78891a6d08265c83dca8e378be1ea> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ HIServices.framework/Versions/A/HIServices
    0x9005e000 - 0x9010efff 6.0.12 (6.0.12) <1dc515ebe407292db8e603938c72d4e8> /System/Library/Frameworks/Kerberos.framework/Versions/A/Kerberos
    0x9010f000 - 0x90146fff 1.9.2 (1.9.2) <8b26ebf26a009a098484f1ed01ec499c> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfi guration
    0x90147000 - 0x90147ffc 1.5 (1.5) /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework/Versions/A/AudioUnit
    0x90148000 - 0x901a4ff7 68 (1.1.3) <fe87a9dede38db00e6c8949942c6bd4f> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HTMLRendering .framework/Versions/A/HTMLRendering
    0x901a8000 - 0x901a8ffb 1.0 (8) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/InstallServer.framework/Versions/A/InstallSer ver
    0x901a9000 - 0x90266fff 5525.18 (5525.18) <7e41e38368974ed048c2f027a961dbd4> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit
    0x90267000 - 0x902a5ff7 libGLImage.dylib ??? (???) <093b1b698ca93a0380f5fa262459ea28> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLImage.dyl ib
    0x902a6000 - 0x9039aff4 libiconv.2.dylib ??? (???) <c508c60fafca17824c0017b2e4369802> /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
    0x9039b000 - 0x90442feb 3.11.52 (???) <c72bd7bd2ce12694c3640a731d1ad878> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ QD.framework/Versions/A/QD
    0x90457000 - 0x904d1ff8 5.5.3 (245.3) <222dade7b33b99708b8c09d1303f93fc> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ PrintCore.framework/Versions/A/PrintCore
    0x90511000 - 0x905f2ff7 libxml2.2.dylib ??? (???) <1baef3d4972ee789d8fa6c1fa44da45c> /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
    0x907a4000 - 0x90aabff7 1.5.3 (???) <e36f5c553e5a32f64b7eb458dadadc71> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.fra mework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
    0x90aac000 - 0x90aacffd 1.4.2 (Accelerate 1.4.2) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Accelerate
    0x90aad000 - 0x910fdfff 5525.18.1 (5525.18.1) <9fcf69305c5b48dd8a5cb77107f66c7a> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.frame work/Versions/A/WebCore
    0x910fe000 - 0x911e3ff3 100.1 (186) <8e28162ef2288692615b52acc01f8b54> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Versions/A/CoreData
    0x9129a000 - 0x912f7ffb libstdc++.6.dylib ??? (???) <04b812dcec670daa8b7d2852ab14be60> /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
    0x912f8000 - 0x912fcfff libmathCommon.A.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib
    0x912fd000 - 0x91384ff7 libsqlite3.0.dylib ??? (???) <6978bbcca4277d6ae9f042beff643f7d> /usr/lib/libsqlite3.0.dylib
    0x91385000 - 0x913c6fe7 libRIP.A.dylib ??? (???) <8c2cd4f044b3413d770ca8ad740f7645> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRIP.A.dylib
    0x913c7000 - 0x913e2ff3 libPng.dylib ??? (???) <c0484bec6e2432b406755591924fe664> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib
    0x913e3000 - 0x91401fff libresolv.9.dylib ??? (???) <0629b6dcd71f4aac6a891cbe26253e85> /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib
    0x91439000 - 0x91439ffa 32 (32) <2fcc8f3bd5bbfc000b476cad8e6a3dd2> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices
    0x91475000 - 0x9152ffe3 226.5 (226.5) <7e10d25c615a39fe1ab4d48e24a3b555> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OSServi ces.framework/Versions/A/OSServices
    0x9157b000 - 0x91939fea libLAPACK.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/libLAPACK.dylib
    0x9193a000 - 0x91a08ff3 5525.18 (5525.18) <672d1c7f16a4300addabeff4830f5024> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
    0x91a39000 - 0x91a45fe7 1.5.6 (1.5.6) <125de77ea2434a91364e79a0905a7771> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL
    0x91abf000 - 0x9215bfef 1.351.32 (???) <793d7ceb9e1880818e03c1f1b10df04b> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics
    0x9217b000 - 0x921bafef libTIFF.dylib ??? (???) <6d0f80e9d4d81f3f64c876aca005bd53> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libTIFF.dylib
    0x921bb000 - 0x921bdfff 3.0 (30817) <2b2854123fed609d1820d2779e2e0963> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/SecurityHI
    0x9237a000 - 0x923f6feb 3.1.0 (3.1) <70bb7c657061631491029a61babe0b26> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio
    0x923f7000 - 0x92557ff3 libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <a12f397abf2285077b89bd726bff5b18> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
    0x92600000 - 0x926b2ffb libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib ??? (???) <01109b36b445b3e8698ef87f814f7fd4> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib
    0x926b3000 - 0x926c9fff 1.0.0 (1.0.0) <ad0aa0252e3323d182e17f50defe56fc> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Diction aryServices.framework/Versions/A/DictionaryServices
    0x926ca000 - 0x926d5ff9 1.0 (14) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HelpData.framework/Versions/A/HelpData
    0x926d6000 - 0x927b5fff libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???) <a53206274b6c2d42691f677863f379ae> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
    0x927b6000 - 0x92841fff 1.5.1 (???) <60cfc4b175c4ef60bb8e9036716a29f4> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
    0x92842000 - 0x92966fe3 1.5.1 (1.5.1) /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
    0x92967000 - 0x92987ff2 libGL.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib
    0x92988000 - 0x92998ffc 1.6.4 (1.6.4) <8b7831b5f74a950a56cf2d22a2d436f6> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ LangAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/LangAnalysis
    0x929ca000 - 0x92a49ff5 1.2.0 (1.2.0) <277b460da86bc222785159fe77e2e2ed> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchK it.framework/Versions/A/SearchKit
    0x92a4a000 - 0x92a69ffa libJPEG.dylib ??? (???) <0cfb80109d624beb9ceb3c43b6c5ec10> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJPEG.dylib
    0x92a6a000 - 0x92a6cff5 libRadiance.dylib ??? (???) <20eadb285da83df96c795c2c5fa20590> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRadiance.dylib
    0x92a6d000 - 0x92af7fe3 1.4.6 (1.4.6) <94d1a28b351b7dff77becadab0967772> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Versions/A/Desk topServicesPriv
    0x92b09000 - 0x92b8bff3 330.4 (330.4) <ce5b085df34a78b7f198aff9db5b52ec> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFNetwo rk.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
    0x92b8c000 - 0x92c1fff3 3.3 (???) <064eb6d96417afa38a80b1735c4113aa> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/ATS
    0x92c20000 - 0x92c7aff7 2.0.2 (???) <9fde11f84a72e890bbf2aa8b0b13b79a> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreText.framework/Versions/A/CoreText
    0x92d4f000 - 0x92e95ff7 2.0.2 (2.0.2) <77dfee73f4c0d230425a5151ee0bce05> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO
    0x92e96000 - 0x92edcfef 10.5.2 (398.18) <adbb3a14e8f7da444e16d2fd61862771> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadat a.framework/Versions/A/Metadata
    0x92f22000 - 0x9371ffef 6.5.3 (949.33) <84b236f43802f4c15011513d18efa101> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
    0x93752000 - 0x9377ffeb libvDSP.dylib ??? (???) <b232c018ddd040ec4e2c2af632dd497f> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/libvDSP.dylib
    0x93780000 - 0x93780fff 136 (136) <98a5e3bc0c4fa44bbb09713bb88707fe> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon
    0x93781000 - 0x937b0fe3 402.2 (402.2) <e01596187e91af5d48653920017b8c8e> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.fram ework/Versions/A/AE
    0x94a93000 - 0x94f66ffe libGLProgrammability.dylib ??? (???) <475db64244e011cd8811e076035b2632> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLProgramma bility.dylib
    0x94f67000 - 0x94fa1fff 1.1 (61) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Versions/A/CoreUI
    0x94fa2000 - 0x94fc6fff libxslt.1.dylib ??? (???) <4933ddc7f6618743197aadc85b33b5ab> /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib
    0x950a8000 - 0x950a8ff8 6.5 (???) <e064f94d969ce25cb7de3cfb980c3249> /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa
    0x951e1000 - 0x951ecfe7 libCSync.A.dylib ??? (???) <3f58eb487099bff0476ec79974d0ad4d> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCSync.A.dylib
    0x951ed000 - 0x954c7ff3 786.6 (786.6) <bc7c12c84fe21ae2626bdd17070aaafa> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonC ore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
    0x954c8000 - 0x9558fff2 3.0 (3.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/vImage
    0x95590000 - 0x955d2fef 3.5.2 (163) <91844980804067b07a0b6124310d3f31> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/NavigationSer vices.framework/Versions/A/NavigationServices
    0x95624000 - 0x95756fff 6.5.3 (476.14) <7ef7f5db09ff6dd0135a6165872803cc> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
    0x95757000 - 0x9575eff7 libCGATS.A.dylib ??? (???) <fbc59d0e1eccf907396563568d5cd872> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCGATS.A.dylib
    0x95829000 - 0x9582affc libffi.dylib ??? (???) <a3b573eb950ca583290f7b2b4c486d09> /usr/lib/libffi.dylib
    0x958ce000 - 0x958d1fff 1.1 (36) <b507b08e484cb89033e9cf23062d77de> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Help.framewor k/Versions/A/Help
    0x958d2000 - 0x958d9fe9 libgcc_s.1.dylib ??? (???) <f53c808e87d1184c0f9df63aef53ce0b> /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib
    0x958da000 - 0x959a5fff 4.5.0 (4.5.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ColorSync.framework/Versions/A/ColorSync
    0x959a6000 - 0x959b6fff 3.7.1 (3.7.1) <06d8fc0307314f8ffc16f206ad3dbf44> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ SpeechSynthesis.framework/Versions/A/SpeechSynthesis
    0x959b7000 - 0x95a10ff7 libGLU.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLU.dylib
    0x95a11000 - 0x95da7fff 1.5.3 (1.5.3) <1b65c05f89e81a499302fd63295b242d> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore
    0x95f28000 - 0x95f50ff7 1 (1.0) <057783867138902b52bc0941fedb74d1> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Shortcut.framework/Versions/A/Shortcut
    0x95f51000 - 0x95f51ff8 34 (34) <8f910fa65f01d401ad8d04cc933cf887> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Application Services
    0x95f6a000 - 0x9637afef libBLAS.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib
    0x9637b000 - 0x96383fff 2.2.1 (2.2.1) <75b0c8d8940a8a27816961dddcac8e0f> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiskArbitration.framework/Versions/A/DiskArbitration
    0x96384000 - 0x96401fef libvMisc.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/libvMisc.dylib
    0x96449000 - 0x9645dff3 4.0 (5.0.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageCapture. framework/Versions/A/ImageCapture
    0x9645e000 - 0x96476fff 1.2.8 (???) <d85d82af796d1df9bce7b1db8f6c846c> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OpenScripting .framework/Versions/A/OpenScripting
    0x96477000 - 0x96477ffd 3.4.2 (vecLib 3.4.2) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/vecLib
    0x964ad000 - 0x964b3fff 218.0.2 (220.1) <8bf7ef71216376d12fcd5ec17e43742c> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Print.framewo rk/Versions/A/Print
    0x964b4000 - 0x964c2ffd libz.1.dylib ??? (???) <5ddd8539ae2ebfd8e7cc1c57525385c7> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
    0x964c3000 - 0x9654fff7 289.2 (289.2) <3577886e3a6d56ee3949850c4fde76c9> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchS ervices.framework/Versions/A/LaunchServices
    0x96550000 - 0x9655afeb 3.9.2 (3.9.2) <0f2ba6e891d3761212cf5a5e6134d683> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonSound.f ramework/Versions/A/CarbonSound
    0x9655b000 - 0x96729fff 5.0.4 (34102) <f01d6cbd6a0f24f6c13952ed448e77d6> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security
    0x9672a000 - 0x96740fe7 1.5.1 (1.5.1) <ed7bb95fb94817ea3212090aac5c65f3> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/Versions/A/CoreVideo
    0x9674e000 - 0x969c9fe7 6.5.5 (677.19) <bfd4ebea1a7739dd6b523f15dca01a37> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
    0x969f5000 - 0x969f9fff libGIF.dylib ??? (???) <d4234e6f5e5f530bdafb969157f1f17b> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libGIF.dylib
    0x96a00000 - 0x96a00ffd 3.4.2 (vecLib 3.4.2) /System/Library/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/vecLib
    0x96a01000 - 0x96a08ffe libbsm.dylib ??? (???) <d25c63378a5029648ffd4b4669be31bf> /usr/lib/libbsm.dylib
    0x96c77000 - 0x96d0afff 101.3 (86) <bf3fa8927b4b8baae92381a976fd2079> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Ink.framework /Versions/A/Ink
    0x96d19000 - 0x9703afea 7.5.0 (861) <4e1161b204b3b1f1047412c16483c39a> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/Versions/A/QuickTime
    0x970a9000 - 0x970cdfeb libssl.0.9.7.dylib ??? (???) <3512c4a8198f0e964748bf6acbf359b4> /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.7.dylib
    0x970ce000 - 0x970f6fff libcups.2.dylib ??? (???) <ece20dff2a2c8ed3ae6ef735ef440c37> /usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib
    0x970f7000 - 0x970fcfff 1.2.4 (85) <ea0665f57cd267609466ed8b2b20e893> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CommonPanels. framework/Versions/A/CommonPanels
    0x970fd000 - 0x97235ff7 libicucore.A.dylib ??? (???) <5031226ea28b371d8dfdbb32acfb48b5> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
    0x97253000 - 0x9727efe7 libauto.dylib ??? (???) <42d8422dc23a18071869fdf7b5d8fab5> /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
    0xba900000 - 0xba916fff libJapaneseConverter.dylib ??? (???) <7b0248c392848338f5d6ed093313eeef> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libJapaneseConverter.dylib
    0xc0000000 - 0xc0008fef +com.growl.growlframework 0.7.3 (0.7.3) /Applications/X-Chat Aqua/X-Chat
    0xfffe8000 - 0xfffebfff libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
    0xffff0000 - 0xffff1780 libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
    Anyone know of any other IRC Clients similar to X-Chat, or have a solution to my problem?

    A line like this one ...
    8 com.vmware.FusionVMDKPlugIn 0x0e322de0 FusionVMDKPlugIn_ExamineContext + 56 (fusionVMDKPlugIn.c:289)
    seems to be common in all of the xchat right click crashes that I've seen (including my own). It looks like vmware fusion beta 2 maybe adds some kind of menu item to your right click options.
    This post talks about it some.

  • Flash IRC client

    Is it possible to make IRC chat client using either flash or
    flex ? Are there any tutorials? What are performances of flex (or
    flash) client, compared to java applet IRC clients?
    thank you.

    I have the same problem with multilib/flashplugin The site I'm using is which also features a flash upload. according to this: there may be an issue with flash uploads and the current version of nspluginwrapper. i hope someday all sites use html5's upload capabilities instead of this clumsy flash-workaround.

  • Using Terminal as an IRC client

    I understand that the terminal can be used as an IRC client. Does anyone know how to do this?

    Might have a look at this...

  • Irc client Identify protocol. Help!

    My client isn't able to connect to the irc server I am trying to connect to. I did some research and it says that I need to listen on port 113 and respond back to the server in a certain format. I am not sure exactly how to do this. When I tried doing it
    before I got an error message. Here is the code before I tried listening. The irc sends the message to my client "No ident response". Do I need to create an entire different all together that will listen respond on port 113 or can I do it in here?
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Net.Sockets;
    namespace ConnectIRC
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    string ip = "";
    string nick = " NICK IKESBOT \r\n";
    string join = "JOIN #NetChat\r\n";
    int port = 6667;
    const int recvBufSize = 8162;
    byte[] recvbBuf = new byte[recvBufSize];
    //stores the nick
    byte[] nickBuf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(nick);
    //Stores the room join
    byte[] joinBuf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(join);
    Socket conn = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
    conn.Connect(ip, port);
    conn.Send(nickBuf, nickBuf.Length, SocketFlags.None);
    conn.Send(joinBuf, joinBuf.Length, SocketFlags.None);
    byte[] buffer = new byte[3000];
    int rec = conn.Receive(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, 0);
    Array.Resize(ref buffer, rec);

    I don't see you send any authentication to the server in your code.
    Probably you can look at the irc sample here:

  • Multithreaded sever client/server environment

    I understand sockets, socket streams, but what puzzles me is how one client can send to the server and the server send only to remaining clients connected. I though getPort() and IDs but I am clueless. Can I send across a socket to the server for broadcast, what do I do to have the server broadcast? Just write to the socket and have all clients continuously reading? How would a client get a chat message to the other clients? Would the server just send them through the socket and if so, how to prevent sending it back to sender client?
    I understand sockets and reader/writers through InputStream, OutputStream Scanner, and PrintWriter but the idea of what to do once clients connected to my multithreaded server baffles me. I want to be at one terminal and when I enter something on the sockets, all the remaining clients see it but just not connecting in my head.

    sabre150 wrote:
    Always Learning wrote:
    What am I missing?Don't know about what you are missing but I am missing a view of your code so can only guess at your problem. Guessing is not a very scientific approach to diagnosing problems.Sorry about that. I have posted it now ..
    This is the server .... I want to capture the sockets for use to broadcast client messages but just not working right
    public class is_TCPServer
         static final List<Socket> sockets = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Socket>();
         // to send the same message to multiple sockets.
         public static void sendToAll(byte[] bytes) {
             for(Socket s: sockets)
               try {
               } catch (IOException ioe) {
                // handle exception, close the socket.
         public static void main(String[] args)
              int port = 0;
              boolean correctArguments = false;
              Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
              // Process presence or absence of command-line arguments
              if (args.length > 0)
                   if (args[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("-p") && args.length > 1)
                             // Argument two must be an integer; port number
                             System.out.println("Good Arguments");
                             correctArguments = true;
                        catch (NumberFormatException formatException)
                             // NAN
                             System.err.println("Bad arguments");
                   if (correctArguments)
                        // Success
                        port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
                                  ("usage: is_TCPServer [-p] [port - numeric value] \n");
                        System.out.print("Enter the desired port: ");
                        String temp = keyboard.nextLine();
                             port = Integer.parseInt(temp);
                        catch (NumberFormatException formatException)
                             System.out.println("Incorrect format, using default port");
                             // Set port to the default value
                             port = 8189;
                   // Set port to the default value
                   port = 8189;
                   System.out.println("Using default port: " + port);
                   // Establish the server socket on specified port
                   ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port);
                   System.out.println("Listening on port: " + port);
                   File chatLog = new File("is_Chat.txt");
                   while (true)
                        // Server awaits client connection to accept
                        Socket clientConnection = serverSocket.accept();
                        Runnable r =
                             new ServerThread(clientConnection, chatLog);
                        Thread t = new Thread(r);
                        System.out.println("Listening on port: " + port);
              catch(IOException ioException)
    *               Handles the client input for one server socket connection
    class ServerThread implements Runnable
         private long initialTime;
         private long finalTime;
         private long days;
         private long hours;
         private long minutes;
         private long seconds;
         private long milliseconds;
         private File chatLog;
         private Socket incomingConnection;
         public final long DAYS_CONVERSION = 24*60*60*1000;
         public final long HOURS_CONVERSION = 60*60*1000;
         public final long MINUTES_CONVERSION = 60*1000;
         public final long SECONDS_CONVERSION = 1000;
         public ServerThread(Socket aSocket, File chatLog)
              this.chatLog = chatLog;
              incomingConnection = aSocket;
         public String elapsedTime(long finalTime)
              String elapsedTime = "";
              // Days
              if (finalTime > DAYS_CONVERSION)
                   // convert to days
                   days = finalTime / DAYS_CONVERSION;
              // remove the days from the total time
              finalTime = finalTime % DAYS_CONVERSION;
              // Hours
              if (finalTime > HOURS_CONVERSION)
                   // convert to hours
                   hours = finalTime / HOURS_CONVERSION;
              // remove the hours from the total time
              finalTime = finalTime % HOURS_CONVERSION;
              // Minutes
              if (finalTime > MINUTES_CONVERSION)
                   // convert to MINUTES
                   minutes= finalTime / MINUTES_CONVERSION;
              // remove the minutes from the total time
              finalTime = finalTime % MINUTES_CONVERSION;
              // Seconds
              if (finalTime > SECONDS_CONVERSION)
                   // convert to seconds
                   seconds = finalTime / SECONDS_CONVERSION;
              // remove the seconds from the total time
              finalTime = finalTime % SECONDS_CONVERSION;
              // compute the milliseconds
              milliseconds = finalTime % 1000;
              return elapsedTime += "Days: " + days + " Hours: " + hours +
                        " Mins: " + minutes + " Secs: " + seconds + " MS: " +
         public void run()
                        // Record initial time
                        initialTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        // Establish input socket stream
                        InputStream inputSocketStream =
                        // Connect to the input socket stream
                        Scanner readSocketStream = new Scanner(inputSocketStream);
                        // Read the user name
                        String userName = readSocketStream.nextLine();
                        // Establish output socket stream
                        OutputStream outputSocketStream =
                        // Connect to the output socket stream
                        PrintWriter writeSocketStream =
                                                 new PrintWriter(outputSocketStream);
                        // Establish a file writer to the chat log
                        PrintWriter fileWriter =
                               new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(chatLog, true));
                        // Open the chat log
                        Scanner fileReader = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(chatLog));
                        boolean done = false;
                        // Write client input to a chat log file
                        while(!done && readSocketStream.hasNextLine())
                             // Read the socket stream until user is finished
                             String clientInput = readSocketStream.nextLine();
                             if (clientInput.trim().equals("DONE"))
                                  done = true;
                                       // Write client stream to the chat log file
                                       fileWriter.println(userName + ": " +
                                       // Flush the writer
                                  // Feedback on server end
                                  System.out.println(userName + ": " + clientInput);
                        // Close the chat log file
                        // Close the chat log file
                        Chat file not to deleted
                        File file = new File(chatLog);
                        // Delete the chat log file
                        // Record the final time
                        finalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - initialTime;
                        // compute and send session time to the client
                        writeSocketStream.println("\nSession length: " +
                        System.out.println("Closing " +
                        incomingConnection.getInetAddress().getHostName() + ":"+
                        // close the network connection
              catch(IOException ioException)
    }Edited by: Always Learning on Feb 18, 2012 3:34 AM

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