Multitrack editing and hardware selection

Hello and thanks for taking a look at this thread.  I am running PrPro CS 5.51 on an older workstation:
HP xw8200 with 2x dual core xeons at 2.3 Ghz and 4GB of ram, with an nVidia card running GPU acceleration on Windows 7 home 64bit.
I am using the multitrack feature cutting music shot on HD and captured using Blackmagic presets at 720p 29.97fps.
This is an uncompressed 8 bit codec.  I ran the decklink hard drive utility and it tests our fine with my raid.  In fact that utility says I could do 1080i at 10 bit uncompressed.
I am having trouble with the multitrack playing back audio while cutting and recurring stoppage of playback when in the multitrack window. 
I also have trouble capturing in the DVCPro HD codec, it just won't do it.  I would have thought that compressed 100 mb video would be easier to capture than uncompressed.
I am wondering if there is a better preset to capture to?  There are so many presets in PrPro from which to choose. My orginal footage is from a tape based Varicam at 720p.
I am also wondering if my hardware is just too slow to handle this.
When editing bogs down I have pulled up Windows task manager and the CPU is at max.  Is this normal?  Should I be looking for a dual quad core machine with more ram.  If so how much more power and speed will I need to use all the newer features?  Thanks  Jack

Yeah, your system is definitely underspecc'd... this thread actually belongs over in the hardware forum, and one of the mods may move it, so don't be surprised if it gets moved.
Most of us have found that processors in the i7-9xx line have done a very good job for us, and are pretty much the fastest things out there, definitely best bang for your buck. Also, while 8GB of memory is the minimum requirement from Adobe, 12GB+ is required to really USE the software effectively. I routinely run multicam tracks with mixed HD and 4k footage, and I'm running a relatively "slow" i7-920 with 12GB of Ram and a GTX-285 graphics card, with stuff spread across four logical disks, two of which are RAID arrays (one for OS/Programs, RAID array for projects and scratch, RAID array for data, and single drive for exports).
I think the reason you're having trouble with the DVCPro HD codec is that, because it is compressed, it requires the CPU to "unpack" the footage, frame by frame, where uncompressed doesn't require that unpacking process.
I'm sure one of the hardware gurus like Harm will post back with ideas on a better specc'd system, but just throwing numbers around, I'd say you should be able to build a well-powered system for under $2k. Also, don't forget that hard drives are important in this equation as well. I notice you said you were running a RAID, which is good because that probably means you've got your stuff on a different set of drives than your OS and Programs. But as you research a more powerful system, make sure to keep hard drives in mind as you go. Generally a minimum of three logical drives are recommended: one for OS/Programs, one for Project Files and Scratch disk, and one for your actual data.

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    That site is hillarious.
    The implication is that one can get the correct machine size by answering one, and only one, question - how many users will be connecting.
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    Congratulations on getting started.
    A couple of points...
    1. v5.0 will not run on an intel machine. To run FCP on the laptop, you'll need to upgrade to Final Cut Studio 3 (which includes FCP7)
    2. Your daughter must send all disks, manuals and other documentation with the machine or you do not have a valid Final Cut Pro license. Possession of an installed version does not constitute ownership and, without all that stuff, you are not running legal software and are not eligible to upgrade.
    3. The G5 will be perfectly fine for editing DV.
    4. Read the manuals, read through articles at Ken Stone's website, do the tutorials a if you like tutorials to learn. FCP is a deep, complex and frustrating program - made even more so when you have no conceptual basis to understand what's going on. The sooner you get a solid grounding within the program and with video in general, your editing life will be much smoother.
    5.If you come to this forum (or almost any other), recognize you are very unlikely to be the first person to ever have your specific question/issue. The search function - on this forum in particular and Google in general, will be your best friend. Use it as your FIRST step in solving your issue and you'll find a great deal of wisdom all ready laid out for you.
    6. Remember it's supposed to be fun.
    Good luck,
    edit - Man, I am typing very, very slow this afternoon ... lol.

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    Many of your points are totally legitimate.
    This one, however, is not:
    …To put it another way, the design of the site seems to be geared much more towards its regular users than those the site is supposedly trying to "help"…
    The design and management of the forums for more than five years have driven literally dozens of the most valuable contributors and "regulars" away from the forums—permanently.
    The only conclusion a prudent, reasonable person can draw from this state of affairs is that Adobe consciously and deliberately want to kill these forums by attrition—without a the PR hit they would otherwise take if they suddenly just shut them down.

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    It would help to have more information, but try this: Quit the editor, then restart it while holding down ctrl+alt+shift (command+option+shift on a mac). Keep the keys down till you see a window asking if you want to delete the settings file. You do.

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    You first create a "selection" (in and out points) in the timeline. No need to position the cursor anywhere as the selection automatically has the focus.
    As you add tracks you then adjust their position, layer number and offset values (if needed) in the Visual Settings tab of the Movie Properties window.

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    ^j^May you and your loved ones be blessed with peace, love, joy,and health now and forever.
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    ^j^May you and your loved ones be blessed with peace, love, joy,and health now and forever.

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    Are you referring to iPhoto or iMovie?  If it's iPhoto then what version of iPhoto are you running?  Have you updated to iPhoto 9.5? If so what version did you have previously?
    As a first attempt try the following:
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    Can't help you with iMovie.

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    Go to Edit Menu/Preferences/Audio Hardware and ASIO tab and click on it.
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  • New to HD Editing and CS, building a PC to suit requirements of HD edit. Experienced help wanted :-)

    Firstly let me say hi and thanks in advance to all that read and assist with my questions
    A Bit about me..
    I have recently acquired the need for video editing at a much higher level with both having a family now (baby daughter) and a very active hobby (rc heli flying at a sponsored level).  With this in mind I bought a HD video camera some time back without the realisation that, to effectively edit such footage requires horsepower!!.... so i have saved up for a new computer and ended up here after much reading on various forums (toms hardware, video guys etc etc).
    Where I am up too....
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    My aim is to store original files and completed work on the NAS (or burn to Bluray etc).
    I am looking at a PC solution, as I can obviously get more horsepower for less $$ than a laptop solution. 
    I have built PC's in the past but not with high frequency and this will be the biggest budget one I will have attempted. I have been researching alot over the last few weeks about sytems and components and found this forum to be very good in dealing with hardware specs and requiremnts in a very proffesional way.
    I am now at the point where I getting a little muddled with which way to go and still have a lot of research to complete.  My approach is to tackle each of the components needed one at a time in a fairly hierarchial manner.
    What the PC will be used for..
    This PC will be used primarily for the video editing and some gaming (when I have time).  AlLso any other horsepower intensive apps if needed (I have a laptop and other comps for general duties).
    My budget is fairly rigid at $2500 AUD (so I am not looking at a Zeon solution LOL). The budget is to include:
    Case                              ?
    CPU                            Intel I7 2600K (based on my research this seems to be the best way to go with my budget and needs)
    CPU Cooler                  Standard Intel supplied Cooler (seems to perform reasonably well even when moderately overclocking (~4.0 - 5.0 khz) 
    MOBO                           ?
    RAM                              ?
    Graphics Card                 ?
    BLURAY Writer               ?
    PSU                               ?
    HDD Storage               1 SSD and 3 HDD's with 2 in Raid "0"
    OS                              Windows 7 64 Bit
    23 inch Screen               ?
    I guess my issues with MOBO slection revolve firstly around which chipset to go with Z68 (newer) or the P67?  It seems the Z68 is feature rich, however I also seem to feel that the Quick sync and SRT would be better disabled with what I am setting the machine up for? So therefore what advantage is there with going with Z68 if any? or am I better off getting a more established P67 chipset based board?
    I also see that some boards have the Nvidia NF200 for expanding bandwidth on the restrictive 16 PCIe lanes available on the 1155 socket boards given I am only looking at one decent Graphics card is this a chip I should avoid (as I have read this can cause latency with only one graphics card)?
    Another thing I have noticed is some boards have a PLX PEX8608 chip which seems to manage the limited PCIe lanes better if other cards are plugged in?
    I also see some boards have the Marvell Sata 3 controller on them that does not seem to perform as well as the native Intel Sata 3 controller on the Southbridge in tests.  I guess I have no real idea of when I would be looking at stretching the bandwidth and wonder whether I need to concern myself with 4 x sata 3 connections (2 intel and 2 Marvell)?
    One last question I see there is now MOBO's available with PCIe 3.0 available (even though there are no devices that can utilize it) is this even worth being a consideration or is it not really of any importance to the slection process?
    In summary it appears there is lots of goodies on offer with different chipsets and boards, however I do not want to waste budget on things I have no use for or gimmicks.
         CPU Cooler
    It is my intent to start with the factory supplied Intel bundled cooler and invest the money not spent on this item on better graphics card etc. For moderate Overclocking it seems to perform ok.... am hoping this will be ok?
        HDD Storage
    At this stage I am not up to speed with the exact storage devices I need, I am initially looking at whether my ideas for a storage system have merit? Please bear in mind I am not a CSpro user as of yet and so some of this is just based on research with no base knowledge....?
    1 x ~120Gb SSD                                    for OS and Programs
    1 x ??Gb/TB HDD 7200 rpm                    for Media Projects
    2 x ?? Gb/TB HDD 7200 rpm in raid "0"    for Media Cache and Preview Files
    Will the onboard Raid controller accommadate the above adequately?
        Graphics Card
    I am looking at Nvidia as far as I can tell so that I may make use of the CUDA threads and as far as type I assume I pick the best one of the approved list (adobe approved list)?  I am still confused ast to whether there is any benefit from a using a twin GPU card, its unclear to me whether the CUDA can tap into both of the GPU's on such a card? Of course budget restraint will come into play here.
    I am looking at 4 x 4gb dual channel Ram cards to give a total of 16Gb total (DDR 3)  as for brands, types and frequencies I have no idea yet and need to cover off some of the above first before my research gets too wide?
         PSU and Case
    I am hoping for a modular device for this, however I was thinking this and the case are a low priority at this stage (until some of the other solutions are verified).
         Blur Ray writer /reader
    With me using my NAS for media streaming I will not be burngin to many Blu ray disks, however I will be reading a few so that I can upload them onto the NAS via this unit.  I have no idea what is a good or bad unit or what to look for in this area?
    I have found some cheap solutions in the 23" sizing for a main screen (~160 AUD) supported by my existing 17' monitor, however is there anything I should be looking for in particular with the monitor I choose?
    I will update each section with what is decided on so that it may help others who are having the same tough decisions to make?
    Even if we just tackle the Motherboard first I would be greatfull...
    Thanks for reading and again all assistance is appreciated.

    Ok well after much reading I have got the following as the setup that shoe horns in at $2500 ish...
    Interested in thoughts for Premiere pro:
    Component Model $ each Stat Ice Store
    Power Supply
    FSP Aurum Series 750W Modular Power Supply $139.00 PCCASEGEAR
    ASUS P8P67 Deluxe REV 3 $212.00 I-Store
    Intel I7 2600k Gen 2 $324.00 All needs Computer
    CPU Cooling
    Thermalright Silver Arrow CPU Cooler $89.00 PCCASEGEAR
    G.Skill Ripjaws X F3-12800CL8D-8GBXM (2x4GB) DDR3 $79.00 $158.00 PCCASEGEAR
    OS/Programs Drive
    Patriot 120G Wildfire SSD SATA3  $289.00 Umart
    Capture/work Drive
    2 x  Samsung SpinPoint F3 1TB HD103SJ setup in Raid "0" $54.00 $108.00 Green Box IT
    Render to Drive
    2 x  Samsung SpinPoint F3 1TB HD103SJ setup in Raid "0" $54.00 $108.00 Green Box IT
    Dual/Quad Head Video
    Gigabyte GeForce GTX 580 Super Overclock $589.00 PCCASEGEAR
    LG BH12LS38 Optical Media (OEM) $68.71 Mega Buy
    Operating System
    Windows 7 64 Bit Pro $129.00 Umart
    Samsung S23A300B 23in Widescreen LED Monitor $149.00 Netplus  $2,362.71
    This will be supported by a 10tb 5 disc NAS on Gigabit connection for long term secure storage.

  • How can I show only text edits and not text formatting when using print comments summary?

    Acrobat 9.3.0 for Mac.
    Here is the scenario: I used the Compare command to see the changes between 2 PDFs. The resulting file some edits are inserts and some are deletions. I want to print a comments summary only showing the text edits. In the Compare Option pane, I select Text and deselect Images, Annotations, Formatting, Headers/Footers, and Backgrounds. Now on the screen I see inserts are highlighted in blue and deletions are marked with sort of a caret and vertical bar symbol. So all looks good at this point. However, when I show the Comments List, I see addtional comments that indicate "Replace - The following text attributes were changed: fill color." Those comments do not appear in the page view unless I check the Formatting check box to show them. With Formatting unchecked, I print a comments summary and all of the "Replace - Fill Color" comments" appear on the resulting comments summary.
    I only want to show text edits, not text formatting changes. So questions are:
    1. Why, when the Formatting checkbox is unchecked, do the text formatting comments still appear in the comments list when they do not appear on the page display.
    2. How can I print only the text content edits and not show the text formatting changes when using Print Comments Summary.

    You can set ExecuteWithParams as default activity in the task flow then method activity to return total no of rows passing to Router activity if your method has value 0 then call Create insert operation else do directly to page.
    Following idea could be your task flow
    Execute With param (default) > SetCurrentRowWithKey > GetTotalNoOfRows (VOImpl Method)
    1. If pageFlowScope outcome is 0 then call CreateInsert > MyPage
    2. if pageFlowScope outcome > 0 then MyPage
    hope it helps,

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    4d4aae27-34ee-4620-b349-c03002813b2003-Jan-1312:30 AM
    54e24e0e-dfc4-466b-a347-4bd95536773e03-Jan-1312:30 AM
    22d351d2-6461-4f33-9fbd-6d31f769e73103-Jan-1312:30 AM
    8a8da99b-335e-43bb-aa12-4634aa0b431003-Jan-1312:30 AM
    a15bb095-aeb9-44e1-a79c-1a17cee207d503-Jan-1312:28 AM

    None if these crash reports seem to have been send.
    Do you have crash reports with a "bp-" prefix that were submitted and that show a crashing thread?
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do not click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.
    You can use one of these to start Firefox in <u>Safe mode</u>:
    *On Windows, hold down the Shift key while starting Firefox with a double-click on the Firefox desktop shortcut
    *On Mac, hold down the Options key while starting Firefox
    See also:

  • Editable and non editable issue in ALV OOPS

    Hi All,
    After giving the input in selection screen when i execute the report program will display the output in ALV OOOps.
    Here i need few fields in Editable and some fields are non editbale mode. I can't use Edit  ='X" in fieldcatalog.
    I refered few threads in SDN at last  i found the method cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_enabled. using this method also i am not getting. PLz see below sample code.
        gs_celltab-fieldname = 'Z_MESSAGEID'.
        gs_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_enabled.
         INSERT gs_celltab INTO TABLE gt_celltab.
          gs_final-celltab = gt_celltab.
          APPEND gs_final TO gt_final.
    I am passing GT_FINAL to below mthiod.
        CALL METHOD grid->set_table_for_first_display
            i_save               = 'A'
           i_default            = 'X'
            is_layout            = gs_layout
            is_variant           = gs_variant
            it_toolbar_excluding = gt_exclud
            it_fieldcatalog      = gt_fieldcat[]
            it_outtab            = gt_final[].
    still inut all fields are in disply mode. Any body can suggest me how to approach.

    Here is the sample code.
               LS_CELLTAB TYPE LVC_S_STYL,
               L_MODE type RAW4.
      LS_CELLTAB-fieldname = 'KUNRG'.
      LS_CELLTAB-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled.
      Insert LS_CELLTAB Into Table PT_CELLTAB.
      LS_CELLTAB-fieldname = 'KUNNR_AG'.
      LS_CELLTAB-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_enabled.
      Insert LS_CELLTAB Into Table PT_CELLTAB.
    Append X_OUTTAB to TB_OUTTAB.
    *---Switch edit mode 0 for No-edit 1 for Edit
      CALL METHOD g_grid->set_ready_for_input
          i_ready_for_input = 1.
    its recommended to use the below events for editable mode to handle changed data
           FOR EVENT     data_changed OF cl_gui_alv_grid
               IMPORTING e_onf4
    Handle data Change Finished
           FOR EVENT data_changed_finished OF cl_gui_alv_grid
               IMPORTING. ...
    Edited by: Ashwin Kumar Chitram on Oct 3, 2011 8:06 PM

Maybe you are looking for