Music appears twice

I sync my music to my new phone but everything appears twice and half of them wont play.  How do I fix this? 

Hello aldesi,
Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
For more information, take a look at:
How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library
Have a nice day,

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    switched fromgs3 to a all my music appears twice in itunes and on phone. How to correct

    Hello aldesi,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information, take a look at:
    How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library
    Have a nice day,

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    *HowTo: Grouping Tracks Into Albums*
    Excuse the long post, but hopefully covering all the bases (that I can think of) will help you fix the other issues you are likely to run into as you try to organise your iTunes library.
    *Use an album friendly view*
    iTunes will let you sort music on many columns, some of which are unlikely to group albums together or put the tracks in their normal order. The most useful order for editing the library is probably the *List View* organised as *Album by Artist*. If you're not already there, select the list view and click on the column heading for Album until it reads Album by Artist. If the items you're trying to gather together are still scatted through the library use the options in the *Search Box* to narrow down the results until you can see the items you need to edit. You can also use the *Browser Pane* (View > Show Column Browser & View > Column Browser submenu) to display lists of Artists, Albums, Genres etc. Selecting one or more items in these columns will focus the track listing on matching items.
    *One cover, too many tracks*
    The iPod (and iTunes to a lesser extent) conflates two or more albums with the same title, most obviously with *Greatest Hits*. On the iPod this can result in one album acting as a combination of two or more. Selecting any cover gives all the tracks of all albums with the same title. See below how selecting either of two distinct albums with the same title gives a track listing which is a combination of both albums The workaround for this "Greatest Hits" bug is to give each album a unique title - I tend to go for *Album - Album Artist* as this reads clearly in the iTunes browser. Alternatively you could use the wording as it appears on the cover or append different numbers of spaces for each different album. Somewhat oddly, setting different values for Sort Album doesn't work.
    *Missing Artist or Album not with others by same artist*
    iTunes relies on the Gracenote CDDB database when identifying CD's. This often marks collections or anthologies of an artist's work as a compilation. It also seems that the iTunes Store may mark an album as a compilation in order to keep it grouped when there are tracks with guest or featured artists. However, the compilation flag has the logical function of grouping together tracks with the same album name, but different artists on each track, e.g. "Now That's What I Call Metal 666!". These compilations are then all grouped together at the end of cover flow. Most of us would expect "Greatest Hits" albums to be listed with the other albums by the same album artist. For albums which are essentially by a single album artist or group it is best to set the appropriate value for the *Album Artist* and then set *Part of a compilation* to No.
    *One album, too many covers*
    For true compilations, where each track is by a different artist, the answer is to set *Part of a compilation* to Yes and enable the iTunes preference to *Group compilations when browsing*. If the album is not a compilation however, any tracks which list guest artists may be treated as separate items. Filling in the Album Artist field is enough to link things in iTunes. Sadly, however, most iPod models ignore the Album Artist field when grouping albums so this is only a partial solution. You can simply mark the entire album as a compilation which seems to be the way iTunes often handles it, however that's not an ideal fix. Short of waiting for Apple to address this issue (and as far as I can tell it goes back to the 1st gen. of iPods) we need a workaround. What I do is to put any additional artist info. in square brackets after the song name. E.g. *Track \[Feat. Guest\]* and then set *Artist=Album Artist* for each track. For anthologies where the Album Artist is credited as part of another group, e.g. for Cream tracks on an Eric Clapton anthology, I use *Track \[As Group\]*. For a track where the main Album Artist doesn't receive a credit, e.g. the first track of the Slim Shady LP credited to Jeff Bass, I just set the track name to *Track \[Guest\]* while still setting the artist to the album artist. N.b. I use square brackets to indicate that this is information about the track as distinct from parentheses in the song title and also use this style for Mix/Live/Bonus info.
    Since firmware version 3.x the iPhone & iPod Touch do in fact use the Album Artist field & have stopped grouping on the part of a compilation setting, however setting both *Part of a compilation* to Yes and the *Album Artist* to "*Various Artists*" will group compilation albums both in iTunes and whichever type of iPod/iPhone you happen to be using.
    *One album, still too many covers*
    iTunes may split albums into two or more sections if some tracks from the album have different values for Artist, Album Artist, Album, No. of Discs or Part of a Compilation. Tiny differences such as trailing spaces, accented characters or variants of symbols can sometimes be quite hard to spot. The iPod is also more sensitive to case variations and may split or reorder an album that looks okay in iTunes. Normally overtyping the desired value for each shared field will complete the grouping of the album into one entity. Occasionally, however, this method seems to fail. When this happens I've found that you can force every field to update properly by adding some extra text - e.g. a trailing X, which once applied seems to complete the joining of the tracks into one album. Once this has happened the extra data can be removed and the album should remain properly grouped.
    *Tried that, there are STILL too many covers!*
    The Sort Artist, Sort Album & Sort Album Artist fields can be used to override the normal sort order. For example iTunes automatically drops leading articles (a/an/the) so "The Beatles" are arranged under "B" instead of "T". Occasionally different tracks from the same album can have different values in these sort fields which can also break up the grouping. Making the sort columns visible in iTunes can help with spotting & correcting such problems.
    *One cover for multi-disc album*
    Multi-disc albums are often listed as *Album (CD1)* for CD 1, *Album (CD2)* for CD 2 etc. To display these properly using just one cover, each disc should have the correct *Disc X of Y* values set, and then the entire album should be given the single title Album. Being somewhat obsessive I also renumber the tracks sequentially, working backwards from the last track (so that no two tracks ever have the same number) until I reach disc 1. You can still give tracks from the individual discs different artwork should it be relevant so that the correct artwork will be displayed as the album progresses.
    *Tracks out of sequence*
    Check that all tracks have the same/correct disc no. For a single disc album this should be either blank (my preference) or 1 of 1. iTunes will sort tracks with a disc no. of 1 before those that are blank. Just for fun the iPod sorts them the other way around so an album that is correct in iTunes may be out of sequence on an iPod or vice-versa. In addition ensure that the Artist, Album Artist, Album, Sort Artist, Sort Album Artist & Sort Album fields are consistent across all tracks.
    *One artist, many names*
    With some artists, particularly classical composers, you should be aware of alternative representations of their names. E.g. 2Pac vs. Tupac. The menus will work best if for each artist you standardise on just one form of their name. E.g. make a choice between Mozart, W.A. Mozart or Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and then apply it consistently. For classical music I tend also to use the Composer as the Artist & Album Artist and either discard the performer details or place these into the Comments field. In some cases the Sort Artist/Sort Album Artist fields can group alternate forms in iTunes but these will break up again on the iPod. It is best therefore to use Artist & Album Artist consistently so the name is shown the way that you want and Sort Artist & Sort Album Artist to control where it is displayed.

  • Some music videos appear twice on my iPhone but not in my iTunes library. How can I resolve this?

    Hello everyone.
    I have an iPhone 4 with iOS 5 and I am using the latest version of iTunes 10.5
    I have downloaded three music videos by the same artist. The three videos appear in my Music library in iTunes
    On my iPhone two of the videos appear twice with the other one appearing once as it should do. I have played all of these videos and they work fine. It is just annoying that two out of the three music videos I have are listed twice on my iPhone.
    Would anyone be able to help me resolve this issue?
    Thank you.

    In the iTunes Store click Purchased in the Quick Links section on the right.

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    2. synced iPhone and both Alternative Genre we removed on iPhone under Genres
    3. made sure the Genre spelling on all songs is correct and the same in iTunes
    4. re-synced iPhone and again both Genres Alternative appear.
    Then tried this:
    2. connected iPhone to iTunes, went to iTunes / iPnone > settings > music and verified under "Genres" that Alternative only appears once in the Genres section
    3. on the iPhone settings > music > insured "Show All Music" was turned off
    4. on the iPhone settings > iTunes & App Store insured "Show All" > music was turned off
    5. unchecked Sync Music and selected remove all music then synced iPhone, verified all music and all Genres on the iPhone were removed
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    7. connected iPhone to iTunes, went to iTunes / iPnone > settings > music and re-selected Sync Music and synced
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    Help please...
    Thank you in advance.

    Is the phone unlocked and available to you? Have you notified your carrier of this change?

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    Hi Peter, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    See Tom Gewecke's post here...
    This problem has been reported serveral times. It seems to be a loss of access to the main system font. I've not heard of any cure except a reinstall.
    It appears to be time for a relatively painless Archive & Install, which gives you a new/old OS, but can preserve all your files, pics, music, settings, etc., as long as you have plenty of free disk space and no Disk corruption, and is relatively quick & painless...
    Just be sure to select Preserve Users & Settings.

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    When you say you "installed" Find My iPhone, are you referring to the app of the same name or do you mean you turned on the Find My iPhone service (Settings>icloud)?  If the former, then that doesn't turn on the service and you won't be able to track it.
    iPad name appears twice?  Did you by any chance perform a restore of an iPad backup to a new iPhone, thereby naming the iphone the same as the iPad?

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    My iTunes library seems to appear twice in my Home>Music folder. The second time they are duplicated but all tunes at higher quality than I'd downloaded the previous set. Can I delete the duplicate set?

    do you know where on your machine the files are at (start in "my computer", then into your hard drive, and so on)??? If you do then make sure that the directory that itunes has for your music is the same as where they are actually at. If you can't find them do a search for "all files and folders" using an audio extension such as .mp3 or .aac and see if you can locate where they are at.

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    Thanks - Steve

    Hi Preeti,
    Please find the screen shot .
    Thank you

  • SCCM 2012 SP1 - Software Center appears twice in Start Menu

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    i just finished implementing a fresh SCCM 2012 SP1 Installation for a customer. The whole OSD works like a charm (except some issues with the latest Windows updates breaking the whole OSD, will open a separate thread for this soon), but after the deployment
    the Software Center is appearing twice in the Start Menu (We're using Win7 Enterprise SP1 x86 English with 5 integrated language packs). I first thought this has something to do with the integrated language packs, but both Start Menu entries
    are always in the same language.
    The strange Thing is, that one entry for the SCCM Software Center is called "Software Center" and the other one "SoftwareCenter" (without a space). We configured 2 Client policies, one with EP-enabled and one without EP. We
    deployed the Client Settings to different collections so i don't think that this is causing the Problem?Do you guys have any idea why this is Happening?
    Has anyone ever seen this? See a screenshot below:
    Thank you.

    Thanks for your Response Thomas.
    I don't think it is related to the upgrade to SP1.I think it might be a General issue in SP1. I started with a fresh SCCM 2012 SP1 Installation and i also have 2 Software Center entries in my start menu. If i check the shortcut i can see that one shortcut
    was created when i captured my base Image, the other one was created during the Install OS Task Sequence.

  • Recently, U2 music appeared on my ipod without my requesting it or wanting it. I was able to delete all of the songs except for one. How do I delete the last one from my ipod? The song does not show up in iTunes when I plug my ipod into the computer.

    Recently, U2 music appeared on my ipod without my requesting it or wanting it. I was able to delete all of the songs except for one. How do I delete the last one from my ipod? The song does not show up in iTunes when I plug my ipod into the computer. The version installed on my ipod is 7.1.2(11D257).

    Hi donfrommars,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    Please use the following article for information and instruction on deleting the U2 album from your devices and account.
    Remove iTunes gift album "Songs of Innocence" from your iTunes music library and purchases
    Have a great day,

  • Loops appear twice in the loop browser. Huh?

    I just installed iLife '06 and have been "messing around" with the various programmes. One thing I noticed was that exactly the same loops appear twice in the loop browser. Not all loops are doubled, which is obviously what is confusing me. Is this normal (not my confusion!!)?
    I've checked the folder in the library and each loop is only available once, but GarageBand insists on having two of quite a number of loops. Any tips would be greatly appreciated, as I haven't found any way to delete just one of the loops (deleting the file obviously deletes both . . .)
    Thanks in advance,
    G5 Dual 2.3, G4 Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Do you really have only one copy of each? Do a Finder/Spotlight search. There are several places where the loops could show up:
    - the general Library/Audio folder
    - the user Library/Audio folder
    - the general Library/Application Support folder
    - the User Library/Application Support folder
    Did you install over an old version of GB? That might explain the duplicate loops. And the "single" loops that were either part of your old installation and not of GB3 or vice versa.
    In order to repair that, you should trash the duplicate loops and the content of the Loops Index folder and then drag the remaining loops into the loop browser.

  • How can I manage six email accounts WITHOUT them all appearing (twice) in the Folders column?

    How can I manage six email accounts WITHOUT them all appearing (twice) in the Folders column?
    All I need is ONE INBOX (like Windows Mail used to do) ...
    I can see in the 'Account' column of each message which email account it's using.
    Then, I either junk or read the message, followed by delete or file to one of my created folders.
    As it is, half my page is depth is taken up by 12 lines of Account names !!!

    That still leaves SIX lines of Account names down the side. All I want is ONE INBOX ... (I can see which account each message belongs to in the 'Account' column...)

  • Time Capsule appears twice in Airport drop down menu

    Menu Bar > Airport drop-down menu: My Time Capsule's wireless name shows up twice in my list of wifi sources. Once in the group with all the other routers and again in a group called "Devices".
    Long story short…
    I start with a perfectly functional, WPA/WPA2 password-protected Time Capsule: Over a year old. Two MbP's using it for Time Machine backup. Connected to a 1.5TB MyBook external HD via usb. Doubles as my wifi router. Everything's connected to it, including my wifi-enabled printer. Works great. No issues.
    I get this idea in my head that I need to hide my wifi signal. I figure it out and ¡Viola! Hidden. Then I try to add my wifi-enabled printer to the list of allowed devices in "Access Control". I hit a big snag and can't figure out how to get it to connect (btw, don't buy a Brother printer. Pure crap). So, I give up and revert permissions back to visible, password-protected state.
    Skipping irrelevant issues that I already resolved, I now have the wireless name of my Time Capsule appearing twice in the airport drop down menu. It appears with all the other wifi sources my machine detects AND appears at the bottom under a new category called "Devices".
    All I want is to have things back the way they were and this anomaly in the drop down menu is a constant reminder that I #1 failed and #2 bought a crap printer.
    (Long story long, I guess. Sorry.) How do I delete this "Devices" group from the airport drop down menu?

    Stilts McCoy wrote:
    Menu Bar > Airport drop-down menu: My Time Capsule's wireless name shows up twice in my list of wifi sources. Once in the group with all the other routers and again in a group called "Devices".
    You might find useful advice in this thread:
    If you want to post a reply, please do so to this thread, not the other one.

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