MX/CName Entries in DNS Zone

Hey All,
How do you add MX entries and CNAME entries to a XServe 10.3.9 DNS zone? I tried using the Admin Server console and selected DNS zone but all of the buttons were disabled and it wouldn't let me start the service.
Is there a file I can just edit to get the job does or does it have to be set through the console?

I also fought with Server Admin and DNS on 10.4.8 and finally gave up; there are too many bugs in Server Admin simply preventing managing DNS entries (especially when you want to set up more than for a handful of domains).
Personally I found it more easier to do this from the command line. Here is a short outline:
Log in by SSH as root user, go to /etc directory and edit named.conf file (e.g. "pico named.conf").
For each domain, add an entry like this:
zone "domain.tld" IN {
file "";
type master;
Save the file, restart DNS ("serveradmin stop dns", "serveradmin start dns"). Ensure that DNS runs ("serveradmin status dns"); if it not runs, you made a spelling error somewhere in your entries and need to check named.conf.
Then go to /var/named directory and create a "zone" file for each domain. Use the same filename as you specified before; in this example "".
Such a file contains typically this:
$TTL 86400
domain.tld. IN SOA dns1.mydnsserver.tld. info.domain.tld. (2006110101 3h 1h 1w 1h)
domain.tld. IN NS dns1.mydnsserver.tld.
domain.tld. IN NS dns2.mydnsserver.tld.
domain.tld. IN MX 10 domain.tld.
domain.tld. IN TXT "v=spf1 a mx ~all"
domain.tld. IN A
www IN CNAME domain.tld.
Then again, restart DNS service.
My example shows a basic domain's DNS record, but you may wish to use different/more entries. Either look on the Web for some explanations about DNS or just ask again
However please note that from now on you cannot use Server Admin any longer to modify DNS settings - this leads, without warning, to lose any domain records created manually !!! The only task you can do is to check the DNS log file from there.
By the way, in order to verify made DNS entries for domains, I found being of high value for me.

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    Regards DrWho

    I played a little bit around. Problem was that I can not add the pinpoint dns srv entries via gui. Aditionally the tutorials did not work as my DNS server for SBA is not on a domain controller. In the end I did this:
    sbafe -> fqdn of my sba
    eefe -> fqdn of my frontend of enterprise pool
    dnscmd . /zoneadd /primary /file
    dnscmd . /recordadd @ SRV 0 0 5061
    dnscmd . /recordadd @ SRV 10 0 5061
    dnscmd . /zoneadd /primary /file
    dnscmd . /recordadd @ A
    dnscmd . /zoneadd /primary /file
    dnscmd . /recordadd @ A
    Question is if that is a good best proctise or should the dns server within a zone contain the same records (Primary/Backup). The Client will then always hit the FE of the EE Pool first.
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    #host returns admin.ourschool.lan
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    #host returns ns1.highschool.ourschool.lan (not what I want!)
    I understand forward and reverse lookups to OD master need to be rock solid. The changing of the PTR record is going to ruin this. Has anyone else seen this behavior. Should I just do the DNS through terminal and forget the GUI?
    Thank you for any feedback. I searched this discussion list and didn't find anything similar to this in the postings.
    Best Regards,
    OS X Server and Client   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Your problem stems from the fact you're trying to create two separate A records for the same IP address.
    The GUI will automatically create a reverse DNS entry for each a record. Since you have two A records that point to that's where your problem lies.
    Your solution is either to use a CNAME (or alias) for the second hostname (e.g. ns1.highschool.ourschool.lan CNAME admin.ourschool.lan), or manage the DNS by hand and don't use the GUI tools.

  • Hosting Multiple DNS Zones on different servers How To?

    Hello, I have an issue that I would like one of the experts to help out with.
    I am currently facing an issue with DNS. I currently need to be able to ping certain machines on my internal domain by their external IP address.
    Example: machineA.domain.local has IP address but from the inside of my network I would need to be able to ping machineA.domain.local and have it resolve to my EXTERNAL IP ADDRESS.
    Now as far as I know using a split DNS would solve this issue. Herein lies my issue.
    My DNS works half the time. Sometimes I will ping machineA.domain.local and it will resolve the internal address and sometimes it would resolve the public IP address (which I set manually in my split DNS)
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    I did not join the domain with the new machine as I did not believe it to be necessary.
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    the DNS zone.
    I tried to go a little further and tried to connect to the domain controller DNS via the MMC snap in on my new server. I get an error telling me that the access is denied.
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    Nothing works I am not sure what I am doing incorrect but I would need to know how I can do the following
    A) Successfully (if possible) have 2 different zones on the same domain
    example: internal.domain.local and
    I would need to know how to be able to successfully ping the machines I need to ping that resolves to  the external IP address from the inside without having the internal A record in the DNS zone interfere.
    I would also need to know how I could connect to the domain controllers DNS via another computer (the new server) without having the access is denied error.
    Once again, I tried to use a split DNS on the same server which yielded mixed results. I cannot have the machines replying randomly or go down because 2 DNS zones are on the same machine.
    Thank you hope to get an answer ASAP!

    Anyone have any ideas on this?

  • Another DNS Zone Question! :)

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    As long as the external DNS server has all of the info you need, there's no need to set up duplicate zones on your servers; as you note, it could even cause problems if the info got out of sync. In fact, you don't even need to act as a forwarder, you could just turn off DNS service and configure all your computers (servers & clients) to use your ISP's DNS servers.
    In your situation, I see two reasons you might want to run DNS service: in case your internet link goes down (losing access to DNS tends to make it hard to find servers, even if they're on the same LAN), or if the public DNS servers don't have the reverse DNS (IP number -> domain name) entries you need. If you're worried about the first, you could set your servers as secondaries (aka slaves) for the relevant zones, in which case they'll download the zone files from the master and automatically keep in sync. If the second is an issue, you're probably best off bugging your ISP -- since the reverse records are tied to your IP numbers, and those're "owned by" the ISP, they're generally in charge of the reverse DNS no matter who's hosting your forward DNS zones.

  • DNS Zone for Mail

    Following on from my first question which the nice Mr Camelot answered for me
    I have a server which has a DNS zone of
    Internal mail has been setup using Mail Exchanger set to
    I have checked changeip -checkhostname and there are no issues.
    The public DNS records have been set to make the MX record, and an A record for has been setup pointing to the static IP.
    As I see it I have two options I can move forward with (3 actually if I wipe the server and start again )
    1. Try and rename the DNS zone to and then reset the mail settings to match.
    2. Setup a CNAME on the server internal DNS to point to and leave the mail settings as they are.
    I am in the process of installing SL Server on a VM to test the first option to see if it is viable, but my question is are there any options I have missed, and what would you suggest I do in this circumstance?

    So you have a zone for a host within your network, and valid external DNS services with an A record and MX at within your external DNS services, and you're wondering about rebuilding this all?
    It'd be far easier to just enable as a virtual host within the mail server configuration.
    Personally, I'd look to remove the use of the internal MX for the mail server, and use the external path.  You can set up the MX for the internal network to resolve to, for instance.  With that (and with a firewall that knows how to reflect" outbound traffic for the WAN IP address, or - somewhat uglier - adding a DNS A record for the within your internal zone), the configuration is the same for all hosts, whether internal desktops or mobile devices.
    Note that the and domains are real and registered domains.   The domains, and are RFC-reserved for documentation and for these sorts of postings.

  • No DNS zones in server admin

    Here's my log: 
    Oct 21 12:49:25 server servermgrd[2019]: -[DNSManagerRRMgr bindZoneDB]: Unable to load zone database (RRs) for "***.com" from file "/var/named/db.***.com": CNAME and other data

    Definitely better to make your own, if you know how (lots of good google-able docs on this). Using Server Admin for DNS zone files is dicey at best.
    BIND config file is located at '/etc/named.conf'
    Zone files live in '/var/named/.' Primary zone files are named '' and secondary files are named ''
    Feel free to email me if you need some default files.
    Can anyone tell me where the zone file is kept. It
    might be better just to make my own unless anyone can
    tell me why the + button isn't working.
    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

  • 10.4.4 update and now my DNS zones aren't visible!

    After the 10.4.4 update, I can't see my DNS zones, and the log says there are now errors . for example: servermgr_dns: Bad zone file for zone MX/CNAME line: "@" before A line. Ignoring.
    This wasn't an issue before. Has something changed in the zone formatting?
    What file can I edit to correct the syntax if needed.
    I appreaciate your time and assistance,
    matt caswell

    Note that I write my own zone files and prefix them with "db." just so that I do not overwrite the default ones. The name of the zone file is in itself not critical, as long as the correct file is referenced in named.conf.
    My zone definitions in /etc/named.conf...
    // a caching only nameserver config
    zone "." IN {
    type hint;
    file "";
    zone "localhost" IN {
    type master;
    file "db.localhost";
    allow-update { none; };
    zone "" IN {
    type master;
    file "db.127.0.0";
    allow-update { none; };
    zone "" in {
    file "";
    type master;
    zone "" IN {
    file "db.10.0.0";
    type master;
    The Zone Files in /var/named...
    Zone File "db.localhost"
    $TTL 86400
    localhost. IN SOA (
    42 ; serial (d. adams)
    3H ; refresh
    15M ; retry
    1W ; expiry
    1D ) ; minimum
    IN NS
    IN A
    Zone file "127.0.0" (reverse zone for localhost)
    $TTL 86400 IN SOA (
    2006011511 ; Serial
    3h ; Refresh
    1h ; Retry
    1w ; Expire
    1h ) ; Minimum IN NS IN PTR
    Zone file ""
    $TTL 86400 IN SOA (
    2005101301 ; serial
    3h ; refresh
    1h ; retry
    1w ; expiry
    1h ) ; minimum
    localhost IN A
    server IN A
    ; ALIASES IN CNAME server IN CNAME server IN CNAME server
    ; MAIL RECORDS IN MX 0 server
    Zone File db.10.0.0 (reverse zone for
    $TTL 86400 IN SOA (
    2006011500 ; serial
    3h ; refresh
    1h ; retry
    1w ; expiry
    1h ) ; minimum IN NS
    1 IN PTR
    Note that you may have different records but hopefully you get the drift of it.
    "Bad zone file for zone MX/CNAME..."
    The particular cause, for me, of the above error was that, in, I used to have the following for the MX record... IN MX 0 mail
    This created the error message as there was not a direct A record for 'mail'. The amended zone file now works... but...
    I still have an issue with this... In my case my DNS is purely for the private LAN but if it was a public DNS then I would have needed to set up the server with a hostname "" instead of "server..." and then alias 'server' to 'mail'. Something you really should know before setting up the server
    (Actually, I don't even know why I have the MX record in the internal DNS as the mail server can function quite happily without it.)
    Anyway, I find this on-line reference really handy although you can get a bit 'lost' in all the links within it...
    Have fun.

  • DNS Zones Losing Info

    Out of 8 DNS zones, I have two that are misbehaving.
    I enter zone info and create hosts. All appears fine. But when I click on Save, when the screen redraws, all of the host info is gone. Also, clients cannot resolve, so I know it is actually being lost and not hidden.
    Can't understand what is causing this. Records are fine, believe me.
    Also tried deleting these two zones to recreate. After clicking Save, they reappear... again, with no host records!
    I also tried renaming the zones to, etc. Save. They came back under their original names!

    I am experiencing exactly the same issues. I finally got rid of the zones that SA couldn't delete by editing the files so I was working again from a blank sheet of paper (as it were). BTW, I needed to delete the zones because of the bug that causes a zone to get stuck as '' due to it being saved prior to renaming it to what it should be. Anyway...
    Simply using SA I created a new zone, renamed it and added a record or 2 and saved. All appeared correct and I added maybe another 20 records (some A, some CNAME) with regular saves and all appeared to be ok (except it creates a separate reverse zone for every C Class address, but that's another issue). During this time SA had a tendency to hang for a short while, then be unresponsive so I would have to quit it and start again. But finally everything seemed to be OK and I left it till the next day...
    when I found it would not display any records in the primary zone. Sometimes if I 'opened' (clicked the triangle) a reverse zone I would see the PTR record(s), but then the screen would flicker and the record(s) would disappear. The forward/primary zone simply won't show anything - even its SOA info appears missing.
    I have looked at the files and can see no obvious problem and in any case they were all created by SA so they ought to be correct. Working one day, not the next, with no changes in between. This reminds me of someone else's products.
    The zone info is there, but SA won't show it so I cannot edit it further as it needs before being usable. Basically now I'm stuffed.

  • Autodiscover and Pinpoint DNS zone

    Hello all,
    i am still experiencing a lot of confusion with Lync and DNS records.
    I have a Standard edition front end server, Edge server and Reverse proxy.
    My internal domain space is different to the sip address
    sip address =   internal domain  = aaa.loc
    I can't have a zone on my internal DNS servers so i created
    in there i have a SRV record (5061) pointing to
    I have another zone which has an a record pointing to the IP address of my FE server
    Is this right ? the Lync 2013 clients all sign in internally ok although there is some delay.
    I haven't got an lyncdiscoverinternal record and i dont know where to put this ?
    If i add a new cname or A record the fqdn is appended eg
    so how does this work ? I am not sure what DNS records to put where anymore this is not straightforward.
    As a side note i have external access working and have external DNS records all set up and point to the reverse proxy but it can be slow to log in and i think i need the internal records working.
    any help please

    Let's clarify a couple of things as well:
    - Pinpoint DNS is only used when your SIP domain = internet facing domain (i.e. AND you do not want to host a copy of your internet facing domain on internal DNS. Some customers have 100's-1000's of internet facing DNS records and do not want
    to have to manually maintain all of these records internally - this is when I see Pinpoint DNS used.
    - If you already host a copy of the internet facing domain on internal DNS, or the manual maintenance of the external records internally is not a problem, then Pinpoint DNS is not required. You simply have to manually create the DNS zone and
    corresponding records within the appropriate DNS zone internally (i.e.
    - Depending on how things are setup, many of the DNS records required for Lync are configured either externally or internally, not both. However, there are some that will be the same, but published to different IPs depending on how you connect (internal/external).
    For instance: = external record ONLY (points to public RP IP) = internal record ONLY (points to internal FE IP) = external record ONLY (typically points to "" -> Lync Access Edge external IP) = internal record ONLY (typically points to "" -> internal FE IP) = both internal and external (internal = internal FE IP; external = public Access Edge IP) = both internal and external (internal = internal FE IP; external = public RP IP)
    Hope this helps!

  • Audting of _MSDCS DNS zone ?

    Looking at ways to audit the _MSDCS DNS zone as have occasionally seen rogues entries appear.  Ideally wanted something proactive which would send email when new records appear in this zone so we can review if they are legitimate or not.  What
    native auditing is available and how configurable is it ?

    Thanks for posting.
    I think if you follow the guide here
    it should give you what you want. You can set a scheduled task to monitor for specific events and generate an email to be sent to an administrator if that eventID occurs. The article is for 2003, but the process for 2008 and 2012 is similar.
    Hope this helps.
    Denis Cooper
    Help keep the forums tidy, if this has helped please mark it as an answer
    Twitter:   LinkedIn:

  • New session id with hosts or CNAME entry

    I am hoping someone can help me out with a problem I am having with host names and session ids. This may be something simple that I have forgotten about, so here it goes.
    Going through the jsp's below give different results, depending on the URL you use.
    If you use http://localhost:8080 or http://machine_name:8080
    The same session id will be seen on each page.
    If you use http://test_01:8080
    A different session id is displayed on each page.
    What would cause this to happen?
    Add the following files under the ROOT webapp of the default Tomcat 4.1.30 installation. Of course, I understand that storing data in servlet context like this is not a good idea, but for testing purposes it will do what is needed.
    Call 1
    <%= request.getSession().getId() %>
    <% application.setAttribute( "session1", request.getSession().getId() ); %>
    <h1>Tomcat 1 Call 1</h1>
    Call 2
    <%= request.getSession().getId() %>
    <h1>Tomcat 1 call 2</h1>
    Call 3
    <br><br>Session 1 ID:
    <%= getServletContext().getAttribute( "session1" ) %>
    <% application.setAttribute( "session2", request.getSession().getId() ); %>
    <%= request.getSession().getId() %>
    <h1>Tomcat 1 call 3</h1>
    <br><br>Session 1 ID:
    <%= getServletContext().getAttribute( "session1" ) %>
    <br><br>Session 2 ID:
    <%= getServletContext().getAttribute( "session2" ) %>
    Add the following entry to your host file: test_01
    <your ip> test_01
    add a CNAME entry
    Thanks for any/all help.

    No, it has nothing to do with host names, CNAME, DNS or anything.
    The session ID is sent to the server from the browser in either a cookie header or as part of the "extra info" part of a URL with the request. If there is no session ID in either place, the server creates a new session. If there is a session ID, then it gets the session object (if it's not expired). Then it sends the session ID back to the browser with the response to that request (either as a cookie or encoded into the URLs in the page, which you have to do explicitly do for each URL). Click on a link, then the process starts again. The first time you go to a site, you have no session ID. The server just makes a new one.
    The only thing that domain names have any affect on is cookies. Cuz cookies are name/value data associated with a domain name of the server (amongst other things). The browser, for security reasons, only sends cookies in requests to servers that set the cookie in the first place. The server can't get cookies that it didn't set.
    So if you have a server running on your local machine, you can access that server in 3 ways:
    1) localhost
    2) network name
    3) domain name
    The browser can know quite easily that 1 and 2 are the same thing, and send cookies for either interchangably (not that it has to, but it seems you are seeing this happen, so...). But the browser will probably not make any assumption about 3's relation to 1 or 2. The association is generally to domain name, not necessarily IP address.
    And it's really a moot point anyway. You should not typically be accessing a server from those 3 different means within the same session. Someone connecting to your server isn't going to use anything but #3 anyway, the other 2 (definitely #1 and #2 only works on the same LAN) wouldn't make much sense. So there's not going to be this issue at all. The session ID itself has no relation whatsoever to a client's domain name.

  • How to setup multiple DNS zones in a single domain

    We have a small charter school running a Mac Open Directory network on a single subnet with a single registered FQDN for its internal domain. We are about to open a second school within a wing of the same building which will also be on a Mac Open Directory domain, but since it is legally a separate school (just administered by the same staff) it needs to be on it's own subnet and have its own LDAP directory.
    Is there a way to program DNS between the two schools so that DNS traffic can be routed between them without breaking the DNS and Open Directory/Kerberos realms of either? Both schools will share the same internal domain name. Is it as simple as creating two primary DNS zones on each other's nameservers, both using the same domain name but each having its own designated nameserver for that particular subnet?
    For instance, the existing school is running DNS on within the subnet. The second school will be running DNS on within the subnet. Would I then simply create two primary zones within each subnet, one referring to its own with itself as the nameserver and one within the neighbor subnet referencing that subnet's server as the designated nameserver.
    Or would I do this with each schools DNS servers searching through its own subnet as its primary zone with the neighbor zone being added as a secondary zone?

    You have two options.
    Use a DNS server with a single internal domain and have (as you said)
    If the two subnets are on separate networks either via a router or VLAN, then you could run a separate DHCP server on each and advertise the appropriate DNS server for that subnet.
    Otherwise you could have a single DNS server and either single DHCP advertising that single DNS server and have both server1 and server2 in the single DNS zone, or a DHCP server in each subnet but still pointing to the same single DNS server.
    Each of these two servers would be an Open Directory Master
    Note: in DNS terminology a DNS 'zone' is the same thing as a Domain Name.
    The second option which if you want to keep the two 'schools' completely separate is to do the following
    Use a DNS server per subnet
    Use a DHCP server per subnet
    Use a different domain name per school e.g. and
    Create a server record on each as appropriate e.g. and
    You cannot have a single DNS server have two identical zones e.g. and as they are of course the same thing.
    If the two schools will merge officially at some point it might be better to use the same domain name, if they are going to fully split then definiately it is going to be better to use two different domain names.

  • How to change DNS zone, or how to host email outside of BC

    I have BC from Creative Cloud Suite, so I have the cheapest possible plan for BC.  Meaning I don't get any email hosting.  So I was looking to host email outside of BC.  I looked it up on google to see if it could be done (I'm really new with all this hosting stuff!), and I found that if you change the DNS zone and MX records to certain things you could.  I had to delete the MX record I had set up prior to finding out BC won't host my email, and I went to set up an Advance DNS Records.. But I'm not sure what to do! There's a lot of information I'm not sure about, and I don't know what goes where!
    I'd like to have godaddy host my email, and what I found is that I need to change my DNS zone to: and change MX records to 0 10
    I may end up finding somewhere else to host email at a later point, but right now I just want to try to figure out how to do this so I'll be able to in the future.  Any and all help is appreciated! Thank you

    All you need to do is go to Admin > Site Settings > Site Domains and activate your new domain. You’ll have to enter an MX record for e-mail to be setup, which will be provided by godaddy.
    Here’s a similar article on the same topic:
    Let me know how it goes

  • DNS record is not dynamically created in DNS Zone, when joining to DNS domain

    in my test lab i have deployed two virtual machines (both are windows server 2008 R2 enterprise).
    on vm1 i have installed just DNS role (without Active directory) and created a primary non-ADintegrated zone.
    on this DNS zone, i have enabled dynamic update set to
    non-secure & secure .
    now in my vm2 (as a DNS client) , i set the ip address of this DNS server as preferred DNS server and then in system properties, on the primary DNS suffix field, i entered the name of my DNS domain (mydomain.lab)& rebooted VM2, but the a record of this
    client (vm2) is not registered (created ) in mydomain.lab zone.
    i respect the record be created like the situations which we join a client to AD domain 

    Hi  John ,
    When registering DNS record ,client will send a SOA query to find the primary server of the zone .Then send register message to the server .
    We can use nslookup to find the problem :
    Open Command Prompt
    type nslookup
    type set type=soa
    type zone name
        1. If there is positive response ,check the name of
    primary name server and the IP address of the server .
    Its name should be vm1.mydomain.lab .If not ,edit the SOA record in the zone .
    If no IP address ,edit NS record in the zone .
        2. If there is no response ,check the SOA record in the zone .
    We can manually delete and recreate the records to ensure there are right SOA and NS records .
    Here is the guide for using nslookup :
    Nslookup :
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Hi Leo, thanks for reply.
    i did all steps you mentioned but still no result.
    i put an screenshot of my desktop here , everything is shown here:

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    I ame making a application with WD ABAP and I need to store data from family members (child, spousse). General data from familymembers is stores in PA0021, no problem here but information like                        'Tax Charged'   ( output: checkbox

  • Issues after Tiger to SL Upgrade

    About 5 months ago I upgraded from Tiger to SL... although Tiger never gave me any issues I wanted to be on the latest version. I have an older MAC so needed to upgrade via the (expensive) Box Set. I did the change via the "upgrade" and not the compl

  • OES 11 and Password Self-Service via iManager 2.7

    Hi! OES 11 SP1. Well, not know correct place to ask, but, anyway. Is there a built-in way to setup for users to change their password via iManager? (As I could read-out this option was removed from iManager 2.6 and later. I recall - still have this s