MXF File Mystery

I've imported some mxf files into FCP 7.  They were playing slowly and jumpy so I went into Compressor and converted them to Apple ProRes 1080i files, to match my project.  Now suddenly each clip will only play 30 seconds.  the MXF files in the project go black after 30 seconds and the imports are only 30 seconds long.  I went back to the original files on a back up drive and when I try to open one I get the same problem. I really need a sound bite from later in one of the clips. What did I do to make my footage disappear andhow can I get it back?
I'm working on a MacBook Air (yes, I know, it's slower than a MacPro but has saved my back).   Sometimes a 30 second limit comes with a trial version of software, and I recently downloaded Calibrated MXFQStat but I haven't used it yet an I don't think it's a trial version.

What camera was used? 
Look at this workflow:
If done properly, each card SHOULD have been backed up into individual folders that have unique names.  With Log and Transfer, you choose THAT folder, don't go digging inside, or you'll get that error.  If the media wasn't backed up properly...fully, then you have a problem...and the camera guy should know better.

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  • I am trying to open a .mxf files from 2 different Panasonic cameras in After effects CS3

    I am trying to open .mxf files from 2 different Panasonic cameras (the HVX 200A and the HPX 170) in Adobe After Effects CS3.  I have down loaded all of the Adobe CS3 upgrades and I have also installed the P2 card reader for Tiger which is the operating system on my mac.  I have not been able to open these files.  Can anyone help pls?

    >  I have not been able to open these files.
    Please tell us exactly what you're trying to do and exactly what happens. Make sure that you're following the instructions here.

  • MXF Files won't play in Adobe Premiere CS6

    I had a music video shot on Wednesday, the cinematographer downloaded the files from the memory card onto an external hard drive.. Checked the files, they were fine, handed it off to me.  Upon trying to open the MXF files in Adobe Premiere CS6, it gives me an error code of "preview in source monitor failure" "the importer reported a generic error".    I've tried downloading codec and all sorts of things, and nothing is working.   I also tried converting the files to MOV (i paid $30 for a converter) but the converters aren't playing back the audio, (i tried 4 different converters)… I thought it was some type of error in the files, but I checked with the cinematographer, and he even played back his MXF copy of the clips for me and they have the audio in..   I'm getting really frustrated because I HAVE to have the audio in order to sync up the lip syncing with the audio track.  The cinematographer said the MXF file is an MPEG2.
    Can anyone shed some light on this issue?  I had wanted to have the video edited and released by next weekend.

    If I double click on the word holiday, it just shows the file folders. In the file folders the mxf files still don't open.

  • HELP!!! want to import mxf files stored on a XHD into a PP CS3

    hi everybody,
    can somebody help me out, this is the system i use: HP pc dual core, 3,54 gb ddr, windows xp service pack 3 and adobe premiere pro cs3
    i've found a lot of info bout importing p2 cards footage. I got somebody to help me out, cuz at first i didn't notice the button on the left side of the panasonic to be recognized as a 1394 device.
    as i mentioned i got somebody to help me out, but that person has a MAC computer and via his MAC, he helped me store the footage via p2 content management system directly on my external hard drive,without going through a FCP
    right now i have a bunch of MXF files mixed, so i have a lot to sort out. that's no biggie but what need to know right now
    i understand that I need to convert it..can you tell me with what program i can convert the files (pls an affordable one and or reasonable quality)
    and to what file extension i need to convert the mxf files? to .mov or something else?
    cuz the footage consists of video, audio, proxy elements. when i want to convert do i just select the video footage or do i have to add the right audio with the right video footage first before inputting in a converter program?
    i know a lot of i hope you can help. MUCH APPRECIATED!!!
    tnx in advance

    Russ and Luis,
    I did uninstall and re-install Canon XF Utility and the Canon FCPX plug in.   Still no luck.  I checked the CanonXF64.RADPlug folder is on my computer in the Rad Plugins folder in application support  This is where it is supposed to be as far as I can figure out. 
    Another piece of the puzzle is that  footage shot on a Canon C300 in 2013 and  I reimported today and it DOES import into FCP10.1.3.   Footage shot on a different Canon C300 filmed this summer will NOT import into FCPX.  The latter will import into Premiere. But I am trying to work in FCPX, but maybe I shouldn’t be??
    Any ideas?  (screen shots below)
    Peace, Huey
    FYI Here is what Canon says
      "There is another trick that works sometimes though.  Try uninstalling the plugin and XF Utility.  Then, install the latest XF Utility, followed by the plugin, in that order."
    I did do this but no results.  Otherwise they say I need to wait for a new plugin.
    Here's 2014 Canon C300 files does NOT import to FCPX
    Here's 2013 Canon C300 files does import into FCPX.  I thought it was Contents folder but another set of footage shot on C300 does import and there is no contents folder for that. 

  • How to import MXF files to Final Cut Pro with smooth editing

    Summary: Follow this tutorial to learn how to import and edit MXF files in Final Cut Pro by converting MTS to FCP native format.
    If you have a Panasonic P2, Canon XF or Sony XDCAM series camcorder,
    you may be familiar with Material eXchange Format (MXF). Though MXF is a
    great video format to record high-definition videos, it is not easy to
    use in that they are not natively supported by most NLE systems like
    Final Cut Pro. In order to import MXF to FCP for editing, the easy workaround is to transcode MXF files to FCP compatible video formats.
    Along with some help from a top MXF Converter, it can be done. To
    help those who wanna edit MXF files in FCP without problems, here I
    share with you a simple guide on how to convert MXF files to edit in
    Final Cut Pro 6/7 or FCP X.
    First of all, downloading the App- Brorsoft MXF Converter for Mac
    Overall, the program is a professional yet easy-to-use MXF Converter
    on Mac (Mavericks included) which can not only convert XF100, Canon
    C300, XF105 and XF305, Panasonic P2 recorded MXF files, but also provide
    simple video editing functions for you. The MXF to FCP Converter not
    only can convert MXF to ProRes for FCP, but also can transcode MXF
    videos for editing in Avid MC, Adobe Premiere Pro, iMovie, FCE, etc.
    Just download it and follow the tutorial below to get the work done.
    Transcoding (P2) MXF files to ProRes for Final Cut Pro 6/7/X
    1. Import MXF files to the converter
    Launch the best MXF to FCP Converter, and then click the “add files” button to browse and import MXF videos from your camcorder or hard drive.
    2. Select FCP editable format
    Click the Format bar, and move mouse cursor to choose “Final Cut Pro > Apple ProRes 422 (*.mov)” as output format.
    a. Settings- click to set video
    resolution(1920×1080/1440×1080/1280×720/720×480), bitrate (from 1Mbps to
    20Mbps), frame rate (24p/30p)
    b. Editor (next to “Add” icon)- click to set deinterlace, trim, crop, add effect, attach subtitles, etc
    3. Start transcoding MXF video to FCP
    Click “Convert” button to start converting MXF files to Apple ProRes
    MOV for FCP 6/7/X under Mac OS. Once the MXF to ProRes 422 conversion
    is done, you can transfer MXF footage into Final Cut Pro (X) for editing
    smoothly on Mac with ease.
    Source:How to import MXF files to Final Cut Pro with smooth editing
    [quote] [/quote]

    You may refer to this step by step guide on how to convert MXF to Final Cut Pro more supported Apple ProRes or DV at
    It also applies to convert MXF to other video or audio format. It even applies to convert other videos like AVCHD, MOD, TOD, AVI, and MPEG etc to FCP format.

  • I need to know best way to edit MXF files, with least rendering, is that converting the MXF or Log and Transfer? the end product is dvd, but I have lots and lots of these projects to do.

    I am about to comence my Edit, and was told of Mpeg Streamclip, however this doesn't seem to work with my Canon XF305 Clips, the reason I was told to use it was so I wouldn't have to Render in Final Cut Pro all the time.. I do have the Canon Disc with the Plug in Utility and the update from their site.
    Is it best to Convert these MXF files first and import them into FCP or use 'Log and Transfer', so far I am unable to do either!!
    The projects on the timeline will have introduction .Movs already on it as a Template to re-use again and again with the new Footage ( MXF Files ) to be added and edited with transitions etc..This process is repeated again and again but with different MXF clips each time.
      I am looking for the quickest and best way for workflow as there are 80 or more projects to do, each with 10 or so clips to be added to the timeline and Exported for DVD...Will I have to then Compress to fit onto DVD's??
    I know Streamclip is an Mepeg 2 app but I thought the Canon XF305 Shot as mpeg2....
    Is Log and Transfer my only Option?
    Basically I need to know the quickest for Render purposes, and of course, the best way so the files aren't so huge etc etc.
    Please, any suggestions would be greatly received....

    We only work with PR422 files in FC7.  We use Shane's workflow with all 5D & MXF footage.
    Make your life easier and stick to the ProRes family for your footage and edit sequences. Avoid H264 & convert any you have to ProRes.
    Unless you are considering Blu-Ray the only way to deliver video on a DVD is to convert it to SD.
    Depending on the length of your show you can make a Blu-Ray in Compressor but you have very limited authoring options when compared to DVD Studio Pro.
    Compressor can also convert your HD to SD mpg-2 & Ac3 files. The best results usually come from setting the frame controls in the mpg-2 setting of Compressor to best. Depending on the the length of the show and your Qmaster settings this can take quite a while.
    I personally find Compressor's HD to SD DVD conversion varies. Sometimes it is wonderful and sometimes not so much. I prefer the following as it is usually is faster and very consistent.
    Export a quicktime movie (not QT conversion) of your final sequence
    Import the exported HD file back into FC.
    Create a SD 16x9 sequence and then drop in the recently exported HD seq and render. Rendering the sequence basically has FC doing the HD to SD conversion. Export the SD sequence and then convert to mpg-2 & ac3 in Compressor. While this does take time I still find it faster than Compressor with Qmaster utilizing all cores.
    Another option is using jobs in Compressor
    In this workflow you would have Compressor convert the HD file to SD and then through jobs convert the SD file to mpg2 & Ac3. 
    In theory the jobs version could be faster (based on a number of variables- length, Qmaster, etc) but I haven't had time to compare the two. 

  • Canon .MXF Files no Longer Opens in AE

    This is for .MXF files shot on a Canon XF300.  Things were working fine, but suddenly I am unable to open those mxf files in AE CS6.  Even projects previously created with AE CS6 now won't open, and give me the 'file damaged or unsupported' error message in AE. The file locations are identical.   I've found workarounds, but they fall a very long way short of the convenience of using Dynamic Link from the Premiere Pro CS6 timeline.  There are lots of hits if you Google, but most go back a version or two, or suggest converting the MXF clips to an AE friendly format.  Like I say... doable, but it used to work fine, and I'd love to fix it so I can get back to using AE direct from Premiere Pro.  Any help would be much appreciated.   [EDIT]  Other file types are working fine.

    Hi Klaus, and thanks for responding.   When I first got the error, I went back to older comps made with MXF files from the same camera, and now they are problematic as well, but not in the same way.  Any new MXF file I try to use in AE, whether from a PP timeline, or open directly from the AE projects panel, gives me the 'file damaged or unsupported' error message.  One of the older projects created with MXF files does in fact open, but is badly broken up when scrubbing the AE timeline.  That seems to be similar to problems I've found with Google.  It used to work fine, and now it doesn't. AE is  which I suspect is a new version than when I made the last project.  System is Win7  3039K @ 4.2Ghz, 32Gb RAM, and GTX570.  Project drive is raid0 with two 2nd gen Velociraptors.  One other raid0 drive.  Lots of drives totalling 14Tb.    It won't be the end of the world if I have to transcode a few clips, but it used to work, so I'm thinking it should be fixable.

  • Importing .mxf Files from an external hard drive...

    Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. My problem comes close to others discussed, but I haven't been able to find a duplicate post. And I apologize for the length; I just want to give you as much info. as possible (I also put details in my signature) to help you help me.
    I shot a short film using Panasonic's HVX200 camera, filming in HD 720p/24p, and downloaded each P2 card through a PC laptop into a LaCie Brick external hard drive. I was originally planning on editing the footage with Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0, but became frustrated with how much trouble it was having handling the .mxf files. Assured by Apple salespeople that FCP 5 would have no problem importing the footage from an external hard drive, I purchased the computer described in my signature.
    Now I know that FCP/Apple only supports importing footage from the P2 card directly, and not from an external hard drive. A representative from was able to help me out, however. First, he had me copy the footage files onto my Mac internal drive from the external hard drive. Then, he had me select IMPORT -> PANASONIC P2. Then, I was to highlight the CONTENTS folder and import away. And it worked... sort of.
    There are two major problems: 1) During this transfer, not all of the footage is making it across. I import it, and then get the much-talked about "one or more P2 clips failed to import; probable incomplete or corrupt clips" warning. After checking the original video folder on the internal hard drive and comparing it to the number of clips FCP imported, I learned that I had lost around 20 clips/video files at one point. Other shooting day transfers worked completely smoothly with all of the files imported (we split up the footage by shooting day, without touching or changing the CONTENTS folders). So, some transfers work and some don't. And 2) When I try to import the files from our 4th day of shooting, I get a "Selected path does not contain a P2 volume." Nothing is imported.
    So, that's my situation, and I'm getting very desperate. I know that I'm not doing things in the Apple-supported way, but I'm really hoping there's still someway to successfully get the files from the external hard drive into FCP completely. It seems to work some of the time.
    Final notes: When importing, I make sure to import the entire CONTENTS folder. There is never a LASTCLIP.TXT file listed under it in the window, but some of the days of footage have transferred perfectly, so I'm hoping that's not a dealbreaker. If it is, isn't there some way to rebuild a lastclip.txt file? I don't even know if that's the issue. And one last note: In most of my folders, the "CLIP" folder has a number of files in it. In the 4th day's footage that I can't import at all, I noticed that the CLIP folder is empty. And on the days where FCP isn't importing all the files (like I mentioned above), there isn't a CLIP file for every single VIDEO file. Could this be the main problem? Along this line, is there a way to somehow put the footage on the external hard drive back through a p2 card and then into the Mac?
    Okay, I'll stop typing. Thank you so, so much for any help.
    PowerMac G5 (Dual 2.3 GHz)   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Quicktime 7.1.1 - Final Cut Pro 5.1 - Aforementioned External Hard Drive: LaCie Brick (FAT 32 based)
    PowerMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    The problem didn't turn out to be as complicated as I had thought. The process I described above ended up working fine, and I'll explain how. And this is a cool workaround, because the AppleCare helpers told me that they didn't think it would work (FCP P2 import is only supported straight from the P2 card/viewer or the camera).
    I hooked up my external hard drive to the Power Mac G5, and copied the files and folders onto my internal scratch disk. Then, I opened FCP and chose IMPORT -> Panasonic P2. I chose the "CONTENTS" folder for each day's filming, and imported them in, no problems. There was no visible "lastclip.txt" file shown (under the "CONTENTS" folder or anywhere else), but this didn't seem to cause any problems.
    The reason that not all of the footage was bring imported (the aforementioned "one or more P2 clips failed..." warning) was because we were missing clip files (in the CLIP folder) corresponding to certain video files (in the VIDEO folder). Luckily, we had just forgotten to transfer all of them from the original external hard drive, and once we transfered them completely, FCP could read all the video files. FCP needs a clip file for every video file in order to make it work (that's why our aforementioned "Day 4" could not be read; we hadn't copied all of the clip files over with the video files).
    Even after we did this, we STILL were getting the "one or more P2 clips..." warning for our Day 5. After taking a look at all the folders, we figured out that there were still more files in the VIDEO folder than in the CLIP folder, even after we transferred them all over. Finally, we figured out what had happened. For some reason, some of the audio files for some of the clips had been included in the VIDEO folder for our Day 5. There is no way we did this accidentally; somehow, the HVX200 placed some of the audio files into both the VIDEO and AUDIO folders. And FCP was trying to read those as video files, and therefore couldn't find the corresponding clips in the CLIP folder. After making sure that those audio files were also in the AUDIO folder, we simply deleted them from the VIDEO folder and stopped getting the "failed to import" warning.
    Final thing to share: If we had actually been unable to find the corresponding clip files in our original external hard drive, we had also found a potential solution (that we didn't end up needing to try). You can record from FCP back onto the P2 card, in the hopes that the clip files would be regenerated when you re-import it into FCP. I received a PDF file about this process, and I'm not sure how to put it up on the page here. If interested in this described process (which, again, I can't fully vouch for), feel free to email me at [email protected] and I can forward it to you.
    Hope this helps.
    PowerMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  
    PowerMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • Hard drive performance issue with DPX & MXF files

    Hi everyone,
    I spent hours on this forum reading articles about hardware to use for editing large files. I also have to admit, that I made some cut backs due to budge limitations.
    I spent most of the money on CPU, motherboard, & ram (6 core  32 gigs , hell of nice MB)  ( Video card= gtx 760 2 gig  )So ok,  I cheaped out on the hard drives. (I think)
    I put (2) 7200 rpm  drives (raid 0) as my Operating  system
    (1) External  8TB RAID  G drive (USB 3.0 ) as my Media drive. (footage)
    (2) 7200 drives (Raid 0)  as my Cache Drive
    I then opened up an OLD project using canon 5D footage (h264 mov) and some DPX sequence files.
    The 5D fooatge played in real time BUT as soon as it ran into the DPX sequence, the frames dropped.
    I wanted to cry. I just spent 1,600.00 on  parts (&3000.00 pc retail if I bought it instead of building it)
    And I got the same performance as my old quad core 6600/ 6 ram system. WHAT GIVES????
    So, can someone recommend the cheapest workaround that can get me editing in realtime?
    Do you think it's the 3.0 usb connection?
    The footage I will be editing will be from the canon c300 (MXF files)
    My fear is, if I am dropping frames with DPX file, what's going to happen when I get the MXF files?
    Fun Facts:
    I tested my OS drives, cache & media,and I was getting 290-301mb/sec  READ SPEEDS
    Thanks in advance !

    I do not have the data on a three drive RAID 0 but here is a two drive RAID 0 with good Seagate ST2000DM001 drives.  I have to say "good" because there have been two varieties available, some with two platters and some with three platters.  The preferable are with two platters and my experience shows these drive to have an "E" in the third character of the Serial Number like Z1E1ME4V  They are slightly faster than the three platter versions.  Here is the HD Tune Read of the two better ST2000DM001 drives in RAID 0 on my system.
    The best connection is to have all three on a RAIDable Intel SATA III connection but I am doubtfull if this can be accomplished on many motherboards, maybe Eric can comment and enlighten us.
    Message was edited by: Bill Gehrke
    What motherboard do you have?  I guess from the info above it is a socket 2011.

  • How do I import .mxf files from an external hard drive onto FCP 5.1.4?

    I have an external hard drive and it is full of .mxf files. I am trying to import them but when I click import-folder, the only thing it imports from the Contents is the Icons folder.
    Next, I try to log and capture. It tells me I can only capture now, so I click "Now" and a viewer window flashes with nothing in it, then disappears. And then nothing happens.
    Also, I don't even see the "Log and Transfer" button. Is that because my version is too old?
    Can someone who knows a lot more than me give me guidance so I can be concerned with actually editing it in my time sequence? Thank you!

    #36 - One or More P2 files failed to import.
    Shane's Stock Answer #36 - "One or more clips failed to import..."
    Very often in the field with this camera the camera operator will delete clips from the P2 card that they just don't like. That is the beauty of this camera. But, the still for that video file (located in the CLIP folder in the CONTENTS folder)...the still that you see when you are in the P2 Import not deleted. So you will see the image, and the name, but the video file would have been deleted.
    What you can do it compare the file names in the VIDEO folder and CLIP folder and see if anything is missing. If something is, then you know what the problem is. You can then just import the rest a few at time, skipping that one. the P2 Import the P2 Browser, there is a little sprocket drop down menu. Click on that and choose PREFERENCES. Uncheck REMOVE PULLDOWN and then try importing again.
    ALSO...make sure your file names aren't too long. Try shortening them and see if that works.
    ALSO make sure that the folders that contain the CONTENTS folder doesn't have any odd characters like /!@#$%^&*()?.

  • Is Final Cut Pro the only software that can open video .MXF files for Macs?

    Many thanks in advance for your attention.
    Trying to find software that will edit .MXF Video Files to work with Mac.
    As the edit is simple, prefer iMovie, but happy if the Conversion software only works with FCExpress (or even FCPro if that is the only alternative).
    1. If it matters, .MXF (Material Exchange Format) Video files came from shooting on a Panasonic 500 P2. Originally downloaded onto a Windows system, using Adobe Premiere.
    2. I just want to see and convert some of the shots I did for my Reel, etc., but I have a Mac.
    3. I have iMovie HD, iMovie 09, and FCExpress (which I don't know how to use that well).
    4. When I attach an External HD with backup files of all the footage shot, they show up named as .MXF files. They appear as VLC files (VLC icon), but the suffix is .MXF.
    5. When I try to play them as VLC files, they won't play. It seems they start to play, but then the VLC software quits.
    6. So I have tried downloading some software on the Internet that Google says converts .MXF files.
    I tried: iSkysoft Video Converter, AVCWare Mac Video Converter, MPEG Streamclip, and a couple others. They all seem to have basically the same conversion setups, but when I click to pick one .MXF file, none of them recognize it. (The file in my Browse window is greyed out).
    7. MoyaVideo Converter for Mac recognizes the .MXF file, but when I hit the "conversion" button - I tried a couple different settings, all it seems to convert is the first frame. Even if the .MXF file says a clip is 123MB or 43 seconds long, etc.
    8. I can't even watch the clip in Preview. Press Play and it is just the first frame.
    9. I have read elsewhere in these forums, some people touting conversion software from a company in Germany - mfxformac. I am fine with paying for conversion software, but $500?
    10. And I have read elsewhere that only Final Cut Pro has a codec that will open .MXF files. If this is so, why do the above companies claim to have software that opens .MXF files for Mac?
    11. Isn't there a further problem if I can't even see the video using VLC? Or is that because I am using Mac and need FCPro with the right codec?
    Anyone's help would be greatly appreciated.

    MXF files from P2 can only be imported using FCP. iMovie can't, nor FCE...if you are talking about APPLE software. Avid deals with MXF files natively. But FCP will ONLY import them if the entire P2 card structure is intact. Please tell me that you have the entire P2 card backups. If not, then it won't work. If you do...then here is the process for importing into FCP:
    P2 Workflow with FCP 6
    3. I have iMovie HD, iMovie 09, and FCExpress (which I don't know how to use that well).
    Then you need someone to provide you with QT files of this footage. None of them work with P2.
    NONE of the converters you listed will work... Sorry.
    9. I have read elsewhere in these forums, some people touting conversion software from a company in Germany - mfxformac. I am fine with paying for conversion software, but $500?
    That software is to get it to work with Final CUt Pro natively. What it doesn't do is convert the footage to QTs. There is also Raylight and Calibrated...but again, they are for FCP.
    P2 is a professional format, and to use it you need professional software. iMovie won't work...nor will FCE. If you need to work with it in those formats, you need to have someone import the files and convert them to AIC (Apple Intermediate Codec).
    HD Log might work...but not sure what QT format it converts to. A demo is available.

  • Is the prores file that FCPx creates when importing c300 .mxf files stable/quality enough to then copy to other drives for further use? Are there any quality disadvantages to doing that?

    Im wondering if I can directly copy the prores files fcpx creates when importing c300 .mxf files from the "original media" folder, reimport them for another project to and use them that way. Is there any problem with working that way? I'm doing this bc I want to have an organize finder structure for a client but cant break the c300 card structure to split clips on a card into different "scenes" to make it easier for them to understand what they're looking at. This is all to stay NLE nuetral--we like fcpx but they might want to edit somewhere else and more details in the finder level seems like the best solution? Suggestions on any of that? Thanks.

    Thanks for your response. Are you sure that FCPx is working with .mxf/c300 natively? I thought it was just a background sort of repackaging or transcode into prores that it does without you having a choice? And bc of that, for me, it's sort of a "back end" feeling file: I'm curious if it's bad to get into the package contents folder to copy it over? Not about copying prores in general-- specifically, is the prores created of c300 footage in fcpx more of a fcpx, high quality alias file? Maybe I'm just feeling a little uncomfortable grabbing things from the inside/finder level of fcpx.

  • Media Encoder won't import MXF files from Canon XF100

    I'm running Media Encoder CC on two laptops: a macbook pro and a macbook air. Both systems are running the most recent version of Media Encoder CC (including updates) but only one will import MXF files from a Canon XF100? The macbook air imports and encodes the files without issue, however the macbook pro won't import the same MXF files and kicks the following error:
    The file /Users/.../.../.../AA0106.MXF could not be imported. Could not read from source. Please check the settings and try again.
    I could understand if both computers errored but using the same file, one will import and the other will not. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Just try this and see if it will work for you.
    Open iPhoto > Preferences > General and deselect 'Connecting camera opens: iPhoto'.
    Change it to 'No Application' and close iPhoto.
    Now connect your camera to your computer and turn it on or better still use a card reader.
    If iMovie tries to open, close it.
    Your camera/card should now appear as an external drive.
    Copy/paste your video files into a new folder on your desktop.
    Eject and disconnect your camera/card.
    Now open iMovie and go File > Import > Movies... and navigate to that folder.

  • Media Encoder CS4 hangs when opening large XDCAM HD MXF files

    I am having a problem with Media Encoder CS4 hanging consistently when importing large (18GB) XDCAM HD (25mbps, MPE-2 HD) MXF files.  Smaller files are not a problem.  This is on a soupped up system, HP XW8600 Workstation / Windows Vista Pro.  The same files work fine in After Effect CS4.
    Any idea what could cause this?

    Yes, I did.  Thanks for the tip though.
    Thierry Humeau, DoP
    Télécam Films, LLC
    4400 MacArthur Blvd. NW
    suite 201
    Washington DC, 20007
    o: +1 202.298.0030
    c: +1 202-255-8696

  • Errors and Red Flashes with MXF files

    Hi all and Adobe, this is the third time i have posted hear about this and it is now getting very serious as the problem is affecting my income as I run a small one man video production business.
    When I encode video that has any MXF file in the timeline, and most of my projects do as I generally am editing two to three camera shoots with one of the cameras being a Canon XF300.
    I get many errors, and multiple red flashes in the encoded video.
    I run all of my Adobe CC applications on a 2013 iMac 27" 3.5 Intel Core i7 32 gig Ram Nvidia GeForce GTX 780m 4096MB
    There is no bottleneck regarding disk drive as I am using a dedicated GRaid 8TB Thunderbolt drive.
    I first ran into this problem within a week of upgrading to the latest Premiere Pro CC 8.1 Caravan. I then noticed it when using Media Encoder when encoding both Premiere and After Effects projects Smith MXF files involved.
    I at first thought the problem may have been corrupted cache file so deleted them all and re conformed. I even uninstalled Premiere cleaned out all relevant directories then reinstalled.
    No matter what I tried the problem will not go away.
    I went online and noticed in many forums people complaining about the same problem and coincidently most seem to have the problem appear since the last upgrade.
    I then rang support and after a very long wait spoke to a man who advised I need to select Cuda in the GPU settings and delete all previews, so I did this while on the phone to him then started encoding a project and to my delight no errors.
    I was so excited I jumped on here to tell another person who had a similar problem the solution.
    But then within a day the errors were back and with vengeance, at the end of one of my last encodes yesterday I had an error log window that filled an iMac 27" screen not good.
    I then rang support again and as with the previous call a long wait ensured.
    After explaining my problem and indicating the discussion I had with the previous support person he indicated that Adobe was aware of this problem and they were trying to fix it.
    He suggested a work around and that was to encode only using the Mercury software not any GPU settings.
    So off I went and encoded the same project and guess what happened, more errors many errors.
    Also please note to be thorough I tried encoding a project from 2013 that has worked perfectly before on previous versions of Premiere but as soon as it is loaded into this version the errors appear.
    I also wish to bring to attention the abysmal support mechanism Adobe has established.
    There seems to be no way to fast track serious problems.
    I and many people like me need this problem solved as we rely on Adobe for our living.
    If this continues for much longer I will have to reconsider my investment in the Adobe CC product.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
    Regards, Cliff elliott

    Over the last couple of hours I tried an experiment using the same project which contains a two camera edits containing video from Canon XF300 and XHA1 cameras.
    The experiment was to encode out form the project on three separate Macs.
    As I have explained in the first post my main Machine the 2013 iMac gives errors on any setting including GPU selections.
    I then tried it on an older iMac a 2010 model 2.93 GHz Intel Core i7 which has an ATI Radeon HD 5750 1024 MB GPU and the same problem occurs.
    Next came an old Mac Book Pro 2011 that does not have GPU support. The project rendered without any errors but took about so long compared to the 2013 iMac which is to be expected.
    So the problem seems to be related to the relationship between Premiere and the GPU's.
    I hope this helps the Adobe engineers sort this out.

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